Here's a great example of what you can do with the new premium feature: webcam borders.
Download the file I created here.
Start your webcam broadcast, click Border Management.
Upload the border you just downloaded from me.
Reload your broadcast page.
You'll see the new border, click on it.
Creating your own borders will require some graphical savy, but there are endless possibilities ;)
In the beginning, Cancer only gave Coven Master marks a value of 2%. House Master marks were worth 5%. Why the difference? Cancer is a wise cookie...
Cancer knew that if he gave a Coven Master mark the full 5% value, many Coven masters would abuse it. They would just mark EVERYONE in their Coven. Why? Because some are weak and need approval. Others would do it for more shifty reasons.. Such as trying to boost the status level of all their members and thereby boosting the score of their Coven.
Cancer didn't fear House Masters would abuse their mark, so he gave them the full 5% bonus value.
But Cancer is also a fair cookie...
Cancer revised the system so that all Master marks were worth 5%. However, there needed to be a balancing safeguard in place. That safeguard was that a Master could mark, at most, 30% of their membership. This limit prevented Coven Masters from marking too many of their members. The limit applies to all Societies, both Houses and Covens.
But Coven Masters are sneaky devils...
Time went on. Eventually Coven Masters figured out they could make deals with other Coven Masters. Coven Master 1 would transfer a bunch of members over to Coven Master 2. Coven Master 2 could then mark ALL of their regular members. Coven Master 2 would transfer members back (along with some of their own), and then Coven Master 1 would mark all of their regular members....
Clearly an abusive of the system, as these Coven Masters knew this was the only way to mark all of their members.
But Cancer is a smart cookie...
Cancer enacted an update that checks the number of members marked in a Society. If the number marked is more than 30% of the membership, all Master marks are automatically removed. Furthermore, the check is run every single day.
The evil Coven Masters have been thwarted. Now they cry and complain.
Story time with Chuck!
Also, well said. There's no reason to mark a whole society.
Wonderful story. That explains alot about CM's. :)
just another page in the book of the battle between cancer and the evil coven master's lol
I love to see you're always 12 steps ahead of everyone else.
Brava, Sir...Brava...
I was wondering what was going on with that. *laughs* Crafty... Very crafty.. :D
ha, Cancer writes a good story :P
Just give them a cookie and a kick up the ass!
This was well worth the time to read, Good journal.
And all is well on VR... till the next cheater shows up. :)
Well played. Some day I hope to be evil enough to be a Coven Master. Actually, nevermind, It's too much work to be a Coven Master. I'll just be a slightly less evil Mentor with the awesome power of the 1% mentors bonus for now ;)
Devils, cookies and evilness.....yep, sounds like VR :D
Does Cancer always refer to himself in the third person when telling a story?
Thou are wise and very smart. good story too.
Cancer has been known to refer to himself in the third person.
This made my day.
I directed everyone in my Coven to read it, we have a lot of Members in there that have "been around awhile" and it was pertinent to re-remind them of "The Rules" I'd say...Knowledge is Power.
HAHAHA hell yes!
I knew it was all about the cookies. I knew it, I knew it!
That is quite sneaky... But, enacting an update that checks the number of members marked in a society on a daily basis instead of forcibly disbanding the Society, Cancer was being nice... And still they complain.
Cancer is too nice sometimes. Cancer should think about putting Daire in charge of these matters.
I like the 3rd person melodrama tone you set here.
Cancer is chocolate chip cookie. =)
Wait. Damn cold medicine. Heh.
And now ... I wand a doggone cookie!
Want* ... I quit.
i love the RPG mentality of the coven masters that have tried to abuse the marks system. This isn't world of warcraft.
I think it would be more entertaining if Cancer went from third person to the royal "we" as being Prince and all ;)
Hehehehhehe.... as was reading this I "saw" it move up my screen like the opener in Star Wars. lol
I am guessing that they aren't getting coffee cups....
I love coockies hehehehehe
so this mean I am not evil? darn... I worked so hard to be evil...
guess the training was not good lol or bad lol
I do hope to be considered evil one day.
04:04 Nov 29 2010
YES! We can make borders! This so rocks.
You. Are. Ah-mazing.
04:47 Nov 29 2010
That's really quite cool.
And to think of the possibilities... Heh.
05:15 Nov 29 2010
we are so lucky to have such a dashing Prince to create such a wonderful playground to play in .
You rock !
06:29 Nov 29 2010
sweet you are a very talented man...
19:22 Nov 29 2010
Always getting better Cancer.