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02:47 Mar 26 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 02:47 Mar 26 - TheArtistRose was doing something Mysterious. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was in the Message Center. 00:12 Mar 25 - TheArtistRose was doing something Mysterious. 18:56 Mar 22 - TheArtistRose was in the Message Center. 18:56 Mar 22 - TheArtistRose was doing something Mysterious. 04:32 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 04:31 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was writing in their Journal. 04:31 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was writing in their Journal. 04:31 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was writing in their Journal. 04:30 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Journals. 04:30 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was doing Premium Member stuff. 04:30 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was doing Premium Member stuff. 04:30 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Societies. 04:30 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Profiles. 04:29 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in the Message Center. 04:29 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Societies. 04:29 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Profiles. 04:29 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Profiles. 04:29 Mar 20 - TheArtistRose was in Profiles.
Warriors quote- "Swan: When we see the ocean, we figure we're home. We're safe."
Ahoy there! My name is TheArtistRose. Nothing more, notes less. The name explains itself. Unlike most people who go by the name Rose, my name actually is Rose.
Rate whatever you want, block, add, reading, or don't. I'm not here for adding, I would like to make friends. :) So please message me for a conversation. Hardly anyone does anymore.
I am not on as often as I used to be. I am a professional artist. I draw portraits of people for free. If you would like to know more, I have a member page on here about it.
I think its much cooler than a protection stamp. Something hand crafted. Way too many people pull things off of photobucket or PhotoShop images that aren't there's. Which, I suppose, I have nothing say about, but most aren't done with respect to the artist they stole from. So please think about where you take your images from. I know we've all been down that road.
I also design custom phone cases in a store on the corner of St.Marks Place. What is St.Marks Place? The heart of the village. The village is the LES, lower east side of Manhattan. It's famous for most rockers who have shopped, hung out and made videos there. That's right, if you haven't guessed, I'm a New Yorker.
Are you a Batman fan? So am I!
You know what I have in common with Harley Quinn? She is from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, just like I. Unfortunately, I don't have the accent. But if there's anything I learned, its that we have the best cannolis!
I'm a big foodie. I love talking about good food and cooking. I'm a vegan, but don't let that fool you. I can make a mean burger. I didn't do it for the animals, I became one for my health.
A lot of people don't like reading this on a profile, but I will because I am proud. I'm happily married. I love him very much. He means the world to me and I can't wait to marry him. He's a vegan too, by the way. Mr.Perfect. I have a member page about the water color painting I gave him.
I'm a dreamer. In the summer of 2014, I met Amanda Palmer at one of her concerts and she signed my ukulele. I'm a big fan of her music and her book- The Art of Asking. If you haven't read it, you should. Its been a real life saver to me.
Although I'm a successful artist, who has had a show and will have more in the future, I am still a starving one.
I have a lot of energy on my hands. But I don't make enough to live lavishly. I can be found doing gigs on the street for free, while people give me food or donations. I am not ashamed to ask. Never be afraid to chase your dreams. Go! Run! Hurry!
I have had a few newspaper articles written about me. Minor ones.
I once won an ice cream contest in 2014. For Ripley's believe it or not. They wanted people to name an odd flavor ice cream on Facebook. I was one of the top 5 picked out and got as many votes as I could. My flavor was falafel ball ice cream. :D
I won 4 tickets to the museum, my ice cream featured on ice cream day, two quarts of my ice cream, and my name and picture on the marquee in Times Square.
I used to be a cat person till I moved. I currently own 22 tarantulas, 3 scorpions, 1 Pacman frog, 1 Savannah monitor, 4 parakeets, 2 corn snakes and a banana ball python.
I'm a history junkie when it comes to learning about my city. I often go to Coney island. Been going since I was a featus. I remember when you could order an egg cream. For those of you who don't know what that is, you haven't lived till you had one. It's seltzer, milk and Fox's U-bet syrup.
I come from many cultures but identify at as Jewish. There are people of all 3 major religions in my family lines. Although I am not super religious, I feel it's a waste to throw who you are away.
I love bod mods. I currently have 7 tattoos and 15 piercings. I even have Amanda Palmer's signature tattooed on the back of my neck. Woohoo! I feel like its an art of asking blessing lol.
Did I mention that I love comedy? My favorite comedian is Sarah Silverman. I wish I could meet her one day.
I don't watch many tv shows or new movies. I do love old classics, like the Marx brothers, Bella Lugosi, the munsters, Addams family, the three stooges, the honeymooners, abbot and Costello, etc. You get the idea.
I used to really be into manga and Japanese stuff, like anime, but these days I'm into independent comics. Such as Zines. I've even been published in a few Zines.
My favorite indie comic is Ghost World- By Daniel Clowes. One day I hope to buy his 8 ball collection. I also love the film. And the film Art school confidential. If you've ever been to an art class, that movie will speak volumes.
I will add more to my profile later. I wanted to switch it up after 5 years. I have changed and grown a lot since then.
Peace! :)
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)