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Look into your Soul and see the beauty and wonder that I have seen.
I'm the founder of Vampire Rave.
It's the largest undertaking I have ever attempted. I'm constantly working on the site, trying to improve it. If you message me and don't get a response, I'm probably busy improving VR services.
Many people ask me why I would do this. The only reply I have is:
There is nothing more beautiful than goth.
Daisy by Cancer and E. Adam Thomas
This my one and only video animation. It makes Southpark look like Gone with the Wind. It was produced for the first "VR", Vampire Radio. E. Adam Thomas provided the vocals and both guitar parts. I did all of the animation and audio mixing. I added a percussion track. The production date on this clip is around June of 2001.
I am a Child of The Law of One.
There is a right way to live and a wrong way to live. There's no sense in doing things the wrong way. You'll just prolong your time here. Do things correctly. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not be a wretch. Live well or spend an eternity reincarnating in this earthly Hell.
What you condemn in others, you become - Edgar Cayce
Darkest Greetings...You have been Rated Fairly Please feel free to Add me ...If you Add me please let me know so i may return the favor. .....Mentor Mistress Of Souls Of The Lost ... if you are interested in joining Please message me .