Sometimes a girl just gets the short end of the genetic boob stick. It's very sad, but in today's world of modern plastic surgical medicine, women with this disadvantage don't have to suffer any longer.
Born in America to Cuban immigrants,
Deity was blessed with opportunities her parents didn't have. She escaped the bloody world of Santeria and human sacrifice (both commonly practiced in Cuba) and grew up in civilized American culture. She wasn't forced into eating cats and donkeys like so many of her ancestors. Her civilized diet gave her modern nutrition and as a result, she grew tall.
However, as is so often the case with first generation immigrant children, this accelerated vertical growth led to deformities. As her body stretched upward parts of her body couldn't keep up with the rapid changes. Her boobs formed into pancake-like structures and the child was ridiculed. Girls in gym teased her. When boys spoke to her they always looked at her face (never her chest). The poor child cried daily.
Deity learned to adapt to her deformities. She grew a thick skin. But much like balding men, women no longer have to put up with small boob syndrome or other genetic deficiencies. Modern medicine offers several solutions: silicone, saline, smooth breast implants, textured breast implants, round breast implants, and anatomical breast implants are all viable options for Deity.
I've met Deity a few times. Like a mongoloid child she was always cheerful regarding her disability. It made me cry a little inside and gave me hope that some day she would overcome her genetic setbacks.
Please show your love and support for Deity. Send her a
message and let her know that bigger boobs are right around the corner. She need only muster the strength and courage for an initial consultation.
00:21 Jun 24 2011
This is cute.
00:26 Jun 24 2011
Oh. Sweet. Jeebus.
I'm going to get you. You better run.
00:27 Jun 24 2011
LOL!!! Run fast too!! I believe her.
00:32 Jun 24 2011
OMG. OMG. I died.
LOL i want to see this comeback. hahaha
00:39 Jun 24 2011
Tell me you're kidding right? *LOL*
00:42 Jun 24 2011
This.. is amazing.
00:45 Jun 24 2011
00:56 Jun 24 2011
Boobs are awesome. Gotta get you some. :)
00:59 Jun 24 2011
*This* is the guy so many here, don't know.
01:23 Jun 24 2011
All I can say is WOW!
01:24 Jun 24 2011
WOW, damn girl ;)
01:41 Jun 24 2011
LOL oh my lord....... Cancer, Best if you start running. lol
01:41 Jun 24 2011
My thoughts go out to you, Deity. Let's organize a virtual "Boobs for Deity" campaign to bring public awareness of your condition. I am sure if we all pray hard enough and give enough monetary donations, one day we can cure Deity once and for all of her itsy bitsy boobies.
02:50 Jun 24 2011
Hahahahahaaaaaaa ♥
03:10 Jun 24 2011
haha this is just to funny
03:14 Jun 24 2011
Deity will always have my love & support.
And speaking of support...there are some great bras out there that add inches to ones breasts without the surgery! Talk about living in the civilized world. Wonders never cease. :D
03:31 Jun 24 2011
... xD
Poor Deity. On all accounts.
04:16 Jun 24 2011
It's onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. :p
05:06 Jun 24 2011!
Now - I'm gonna' go pick on Diety like there is no!
06:18 Jun 24 2011
Deity,,there is nothing wrong with small boobies,I have had the opposite problem since I was about 13 and getting teased for big boobies sucks,hell even had the boogers cut off and the damn things got big again,little bitches lol. All the women in my family have them big cept my sister,she got the long legs I got the triple D's lol
07:29 Jun 24 2011
14:59 Jun 24 2011
ROTFFLMFAO! I think I might just be speechless for once.
This is what we need to see more of from you. Brilliantly written and it shows what a good sense of humour you have.
Please write more like this :D
16:51 Jun 24 2011
Oh holy cow. o.o ::giggle::
17:11 Jun 24 2011
You're a very bad man :P
18:47 Jun 24 2011
Run Cancer, Run!
23:29 Jun 24 2011
GO CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:47 Jun 25 2011
wow cancer very good example and just to say it really surprised me to the fact i know how sometimes women in this world want bigger or smaller but its how you feel that is the point but i'd say you better run for it before she gets you bad cancer lol
13:03 Jun 25 2011
If I could I would share with you I swear... but apparently my little 38DD can't be cut off to give some :( doc says it don't work that way :( sorry... but if you want I send you all my support cause I beleive your mind and beauty is way better then my 38DD, you are a goddess Deity!!! Stand pround... oh btw the doc also say when you do the surgery it takes only 6 to 8 weeks to heal and they feel like the real thing so no worry no guy or you will see or know the difference ;)
19:57 Jun 25 2011
LOL should we go ahead and dig your grave for ya Cancer, she may be small yet, you know what they say about small things they have a big explosion LOL
23:19 Jun 25 2011
Wow An awesome example of Member Pages and without a doubt going to become a comedy classic! Go Deity :)
02:25 Jun 26 2011
ahhhh now I understand the Monkey page a bit better.... rofl... Good one Cancer!!
05:48 Jun 26 2011
lol very, very funny
16:52 Jun 26 2011
Tongue-in-something humor? Can't wait to read Deity's revenge.
07:47 Jun 28 2011
Lord. have. mercy. I hope I never do anything to achieve his undivided attention...*chuckling*
09:41 Jun 28 2011
14:45 Jun 30 2011
does any one really know the problems you get by having big boobs? backache. posture. problems etc i know this because i naturaly have them and hate them not only have i had to grow up surounded by teasing and name calling it does not only happen to people with small breasts it happens to people who have large breasts have to weigh up the pros and cons when it comes to breast surgery enhancements have a far greater risk than natural mum had breast implants and after so many years of her having them she got cancer there is also a fact that she had problems from day one .they might look sexy and all that but the risks are opinion would be stay as you are. enjoy what you have and rise above all the negative comments your beautifull just the way you are
07:36 Jul 08 2011
Lol this is too funny!
16:51 Jul 13 2011
21:30 Aug 05 2011
lol very,very interestingly XD
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18:17 Mar 04 2012
The people who are taking this seriously: Are you fucking kidding?
06:36 Jul 17 2012
totally hilarious