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02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was doing something Mysterious. 02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in Journals. 02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was doing Premium Member stuff. 02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was on the Who's Online page. 02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was doing something Mysterious. 02:01 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 02:00 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 02:00 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 02:00 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 02:00 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:53 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:53 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:53 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:53 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:53 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:50 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:50 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:50 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:50 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:50 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:49 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:49 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:49 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum. 01:49 Mar 27 - StormWatchers was in The Forum.
Time flies over us, but leaves its shadows behind.
**Dragon Heart**
The flames ignite the dragon's heart.
In the blaze, fierce lessons emerge,
Eternal knowledge weaved through time.
We seek rebirth within a forgotten life.
Ancient memories and histories may be lost,
Laid to rest within visions once blind.
A force burns brightly over time,
In the heart of the dragon, the spirit thrives.
Let it ignite the eternal flame tonight.
In the depths of darkness, it shines as a guiding light.
A power that soars through thick and thin,
Within dragon fire, our spirits awaken anew.
I am the dragon.
The dragon is me.
I am the dragon.
The dragon is me.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) – The Storm Bringer Dragon
The Aquarius dragon rides the winds of change, crackling with electric energy. Innovative and unpredictable, it challenges conventions and uses its storms to cleanse and rejuvenate the world below.
The Dragon teaches responsibility for your soul and how to live a life of honor. Dragons are great teachers of transformation. When exhaling, dragons transmit air into their body into a fire. Thus the dragon represents transmutation, alchemy, fire magic, and transformation.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)