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14:03 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was browsing Member Pages. 14:03 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 14:03 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 14:03 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 14:02 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 14:02 Mar 25 - Vampirewitch39 was doing something Mysterious. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in The Forum. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Vampire Database. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in The Forum. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in Portfolios. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was reading Blood and Water. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was reading Blood and Water. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 12:13 Mar 18 - Vampirewitch39 was doing something Mysterious. 16:50 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 16:50 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 16:50 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 16:50 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 16:49 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center. 16:49 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was doing something Mysterious. 16:49 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was doing something Mysterious. 16:49 Mar 06 - Vampirewitch39 was doing something Mysterious. 17:38 Mar 02 - Vampirewitch39 was in the Message Center.
Some ghosts are so quiet you would hardly know they were there.
Hello and welcome to a little piece of me known as my profile. To make it easier for you I have put my info into boxes. If you wish to learn a little about me, just see below and leave a comment
if you wish.
Let me introduce myself.
Let’s start with my name. People here call me VW or VW39. I answer to either one. I have a nickname with my friends of Rat. Yes I do have a real name but let's not let all the secrets out
of the bag. :)
So what do you look for in a profile? An endless list of music, books and movies that I like? What kind of person am I? Well let’s see… I am a bitch, I am an angel. I am a lover and a hater. I can build you up
only to take you down. I can cut you to the core, been put on my knees. I am a woman of strength and the lonely child in the corner. I am rude, I am gentle and kind. I am silent and hidden for all to see. I am
a lady and a tramp. I am your worst nightmares, and your dreams come true. You will never truly understand me as I, after all these years, don’t understand myself most days. So how can you have a chance
from just reading these few words.
I am not here to win a popularity contest, or to receive high ratings. This is a place I come for fun and to relax, to explore the darker side of myself. I will do all I can to support this site, but it is still just
that…a website. Many here get lost, forget this simple fact. Those I become friends with are the ones I care for. Harsh, but that is how I am, and no need to waste our time. While I am open to making friends
here- I am a solitary person by nature. Wanted to tell you that so you will understand why I never sent back an answer to the “Wa u do?” messages. Or those that go like this "How r u?" "I am fine. How are
you tonight?" "Good" OoooK then.
In life I stand for what I see as being right. It might be different from your view, and that is great. Be boring if we all believed the same. I will try to respect you and your view. I might think you are crazy, but
I’ll respect you for it. lol I am not one to attack, unless you are being mean and hateful to people. If I see you being a jerk I will call you on it. It’s how I am in person, so I can not be different online. I treat
others the way I want to be treated, no matter the rank or title this site gives you. Yes- I know I have one of those titles but I don’t see it as being above anyone on this site. I see it as being trusted by Cancer to
help the site and its members. But understand the Rules of this site: We don’t step in unless the TOS are called into play. AKA: the block button is there for a reason. Bottom line: no matter what people sayjust because you are a Sire or Admin on this site- you still have dirty dishes and bills to pay. Well… unless you live with your parents. If that is the case I am open to being an older sister. ;)
That should be enough to let you know if you care to send a message and say hello. I know most of the people who visit just scroll down and stamp, working on rating percentage. And I am cool with thatrate till your fingers bleed. Just remember those dirty dishes in the sink waiting for you when you sign off. But those of you who take the time to read my words- I do thank you for the show of respect. Be
well and blessed be.
Why Vampire Rave?
So what am I doing on this site? Vampires. I have always loved the darker side of life since I watched Twilight Zone and Dark Shadows with my mother as a child. You don’t
know these shows? Gods… I feel really old. The lonely life Vampires must lead. While it would be nice to live forever to explore the world from one side to another…then back again to a whole different
world. What new wonders to see in life. But the people- would they ever change? We live, we love, we hate and we die. Is there something more then that? Vampires are also sexy to me. The need for bloodthe hunger, lust that it brings with it. In a way the only time they need is when they feed. And to be the one they feed on…feeling that hot breath on your skin, the piercing pain, the hold around your waist as
he pulls you tight to his chest, bending you to his will. What is not to find sexy in that I ask you?
I love fantasy. I love to let my imagination come out in my writing, in my stories in my journal here. I love the dark part of life as well as the light. I enjoy playing with makeup to show those sides and taking
photos of this that is shared in my portfolio. I am enjoying expanding on those parts of myself, and will continue to do so. But those who can not separate reality and fantasy need to stay away from me as I
have little patience for those who don’t have a grip on life. I am of an age that little of the children (meaning children of all ages) who visit this site issues are a concern to me. Nothing is going to be handed
to you and don’t expect anyone to do it for you. Your life is what you make of it- deal with it. Gosh... I need to read that part more often
I love a good horror movie. Anything supernatural- witch, ghost, vampires, werewolf. Some of my favorites: Blade, Lady Hawk, Battleship, Silent Hill, 13 Ghost, Crimson, Aliens, Star Trek fan, Underworld,
Hocus Pocus, The Craft, Practical Magic. Big Supernatural TV show fan. X Files. I try not to watch movies that animals die in. Old Yellow and Bambi is the true horror.
Music is another mixed bag for me. Jazz, classical, country, rock, pop. Be easier to list what I don’t like then what I like. I am not a fan of ‘screaming’ heavy metal. Rap songs are another style- if I can’t
understand the words, I don’t care for it. Not all rap, just those that I can't understand. My life since a child has been a mix bag- mother who listen to classic, jazz, rock. Dad who was a die hard country fan.
So it would go from Beethoven, CCR to Conway Twitty in a day. And I loved it all.
Why the name VampireWitch39? I am a Buffy The Vampire Slayer tv show fan. And the name came from the two characters I loved. And my age when I joined the site. Vampire Rave was my first step into
social media, and I have enjoyed making many friends on the site. Even meeting several in real life. It’s the people who keep the site fresh for me. And why I am open to talk with others of like
Proud Master of The House of of Madadh-Alluidh- The Wolf House! And the Adalwulf Alliance.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)