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06:34 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 06:34 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 06:34 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 05:40 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 05:39 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 05:39 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 05:39 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 05:38 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was in the Message Center. 05:38 Mar 17 - LadyDarkRayne was doing something Mysterious. 23:57 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:57 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:57 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:57 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was doing Premium Member stuff. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:56 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:55 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:55 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:55 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:54 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Journals. 23:54 Mar 16 - LadyDarkRayne was in Societies.
In my Medusa Era... Hold all accountable who abuse their Power. LDR
Deciding where I want to go with this profile.
Welcome to my place to escape. A place to forget about everything and just get lost in the words and images found with in the pages of the Rave.
My Bat says I have been here 17 years. My original profile would be 18 I believe. I have come and gone from these halls many a times over the years. The blessed souls I have met here that I still talk to usually catch me on another social media site or they have my number and just call. My circle is small and I like it that way. It keeps away the unnecessary drama that often occurs when there are too many people in your circle.
I am many things, not just one thing in particular. I am a Mom to two boys, they are my world. I am an Auntie to several nieces and nephews who I just love to pieces. I am also a Sister to some amazing wonderful people. Not all are blood related, but they are Soul Family a part of my tribe.
My Tribe has gotten smaller over the last few years. We had several that have left this World and have moved on to the next.
First we lost, Susan in May 2015, who most here knew as SatansBitch
And on March 14 2019 our beloved Cara, known by many names, but mostly as Cajome
She is very much missed and will never be forgotten. She was one of the kindest souls that I have ever met, and I loved her dearly and was blessed to have her as part of my Tribe.
Blood isn't always Family and Family isn't always Blood. But there are a select few who are Family not by Blood and this man certainly is.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)