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22:15 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 22:15 Mar 26 - Drayton was on the Who's Online page. 22:13 Mar 26 - Drayton was in Journals. 22:13 Mar 26 - Drayton was looking at what other people were doing. 22:13 Mar 26 - Drayton was on the Who's Online page. 21:29 Mar 26 - Drayton was looking at their Dashboard. 20:45 Mar 26 - Drayton was in Societies. 20:45 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 20:45 Mar 26 - Drayton was reading the Kismet page. 20:45 Mar 26 - Drayton was looking at their Dashboard. 20:43 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 20:42 Mar 26 - Drayton was looking at their Dashboard. 20:42 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 07:22 Mar 26 - Drayton was looking at their Dashboard. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 06:26 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing something Mysterious. 05:50 Mar 26 - Drayton was in Societies. 05:50 Mar 26 - Drayton was in Societies. 05:50 Mar 26 - Drayton was doing Premium Member stuff. 05:48 Mar 26 - Drayton was in Profiles.
"Yet year after year, it’s the same routine. And I grow so weary of the sound of screams.”
Coven Master of Sete Diabolica (coven)
I'm not really a people person but if you talk to me. I will talk back. I'm not really a social butterfly but more rather a wallflower. I usually just like to stand back in the corner and watch people. I am the type of person that spends a lot of time thinking,& I usually don't say much most of the time. I am the quiet type & sometimes I am really more of an introvert.
I have been on V.R for over two years & I have met some great people here that I don't think I would have met anywhere else. Some of the friends I have made here are people that know me very well ,& are the reason I keep coming back here.
I'm not here for others drama &, I can honestly say that I have a only handful of people on this site that I consider to be my "friends". And most of them are members of the
coven that I am in.
Updates in progress... Just let me procrastinate I'll do it eventually maybe 10 minutes or 6 weeks from now. I'm not actually going to write anything I have it all saved on other profiles I'll copy and paste it all and all my alter egos will combine.
I am the Coven Master of Sete Diabolica (coven). This has always been my VR home. I was Inducted into this Society at level 20 and many years later. I ended up being placed in Charge. I'm not here for pointless drama or to help some narcissist boost their ego. I have a small circle of friends on this website. Most of them are no longer active here but some stay in touch.
I keep things running smoothly in case they decide to come back. Or I find new members to join the Coven.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)