Dark Network Status System
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Superior Sire (147)
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01:44:50 Jun 23 2009
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The Status System has been majorly overhauled. The old 30 level system is gone. It has been replaced with a system that has infinite levels.

All Dark Network members have had their status adjusted based on the new criteria.

A lot has changed. In addition to the new levels, the power required to do various things on Dark Network sites has changed as well.

I still have more work to do, but I've completed most of the Status System support pages. I suggest you read the Status System Chapter of the VR Manual. The chapter has been totally rewritten. The chapter also links to other important Status System pages such as the new Status Powers.

I still need to complete the new Status Definitions and Status Tables. But other than that, most everything is done. If you'd like to see the new 100 level structure and the number of members at each level, click here.

The Who's Online page also shows new Status Level information, as do all Profile pages.

Everyone's levels have shifted. If you'd like an approximate idea of how your new level relates to your old, use this formula:

Old Status = (New Status * 28) / 100

For example, if your new Status is 65:

Old Status = (65 * 28) / 100

Old Status = 18.2

This tells you that if you're now level 65, under the old system you'd have been about level 18.2. If your old level was 15, you know you're now ranking higher under the new system.

You can work this formula the other way too. Let's say under the old system you were level 20. You want to know what level that is equivalent to under the new system:

20 = (New Status * 28) / 100

2000 = (New Status * 28)

71.42 = New Status

So if you were level 20 under the old system, and you're now level 75, you're ranking higher. Old level 20 equals new level 71.42.

Most people are ranking higher. Some are ranking lower. That's just the way it goes with these types of updates.

Coven Masters:

If you have lost your position of Sire you don't have anything to worry about. No Covens will be disbanded on these grounds.

Potential New Coven Masters:

You must be a Sire under the new system before you can petition, no matter what your old level was.

If you have read every page I've linked to in this post, and you STILL have questions about the new system, feel free to post a reply to this thread. If your question is covered in one of the above linked pages, you probably won't get an answer.

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Superior Sire (148)
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01:53:49 Jun 23 2009
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I like the new update.
As you say, there is no level cap.
But with all the bonuses, the total level would be around 150.
So if I am not mistaken, the pages viewed and time spent can go over 100 right?
If they have no level cap, then there is no level cap at all.

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Sire (102)
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01:55:31 Jun 23 2009
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During this transition members are showing up as subject to Society Induction at level 5+ on the new system.

Are any inductions made by societies of these members going to be reversed once the updates are complete?

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Superior Sire (147)
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01:56:14 Jun 23 2009
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I haven't posted the new Status Tables yet, which deal with Pages Viewed and Time Spent Values. When I get it posted, you'll see that these values can also go on beyond 100. As they do, the bonuses also increase.

There really is no limit to how high your level can go under the new system. Radu is ranked highest right now. He's at level 182.90.

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Noble Sire (163)
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01:56:35 Jun 23 2009
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How exactly do you 'mentor' someone? It said check the chapter 'Mentors', but when I did a search of the VR Manual, the only thing that came up was 'Mentor Bonus'.

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Superior Sire (147)
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01:57:34 Jun 23 2009
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You can't induct a member under level 20. I've fixed the induction code, but I need to change the profile code that shows the induction link on profiles... Fixing it now.

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Elemental (77)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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02:01:09 Jun 23 2009
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Will the acolyte test be updated or can I go ahead and take it?

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Superior Sire (147)
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02:03:51 Jun 23 2009
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Forgot to cover Mentors and Public Pages.

These are 2 new features that have not launched yet. Mentors should be online by mid week. I'm not sure about Public Pages.

In regard to Mentors:

When you hit level 80 you can choose to mentor other Dark Network members. The number of pupils you can mentor is based on your level and outlined on the Status Powers page.

When you mentor a pupil, that pupil gets a 1% Status bonus. The mentor doesn't get a bonus.

A pupil can only have 1 mentor. A pupil must be below level 80.

Mentor's will have their own private space, just like Societies. You can choose to do whatever you wish with your mentorship. There are no guidelines on content. You don't have to do anything. You can simply use it as a 1% type of mark if you wish.

You'll have your own private forum, news pages, polls, custom pages, everything a Society has. The main difference is, a mentorship is not forced. Either a pupil or mentor can break a mentorship at any time. And the number of pupils you can mentor is based on your level.

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Superior Sire (147)
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02:05:12 Jun 23 2009
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You should hold off on taking the Acolyte test until I have time to update the questions. I plan on doing that within the next several hours. I will post to this thread when the test has been updated.

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Superior Sire (147)
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02:20:33 Jun 23 2009
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The Acolyte test has been updated to reflect changes in the Status System.

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No Longer Registered
02:24:34 Jun 23 2009
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Wow you weren't kidding about those major updates to the site. I do have to say I like the new status system now and how we get bonuses and penalties. We should expect to see a lot more participation in both the society and public forums now.

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Superior Sire (147)
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02:28:05 Jun 23 2009
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I also have a new mark: The Mark of Shame.

If I mark you with it, you suffer from a 10% Status penalty.

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Sire (101)
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02:39:45 Jun 23 2009
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Just wondering if Referral Points have kicked in yet. If so, mine are not showing.

This is the Info on my referral:

Member Status: Transgressor (54)
Member Since: Sep 05 2008
Membership Status: Premium Member
Referral Points: 0

Total Referral Points: 0
Referral Modifier: 0

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Superior Sire (147)
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03:01:30 Jun 23 2009
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I just fixed the referral system. If you have referrals, log out then log back in. That will fix your referral points. Your next status update should then reflect your referral bonus.

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Sire (106)
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03:12:23 Jun 23 2009
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My only main thought on the new system is seeing how this effects the database submission entries. Now knowing that you get a bonus for it.

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Royal Sire (622)
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03:13:30 Jun 23 2009
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I assume the bonus for main forum posts will fluctuate as threads are RIA'ed and a members posts in that thread disappear?

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Superior Sire (147)
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03:17:59 Jun 23 2009
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Yes, your bonuses/penalties will fluctuate. What will not fluctuate, is your base score.

The new system is aimed at no particular feature. You can obtain Sire without any bonuses. No database submissions, no forum posts, etc. You just need a certain level of page views and time spent, which will be outlined when I post the new Status Tables.

However, if you do contribute to the database, you're rewarded. If you do post in the Forum, you're rewarded. But you don't need posts or submissions to hit any level.

Also, if you're a prick your Status will reflect it. If you're on a lot of block lists your Status will be drug down.

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Superior Sire (147)
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03:23:19 Jun 23 2009
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If you closely examine the math behind the new computation, you'll realize that bonuses/penalties become more important the higher your level.

Consider a 5% Forum bonus.

At level 10, that bonus bumps you up to level 10.5.

At level 90, that bonus bumps to up to level 94.5.

And as everyone knows, as the levels increase, it's harder to advance. But with a 5% Forum bonus you just skipped 4.5 levels, if you were level 90.

It is for these reasons that some people lost Sire. I had to increase the base requirements of Pages Viewed and Time Spent. Because, these new bonuses can really increase your Status. Radu, for example, has 36.40 levels worth of bonus.

So if you lost Sire, most likely your Bonuses are small. You can quickly regain Sire by maximizing your Bonuses. Bonuses will increase your Status far faster than Pages Viewed or Time Spent once you cross level 80.

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Premiere Sire (128)
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03:43:08 Jun 23 2009
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ok that makes sense now. I was wondering how people that just turned sire kept it and others that had it for a long time lost it. So the difference is made in the bonuses. gotcha

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No Longer Registered
04:02:30 Jun 23 2009
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Don't know if this was asked yet but how to members go about getting a mentor is there something they have to do besides asking someone to be there mentor or what ?

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Arch Sire (194)
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04:12:30 Jun 23 2009
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The Mentor system is still being worked on, and he doesn't expect it up till later this week or so.

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Superior Sire (147)
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04:24:00 Jun 23 2009
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The only reason you guys can see the Mentor Bonus in the update status page is because I knew that update was on the horizon, and I didn't want to have to go back and update the status function again. So I included that bonus now.

Full details about the Mentor system will follow once that system is launched. I hope to have it finished no later than the end of this week, but we'll see.

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Viper (75)
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04:43:37 Jun 23 2009
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Sorry if I've missed this, but I was wondering with the new blocked penalty in place, will that give people we've blocked an option to see WHO has blocked them, or will they just know the number of people?

Wonderful changes...extremely hard work, I'm sure. Thank you.

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Premiere Sire (121)
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04:46:58 Jun 23 2009
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I like everything except for being penalized for being on blocked lists that fall under the following two catagories. One, I have never even talked to the person or two, the persons profile no longer exists. Is there a way to fix that?

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Viscount Sire (188)
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04:47:19 Jun 23 2009
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eMetiB226 - If you notice, when you update your status, there is a section at the bottom with a list of the people who have you on their blocked list. So yes, you will know who has you blocked.

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Sire (101)
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04:48:44 Jun 23 2009
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I was wondering if the Level reflected on the "Who's Online" page is in-sync with the Status as shown on our User Menu.

When the Referral Points were added to my Status, the increase was reflected on my User Menu, Status Page, Coven, User Levels, Profile, etc. but not on the Who's Online Page even after refreshing the page and clearing my cache and cookies.

Updated Level shows as 90.54
Who's Online Page shows Level: 89.70

Just bringing to your attention.

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Noble Sire (163)
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04:51:34 Jun 23 2009
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Zilaheteb -

The people who deleted their profiles are still technically on the server for 30 days if they want to have their profiles brought back. After those thirty days, you should be removed from the list when they're fully deleted.

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Superior Sire (147)
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04:55:47 Jun 23 2009
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If you see it in your user menu, it should be the same on the Who's Online page. They both pull data from the exact same spot. It must be a page caching issue on your end.


You're correct. I've worked very hard on the links between data over the past several days. So if a member is deleted, your blocked list count will decrease.

Everyone should also notice that their friends lists no longer hold members that don't exist.

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Superior Sire (147)
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04:57:35 Jun 23 2009
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Actually, scratch my last comment. I have found a discrepancy. Working on it now.

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Premiere Sire (121)
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04:59:37 Jun 23 2009
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Thanks MBK...I'm just afraid that as we have all seen in the past on here, you have those who rate an onslaught of ones just to get a rise out of people, will now have a second method of attack. It's not like you can send them a message to ask why they have blocked you.

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Superior Sire (147)
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05:22:41 Jun 23 2009
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I put a lot of thought into the Block penalty. Yes, it has some potential for abuse, but you can also turn around and block anyone who has blocked you.

Overall though, this is a very good indicator of how much you are disliked. I have access to ALL the data. When I look at the accounts carrying the highest number of blocks, it's always the people who cause the trouble.

Also, this portion maxes out at -5%. So even if you're carrying that penalty, chances are your other bonuses are more than offsetting it. So your total score shouldn't decrease below your base score.

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Superior Sire (147)
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07:04:53 Jun 23 2009
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I've completed the Status Tables. That page wasn't fun to write...

The Status Tables page gives a break down of what amount of time spent or page views are required for every level.

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Sire (106)
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08:06:39 Jun 23 2009
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Could your status drop with a name change?

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Superior Sire (147)
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08:24:26 Jun 23 2009
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It depends. The short answer is no. The long answer is maybe.

Your base score will not change, but one of your bonuses is affected: Profile Bonus.

When you do a name change, your profile ratings are not transferred over. Your Profile starts fresh with a rating of zero. At first status update, you'll incur a -3% penalty.

Assuming that you get your profile rating back to where it was before the name change, your status level should be the same as it was before the name change.

However, by changing your name you may lower the status of other members. Since favorite journal data is not transferred, whoever you had marked as favorite is no longer a favorite. If you don't remark your favorite journals, you're lowering the status of others.

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Superior Sire (147)
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08:25:22 Jun 23 2009
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Friend list data is now completely transferred with a name change. Review the name change page for what is and is not transferred over.

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Sire (101)
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08:42:58 Jun 23 2009
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I do not know if anyone else is having issues with it, but on the top page, under women highest rated, its says "You are not in this category."
And the same on the male, i have tried to fix it by logging out but its still the same. Is it just me or am I the only one this is happening to??

BTW The up dates are kinda cool, makes me wanna spend more time on VR

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Great Sire (114)
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09:10:10 Jun 23 2009
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Loving these updates alot, I'll be able to finaly hit sire soon after 4 years hahaha!

One question I did have though: If a member is noted to go around rating ones everywhere and no comment left, which more less subjects them to a one back with the way people rate here, and they are blocked, does the system keep track of how often this is done by this member, automaticly giving them the mark of shame? Also, does this mark show on their user page? I feel that would be a helpful thing, So that other members can know whether to give this person the time of day, or to stay clear of them due to their shame.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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House Eternal is a member of an Alliance

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09:13:32 Jun 23 2009
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Just something I caught.

You misspelled inactivity in the status tables.


Just letting you know.

*hides from Cancer's wrath*

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Superior Sire (147)
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09:28:01 Jun 23 2009
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I've completed the Status Definitions. If your curious about what the new levels mean, go there.


The Mark of Shame is something I will use at my discretion. It's not something I plan to overindulge in.

I believe what you're getting at is already covered under the Block penalty. Someone like that would accrue a bunch of blocks, and eventually a -5% status penalty.


I'll check into the Top page when I get a chance.

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Dastard (23)
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Limbus Patrum (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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10:26:50 Jun 23 2009
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what if you got inducted before the change and you're under level 20?

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Arch Sire (199)
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10:41:48 Jun 23 2009
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I could be wrong here, but anyone lvl 5 and above falls under what could be known as a grandfather clause and might well be 20 or higher now anyway. Could be wrong, but that would at least make sense to me.

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Pain Giver (55)
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11:25:09 Jun 23 2009
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all looking very good, but wondered on opinion about the friends list helping towards status??? we could get ppl rating profiles and adding as a matter of course and obviously in returning the favour!!!
i really prefer my friends list to stay small enough to be able to keep ish in touch with the friends!!! not get hundreds and forget who they are,,

but if needs must,, i know that in coverns and houses its likely we all add each other now because it helps house standing rather than we are all friends!! same applies here towards journal lists..
still whatever..

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Sire (101)
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15:30:17 Jun 23 2009
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I know you're probably overwhelmed with trivial issues on the change to the new Status Sytem, but trying to get used to it myself I am looking at things with a close eye.

This is regarding credit for Society. If I read correctly:


This is an all or nothing 1% bonus. If you are in a Vampire Rave Society and have posted to your Society Forum in the past 48 hours, you're awarded this bonus.

I post to my society daily and my last post timestamp was:

Destroyer (89)
Posts: 201

Baker's Dozen II
Posted: 00:58:38 - Jun 23 2009

I had my credit for it last night:

Society Bonuses / Penalties: 77.5 x 0.0100 = 0.78 / Percentage: 1.00%

However, when I logged in this morning, credit for Society was completely gone:

Society Bonuses / Penalties: 77.5 x 0.0000 = 0.00 / Percentage: 0.00%

This is less than 24 hours and my Soceity Bonus is gone.

Just bringing this to your attention.

Thanks for your help.

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Royal Sire (209)
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15:36:08 Jun 23 2009
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My Society Bonus is gone as well.

I have a question as a Procurator. I was maxed out on Database Submissions before I became a Procurator but now with the changes I can go up to 2000 I see to max out, I currently have 903.

But as a Procurator our Database Submissions don't count in leveling up once you become one under the old system. Is this still the same for us? Am I wrong in thinking I can't raise my Database Bonus now? :(

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No Longer Registered
19:27:00 Jun 23 2009
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not sure if anyone else has this problem but...

ok I have a question? I am on like 4 blocked list yet about 3 of them are no-longer even registered.. LOl so how do we fix that??

I mean how can we be blocked if the user is not even a user? I am confused. sorry..

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Premiere Sire (122)
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19:36:46 Jun 23 2009
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To quote MBK:
"The people who deleted their profiles are still technically on the server for 30 days if they want to have their profiles brought back. After those thirty days, you should be removed from the list when they're fully deleted."

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Sire (103)
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20:13:35 Jun 23 2009
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Can blocks be removed if a member is not in a 'deleteable' status of VR but hasn't logged on for x amount of time?

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Dastardly Being (59)
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20:36:04 Jun 23 2009
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I tried to create a poll, but couldn't. Is that something still needing to be fixed or what?

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Royal Sire (622)
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20:49:50 Jun 23 2009
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Would it be a possible solution to just unblock everyone & start with a clean slate.... then whoever really does want people blocked can reblock.... it seems that would solve many issues.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:54:26 Jun 23 2009
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Pandora: You still get credit for what you enter as a new entry. It just doesn't queue like normal entries. :)

I'm just wondering since automatic updating is on again for when you log in, is this going to be turned off at any point in time?

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Superior Sire (147)
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21:11:50 Jun 23 2009
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I'm not going to reverse prior inductions. I think you'll find that under the new system, you'll be at level 20 very quickly. So it'd just be a waste of time to reverse those inductions.


You're under no obligation to add friends. It will just have a slightly negative effect on your bonuses. But if you look at the total of your bonuses, I'll bet it's positive. Even with zero friends.

All of life is about trade offs. This is one of them. You don't have to have a Journal or any Friends here. But if you choose to do that, realize you'll be making that slack up somewhere else.


I'll look into the Society Bonus issue.


Your personal submissions do count toward your Database submission count, which is what the Database bonus is based on.


There shouldn't be anyone on your blocked list that is not a VR member. I went through the lists prior to implementing the new system and cleanup up all the data.

However, there is an exception. When a member self-deletes, their account is not immediately deleted. Their account is on hold for 30 days prior to being deleting. During this time, they are still a member, you just can't see them.

After 30 days has passed and their account is really deleted, they're removed from your Blocked list.

I will verify all blocked list data later today and make sure there aren't any invalid entries.


The short answer is no. But I am making a change later today: For anyone who has not logged into Vampire Rave for at least a year, their blocked list will be cleared.

So if someone blocks you and never comes back, the block will eventually fall off.


I'll check the polls section later today. It appeared to be working fine when I tested it yesterday.


Automatic status update is now forced at every login. You can also manually update your status every 10 minutes now (versus every hour in the past).

To everyone:

A lot of you don't like the penalties, especially the Blocked penalty. Life can't be all roses and I can't give you all Sire in a day. The new system is a mix of many things. No longer are you beholden to just Forum posts, ratings, or database entries to make Sire. There are many different paths and all eventually lead to Sire.

Before you get all in a tizzy about the blocked penalty, look at your Blocked score. This is the actual negative effect it has on your level. Now hold this in contrast with your bonuses total. For almost everyone, the ratio is very small. There are 10 other bonuses that can offset this penalty.

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Sire (102)
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21:34:31 Jun 23 2009
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I must say that for the scale of these changes they have been very smooth.

One thing I noticed in the status summary at the top of the user menu:

Welcome KCRC

Your Status:

Your Level:

Pages Viewed:

Time Spent:
60.68 days

You have completed
5% of the next level.

There seems to be a disconnect between "Level" at 98.5 and "You have completed 5% of this level"

Looking on the update page the 98.5 is correct so it should say "You have completed 50% of this level". I suspect a decimal plae was misplaced somewhere.

No biggy as it is apparent what the reality is, just bringing it to your attention.

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Superior Sire (147)
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21:53:04 Jun 23 2009
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I think I've fixed that issue. Send me a private message if you continue to see it.

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Superior Sire (147)
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22:17:43 Jun 23 2009
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I believe I have fixed the Society Bonus issue. The bonus should remain in effect for up to 48 hours now.

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Superior Sire (147)
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22:47:27 Jun 23 2009
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In regard to the Block Penalty:

I have checked the block lists of numerous members. In every case, the "Who has blocked you" list is accurate. Keep in mind, if you can't see their profile, they've probably self-deleted. They'll fall off your list within a month.

I have also cleared the block lists of every member who has not logged in for a year or more. You may see the number of members who have blocked you decrease at your next status update.

This 'clearing' will continue each night at nightly maintenance. When a user hasn't logged in for at least a year, their block list will be cleared.

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Superior Sire (147)
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22:57:50 Jun 23 2009
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I've fixed the poll issue. It was affecting non-premium members.

Keep letting me know about any quirks and I'll get them fixed as soon as possible.

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Superior Sire (147)
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23:07:16 Jun 23 2009
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In regard to manual status updates:

When you log in, an automatic status update is performed. Therefore, you cannot manually check your status for at least 10 minutes after log in.

When an admin checks your status (we have a tool to do this), it's just as if you were updating your status. Therefore, if you try to update your status within 10 minutes of an admin doing it, the update will fail.

This probably won't happen too much in the future. But right now I am going over a lot of accounts, checking a lot of status levels. If I look at your update page, you can't do a manual update for at least 10 minutes after I do it. The page will say, "last update was at blah... X more minutes, etc."

If you *really* need an update, you can log out/log in. That will force an update.. But you don't get a readout of your individual statistics. And you'll have to wait 10 minutes before you can do a manual update.

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Diabolist (91)
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23:25:03 Jun 23 2009
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That is understandable about updating the status.

I do have a question that might sound kind of silly but I wanted to ask anyways. There is a -5% mark that is listed on the section about marks.

The Status System
Mark Bonus / Penalty

Value: -10%, -5%, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%

There are 3 Vampire Rave marks:
Mark of the Master
Mark of the Prince
Mark of Shame

Would the -5% mark deal with the differences between the total mark of 15% and the mark of shame? I am just trying to understand the meaning of the value's.

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Superior Sire (147)
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23:47:43 Jun 23 2009
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-5% is a valid value under this scenario:

A member has the Mark of Shame (-10%)

A member has Mark of the Master (+5%)

Add it up, it comes to -5%.

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Elemental (77)
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11:31:04 Jun 24 2009
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I'm sorry but this is just rediculous. These changes make it impossible to even think about getting up to a Sire...I really don't like this Status System change, it's too complicated and the System was fine before...I'm not going to even try to make Sire now, there's just no way it's possible for me anymore...at least before it looked possible. I can't even understand how it works properly, no matter how many people try to explain it.

Firstly, my coven master wants us to add each other as friends, just for the boost for everyone else, I don't want that, the friends list is only for people I want to talk to, as is the favourite journals list, for people I'm keeping an eye on, and I don't want people adding me if they aren't even going to speak to me.
Secondly, my status just keeps boosting and dropping, I can't keep it stable and as I have other things to do, I can't be online all the time to keep up, so I'm guessing my status will just keep dropping.
Thirdly, why should people blocking you have any part in how much of your status is completed? The people who don't like you for some silly reason can still block you and it still has an impact. I have never even talked to one of the guys who's blocked me.

I know it sounds like alot of whining, and I guess it is, but that's my view on this new Status System.

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Great Sire (114)
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12:13:08 Jun 24 2009
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do not worry what you are told to do. you do not -have- by any means to do so. It is only a buff for standngs among covens is all. Keep that in mind lol, like said, ya dont have to. In referance to adding coven members.

As for the blocked amount, I am thinking it is only to discourage people from starting drama here on vr or constantly downrating other members for no reason.
Just to see who is creating drama and whatnot is all.

Honestly it should pay no meaning to you. Cause from what I've seen, you're a respective member here. I would not worry too much. Probably the levels will increase and decrease until all updates are made.

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Banshee (72)
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13:13:15 Jun 24 2009
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You should level up the same Firedrake. Only your level will change more often. Don't sweat it.

It makes life more interesting for me, and more stressful for you. I get that. Just ignore it.

Your page will level up automatically and you will STILL make sire, just as one day...so will we all. If you can't wrap your head around the changes or the math, it isn't the end of the world and it won't stop your page from growing.

Just have fun, honey...eventually, you will look up and be there without even noticing it. I promise.

Jenna Karro

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Banshee (72)
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13:26:10 Jun 24 2009
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I think the level up process is essentially the same, it shows different levels now, meaning, instead of being stuck at lets say the Marplot for days on end. You are actually moving at the same rate you normally would but now we have names for those extended days that we would normally be waiting to level up. Obviously there are a lot of changes however, I'm not to keen on the blocked list penalty. I try not to block people unless it is necessary but it seems that I have one that I've never even spoken with. I rated his page a 10 and boom, I was blocked.
Try not to wreck yourself over this, Cancer has said that we can all make it to Sire without any bonuses.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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14:29:31 Jun 24 2009
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You will still be able to make sire, i dropped 2 levels below in the change over, a day later i have it again, and also it should be easier in some sense. I was a bit unhappy to begin with. But now that i understand it, it is appealing to me. anyway Sire is just a level, as it was before.

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Premiere Sire (129)
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15:09:51 Jun 24 2009
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I think I read this whole thread and I don't recall anyone asking about the status: everytime I have logged in it drops my level and completed percent is this normal? Will I be penalized for logging in and then logging out?

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Sire (103)
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16:04:41 Jun 24 2009
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Wil getting a lifetime membership help with a certain percentage as well? Since it automatically gives the mark?

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Arch Sire (194)
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16:50:45 Jun 24 2009
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Mark of The Prince: It's not a guarantee. Many people will be marked out of an appreciation for their support of The Dark Network in such a way, but not everyone. It's all up to Cancer.

*I just deleted a bunch of posts, because people answered this multiple times and there were 'thank yous' and 'your welcomes' added which do not contribute to this thread and can be shared via private message.*

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No Longer Registered
17:08:12 Jun 24 2009
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FireDrake, if you look at the page where you update your status you'll notice that your base score is simply your pages viewed and how much time you've spent here. The rest is just bonuses and penalties. You could probably still reach sire with a good base score, but the bonuses may help you reach it quicker if you don't have any penalties. I've noticed my status dropped a level at sign in too, but once it's update you quickly get it back.

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Superior Sire (147)
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19:57:19 Jun 24 2009
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Under the old system, Sire's recall how long it took to get from Necromancer to Sire. Some Necromancers never made it. They sat at level 27 for a year or more.

Under the new system, bonuses are more important the higher your level. There is a higher magnifying effect. Once you're within striking distance, which is a base score between 85 and 90, it should be easy to hit level 100 if you maximize your bonuses.

If you don't, that's okay too. Eventually your base score will hit 100. But those members that do the 'preferred' VR activities (whatever has a bonus attached to it), will find level 100 all that much easier to obtain.

It's why I'm telling Sire's who lost Sire not to sweat it. The position can be regained rather quickly, as you found out. I think in the worst case, one of our Sire's dropped to level 92. The reason was a real lack of bonuses. Now this member can focus on their pages viewed and time spent, which will boost their base score and get them to Sire, or they can work on their bonuses.

The pages/time route will take *a lot* longer, because the member is at level 92 and base score improvements at that level are very difficult. Focussing on bonuses, the member can get there much faster. Maybe in 1/5 the time or less.

How long does it take to increase your Profile rating or find a few hundred people to add you as a friend? How long does it take to create a journal that is interesting and read by others? These things take days or weeks. They don't take months, as was the case under the old system.

Now, look at things from the perspective of a new user. They have a system that is always moving. If they focus on the 'preferred' activities they'll find their levels increasing very fast. If they maximize their bonuses from the start, as they build their base score they will skip several levels with every update. SilenceKills is correct. New users will find it all much more interesting. It's better all the way around.

DeathsEmbrace and jennaKARRO are both correct. As always, you don't have to understand anything about the system. It takes care of itself and updates itself when you log on.


I cannot answer in your particular case, but this is what I suggest:

1. Do a status update before you log off for the night. Record the results.

2. The next morning when you log in, log in and compare the numbers. You'll have to wait 10 minutes to update your status after you log in.

It's the only way to get a real answer. If there is a shift, it must have to do with one of your bonuses.

Several things that can happen while you're gone that will move your status one way or the other the next time you log in:

1. People have blocked you since your last visit.

2. People have dropped you from their friend or journal lists. Or, people have deleted and you were removed from their lists this way.

3. Referral points have moved somehow. Either through your referrals increasing in status, loosing value because they're no longer premium, or through deletion.

4. Your profile rating is different and that bonus is different.

All these things and more can shift while you're away, and they will all affect your level. The only way to know for sure what's moved is to record your status updates and compare. The system is *very* good about showing you exact numbers. On 232 friend lists, on 94 journal lists, etc. You can quickly hone in on where the change is.

To all,

Your level will shift around. It will go up and down but it will stay within a range. If you're at level 80, you're not going to wake up the next morning, log on, and be at level 70. There are some major bonuses like marks, that when removed can have a large impact. But these few cases aside, your level will be stable within a range.

What will not shift around, ever, is your base score. This is the 'stable' portion of your status.

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Superior Sire (147)
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22:54:43 Jun 24 2009
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I've added a new penalty to status computation: Overblock.

Essentially, if you carry a block list larger than 25 people you are assessed this penalty. It's a big one, and it will help prevent:

  • Members who are just trying to be vindictive and add a bunch of blocks.

  • Members who are really the problem, because they're giving a bunch of "block backs".

  • Members who like to, "rate 1 and block".

    No one should need a block list larger than 25 people. If you have one, the fault is somehow related to you. The Overblock Penalty addresses this.

    How to avoid this penalty? Keep your block list trimmed to 25 members or less. Block more if you want, but you'll be penalized.

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    High Sire (155)
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    02:53:02 Jun 25 2009
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    I think the new improvements will be good but so far am still confused by them as to the blocked by people they are 2 people who have not signed in there profiles since 2008 that have me blocked should they not have been removed or will it come off after 30 days?

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    Royal Sire (209)
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    04:10:13 Jun 25 2009
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    Ok, while I know a member has to be a level 20 to induct I came across a profile tonight that had a 19.59 rating and the Induct option was clearly visible on their profile, I clicked it and it said they had to be a level 20 to induct of course but I am wondering why it was showing already?

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    No Longer Registered
    05:57:27 Jun 25 2009
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    I was checking out the block penalty idea and I recall you mentioning that it will reflect whos a prick and who isnt, but my concern is what if I have 3-4 jerks giving me problems and I block them and have done nothing wrong, I would get the same penalty if they blocked me for making the right choice as well. I just felt id point that out.

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    No Longer Registered
    06:35:11 Jun 25 2009
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    it is only users who have not log in over 1 year, their block list is cleared and then you are no longer block by them

    so no worries!

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    Royal Sire (622)
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    15:20:17 Jun 25 2009
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    the overblock penalty doesn't affect you until you block over 25 members where the blocked penalty affects you once you are blocked by 5 members

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    Arch Sire (194)
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    15:39:38 Jun 25 2009
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    I was checking out the block penalty idea and I recall you mentioning that it will reflect whos a prick and who isnt, but my concern is what if I have 3-4 jerks giving me problems and I block them and have done nothing wrong, I would get the same penalty if they blocked me for making the right choice as well. I just felt id point that out.

    That's getting subjective. You have the penalty, and they have the penalty- there's no favoritism there. The real proof in the pudding is for those who have over 25 people blocked, it shows a common denominator of *problem* there, enter the overblock penalty on top of it all.

    Cancer is not trying to decide who's the real jerk and who isn't in regards to people blocking each other over some 'tiff'- this new deal here is going to foster new attitudes site-wide for those who do care about leveling. This could turn into a typical grade-school argument of "He hit me first!"... remember what parents do? *Both* get punished.

    And for those who decide they will block every person who rates using a stamp- now they will get punished for it by having so many blocks. Stamps are an option given to us by the site owner, a member choosing to be a jerk about Cancer's options can now get 'jerk' right back in their faces and lower their own level for it.

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    Malefactor (67)
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    15:44:01 Jun 25 2009
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    I think that the block penalty isn't needed at all..
    As I see that you must suck someones ass not to block you..

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    Arch Sire (194)
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    15:50:36 Jun 25 2009
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    That's not true. There are plenty of people on this site who aren't blocked by anyone, and they are not Administators either, and they aren't kiss-asses. Being able to work well with others doesn't equate to 'sucking ass'.

    Thing is, you can't please everyone- and this whole new system has given members a ton of things they'd been complaining to have over the years: They don't have to rate, post in the forum, or submit to the database to get Sire- and if they do, it all BONUS. Even giving all that still gave people reasons to complain. This is all totally fair, and everyone should consider themselves lucky being this main mother site of The Dark Network is vampire-themed and could have gone another route. You have some choices now.

    I have a couple blocks on my other profile by people I don't know and have never spoken to. I am figuring it's because I stamped them when I rated. I really couldn't give a crap... I can do plenty of other things to compensate for those block penalties- while those members are suffering the 10% deduction for overblocks: I know this for a fact as I have checked as an Admin. Roll with it.

    *I also lost Sire with that account 'Lagniappe'... I know I can get it back quickly if I try*

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    21:59:22 Jun 25 2009
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    There are two kinds of negative people.

    The first are those who jump to negative conclusions when they're ignorant or ill-informed. A change happens, and rather than research the change and its methodology, they reject it out of hand..

    The second group is worse. They're just plain negative and will take any opportunity to bitch. They don't have any alternative or reasoning behind their negativity. They are negative and opposed for the sake of being negative and opposed.

    Now I am not talking about people who are well-informed, who have researched a change (a site update), who have put together a logical counter-argument, and who have voiced disagreement. I respect these people. But they are few and far between.

    I've always ignored groups 1 and 2. They have no bearing on the decisions I make for Vampire Rave. Vampire Rave is not administered by consensus. I make decisions that I feel are in the best interest of the site. Period.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    01:52:43 Jun 26 2009
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    I'm still fixing little glitches related to the status system update. I haven't even got to the other Dark Network sites yet.

    It looks like I won't be able to start on the mentor code until the middle of next week. It's the next update I have planned, so I'll get to it as soon as I can.

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    Sire (106)
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    02:15:01 Jun 26 2009
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    For those who are complaining about their levels dropping under the new system. I was sire under the old system and drop 6 levels. Now i can honestly say i wasn't thrill about it, but that's life. It's only a website. So i'm off to work my way back up to sire. And when i do get their again, i'll be happy knowing ive earn't it=-)

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    03:19:17 Jun 26 2009
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    And you've already made up 1 of those levels.

    In the past 2 days, since the new system went live, 8 members have regained Sire that lost their position.

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    Royal Sire (212)
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    04:46:38 Jun 26 2009
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    Just like imagesinwords I got a few blocking me on each of my profiles.
    its ok, and more then half of them I never spoke, saw the pro or even rate.

    Some I rated and never spoke.

    Its ok, I might not like the fact it penilizes me, but I know that if I act with common sense and humanity, at least I got nothing really against me.

    Things happen. Plus I am not white as a Dove, I did block a few, for a short time, usually till they don't come visit. Then I unblock.

    I lost a few levels on my other profiles. One of them lost the Sire, but I gain it back in less then 2 days. So it is possible. I was down only 2 levels but still, it is possible.

    The thing is to never give up. If your dream is to be a Sire, then keep working on it, you will get it. Never give up.

    Plus did you really just work ot hit level 28 then sit on it? Or did you enjoy getting there the first time?

    Remember when you were a wehlp? How trhill you were to look at the ones already Sire and how much you felt like you wanted toget there and how much work you were willing to do to get there?

    At least now you don't have 28 levels to gain. Only a few. Plus as Cancer wrote::

    For every level beyond 94, 4.16666 days are required

    So worst to worst you will have it back in a few days or less then a month. Not so bad. ^^

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    06:04:55 Jun 26 2009
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    >> For every level beyond 94, 4.16666 days are required.

    That's Time online. So if you are on VR for 4.16666 days, your base score will increase by 0.5 levels. Time Spent is half the base score. Pages Viewed make up the other half.

    But you were right about everything else you said ;)

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    Sire (106)
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    08:02:16 Jun 26 2009
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    I just have one other question on blocking:

    What if an admin get block for doing their job?


    A Sentoran suspends a members profile for being in violation of the tos. This member responds by blocking the sentoran.

    I thought i might ask because it might happen.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    08:07:29 Jun 26 2009
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    Upper admins can't be blocked. We need to be able to message any one at any time.

    If this becomes a problem for middle admins, I'll make it so middle admins can't be blocked.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    08:14:06 Jun 26 2009
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    A lot of people have block lists that need to be cleaned. With the Overblock penalty, hopefully they'll do this. And them cleaning up their lists will translate into fewer Block penalties for the rest of you.

    If you look at your block list, and there's names on there you don't recognize (or you don't remember why you blocked them in the first place), the block should be removed. Honestly, after a month or two a block is no longer needed except in extreme cases. For those extreme cases, you've got 25 slots you can fill before you're hit with the Overblock penalty.

    I routinely block people. At least 2-5 people per week, sometimes more. But I don't think my list has ever exceeded 15 people at any one time. I cycle people off the list after a set amount of time has passed. There's a few on my list who will probably stay there forever. But that group is under 5 people.

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    09:41:23 Jun 26 2009
    Read 2,996 times

    Okay, I would hate to suggest this and sound stupid, but on the Profile Ratings page...I think it got messed up when you wrote it. The first one sounds fine..."Less than 2.0" with the %, but the rest reads:

    2.0 to less than 3.0 -2.50%
    3.0 to less than 4.0 -2.00%
    4.0 to less than 5.0 -1.50%
    5.0 to less than 6.0 -1.00%
    6.0 to less than 7.0 -0.50%
    7.0 to less than 9.5 0.00%
    9.5 to less than 9.6 0.50%
    9.6 to less than 9.7 1.00%
    9.7 to less than 9.8 1.50%
    9.8 to less than 9.9 2.00%
    9.9 to less than 9.95 2.50%
    9.95 and above 3.00%

    Am I wrong? Or should it read:

    3.0 to less than 2.0

    and so on until the last that should look more like:

    9.9 and above

    I think you just accidentally switched them in backwards. I do that so often, it is normal.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    10:27:23 Jun 26 2009
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    No, it's correct as is. The first tier is everything up to, but not including, a rating of 2.0.

    The second tier is from 2.0 up to, but not including, 3.0.

    And so on... Which is why it reads, "less than 3.0".

    Think of it this way.

    0 - 1.99999 = -3%
    2 - 2.99999 = -2.5%
    3 - 3.99999 = -2%

    And so on...

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    Destroyer (89)
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    19:06:24 Jun 26 2009
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    Well, to start, I like the new system...I seem to be gaining levels a little quicker because of the bonus'. The only thing I think i may have a problem with is the blocking penalty...sorry to bring it up AGAIN. My problem with it now, which I hope will not escalate, is that I'm now getting blocked because I didn't rate someone a 10. So, by using all the numbers given me to rate, I put myself at risk for a penalty.

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    No Longer Registered
    19:36:41 Jun 26 2009
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    i've noticed that since the changes i haven't been able to upload pictures on my page..maybe someone else has noticed it but i thought i'd let you know

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    Daemon (95)
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    19:40:07 Jun 26 2009
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    some very intresting changes but why have a bonus for people that have our journals on there favs list?

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    Venerable Sire (131)
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    21:14:19 Jun 26 2009
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    If I understand correctly people that have blocked you but that have not signed in in over a year their block is then removed. Could the same thing be applied to rates good or bad by people that have not been on in over a year? Odds are that in a years time people have changed their profile and if someone has not been on in over a year it's hard at best to ask them for a re-rate to reflect the changes. I really like the changes to the status system and I'm looking forward to the mentor system to see how that will play out.
    Thanks again for all your hard work Cancer.


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    Superior Sire (147)
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    22:12:08 Jun 26 2009
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    If a member was blocking everyone that rated them low, that member is almost sure to have incurred the Overblock penalty (-10%). It only takes blocking 25 members to get hit with that penalty. This forces the member to clean up their blocks or continue to suffer from the Overblock penalty.

    I have no intention of removing any of the penalties. What may happen from time-to-time, as the user base grows and changes, is an adjustment to the bonus/penalty threshold. For example, upping blocks to 10 before you incur a penalty.

    I have access to *all* Dark Network data. You guys don't. I was able to run statistical analysis on how many blocks the average user has. The answer was a little under 3. I set the penalty at 5, which was *above* the median, meaning fewer people are getting assessed the block penalty than deserve it.

    Additionally, I cleared over 3000 blocks after the fact (users who had not logged in for more than a year), and I added the Overblock penalty, which is forcing users to clean up their block lists. All of this contributed and continues to contribute to fewer of you being assessed the block penalty.

    So if you're gonna cry about how unfair it is, you're uninformed and wrong. If you are suffering from a block penalty, that means you are blocked by more members (quite a bit more) than the average Dark Network member.


    I just tested file upload on my Profile without issue. You're probably suffering from the very common page caching issue. Search the VR manual for: page caching.


    If you create a Journal, and it is well-read (marked as a Favorite by enough members), you're awarded a bonus. Pure and simple.


    I'm not going to clear old rates. Plus, old rates were performed under the old system, meaning they aren't worth as much as time goes on. A previous level 28 Sire rate, which was quite valuable, is equivalent to a level 28 rating under the new system, which isn't so valuable.

    So over time the ratings will normalize with the new status level structure.

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    Daywalker (94)
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    21:28:15 Jun 27 2009
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    First off, I have nothing to complain about. No : I like this, BUT I don't like....blah. Screw that. No offense to anyone that does have complaints; I'm not impuning your opinions in any way.

    I enjoy the new status system. Aside from there being an 'infinite' number of levels, it gives one a very specific and more detailed discription of how their level is calculated. I incredibly like the fact that the base is score is only time spent and pages viewed. As for the bonus/penalty areas, like I said, it's much more detailed to help me to know where I need to excel.

    Not to boast, I have read through the manual about the new system. If more people could do the same, they'll see that most of their questions are answered within those pages.

    Jus my two-bits, of course.

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    Sire (106)
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    02:01:38 Jun 28 2009
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    Why wasn't stalking added to the bonuses.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    05:55:38 Jun 29 2009
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    Stalking is very Vampire Rave only. I constructed a bonus system that is Dark Network friendly. There's already the Society Bonus, which is Vampire Rave only.

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    Wyvern (85)
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    14:49:55 Jun 29 2009
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    Since Cancer was nice enough to clear all of the blocked lists for members who have not logged in for more than a year ... I wonder if Cancer would gracious enough to do the same for all of the accounts which are 'suspended to infinity'?

    It seems that most of the members who have me blocked are either self-deleted, or suspended to infinity.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    20:37:53 Jun 29 2009
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    Accounts marked as suspended for infinity are not really suspended for infinity. Indefinitely would be a better term. These suspensions can be reversed. Most of the time they're left in force, but sometimes they're pulled.

    These fall under the same 1 year guideline. If they've been suspended a year (and therefore haven't logged in), the block will automatically fall off.

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    Great Sire (118)
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    03:20:38 Jul 03 2009
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    i think the new system is great and i would like to be one of the many to say way to go .

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    Premiere Sire (122)
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    06:25:56 Jul 03 2009
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    I like it, now that i understand it more fully, due to MBK explaining every single question i ask him with full detail.

    It's a very nice update, and works well across the dark network i think.

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    Necromancer (96)
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    10:33:58 Jul 03 2009
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    As I read it, those being Mentored will gain a bonus. Is there a bonus for those Mentoring them as well? Or have I got it backwards?

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    Nightmare (97)
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    16:53:50 Jul 03 2009
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    no you are correct in your quetsion... mentors do not gain a bonus by mentoring it is simply your own choice to do so.

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