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04:58 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 03:37 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 03:37 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 03:18 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 03:06 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 02:59 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 02:59 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:43 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:43 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:42 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:42 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:42 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:06 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:05 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:05 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:05 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 00:01 Mar 28 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:57 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:57 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:57 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:52 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:52 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:52 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum. 23:50 Mar 27 - LadyJigsaw was in The Forum.
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill
Pansexual means gender or sexual identity is not a factor
when it comes to who I choose to date, I am all about the person.
I have made some great friends on VR and have loved my time spent here. Feel free to message me on here anytime.
I consider myself an interesting and intelligent person to get to know on so many levels.
I am passionate about life, especially the dark side of it. I believe from the darkest side of life, we can learn the most.
I often express myself via the poetry I write. Music is also a great vehicle I use to express myself. I used to play guitar & would love to get back into it.
Oh and btw, my profile does have a music player but you won't see it, you'll only hear it.
I have done some modeling in the past and also am a former stylist. For the past 5 years I have been working full time in the IT field as a website administrator.
I also construct videos for You Tube
Click Here to see my work on You Tube, comment it & subscribe to me.
I am also a Mentor on VR, I am master mentor of Secuutus of Jigsaw (latin for "Follower" of Jigsaw). Message me if you're interested in joining my mentorship and are under level 80.
*Just a note: the last two links in this nav menu are Port & Journal. In any browser but IE, clicking Port or Journal will open up my portfolio or journal in this same window, so only click them if you wanna leave my profile. In IE clicking Port or Journal will open them in a separate window.
I am a former long-time Assistant House Master of The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas. (Respectfully, a new House Master has taken over with his admin team.)
I am also the Master Mentor of Secuutus of Jigsaw (latin for "Follower" of Jigsaw) . Message me if you're interested in joining. To view my mentorship page, you can click this graphic: .
American Ultra
Suicide Squad
Let Me In
The Guest
You're Next
Army of the Dead
28 Weeks Later
The Accountant
World War Z
Fight Club
Silent Hill
Bridge Of Spies
The Perfection
30 Days of Night
American History X
There Will Be Blood
The Maze Runner
Tron: Legacy
A Clockwork Orange
The Cloverfield Paradox
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Transformers: Age of Extinction
The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley
The Human Centipede (1st Seq)
Chelsea Grin
Veil Of Maya
Saosin/ Circa Survive
In This Moment
Asking Alexandria
Coheed & Cambria
Cradle Of Filth
All That Remains
Black Veil Brides
Bullet For My Valentine
Bring Me The Horizon
Lamb of God
BTW the song playing on my profile is Over It by: BFMV
Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life is. - Saw
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. - Alexander the Great
My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth. - George Washington
I would rather create pleasure according to my own whim than be subjected to the whims of others. - Anton Szandor LaVey
Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel. - Gilbert K. Chesterton
The lunatics have taken over the asylum - Richard A. Rowland
You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership. - Dwight D. Eisenhower
At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid. - Friedrich Nietzsche
It has been said, 'the truth will make men free.' The truth alone has never made anyone free. It is only doubt which will bring mental emancipation. - Anton LaVey
The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear. - Silvetris
We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren't acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst. - William Hill
To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead - Samuel Butler
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. - Plato
If a lion could talk, we could not understand him. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. - Confucius
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu
The jigsaw piece that I cut from my subjects was only ever meant to be a symbol that the subject was missing something. A vital piece of the human puzzle. The survival instinct. - Jigsaw (Saw II)
Vengeance changes a person.
It can make them realize what they're capable of. - Jigsaw (Saw V)
Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core. - Hannah Arendt
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. - Anton LaVey
Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. - Mohandas Gandhi
Vampires are born out of a fundamental change which can occur in the physical bodies of creatures which possess a soul. In most mortals the soul is the fundamental source for action, creating the original impulses which eventually become the person's acts. It is also a passage through which the creature can gain a small amount of the infinite power underlying the universe, power which is necessary for the functioning of a self conscious being. - J.L.N. Lewitin
Without reflection one does not know from daily life that their subtle transgressions divulge their true nature. Reflection then becomes the bitterest reminder of who we are and who we will become…~bows~
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)