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22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing something Mysterious. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing something Mysterious. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing something Mysterious. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:26 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Journals. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing Premium Member stuff. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing Premium Member stuff. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was on the Who's Online page. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was on the Who's Online page. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was on the Who's Online page. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing Premium Member stuff. 22:24 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing something Mysterious. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing something Mysterious. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was on the Who's Online page. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Portfolios. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Portfolios. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was doing Premium Member stuff. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Societies. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Societies. 20:17 Mar 28 - Cadrewolf2 was in Profiles.
"Wolves are the witches of the animal world." -Katherine Rundell
I was here on these pages a long time ago (2007), Cadrewolf was my name and my only name I use, that is why I have chosen Cadrewolf2 as the name on this profile. I Came back to see old friends that I cherished and loved and to make new friends to spend my time and create new memories with. I hope you Enjoy my profile. (a lot of it come from my Old Profile, what I could salvage.)
To those who read the words within these pages, may they know my thoughts and feelings of my immortal soul? These thoughts and feelings of mine are not intended to hurt, disgust and turn those who read these words upon these pages away from their own strict morals. These are my feelings, dreams and the uneasy thoughts of life and death as we live through this imperfect world and yet make it what it may. Those I let read these thoughts, I let within the locked doors of my mind. Past the locks that I have secured upon these large oak doors that protect me from the hurt mortals cause to each other.
I have done what I set out to do if these thoughts grip you in a manner that makes you think or express a hidden desire to write, and make you crave the right to live and dream.
Read these words upon the pages these pages with an open mind and let these words create the moods inside your mind and soul that I have endeavored. May you feel love, pain and anger that has come to control my immortal essence. Love and dream and let your mind create what is not imaginable to those who cannot see the true meaning of life.
When the light touches the night, all dreams shall be revealed.
The coding and images on my profile were designed by Cat aka vHellsguardianv.
Dont touch them!
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)