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02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was reading their Journal. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was reading their Journal. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was doing Premium Member stuff. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was doing Premium Member stuff. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 02:05 Jan 26 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 22:17 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 22:16 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:16 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:16 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 22:15 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 04:23 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 04:23 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 04:23 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 04:21 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 04:20 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was in the Message Center. 04:20 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious. 04:14 Jan 25 - Cartomancer was doing something Mysterious.
I've been here for a long time, as noted by the VR Bat on my profile- member since 2005, upper admin since 2006, and The Hand since July 6, 2011. There's much to know about me- but really hard to put it into highlights for a description of me.
"Describe me" (my son's answers): driven, consistent, fun, passionate, caring, considerate, intuitive, quirky (but like, in a good way), full of thoughts- 'thinkative', detailed-oriented, tangent queen, superlative, pretty cool.
I used to get all caught up in the idea that I needed to post pretty much everything about me here- but that's just ridiculous. I am a person who's been here a long while. I enjoy this place as my outlet in life.
Interests: ***WRITING***, ***STARGAZING***, Music, cooking, candles, crystals, reading, Tarot, World of Warcraft (when I can play), long-distance walking, and learning new things about whatever it is sparking my brain in a given moment. Started drawing in August 2022- some art in my portfolio. I use Procreate on an iPad with Apple Pencil as my medium of choice.
I've made lifelong friends on Vampire Rave and a best friend who passed away way too young. We were close and spoke in some manner every day- rather, text, phone calls, or Facebook. It's a loss I still haven't recovered from and probably never will- Sahahria was/is that person. She requested I take over House Eternal when she died, so I do under my account CrackInTheWall.
Currently: Working on that screenwriting dream with The Los Angeles Film School.
Below in my Additional images you will find my focus station-
In my personal life this is my daily focus: Justice, Six of Wands (Victory), and The Sun (Happiness).
I use challenge coins from the Marine Corps symbolizing my strength and ability to overcome huge obstacles. I have many crystals- but for this I choose to use crystals gifted to me by immortalxkiss.
As a reader, I always wear Amethyst for intuition and Lapis Lazuli for wisdom while reading. I put everything I can into it.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)