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The Coven of Purgatory

Gone Fishing
Set at 09:44 on March 24, 2025

Vampire Rave member for 4 years.

Status:  Spellbinder (81.38)
Rank:  Member
Honor 1,884    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Purgatory
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  UniqueWanderer
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  January 3, 1969
Age:  56

Slumming it in Purgatory



Bite Neowise2020

Stalk Neowise2020



Falsehood is invariably the child of fear in one form or another. Aleister Crowley


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I think it is wise to pay the advance. Here's my featured playlist at this time. Note you can navigate to diferent soundtracks and pick what suits you best by pushing the double arrow icon from menu that descends. These appeal to me because they were popular scary movies from when I was an adolescent. Perhaps some of you can identify.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Greetings. My nickname's Tree. Probably given to me because of my height. I'm 6'8" weigh about 230 lbs. brown/grey gray hair, hazel eyes and am an American of British and French heritage. Time.
It is an essential part of life so let's get things rolling.

First, I'm tuned more to the reality of the vampire than the romantic seduction most seem to express. It is my endeavor to explain the mechanics behind why things work rather than selling some artistic license when it comes to the legend of the vampire and mysteries of the cosmos. There is still plenty of mystery when dealing with the invisible occult forces.

I tend to be a loner being hypersensitive from the British side of my family which means ourReal vampires love Vampire Rave. nervous systems are a bit more powerful than the average person. Couple that with unique experiences in life and one can develop in quite a different way than the average person as well.

I am a human living vampire but to me that is mostly just a state of mind empowered by subtle occult forces which I was attuned to because of my sensitivity. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.But I also have vampiric traits from my French side of the family. They weren't aware of it but coupled with my sensitivity could pick up on the subtle things. This trait allows us on a unconscious level to naturally drain vitality from those we create bonds with. In the family it is the youngest that gets the worst of it and coupled with the hypersensitivity my youth as an only child was not very pleasant. I grew up as an Army brat in a strict military family that didn't understand their nature and having my vitality drained constantly was bereft of the ability to live up to the standards I was expected to live by. But I survived broken in some ways but able to carry on. A dark and colorful life it was. It is my mission to help educate one way or another those who are vampiric so the weaker unformed personalities can cope with it.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.


I'm an eclectic occultist but draw heavily on the Elements of the wise to orient myself correctly in the cosmos. Developed my own unique way through the wilderness and prefer not even creating a path for others to follow while exploring virgin places untouched by others.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave. In a nutshell it just means I use ritual magick to achieve my will but as a vampire means I include the use of people as my tools and alter. There is quite a vast scope of defining the vampire to me which has many different legends the world over that have evolved. At it's base of course are the sang or blood drinkers. I sometimes have a taste for it but don't need it. Beyond that there are all kinds of ways to feed as the same catabolic process is repeated on different scales in ones life. Thus the psi-vampire and the like are a natural thing and just by interacting with us the deeper the bond the deeper the feed. It really seems to depend on one's personality type and it's strength. Some are not fully formed in that regard so are not as awake as others. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.This site alone has a vortex of many vampires and sympathetic ones that develop traits by being around real ones continuously; It works much like a magnet magnetizes iron around it. The strength of one's personality again determines how things are divided up. I may be a loner but I know myself quite well having my own counsel from supernatural sources where others depend on the lies they tell themselves as well as believe from others making them quite weak.

In the evolution of human medical advancement in the nights of yore, limitations like the four humors Real vampires love Vampire Rave.where blood equated with life force, superstitions regarding creatures of darkness were conceived coming back from the dead to take it from the living. Also worthy to note when you have individuals who could manipulate subtle energy and have out of body experiences that allows one to circumnavigate space and time it can be misconstrued as departed ones projecting from their remains in the future or ghosts haunting places they frequent in life from the past when they were alive as a vampire rising from the grave to feed off of or haunt the living. In their absence after their death such subtleties are noticed but when alive not as much. Though most who are occultists in life are seen as vampires in death as well. Real vampires love Vampire Rave. To me it's just a matter of perceiving things correctly. So this is how many of the superstitions developed in humanity not knowing any better. The many traditions of the vampire in legend avail worldwide in a similar manner.

Apart from that the works of gothic fiction concerning the vampire really captures my spiritual path in this life well so I draw on the legend of the vampire for this as a spirituality. Though I'm a mortal I do think one of the aspects of being awakened is knowledge of reincarnation and drawing on that power beyond the veil of death. I think everyone has an eternal spirit just becomes clear when you have awakened. To me everyone has their time in the waxing and waning cycles of nature. It is in mortality and a unique life that something gains its value. If it was shared by many for eternity then it would lose its value relatively. There is also power in blood covenants when it comes to the subtle aspects of the mysteries concerning one's microcosm.For me it is power in the act of making a blood covenant of one surrendering to another. One can get power from the blood if that's what they believe. I do but like father Sebastiaan relates in one of his books I can feed from any source and he redefines the term in sanguinese as being nosferatu. Yeah that's me-Nosferatu.

I don't believe in objective divine beings but as an occultist one may subjectively utilize such beings for the emotional power it generates to social creatures like those in society that have power over others like a judge as magick deals with raising energy to create change. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.Spiritual beings are mostly just archetypes to me created by people's imagination to bring order and definition to a chaotic cosmos to the naive in the evolution of the human mind; For lack of knowing any better people just follow what their ancestors believed while knowledge in humanity slowly evolves over time. Much like the ancients thought the heavenly bodies revolved around the earth so too does divine creators revolve around the human ego.

I however mainly work with the Elements of the wise and the forces of nature that I've conceived of from my unique experiences in life. I do have a connection or bond I made as a vampire to an Elemental being or nature spirit and it (more lifeforms outside sexual reproducing ones) helps me quite a bit that exists beyond the veil of the astral plane but is not a creator just a subtle creature made up of sublime energy rather than the base stuff we are in the mundane.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Hobbies. I've had many of these over the years but whatever I'm immersed in at the time seems to reflect them. Since devoting myself to occultism now it seems more in the realm of collecting magickal tools to use.

I'm not too fond of that picture I uploaded of myself above at the beginning of the profile where I let my beard grow out during the covid lockdown but it coincides with the timing of the profile creation. An important part of my crafting of my magickal tools here on the internet is the date they are created. Like this one was created when the Neowise comet was visible in the night sky as illustrated above by a professional photographer. But on the night I went out and took the picture and created this profile it was overcast as it shows below. But that is the way of nature.Real vampires love Vampire Rave. Then when I first uploaded it in my portfolio it was upside down not having the software or service to correct the meta-tags that do that to people who upload stuff on the internet from mobile devices. I've evolved. The picture is of The Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park and the comet would have been seen in the sky in upper left corner.

Here on the internet I use music and do a fair bit of collecting of different kinds music to set the mood. I also like using scent as I think it is one of the most powerful senses beyond touch in my rites so Real vampires love Vampire Rave.aromatherapy and herbalism has become a relatively new one. I like hiking in the wilderness and photographing it especially at night. I used to do a fair bit of gaming and reading but that's seldom of late devoting more time and energy to spiritual devotions now. But in a blue moon if I do play video games I prefer open world RPG's like Skyrim especially if they have a dark nature to them.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Sexuality. Hmm...I'd have to term myself as a super-sexual as of late having incorporated spiritual and tantric practices. The normal mundane stuff just doesn't satisfy me anymore. But I consider myself heterosexual as other guys just don't appeal to me. But since I've been in relationships with t-girls and being empathic there tends to be a blurring of that in the strictest sense. I try to respect another's sexuality but many just don't know or their personalities just aren't defined like some. It's in that confusion that most problems occur as they are insecure in who they are.

I do not engage in sexting. I think it is inappropriate for this site open to 13+ teens and up even if your identity is known as it sets a bad precedent to sexual predators that use this site. I see some societies advertise they are for 18+ but I'd like to know how they intend to prove someone's age while advertising the forbidden fruits to such. Beyond that there are gray areas with mentally challenged individuals in adult bodies but if they are cared for by guardians that are responsible for them it can get them in considerable trouble by engaging in sex over electronic media where they are still considered minors. It is best to seek an adult site for this if you want to engage in it like FETLIFE.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.This is an alternate profile my main one being OccultRanger. So for a more detailed description of me refer to it. This one I use as a back up on Firefox browser in a different skin.

So I got kicked out of Hell-damn harpies just couldn't handle me and ended up in this one Purgatory noted by its crest at the bottom of the profile that I decided to shrink to fly size to buzz around down at the bottom where all the bat shit lands.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.Satire is a part of this site like Cancer's Vampire Radio show or the Deb of Night from the video game: VTM Bloodlines. With the so called it crowd on this site dishing out the ridicule. So one should develop some patience in dealing with it to develop their character. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.Induction and earning one's sire status to be free is a cornerstone to this site. So just have to put up with it if you find yourself in similar conditions.

Rating. I spent years on this site lacking the knowledge and resources to express my content on it. So after years of journal work getting to know myself, learning to code and purchasing content I have developed a high standard in what constitutes a ten to me. First to me a profile is an overview of yourself. So you don't want to share that for whatever your reasons are than don't expect the same as others that do. You want to hide or use misdirection don't expect much of a high rating from me. It specifically says in the V.R. Manual about Rating: ...How you choose to rate a profile is totally up to you. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Different members will have different criteria for profile rating.
I put up with plenty of tit for tatters talking about their karma bullshit as well the immature that revenge rate 1's and my score suffers. But What I consider a great content is what I have shared on my own and it is my own scrutiny that matters most. I don't rate until I can rate myself a ten. I mainly just rate those who are subject to my authority weather a society or mentorship. I don't rate dead profiles but only relatively current ones preferring fresh blood than old scabs. I don't rate the database unless it's a product I have or service I use. The same goes for making entries.

As a vampire I don't think I'm capable of having friends it is more a word for naive humans. I may like or respect some more than others but that doesn't make them friends.Real vampires love Vampire Rave. With my sensitivity I can barely tolerate most and pick up quite a bit with my psychic senses. As far as adding journals well you maintain one that is kept current and I like it then you'll get that bonus from me.

My messages are kept private and I don't share them with anyone. Discretion is one of the greatest virtues as well as earning trust and don't intend on throwing it away for anyone. This has caused all sorts of problems for me on this site with those that feel they need to share private messages. These are usually people with influence from the Prince to admins on down and abuse it to justify themselves with public opinion. Real vampires love Vampire Rave.They often surround themselves with yes men or whatever pronoun they identify with that appeals to their vanity or the politically minded that use the opportunity to make themselves look good associating with such. That's on them I'm not built that way not needing to compromise my integrity. Most can't handle the truth and I'm very honest.

Vampire rave was my first social network and has remained such. Perhaps in the future I'll create my own website as a nexus, otherwise, when it comes to networking I prefer dealing with people in real life if at all as I tend to be a loner. Using other sites requires putting time and energy on them I don't feel like doing or I feel it's like stealing their business. I intend to remain loyal to it til death unless removed according to TOS that I sign off on every log-in as honoring my word is important to me.

The Coven of Purgatory

Member Since: Jul 16, 2020
Last Login: Mar 28, 2025
Times Viewed: 12,147

Times Rated:238

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Mar 17, 2025
Darkest Greetings...Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Mar 11, 2025

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Feb 23, 2025

I used to know someone named Tree in high school.

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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