Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


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7 entries this month

Spring cannot come soon enough.

17:07 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 571

I'd like a strong drink, this cold weather is hell for so many reasons and another in a small town I've been through many times, trying to heat their home more with a space heater and all of the family in the master bedroom, out of 11 people only the father and a 9 year old daughter are alive in a hospital both very critical and the rest of the family dead in a house fire. 5 of the kids were in the same elementary school. There were 2 more deadly fires in the last 2 days, it's been the worst year for fire deaths here in KY in years and it's not even Feb yet. Sorry for dumping but I don't want to cry about it.




It's snowing again!

01:01 Jan 22 2014
Times Read: 584

No school today or tomorrow due to snow and with the temps not supposed to get out of the teens not sure when they'll go back. The kids are thrilled, sis and I are less so. Cabin fever, stir crazy call it what you will it's for real.

Fixed a big kettle of chili tonight for supper and fixed spagetti sauce to freeze for later. It turned out pretty good actually. Filled everyone up with enough for lunch tomorrow for those who want it.



15:09 Jan 22 2014

Briana finally went back to school today. She has to make up the exams and hopefully this will give her time to study a bit more.

If I have to take her down to U of M hospital again well let's just say, the doctor up here isn't going to like me.

I'm making spaghetti tonight!!


So far so good

20:44 Jan 18 2014
Times Read: 600

Days off to a pretty good start, got up after sleeping late, had a good hot shower then a small breakfast then threw my bedding into the laundry. UK beat Tennessee at basketball and my birthday cake just came out of the oven.

I'm having a simple dinner followed by homemade fudge cake. The weather is pretty now but supposed to be going south later so got a couple of errands to run for now then back to finish supper up by 6:30pm.

If Rat and Birdie are both well and able and if the weather cooperates the tomorrow we might get together for some fun, if not hopefully next weekend.

No school Monday for MLK day, which I do not agree with but since the weather is supposed to be bad again that'll work out. Now don't get me wrong, MLK was a visionist but he was stolen from us before he could make it happen and those that have claimed to follow his dream have only perverted it, in my opinion. I was a child when I heard him give the "I have a dream" speech and it spoke of all kids equal not one color better than any other or treated better based on it. I take a hard look at my society and it seems to me that it is far away from what MLK spoke about and it makes me very sad.

In my childhood, JFK and MLK were both stolen from us, at a time when dreams and hope were at their greatest. No insurance plan can ever replace that loss.

Yep it's my birthday and in the way of my anchestors I began by taking a bath (more than 1 a year thank goodness) but am now thinking about just how great a time period I'm living in.

The space race began when I was just an infant as well as the Berlin Wall going up and I saw that wall come back down and the space programs highs and lows. It may be slow now but I truly belive we will return to space when the time is right.

I saw television go from a black and white tiny screen with few choices of programming to screens of all sizes and thousands of choices and everyday people able to make their own ideas into films.

Computers have gone from something only the government had access to to everyday helpmates. (most days anyway) I cannot be unhappy to be as old as I am as look what all I have got to experience and I'm still looking forward to more. Thank you to the makers.



01:46 Jan 19 2014

Happy Birthday Cat!!

16:29 Jan 19 2014

Hope it was an amazing birthday! :)

15:10 Jan 22 2014

I hope you had an amazing birthday!!!


Knock me over with a feather

18:18 Jan 16 2014
Times Read: 610

Just yesterday I got a call that my insulin pump supplies were approved but I'd need to pay my full insurance deductable up front which hurt but luckily I hadn't blown anything lately and was able to squeek it out. Then this morning I got a call that since my pump was out of date and warranty would I want a new one, well yes absolutely but probably not this month as even with just a 200 dollar copay on it after the deductable I just cannot spare it yet. Well do you still have your old pump.. sure you get a 500 dollar trade in for it and I can take it off the front so you won't be out anything! Sweet sugar monster, you're kidding? Nope it'll be there 8-10 days and since it's a newer model you'll have to do the training again (took all of 15 minutes) then send your old pump back to me in the postage paid box I'm sending you and it'll be fine.

It's 2 days to my birthday but dang I got my present early!

For those who don't know an insulin pump makes a diabetic have much better control and feel normal most of the day, stops the crazy ups and downs. I'm so tickled.



22:30 Jan 16 2014

Yeah! :D

15:40 Jan 18 2014

Now that is great news :D


Good news and bad news

00:53 Jan 16 2014
Times Read: 615

Just got a call from the mail order company my insurance hooked me up with and believe it or not they got it through the review committee and got my insulin pump supplies covered again. woo hoo! Then comes the rough part I have to pay my whole deductible at once to get it going. Wasn't planning to have to shell out that much 2 weeks into January but since they also think they can get me a new pump approved (mine is out of date and warranty) with it only costing me about 200 dollars this time (my first one was 1500 for my part) it will be so worth it just hard for now. Lots of things I had wanted to do or get will just have to wait.

So it's good in a bad way. lol Ain't that life?




Ever feel like duh?

02:59 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 629

Just watched KungFu Panda2 for like the 200th time but wasn't anything else interesting to me on. 150 channels of crap was all that was on the box. But the kids are in their bedrooms playing the games they got for x-mas and my sister is online with headphones watching breaking bad (so not my show)

I've played my own online game until I started nodding off and just dropped out. Not much fun there tonight. I've got stuff to read but I just finished the latest Debora Geary ebook, An Unlikely Witch and it was great even if I did cry like a baby during part of it. If you've not read any of her stuff I highly recomend the beginning of her Witch Central stories called A Modern Witch. It centers around a magical family in CA but spreads across the whole world and includes lots of kids, elderly folks (who don't know they are) and wonderful heartwarming stories. Nope not super sex-themed but great stories told by someone who knows how to do it.

It's 50 degrees colder today than just 24hours ago with a windchill making it feel 70 degrees colder. Tonight the temps are going way below 0 and so the ice and snow of yesterday didn't melt nor will it. Salt doesn't work at these low temps so the kids are still home too.

I think I"ll find an old friend to re-read and relax on this cold night. I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe tonight.




Off to a running start

00:44 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 647

It's a new year now and I have to wonder what it might bring with it. There are many things in my life that can go either way to making it good or bad so I'm almost afraid to even think of them all much less speak them out loud. Superstitious yep!

On the other hand, Rat has been home sick for a few days so I think that girl has been shaking that voodoo doll or at least talking to it some. We're in a big snow with high winds and more on the way Sunday. We'll just have to watch what happens.

Great news is that an old friend and house member has returned to VR and to my house ready and wanting to be active and have a good time. I hope it's catching :)



01:38 Jan 03 2014

I hope Rat feels better soon!!!

06:12 Jan 03 2014

I'm with you on not wanting to think of the future. 2014 won't be a good one for me.

Do the rest of the country all a favor. Go take Rat some soup, give her a hug from all of VR and steal that voodoo doll and RUN!!!!!!!!!

(Hope she feels better soon)

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