If you're a witch, what kind of witch are you?
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Arch Sire (194)
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18:21:33 Sep 19 2019
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If you're a witch, what kind of witch are you?

If you do a little research- there are tons of different types of witches. This didn't used to be the case. But today- with people acknowledging many different ways to believe and not needing to fall in line with one version, no one has to claim a path that doesn't fit them. Some of the various witch identities are:

Solitary Witch- self-explanatory, a solitary practice, no coven and sometimes pulling from different paths.

Eclectic Witch- they dance to the beat of their own drum, making their own truth by grabbing from various paths and crafting their own unique journey.

Secular Witch- witchcraft involvement without the inclusion of a deity or worship.

Green Witch- predominantly herbalism.

Divinatory Witch- mainly focuses on things like Tarot (and other forms of cartomancy), runes, dice, pendulums...

Kitchen Witch- potions and brews being the focal points of their craft. Good old alchemy.

Hereditary Witch- born into a family of practicing witches.

Hedge Witch- spirit realm and astral travel being the spotlight of practice.


There are so many more- I didn't include things like Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Correllian, and other forms of Wicca. I have never been in a coven (aside from the way we use the term on Vampire Rave as just being in an online society) and have no desire to be.

I don't label myself a witch- but many others would. I can be described as a Christo-Pagan as I do go to church... but my involvement in certain practices, if I were to stake a claim, would place in me several categories: Secular, Solitary, Divinatory, and Eclectic, to be sure.

Let us know how you identify if being a witch is your path. If it's not listed- explain what it is.

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Interloper (47)
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20:01:11 Sep 20 2019
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Blood witch

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Arch Sire (194)
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21:24:40 Sep 20 2019
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Care to explain your definition of Blood Witch?

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Archfiend (57)
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21:31:57 Sep 20 2019
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Eclectic witch with Herbalism

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Basilisk (92)
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01:03:32 Sep 21 2019
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If I were to put it into one category it would be rather hard, eclectic witch sounds quite universal here and that would be most characteristic of me however I do focus on astral travel mostly so there's that. I haven't used Tarot cards in a while and am no stranger to making potions and herbs. Some of my family members practice some form of energy work such as Reiki, the rest is either familiar with the idea and doesn't shy away from openly discussing it while the other doesn't really approve to put it mildly.

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Aggressor (83)
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01:16:43 Sep 21 2019
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Interesting question, Images. :)

I do not identify as a Witch per se, but a mere practitioner. I know next to nothing about herbs, or brewing potions. Besides, I only conduct rituals, not practice Greater or Lesser Magick.

It is funny how many beings take pride in calling themselves Witches, and I think that the number of Males identifying as a Witch is increasing.

Is it a cool thing ? What if we are headed for the next Inquisition?

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Arch Sire (194)
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01:22:28 Sep 21 2019
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If there's an Inquisition en route, there are more witches today than ever- so it wouldn't be a great idea, lol.

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Great Sire (118)
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12:25:50 Sep 21 2019
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My collection of books about witches is enormous. But, I don't consider myself a witch.

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Venerable Sire (139)
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23:32:47 Sep 27 2019
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I am not sure if I fall into this topic yet

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23:49:00 Sep 27 2019
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When I was younger I was a practioner. I pulled from several of the classifications you listed above, solitary, eclectic, even a little divinatory, as I was very into reading Tarot. Although, I don't know if solitary really fit all that well, as I studied and learned with a few close friends. I woundlt ever have considered us a Coven, but we taught one another, we were there to help and study together, so maybe in a sense we were. But, that was definitely in my youth, mid-to-late teens, early twenties.

These days, faith and spirituality have been hard for me to maintain. I have slowly been finding my way back to what made me happiest: Paganism. And, should I fall back into it like I did before, I'd use the same labels, solitary, eclectic. My friend, who was one I practiced with in my youth, he never left and he's become quite adept at reading runes. He said I would probably be pretty proficient at it, considering how quickly I took to reading Tarot. But, runes are something else entirely. I think I'd like to at least learn, though.

It was actually your posts about Tarot that made me really look at myself and my spirituality, Cartomancer. The way you talked about decks and reading cards reminded me so much of the enjoyment I got out of it when I was younger. It pulled something up in me that I've been ignoring for a long time. I pulled out a few of my old decks and have been doing little readings on myself, holding the cards, getting a good feel for them again. I have actually been thinking about messaging my friend Tommy, which I'll definitely be doing now to see about arranging a time where we could meet up and talk, maybe have him help me shop for a set of runes.

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Arch Sire (194)
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00:45:31 Sep 28 2019
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Awesome. I have also been feeling more at peace in coming back to Tarot after so long.

There are a lot of people here who claim to be witches... I thought it would be interesting to find out the categories of their practice. We are all different as similar as we may seem to be. In getting really deep with the Tarot community- I find even there tons of people I have zero in common with as far as interpretations, superstition, and the subjectivity of what a good deck is.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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11:31:30 Sep 28 2019
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I'm heavy on Secular, light on the Solitary and Eclectic.
I'm atheist above all, but deeply love witchcraft, to the point where I feel like I'm a "non-believing witch", haha. There's a big mix of feminism, coven-love (strong women supporting each other and acting as a family), love of lore and all of those good and pure things.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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03:40:51 Oct 04 2019
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Electic witch

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Changeling (71)
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18:27:58 Oct 10 2019
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Hereditary hedge

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Revenant (41)
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06:42:33 Jan 05 2020
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Eclectic Witch here.

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Sire (102)
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02:04:09 Jan 09 2020
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I'm not a witch. Can I enjoy that the name of this thread reminds me of the Wizard of Oz?

I'm a non believer myself, but I do believe that other people are witches. I guess I believe in repercussions to such stuff.

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Ghoul (21)
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05:25:04 Jan 10 2020
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I consider myself a Solitary witch.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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05:05:46 Jan 12 2020
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A Divinatory Witch with a of Green.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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14:29:34 Jan 13 2020
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Green Witch.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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19:49:25 Jan 13 2020
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Updating from electic witch to werewitch. That kind of the same thing not to technical or geeky

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Evil Spirit (60)
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00:43:01 Feb 27 2020
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Hereditary witch.My family have practiced witchcraft since 600 BC if the family records are accurate.Though everyone has their own medium,mine happen to be coins or cards.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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07:17:41 Mar 01 2020
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Eclectic for sure. I tend to go towards crystals and water based things. Teas.

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Great Sire (117)
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00:38:17 Mar 25 2020
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I would consider myself an Eclectic Witch as I find truth in many different paths. I studied with a Coven for many years but identify as Solitary now.

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Needler (12)
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18:26:15 Mar 25 2020
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Eclectic witch, I'm drawn to many different forms of magic and am into some Left hand path and blood magic as well.

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Banshee (72)
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16:45:37 Apr 09 2020
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Premiere Sire (122)
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06:01:49 May 08 2020
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High Sire (159)
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12:35:01 May 09 2020
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Somewhere between Solitary and Eclectic Witch. For me it's more important to focus on personal transformation before I even dream about being able to influence the world around me. Plus I really like to be alone.

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Primogenitor (99)
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21:18:30 May 17 2020
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I'm eclectic/solitary with a strong inclination for divination.

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Primogenitor (99)
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21:19:00 May 17 2020
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I'm eclectic/solitary with a strong inclination "towards" divination.

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Aggressor (83)
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00:52:13 May 24 2020
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I am not a witch, I guess. I don't practice Witchcraft. However, I can be witchy in some ways. Lol.

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Marplot (14)
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21:09:04 Jun 01 2020
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I have been a solitary practitioner since I started my journey in Witchcraft a few years ago. I mainly consider myself and Eclectic witch, but sometimes I spend more time with specific types of Witchcraft. Lately I have been mostly focused on Lunar and Green Witchcraft.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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08:06:42 Jul 05 2020
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A Priest, of whom, practices blood magic.

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High Sire (157)
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11:55:43 Jun 06 2021
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In my case, there is a reason I make the declaration of "Eclectic Shaman/Wiccan".
I study as much as I can to learn everything I can. But I am predominantly an old Shaman.

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Malignant Spirit (49)
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05:12:48 Jun 08 2021
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I'm not a witch. :P I'm a student of the Occult, hidden knowledge.
I find it a bit more interesting, since it doesn't get a lot of exposure. Therefore, there is less of a chance for such things to be mocked in popular culture and by others.

Witchcraft/Wicca/ etc I respect those who practice this if it is their truth, but I cannot say I respect the religion.

Would I consider myself "Pagan'? I believe in the Slavic Old Ones as any good Russian lad would. But for me, it was just a part of my life as a boy, and it was simply natural. People may worship god, we worshipped many. But we didn't believe we were Pagan or Witches.

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Dastard (23)
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23:42:26 Jun 12 2021
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I am equal parts green witch and kitchen witch, but the majority of my kitchen witchery comes from the green witching, so for brevity I typically claim green.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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03:36:40 Jun 13 2021
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I am not a witch, but if i were i'd like to be a hedge witch.

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Exasperater (20)
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13:40:55 Nov 04 2021
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I am a solitary eclectic witch, leaning to kitchen witchery.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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05:08:24 Nov 05 2021
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I suppose if one were to put a label on it, I would fall under "Eclectic Witch".
More solidary but not defined by one practice.

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Malefactor (67)
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17:35:56 Nov 06 2021
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I will claim all except kitchen witch..

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Termagant (58)
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03:46:06 Nov 19 2021
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I don't practice Witchcraft, but I have done certain things of my own design.
I don't worship other Gods, even though other Gods have visited my dreams, as well as different spirits.
I know I have Psychic abilities, and I guess it could lean more toward a Mediumship?
I have used Tarot, and Dowsing Rods (which I had an awesome experience with those).
I guess my "arts" are from simply knowing that what we call magic, or what I consider energies, tend to work by paying attention to direction, constellations, or even day.
Jewish Teachings have some cool things about it that many people probably aren't aware of that talk about these things, in the Mystical Teaching books they have.
Before I decided my own path as of current, I used to dabble in these things all by myself.

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Grave Robber (22)
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20:38:13 Feb 16 2022
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I suppose I would be a Solitary and Eclectic Witch. Although I don't know if I would classify myself technically as a witch as I use crystals and white sage for spiritual cleansings along with meditation occasionally after encountering particularly dark spirts in paranormal investigations, however I don't do spells or have a book of shadows etc.

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Nihilist (19)
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05:25:00 Feb 20 2022
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Hereditary and Eclectic.

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Mosquito (7)
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11:07:47 May 22 2022
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I practice many things, although I study much more. Potions, weather magic, Herbology,Necromancy, Aeromancy, Chaos magic, Healing magic ,Elemental, Arcane, Mental, Astrology, Voodoo, Shaminism, Aeromancy, Pyromancy Tarot, Ouija, blood magic. I suppose eclectic would be the most fitting title as it encompasses everything

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Elemental (77)
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03:34:57 May 27 2022
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Hello there, I'm a Kemetic Pagan. I work with Osiris, Isis and I am developing a deep relationship with Anubis as I am hoping he will become my patron deity. I practice rituals set out in both Following the Sun and Circle of the Sun by Sharon Laborde. Her system is called Kemetic Reform.

There's some really interesting answers here. :)

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Malcontent (9)
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15:10:27 Jan 15 2023
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I guess I would technically be an eclectic secular witch, since I don't worship anything, and I consider different aspects of myself as different witches... which is a very untraditional and kinda odd way to practise, I know. But it helps me out with keeping track of my mentality, as well as organize my thoughts.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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02:46:06 Jan 16 2023
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A blood witch is a witch that uses blood magic. Basically they drink the blood of a human to get power and form a bond to enhance their magic with the human.

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Phantasm (48)
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06:46:16 Jan 18 2023
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I consider myself a grey witch. A practitioner of black and white magic. I speciize in curses and their excisment.

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Grave Robber (22)
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10:07:39 Jul 02 2023
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Eclectic I guess. I have an aversion to putting strictly one label on my path. I study herbalism, shamanism, the occult, make potions, perform ritual, use divination, contact the deceased. I move a lot of energy around that is stuck sometimes so energy work.

I actually just realized I feel more like "Chaos Witch" would describe me better than eclectic witch because that term really has no feeling for me to work with I only use it sometimes to have a Convo with someone

I work with a lot of Archetypes, Spirits and emotions. Forces of nature are what call me.

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Grave Robber (22)
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04:25:33 Jul 04 2023
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Eclectic solitary. I don't focus on any one area of witchcraft and my path is a blend of open and cultural practices that relate to me. I've tried the coven life, it just isn't really my thing. I usually practice both lower and ceremonial magic.

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Aggressor (83)
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17:30:28 Jul 25 2023
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I've been dealing with such things practically my whole life. But with irregular intervals sometimes stronger or just incidentally.
Especially when I was a child, I felt like I could do things with myself affect my will. But I soon realized that I would have to pay a price for it and became very careful with my wishes.

I grew up in the former GDR, where such things were frowned upon as unscientific and there was practically no literature about them.
Later I read up on a lot of different things and explored different paths, but didn't find anything that was in any way typical of me.
I do believe I have certain metaphysical powers, but I don't feel like mustering the energy to activate them.
However, after falling out with a witch, I felt so bad that I created a barrier and spiritually cleaned my home. And I felt better immediately. Now I don't even remember how I did it.
I'm sure that if I'm aroused at a high level, I can spiritually do real damage to others, so I routinely wish everyone the best, just to avoid having a guilty conscience.
I have dealt with tarot and astrology most intensively. In a way, astrology is the mother of today's very expensive algorithms on the stock exchange: the ancient Babylonians wrote down the economic data together with the astronomical (not astrological!) very accurately for over 1000 years in order to be able to make statements about the future. Today such programs try to predict the future at least in the microsecond range.
I tried my hand at the art of divination with tarot cards and gave it up again because it was too dangerous for me. For example, I read a clear separation from the cards, which actually took place. To this day I don't know if it was a real prophecy or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
However, since I married this woman 25 years later and this marriage failed, I assume that the cards correctly reflected the situation at the time. (I can also justify this "scientifically": the cards can be completely random, but the one who interprets them gets the knowledge from the subconscious.)

Overall I would describe this as eclectic and solitaire.

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Revenant (41)
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17:29:06 Aug 10 2023
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I am a Christo-pagan as well, but i am also a solitary secular witch. Id love to join a coven, just DM me if anyone has a free space. Thnx

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Sire (101)
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03:49:40 Sep 10 2023
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I would say a Chaos/void witch fits me the best the more Chaos and haphazard there is the more powerful my stuff is, and harder for those to get threw it or break it, my ex's are noticing this now.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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07:07:13 Oct 08 2023
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I'm a Christian Eclectic witch. I draw from many traditions and practices, but my magick is worked with the help of God and His beloved Son. I reject the church on the whole and prefer a more one on one with the Lord. And because of my practice, I'm usually rejected by both the Christian community and the witchcraft community.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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00:58:58 Nov 21 2023
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Don’t fall into witch. A spiritualist studied many religions including Wicca. Believe in a lot of stuff. Mother Earth and tree spirits. I am just me

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Charmer (84)
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19:37:07 Nov 24 2023
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My introduction to ritual magic was through voodoo,
but I would classify myself as solitary, eclectic

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Royal Sire (214)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
Vampire Rave member for 13 years.
16:53:29 Dec 16 2023
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I've found that Chaos Magic sufficiently describes my workings and many of my beliefs on magic.

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Aggressor (83)
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The Coven of Hellhounds is a member of an Alliance

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04:54:22 May 13 2024
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I am a Hedge Witch but I also am a Barrow Witch

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Premiere Sire (124)
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08:00:18 May 15 2024
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wouldn't classify myself as a witch warlock whatever, more into mother earth and spirits in the trees and everything living aura, does that sound funny

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Serpent (52)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
08:39:22 May 26 2024
Read 313 times

I don't practice witchcraft frequently, however I have been successful with astral travel, healing, the use of dowsing rods, talking with spirits in dreams, seeing visions in dreams, a quick glimpse into the future, Old Gods visiting in dreams (that I had no great knowledge of at the time), and doing my own form of a spell or 2.

I was also called a Kitra which I think ties into magical practices, but I'm not involved with a group of any sort.

I don't do religion but if I did, it would be more of the Jewish teachings because I believe everything has a Creator, as we all are, and science can't explain everything. At least not at this point in time. lol

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