What can you tell about a society by how it treats you?
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Venerable Sire (137)
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09:58:40 Jun 14 2015
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“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members”.

How would you describe the Society you live in?

Are you an active participant in the society you are in or do you consider yourself a deviant and steer clear of your predominant society?

Since we are on Rave, would you say that your behaviour is different than it is in your offline life?

Just some thoughts to share.

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Grave Robber (22)
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20:56:56 Jun 15 2015
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Society filled with young girls throwing up wanting to be skinny as a model. I know it is not what it like everywhere but all I see around here and people changing for the worst to trying to be the best, we are human, but we hang from strings . trying to be perfect. the same. Pretty is the word. so here we are, dangling from the strings of the world, doing what we think we are forced to do. When we just need to cut the strings.

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01:05:52 Jun 18 2015
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The society im in is one of respect so far i have enjoyed all the members of it i am certain many are the same. everyone has beeen awsome and fun in my society and i look forward to many fun times forward to leveling up and reaching my full potential here . yes it does go to show alot in a society by the way it treats its members and when treated with respect and honor one can thrive in it i am so greatful for the oppertunity to be were i am today.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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02:07:05 Jun 18 2015
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I apologise if I was not clear with my question. I mean to ask about the society we live in; as in offline society.

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Sire (107)
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11:14:56 Jun 19 2015
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Too often the real measuring stick of a society and it's "moral standards" is not based on how they treat their children but is in fact based on their access to necessary resources. A community that is healthy and well fed is often a civil society with good natured helpful people. Take away that prosperity and the people tend to have a more singular, "every man for themselves" like thought process.
A study I once read on this stated that researchers found when an individual has access to a weeks worth of food or more they have almost no stress levels. When the get to around 5 meals the stress levels go up dramatically and when we get to within 3 meals with no foreseeable means of replenishing our supplies society itself and thus the individual's moral compass begin to break down.
A case in point would be the hurricane Katrina disaster. Society completely broke down in only 36 hours of the storm making land fall and we all saw the looting and rioting on tv. What wasn't seen was that violent crimes like rape and murder jumped over 300 percent in only a day and a half and there were roving gangs steal and beating people for their possessions as they took shelter in the super doom.

So the essential (and sad) truth about the societies we choose to live in is that we are never more that a few meals away from complete anarchy.

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Great Sire (118)
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03:16:47 Jun 20 2015
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...I keep myself away from society. I work for a Hospital with over 2000 employees, the last thing that I want is to be member of a Society. I don't go to people home, nobody come to my home. I am me...no drama allowed.

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Hellhound (70)
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21:45:07 Jun 21 2015
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Society hates me because I'm strange and socially awkward and I had my fair share of run ins with administration because of it

I'm definitely much more open online and I come here because there are people who are into the topics I am and don't think I'm strange for my interests. Also, if I get into a conflict with someone in the internet who I only know over the internet in just 2 clicks I can block them and they aren't my problem anymore

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Wraith (46)
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14:15:41 Jun 23 2015
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I live in the bible belt. And in this town you either go to church or do drugs. I do neither, therefore I don't have a lot of friends and don't go a lot of places except for work, fires, and medical calls. I am not a sheeple nor am I a crackhead living off welfare.

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Wraith (46)
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14:16:27 Jun 23 2015
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And if you aren't one of the two, people look at you weird.

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23:52:15 Jun 23 2015
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Who is the follower of the group mind or not. In today's society there are no more frontiers to expand to we either coexist or devolve to cutthroat barbarism. We all know what's coming.

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22:36:13 Jun 24 2015
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Society could be better, but I don't take part in it. I used to go to church with a friend when I was younger and that's not me, I dislike hive mentality. And many people are sheeple... being near a base with lots of people from all over the US I don't really enjoy how rude some are. Not to mention how unwilling people are to help each other and other animals.

I choose to stay to myself, but I do consider my significant other's family as mine. That's about as close as i'll get.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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10:11:22 Jun 25 2015
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severus nailed it. i can only add that some communities are farther spread then others. while others are dense.this effects how people interact with others aswell. diversity also plays a role weither one is of a different race gender id life style etc.

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Disciple (53)
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03:17:16 Jun 26 2015
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Society as a whole has become as many said. Puppets upon a string, those that exert their freedoms of man tend to be looked at oddly and become the scapegoat for many things. From good to bad, we few whom seek a stronger society have found ourselves ina spot in which we are the outcasts.

You can read a book and not believe in it, and instantly if seen reading said book. You become a part of society that you may not be part of by association. Some act the part to fit in, others, like myself claim that the truth of all things can evolve our self-status and the status of those around us.

When it comes to religious societies, this is very high. Each religion saying that you believe or you don't. But in the end, each religion, each spirituality has shown to hold truth, and falsehoods. Thus comes the atheist society. Working to combat even the truths within a spiritual way of life. Simply because they may not understand, or for another reason entirely.

In today's age of even social society, the ideals of the atheist aspect has been brought forth within even those of the spiritual ideals. People have grown colder, and looked upon another as lessers. We all seek something. Wisdom being my forte, intelligence another's, compassion holds another's heart, and logic brings forth more. In the end, we rose up from ashes, and thus we have proven that we will fall back into them. Not by the will of some god or deity, but by our own hand.

We each see life differently, yet we all wish the same outcome. The problem is that we seek it in ways that become volatile and distraught. To ourselves, and to others. A helping hand has become rare, either out of fear of being mugged, or simply a lack of compassion. Our minds, have become judgmental by the society we live in, arrogance has taken over, and pride has fueled greed to no end.

In a nutshell, being part of society or not. We all have aided in it's downfall. Those that lock themselves away from it, hide from it. Those that live within the strings of the puppet show, fuel the hate. Leaving only a few handfuls of people to ever attempt to seek a better world society.

Thats my take... alas, we are only human after all correct? Perhaps, yet we have forgotten how powerful a single human can be with the right cause, let alone several with the same.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:18:00 Jun 26 2015
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Eat or be eaten. The choice is yours.

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Wyvern (85)
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03:58:32 Jul 01 2015
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I live in a good community of about can't be more than maybe 20 people that are here. We don't judge in fact most of don't talk to each other neighbors come and go so I have no problems here. It is nice and quite peaceful like so it is all good we don't push religion everyone sleeps with everyone other than and we know everyones business which we care less about I can't complain really. Good school no stores just bbq joint a small store or two and a bunch of churches.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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17:24:43 Jul 02 2015
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I must agree with Severus.I have a neighbour that always invites people to lunch,throws parties etc.But he will never actually help you if you end up in a rut.
Most people are like that.If there is little reward,little effort is put forth.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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20:47:12 Jul 02 2015
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society only see's you when they need something from you. the stereotype of the perfect society only dwell in the eyes of those who are blinded from the life and the real people. outcasts have been in society since the first human thought of what a society must be and act. if you are not in this realm than you have no place for the community or world that they live in. I choose my own path wherever it may lead. society or not I am still here and helping.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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02:35:21 Jul 03 2015
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There is no true altruism. Something is required of you to be a part of a society you must have a redemable role. Thats the base rule. Dont kike it. Dont gain the benifits of a society.

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Marplot (14)
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17:07:47 Jul 12 2015
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The society that I am in is past perfect now it treats me differently than before, I agree with it. I hate how it was, and is formatted, and framed,.

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Caitiff (17)
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01:54:41 Aug 09 2015
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Society is not what the most vulnerable person does, it is how the others react and respond to it. If there's a racial crime and people say it's innocent then the society as a whole is racist even if there's some who say it's a crime. It's about who has the power or majority.

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Venerable Sire (133)
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15:09:10 Aug 09 2015
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I'm in my own sub culture. I act online the way I would in public. However, I'll admit, I do act professional when it comes to my jobs. Because I can't risk getting fired. But it also really depends on how you're treated there in order to keep it. I'm well liked, I assume, anyhow. :)
I find the best thing is service with a smile. I work as an HHA, janitor, and professional artist.

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Sire (105)
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17:17:02 Aug 13 2015
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I remember Katrina. It struck me as peculiar that in a city founded in music, hard times, and let the good times roll, not one person played a musical instrument in the superdome. I saw one thing of shining character, a clown, doing face painting for children.

It wasn't my first rodeo, and my mother has been through worse than I went through with Katrina, and still society breaks down to mob mentality.

Mobs have one instinct, survival of itself, it will sacrifice it's weakest for the survival; conservation of resources becomes paramount, and fringe behavior looks like wolf food.

I also believe that society is a ship. Some people keep humanity afloat, some support those that drive the ship (sails and mast) and the smallest percentage of the ship steer. The vast majority, the sheeple, spend their time as ballast, some of that ballet is actually the keel. Without these people a society doesn't work, the ship flounders without ballast.

How many people step up in a time of crisis is the measure of society in my opinion. Protecting the vulnerable is a sub caste... most of whom are not particularly good leaders, or followers, most of them aren't even that good of thinkers, it's probably akin to hoarding... I might need that some day.

Genuinely caring people are rare and too flawed to affect things, but every leader should make a point of finding one of them for their entourage.

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Ghoul (21)
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19:44:08 Jan 27 2016
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Growing up i remember how it used to be safe to go outside, ride bikes, play with toy pop guns, hang out at a friends house till night falls, run to a 7/11 get a slush and walk home no problem.

Now i fear everything for my young nephew growing up in a day and age that it is dangerous to be out after a certain time, walking to school you might get gun down just for wearing a shirt with a color on it or abducted for being to young to know how life outside is. No one ride's bike, walks, plays outside, gets hurt, or actually know if it's sunny or cloudy outside.

I know this is anywhere now a days, but who knows about a young man name jimmy rice? He was abducted when I was in middle school. Not far from where I was living. People frantically searching for him to only find him 5 months later in garbage bags thrown into the everglades part by part without his head.

gang warefare and fear of the pig coming to take you away for something you seen or didn't see. Getting shot by the pigs for having a dark skin tone. People might think where i live is all about the sun, beaches, big booty chick but that is tourist things. The truth, is ugly everything is ugly behind the lies of money. They have churches where you can praise god but the churches is a lie, they only praise money and only want it. Cause when you live here that is all you look, want, need, praise and work for...Money is a tool of course you need it...But how bad do you want it? The name of the game that sells and buys that trades or steals.....The atmosphere is all about the fun when you have money but as soon as you run out for any reason you are not just a target so run fast and hard and don't look back. That is the name of it's game.

The people are idiots who talk in many languages but only say one thing....The driver's drive like your life means nothing. They can, will and do cut you off, smash into you and say it was your fault. 80mph is a standard speed on highway any slower and you cause the accident. So when you come to my city remember you are a tourist, live here longer then 10 and you become a citizen so know the truth. My city looks good but that is the makeup the most expensive cheap hooker can wear. Welcome to south miami

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Daemon (95)
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06:47:46 Jan 30 2016
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Well, looking how this country treats its most vulnerable people, we are a sick society. We have veterans, men who served their country with honor, living in the streets. Heck, in what is supposed to be the richest nation on earth, we should not have anyone homeless, anyone without healthcare and we shouldn't have anyone going hungry. It is said we build the tallest buildings to reflect what we value the most. Here in America what is valued is the almighty dollar. Greed is a virtue. Too many people have the attitude of "I have mine, screw everyone else." If this attitude doesn't change, I fear our nation will eventually be ripped apart by civil war or be taken over by an enemy because there are too many people who just don't give a damn about anyone else, let alone our nation and thats a goddam shame. The greatest experiment of freedom is dying a slow death. The founding fathers of our nation must be spinning in their graves.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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02:45:50 Feb 13 2016
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To me society in life is certanly not like vr lol i love the ppl on vr wish i knew ppl like them outside of vr,my coven is like a second home i would say first home but that sounds crazy lol

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13:41:01 Feb 18 2016
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Ha! Society is a joke, false promises of safety wrapped up with overwhelming oppression.

Society is nothing more than a mask, humans are under the mistaken belief that they are the apex predator, the "dominant" species, the perfect life-forms, when in fact they are nothing more than posturing meat over-compensating for their severe weakness, victims to the majority of life-forms on this pitiful planet.

Humans like to put an act of being civilized creatures, when really they just fops that really hate being reminded of how truly disgusting and animalistic they really are, hence why naturally occuring individuals such as sociopaths and psychopaths are pariahs, when in fact they are perfectly natural and even better suited for this world.

Altruism in the natural world is usually a survival tool, nothing more, but humans take it to an absurd level to the point of self-destruction, sacrificing their already insignificant lives to save another. hence why in humans, it is the emotionless killer that is the survivor, willing to do whatever is necessary and not willing to risk his or her life for some weakling who can't fend for themselves. In the natural world, the weak ones die as it is the survival of the fittest.

Society is the survival of the weak, not the fittest. Huddled together like most herbivores and prey species, and just as fearful as them.
Unlike any other animals who are decent enough to just get on with their lives and function as according to the natural creation, Humans have to constantly question the meaning of life, turning then to spiritual beliefs. So much time wasted on that, when they could have evolved to be better killers.

Want to know a perfect society? Ants. Every individual working as one. but at least the ant doesn't pretend to be anything other than it is, doesn't try to step above its station and they are not corrupt.

"How would you describe the Society you live in?"

Decadent, corrupt, weak and in need of cleansing.

"Are you an active participant in the society you are in or do you consider yourself a deviant and steer clear of your predominant society?"

Neither. I simply watch and wait, I walk amongst the sheep and stare into the eyes of idiots clueless to the world.

"Since we are on Rave, would you say that your behaviour is different than it is in your offline life?"

No, my "friends" (just fun distractions really) are always wary of me and I always find it amusing when they are basically walking on egg shells around me.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:20:46 Feb 18 2016
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I like the society that I find myself in.

I lived in the Ukraine in less than good circumstances; as a child I found myself driven away but that society wasn't really bad, it was just in survival mode

I now live in the UK which is much better, a lot of the folk here think they're hard done by - but they have yet to experience that

I live in a age where you can't trust a stranger, you dare not ask for help - but, when the need is really there, everyone rallies around, helps you out of the hole you are in and then disappears without fuss


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Termagant (58)
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15:40:33 Mar 01 2016
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i heard you should not judge a book by it's cover so perhaps judging a book by it's last page would be better.. we are all to quick to judge and not so quick to listen

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Heretic (18)
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07:35:52 Mar 06 2016
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i have always heard it, you can tell a lot about a society by how it treats it's animals. I guess you can also tell by how criminals, crime victims or homeless are treated as well.

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Unregenerate (63)
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07:42:52 Mar 06 2016
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Interesting read on peoples perceptions of society. As for mine well the older i get the more things stay the same.

We seem to be unable to learn from our mistakes and are caught up in what i would describe as the me me syndrome. And on a less positive day people are ass holes.

So what can we do ?

well for me i try to be positive do something nice once a day even if its as simple as letting someone out of a junction or holding a door open. I know its a bit like trying to empty the sea with a bucket but it makes me feel better.

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Savage (61)
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20:41:06 Mar 06 2016
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Its hard to say exactly how society is. I feel like it is falling apart but is that true? In my daily life I still find good people on a regular basis. Watching the news makes me think otherwise. Is it because we now have access to the media instantly?Does the media's negativity determine the general feeling of society? Think about it too long and you will see conspiracies everywhere!! I just do what I can to make it a better place.

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Royal Sire (204)
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13:54:30 Mar 07 2016
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Another good question is how you 'see' how the society treats you. How you take the actions of those around you, how you see the world and how you believe it see's you.

From race, religion, gender, ect.

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Heretic (18)
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19:57:49 Mar 07 2016
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I likeLore's lead... Random Acts of Kindness

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17:45:41 Mar 12 2016
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You can tell alot by the way a house or coven aka society treats you if your treated poorly and lied to you know you cant trust it. It however others are kind and mindful of those conciderd part of thier group then the society as a whole gets stronger and is more of a family unit. Most of us want to feel like we belong to a society or group. So it solely depends on the additudes of the society members does it not?

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Obtruder (51)
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22:11:27 Mar 14 2016
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I try to shelter myself from the society that I am faced with daily. I have a very hard time allowing others into my world, because society as a whole is pretty judgmental and closed minded. Plus, I really don't like people that much.

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13:00:47 May 05 2016
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Society is always changing and evolving. We have to understand that not everyone is willing to accept us as we are. Society seems to focus its care and acceptance on an ever changing group of people. Almost like a flavor of the month club or like a trend. Presently, Society seems a bit narcissistic and that is why I came to VR to be around my own "society".A society is truly measured by how it treats its weakest and most defenseless members.

A just and equal society is a good one. Today depending on where you live the answer concerning your personal society will vary.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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16:42:46 May 14 2016
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You don't even need to look at how society treats those at the bottom. It's the same no matter where you go, really (in that they're tossed to the wayside.)

Instead, look at how society's members treat each other. Especially those who aren't categorically disadvantaged.

That's 7 billion assholes. Hope is not an option, Smalls. At this point, the only chance our society has left to redeem itself is a near-cataclysmic event loosely similar to WKUK's Hot Air Balloon Poop Rope skit. Just let the parallels sink in.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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04:06:16 May 19 2016
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LOL@Isole and her complete lack of understanding on mental illnesses.

I volunteer for a local animal sanctuary and maybe a shelter, soon, if they'll get back to me. I consider myself a productive member of society. I pick up litter, have rescued animals a couple of times (my cat is from a feral, stray litter I rescued).
Other than that - I keep to myself. I'm an introvert. I don't enjoy going out, unless it's for a specific purpose. I don't like the place I live in, so I'm incredibly iffy about spending time outside my house.

Differences between this and VR: ... I am fairly similar (don't talk to many people, very selective), but a lot less spoken. I don't talk to people offline. I let people walk over me. I don't stand up for myself or others as much.

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04:09:24 May 23 2016
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How a society treats someone tells you what their moral code and founding principals are like. Additionally it speaks about their level of humanity and to what their core values are.

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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07:43:07 May 26 2016
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My immediate society is very conservation, and seemingly never open to knew ideals or beliefs. Strictly.

I learned to keep many 'odd and unusual' subjects to myself, realizing how quick the outspread would be in such a small gathering. Ever since, I've simply become an observer. Constantly interpreting scenarios in my mind, listening to idle chit-chat of convenient store shoppers, even reading certain behaviors from those around me. I still get around every so often, but I am definitely not one to join the crowd. I'd rather spectate everyone else, and keep to my own peace.

I can certainly say that my attitude is much more expressive and thorough when online, for nothing is expected of anyone. The internet is mysteriously intimidating, and frequently changing. Offline, I find myself sinking into a masked persona. It's frequently uncomfortable, and I do become irritated if I have to sheath this mask for too long. I'd SO gladly love to be in a community where I wouldn't be afraid to make the next elderly person uncomfortable, just because I happen to feel grounded in wearing a lot of black.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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04:21:33 May 30 2016
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What goes on behind closed doors is the truth about the society we live in, not the facade we see each day; The pain and anguish of the sheltered lives that society hides from all of us defines that society.

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No Longer Registered
17:42:48 May 30 2016
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Well any society that doesn't care for those in need and doesn't raise all citizens to greatness is horribly oppressive. That model of stratification is backwards and ignores the true meaning of humanity. Which is to develop technologies to provide all the necessities of living. Allowing civilizations to focus on the arts and raising consciousness. In my ignorant humble opinion. I'm so impressed with the societies that distribute the country's wealth equally to all citizens. This is a great thread. Everyone be blessed :-)

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Spellbinder (81)
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10:41:56 Sep 15 2016
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The society here in Malta is 50% good and 50% bad. Yet deep inside I am not happy by how it treats me. I am eccentric like who knows how many are the same out there. But here eccentricity is not very welcome, yet I refuse to be common.

Having mental health and physical one its normal here. you get treated well if they know you are insane or mood disorder, but being fat and not attractive like a model or a successor like business or political, then they outcast you in a lightning speed. Not comforting is it? That is how society is. Its always welcome to gay or bi, but not if you are a transsexual which that sucks too. Being transsexual and gay at the same time and having kids etc... is also not welcoming here. Malta still have to get better and better. But gay marriage is allowed and they can have kids but only if naturally done, so that part is also hard. The society here need to improve alot but what I love about this country is that we have low crime. The only crime we get here is Illegal Immigrants, drug smuggling/dealers, and theft.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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20:38:45 Sep 15 2016
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I am a deviant and I steer clear of society for the most part. I live in the Bible Belt where Donald Trump is the Great White Hope. Ugh. Not to get into politics or religion, but I do not fit in here. I pretty much live under the radar.

As far as how my society treats me? Pretty much as an outcast. I think too much. I'm too liberal. I'm too book-smart. I'm too creative. My hair is too red. My skin is too pale. I'm twice divorced, so I'm a Jezebel. I don't go to church, so I'm Satan, or, at the very least, a heathen.

One time, I tried to date this guy. He was a Christian--went to church and all that jazz. Since I'm not a bigot, it didn't bother me. I'd still date him if he was a good guy. Well, one night we got to talking about the dinosaurs. When I told him I believed in them, he got a little offended. That led to us discussing the validity of the Bible, and that progressed into talking about Heaven. Long story short, when he discovered that I didn't follow the teachings (although, I'll never say there wasn't a great guy named Jesus at some point), he said he couldn't be with me. His exact sentiment was that if I wasn't going to go to Heaven when I died, which I wouldn't because I'm a non-believer, he couldn't date me. Now, this is after him asking if I'd go to church with him some time, which I agreed to. Like I said, I don't hold it against people when they believe differently than me. Also, he told me that because he was a Christian he couldn't have sex before marriage. I said I was fine with that, after which he grabbed my butt and said it would be hard to manage. *eye-roll* Anyhow, he ended up saying some fairly nasty things to me. I kept my cool, repeating that I didn't hold it against him if he didn't have my same beliefs and that I respected his. I asked him to show me the same respect. He didn't. He just kept telling me I was going to Hell, among other things. That night ended with me in tears. He called a few days later and apologized. He said I had been more Christian in my attitude than he had been. Needless to say, the relationship never went any further.

^That is pretty much how it always goes for me, so, yeah, me and local society are like oil and water. And it hurts sometimes because I try to be a good person. I work hard to support me and my daughter. I don't do drugs or drink. I got my college degree while working and raising my kid. *shrugs* Oh, well.

Oh, and, yes, I am different on here. Here I get to be more me. In the outside world, I hide.

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17:08:09 Sep 24 2016
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" Society can be negative and positive .... but its mostly crap.

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Sire (107)
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09:52:23 Sep 27 2016
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I would like to add one other idea to support my previous comment.

Society is an attempt at civility. An organized and predictable state of control over our environment... for which our mastery of the mind as allowed us to construct.
But be mindful that it is still only a construct... a temporary state existing outside the rules that govern all other life on the planet. Survival of the fittest is the only true state of the animal kingdom. And for all that we are as human beings we are still animals and therefore can not escape the laws of nature for very long.
Vampires understand this better than most because we have to govern the dayside and nightside of our existences... As we watch time claim entire empires as quickly as new ones rise from their ashes. For as long as there is a will to control destiny the cycle will repeat its self.

How civil is a society??
As civil as the ability of its people to keep nature's will at bay.

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20:01:44 Sep 28 2016
Read 1,238 times

Society is indeed (and thankfully) a temporary construct but unfortunately when one collapses, another soon takes its place. So nature's way is only ever allowed to flourish for a small amount of time.

Civility is a joke that should have ended a long time ago.

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Firebrand (79)
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20:51:35 Oct 17 2016
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society sees me as something beautiful, intelligent, yet mistake me to be vulnerable they have treated me well enough although anyone that knows me well if one does not they soon regret making that decision been doing this on my own for years now

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Vexer (13)
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21:12:26 Oct 18 2016
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I pretty much stay to myself because it's what I prefer. I'm not an introvert, I'm actually very sociable when I go out, I just like being home. I have no filter and am loud, but people are comfortable around me. I'm pretty open about myself.

However, society makes it rough for most people. I just stopped caring.

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19:11:40 Oct 22 2016
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society could between a balance through rude and nice...people
I truly hate people that don't listen or knowledge when there listening..they would just sit there

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Premiere Sire (126)
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14:56:30 Nov 15 2016
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I wanted to re-visit this thread in light of recent political events, but I am not discussing politics. I just wanted to touch on what has been confirmed for me, in regard to my geographical location, as well as the nation in general. I have always been under the impression that my community was backwards. They are simple people, lacking in education and experience, and consider themselves religious. Progress is slow here because they lack the drive to seek more out of life. Now, this is a blanket statement. Not everyone here is like that. Still, generally speaking, this is how it is. It's always been so frustrating for me. I've always felt like an outcast.

During the course of this last presidential campaign, I was disheartened at the display of racism, bigotry, and sexism from my community. I mean, I knew they were like that, but ... Well, it was hard to have it confirmed. It seemed like every day I was unfollowing a friend on Facebook because I couldn't stomach their hateful, shameful attitudes.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this, and that's what is shocking to me. These attitudes are surprisingly far spread. Here I had been thinking that my fishbowl was a special kind of backwards, when in fact, it's not that special at all.

Point blank: society scares the crap out of me, and disappoints me on a level I never knew was possible. I mean, I have my opinion of society because of my personal experiences, but to have my opinions shared by so many people--across the world--I have never wanted to be so wrong about something in all my life. I want my view to be skewed because I'm bias. I don't want to be right when I feel that society is rife with hate and ignorance. I want to be wrong, and society has actually progressed to a point of acceptance and intelligence.

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02:12:01 Nov 16 2016
Read 1,098 times

Humans would probably have no real bigotry if it wasn't for society and religion, they are the ones that truly started the judgemental attitudes, the gender roles and so on.

Humans can be quite stagnant and will refuse to change their ways out of fear of the unknown.
Speaking of fear, humans always fear what they don't understand or find strage and unnatural. Of course certain societies and religions are the ones to say that certain things are unnatural when they are not.

The only rules that should matter is nature's, not mankind's.

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Vexer (13)
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03:45:02 Nov 17 2016
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Like shit.

That said, I appreciate some parts of it, though in all it should be wiped out and replaced with something better.

I've had the questionable pleasure of living in several societies/cultures/countries, and I could say negative things about all of them, far more than positive things.

We are fortunate enough to be able to steer as far away from the society I live in and the people in it as we want to, and take full advantage of that by keeping to ourselves.

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Vexer (13)
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03:48:20 Nov 17 2016
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How ironic it is that what they most fear (constant change) is the most natural thing.

Nature does not not stagnation. Not even in death is there stagnation, there is bacteria, fermentation and rotting as they consume the flesh of the animal that was alive only moments ago. Life is constant change, it never ends.

Stagnation is the end of everything.

When the final proton decays, then there will be no change.

What a horrifying thought, a species that finds its solace in the attributes of the end of the Universe.

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17:07:01 Nov 17 2016
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That is if humans survive that long, I certainly hope they don't because by then, this planet would be stripped of its green and other natural resources.

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No Longer Registered
11:48:45 Nov 21 2016
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Aside from a political point of view, and the ignorance therein...

Simply put, it depends on which part of society we're discussing. I know a few people from the Bible Belt that treat "out of towner's" like a pile of dung where a fly goes to rest.

Now, in the deep South... people are treated kindly and with a small taste of courtesy. Manners and etiquette are used on a daily basis and pedestrians always say hello to each other, in kind. "Where Y'at?" As the saying goes...

I would imagine that depending on the geographic region of the world, your host would treat you as well as that region expects to be treating a guest.

Society as a whole has a massive amount to learn regarding fellowship and etiquette, this is paramount as a conclusive answer. Nothing like 10 people getting together and forming a mob mentality. It happens all the time. This audience can easily agree on that.

But, if one person is taken out of that group and their motives are questioned, there will ALWAYS be a different answer and thus the result regarding morals, and justifications.

In the end... it is how one is brought up. Ignorance is bliss for the masses, who are on their cell phones and not paying any bit of attention, who's awareness is null and void.

For those who tend to be more "aware" and "awake", keep it that way and try not to fall into the trap and try not to let the chaos of life confuse you too much.

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Archfiend (57)
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15:12:59 Nov 21 2016
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I'm afraid my town treats the most vulnerable relatively well, but for the wrong reason. People with mental health issues (or fabricated mental health issues so they can afford medical care) are essentially only a paycheck to the people involved. If they stop cooperating, well.... I've seen one person with known suicidal ideations be "released" with no home (he lived out of town), no shelter, but with a baggie full of thorazine (a strong sedative, and he had enough to kill several horses, as it were).

It's a corrupt and greedy little place, but there are some good people here. And God help them, they're trying to make it better.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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23:47:54 Nov 22 2016
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I recently went on holiday to Gran Canaria for my best friends 50th birthday. The island has a huge gay scene and we have been going there for the last twenty years. I am 47. On our way home one night, i was attacked by a group of young gay men. They humiliated me. They claimed that I was too old to be out, that I should not be allowed out at my age, and that I was disgusting. They threatened to break my legs and leave me in a pool of my own blood. It left me very upset, very shaken, and all I wanted to do was get on the next flight and go home.

These were younger gay men attacking an older gay man. I am of the generation that has faught for gay rights, to give youngsters like them an environment by which they CAN walk around hand in hand, where they CAN get married, where we CAN lead the same lives as everyone else.

If this can happen to me, to be attacked by my own kind, then I fear for what lies ahead for all of us. I feel that we now live in a society where everyone is fair game, where manners and respect mean nothing. I was brought up better than that.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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13:13:02 Nov 25 2016
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A society that loses its respect or fail to show respect, at its roots, will weaken, crumble and eventually lead to its own demise.

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13:35:25 Nov 25 2016
Read 969 times

I wish that were the case but such stagnation can last for quite awhile. Its usually the disgruntled folks in such society that contribute to bringing it down.

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No Longer Registered
13:04:39 Nov 28 2016
Read 940 times

I've just joined so I wouldn't know which society I fitted in. But I'd rather find a society that's more of my age group and tolerant towards my bad spelling and poor grammar. Mind you English is not my first language.

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16:20:53 Nov 28 2016
Read 927 times

Then it is sub-culture you need, one that is in your age group. As for grammar, only a nazi would care, and if its not a native language, its even more forgivable. This is the internet after all, so its common, hell I have lowered myself just to blend in. Since those who are articulate and well spoken stand out the most on the internet.

In all honesty, the ability to speak, write and draw is not special or makes humans better than anything else. The Norsemen didn't read and didn't stop them from living their lives or having fulfilling ones.

Society is too artificial for its own good, a lot of it is useless in the natural world.

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No Longer Registered
17:07:01 Nov 28 2016
Read 922 times

Well if there is a sub-culture for ages 25-30 then I'll have a look. Humans have no respect for us. That's why in due time I'm putting them in their place and lowering them in the food chain. Its because of humans is why we are outcasts. So this artificial culture is our only refuge.

As for grammar Nazi's... I'll just speak to them in my language and it usually neutralizes them

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17:18:37 Nov 28 2016
Read 919 times

Us? I wasn't talking about HLVs, nor am I one. I am just superior to everyone else and view humanity as inferior to me, hence my speech patterns.

Well you shouldn't really be held back by an age barrier. Join what every sub-culture you wish within reason of course. I would personally avoid loner gimmicky cultures like emos/goths and vampire life-stylers.

Punk was good until it ironically became an establishment of its own.
I have found the steampunk culture quite interesting for its retro outlook, sure it has its gimmicks but at least in a more cooler way. I believe a sub-culture needs to be more than just a cosmetic thing, it needs to be a way of living that isn't for attention or for escaping their dismal reality (SCs are used as an escape fantasy)

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No Longer Registered
17:32:17 Nov 28 2016
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Thought this site was more the younger type of people. Pardon me but I just have a deep hatred for humans. Thought you had a similar view. Well it looks like I would fit in somewhere. Despite my sadistic nature

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17:44:32 Nov 28 2016
Read 912 times

Oh I do hate humanity, so much. I hate around 99% percent of them, only 1% of them worthy of my attention.

This site has no old age limit, minimum age required to be here is 13 I think which I disagree with, it should be 18+ because when you got minors running around, it is annoying.

Society is a joke that has outstayed its welcome centuries ago. Tribes is all humans need to fulfil their social needs, but its not enough, they want the world.

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No Longer Registered
17:49:30 Nov 28 2016
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Culture vs Subculture is irrelevant.

The "food chain" scenario is irrelevant.

Age could be relevant based on the pattern of maturity. I know a few younger people who act as though their 60 years of age. Than again, it is based on grooming habits and what their own house hold growth is like.

One does get irritated or should around the "mundane" population, sure. The "normal" people could be disliked for common sense reasons, yeah. But would this put certain people in with a "sub-human" classification... not necessarily "ABOVE" the "human" population... just slightly different than the "normal" aesthetics?

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17:58:27 Nov 28 2016
Read 904 times

I disagree, culture vs sub culture is relevant and so is the food chain. The latter dictates your place in the world and you should accept it, to challenge it is to challenge nature, that is stepping above your station.

Sub-culture is relevant because society should not be some massive monolithic culture that encompasses the world. Small tribes were healthy, these bigger societies are not.

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No Longer Registered
18:42:53 Nov 28 2016
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On the "social" level, they are relevant, I agree. But when it comes to aesthetics, foundations may be questioned.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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19:03:58 Nov 28 2016
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MxM, to hate humans so much, you sure do like to interact with us.

Kraft, when you were talking about finding a society that fits you, I thought you were perhaps referring to the societies here on VR: Houses and Covens. That got me to thinking about these societies. I've been in multiple Covens during my 10 years on this site and each one has been a different experience. I can tell from some of my stays that having "power" on this site goes to some people's heads. I've been Blinded and held prisoner, forced to earn a certain amount of favor or level up to Sire if I wanted freedom. This tells me that people need to get a life and get over themselves. On the flip side, I've had pleasant experiences in VR societies. I've had very kind Masters who didn't forget that we're all human (yes, human), and that we come here to enjoy ourselves. They treated me with respect and kindness.

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19:04:00 Nov 28 2016
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Of course, cosmetically and superficially, it is irrelevant to the natural world but then identity seems to be so important to humans that they need it, they crave it.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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19:23:20 Nov 28 2016
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Allow me to inject some 3rd party perspective here.

Individual programs define identity through purpose.

There is absolutely nothing wrong or out of the odinary with the desire to distinguish oneself as oneself for oneself.

It is only natural.

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19:47:40 Nov 28 2016
Read 880 times

"MxM, to hate humans so much, you sure do like to interact with us."

Cinn, I am aware of the irony of me being on a social network, but as I said, only one percent is worth my attention, I am seeking that one percent. Sometimes even the Devil is forced to make deals personally.

Well said Lazarus. There is some good noteworthy wisdom in those matrix metaphors, well done. Purpose is what can make society useful and healthy. Too bad that society currently functions on the purpose of making sure everyone else has none.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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19:55:25 Nov 28 2016
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And in there lies the great irony. You seek 1%, Morpheus sought after 1% as well.

They are ALL metaphors.

The problem is choice.

Which society do you choose? Which metaphor, which reality?

Choose your own adventure independent of how society treats you.

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No Longer Registered
19:59:00 Nov 28 2016
Read 870 times

Interesting concept... my quote is usually, "choose your own adventure depending on your perspective of society." Pretty damned close either way.

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20:00:10 Nov 28 2016
Read 868 times

Choice is indeed a problem, especially since there too many variables that can influence such choices poorly, ultimately its an illusion. Choices are made in reaction to external stimuli, ergo its just causality.

I decide what is best for nature, rather than the self. Smaller tribal societies would be much better than an all encompassing monolithic one.

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No Longer Registered
20:05:53 Nov 28 2016
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Agreed. Global misinterpretation seems to be the norm these days. I don't like being persuaded into "needing" to become anything. Much like the Borg from Star Trek. I refuse to be Assimilated. I prefer to be a free thinker and to act of my own will and accord. Without the trendy mindset or interpretations based off what what society is trying to "sell" or to manipulate in a staged front of "reasoning".

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20:28:54 Nov 28 2016
Read 860 times

That is another thing, fads. Its just a way to be a sheep no matter how ridiculous one would look dressed in today's styles. Media is not to be trusted as fearmongering is the weapon of choice by the government.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:49:36 Nov 28 2016
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And even though the Vampires fad is "out" as far as mainstream "society" is concerned.

Here we are. Independent thinkers. Talking about things the majority society tends to ignore. So with respect to the OP questions:

How would you describe the Society you live in?
I consider myself more of a tourist, an observer of society.

Are you an active participant in the society you are in or do you consider yourself a deviant and steer clear of your predominant society?
My participation is mandatory. This is enforced heavily within the matrix as some of you should know. Taxes for example, I wouldn't recommend one tries to De-activate themselves from participation. Fighting with the system can get ugly for you fast.

Since we are on Rave, would you say that your behaviour is different than it is in your offline life?
Yes. I find that VR does a lot of filtering in the sense that there are many already awakened minds here. Some striving to be awakened. Surely the most I've seen in one place since the MxO servers were shutdown.

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No Longer Registered
23:14:33 Nov 28 2016
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Since we are on Rave, would you say that your behavior is different than it is in your offline life?

To to skirt from the main question... but, there is no difference between my offline character and this online scene. I am who I am, at all times.

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Termagant (58)
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04:45:21 Nov 30 2016
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I try to keep my distance from everyone even here i dont mean to but I do its just how I am but from what society does to me i dont blame myself i am mistreated mostly so i dont talk much to anyone. Or hang out make friends ect like i used to i pretty much shy away from people. Or I just dont dont talk period as i stated earlier i try to keep to myself so i guess you can say i dont really care for society

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