I was just wondering how I could change the Vampire Rave logo at the top of my Profile with something of my own.
any tips pointers for a profile to look good clean and organized when you have no premium membership
Can rates and activities done on other Dark Network Sites affect a premium account here?
Can you use codes from other dark network sites and use them here?
have a lifetime membership and I would like to know what codes did you use to make the background fill your whole page and to make the boxes transparent
I checked the help pages but they weren't that much help to tell me how to do it
Thank you
I have video on my profile, but for some reason I can't put video in my journal. The videos on my profile are linked from youtube and they work just fine. I even tried to put those videos from my profile in my journal but nothing shows up. The space is there where the video should be but its completely black. Can anyone help please? Thank you! :)
Okay....so I just made all the menus transparent.
I want to add a background to replace the purple one.
Every time I try it goes black.
I'm not sure why.
have my profile do the same
know it has to do with the coding LadyC is helping me with that part
I'm having difficulty changing my profile background. Somehow I guess I am messing up the coding. Any advice before I toss my laptop across the room?
that's what I'm wondering.
I have not changed mine in forever so it is like starting all over again.
Hello -
I have recently come back to VR and noticed that the music player on my profile was not working
When I went back to the original site I used I realized that they had overhauled everything and were no longer offering the option to embed playlists.
My question is : Does anyone know of a music site that will allow me to create and embed playlists?
(PS I am a premium member - so that wasn't the issue)
Ive given up. Ive tried putting new background coding everywhere and have no luck. I got most of the other basics figured out though so Im happy with that
Why don't you ever update the Dark Network Profile Help Page?
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
I think that people coming to this thread usually need basic help. Getting more grandiose is usually for people that don't need help. That's how I view it. Personally for me, if I see something on a page I would enjoy doing I just 'view source' and rework it with my own info. But not everyone knows how to do that (even though it's simple).
If you come to this thread with the perspective that it's for people that aren't looking for advanced coding help- it's absolutely sufficient.
Ok I tried everything....if anyone can help me I would be really grateful.
I have a coven page that I am trying to fix.
I have text - this is left justified (good)
I have a scroll box - this is centered (good)
I have more text - this is centered (BAD!!)
I want the text under the scroll box to go back to left justified..
please help!
I need a css style sheet that has transparent and
can i code music on my premium and navigation bar pls
There is a code on the Help Page for it, but I am not sure how easy of if its even workable.
To be able to use a lot of the features, it really is beneficial to invest in a premium membership. It 'unlocks' a lot of the restrictions in creating a profile.
ok cool well just good to know some basic info : ) thanks again much appreciated!
Need help with navigation code i can put it in my profile fine but i do not know
were to put in it ... can someone help me maybe email me how to do this
hi i keep trying to make and embed coding for my profile but is not working sighs.
ok now for the orcale red Profile i know how to make my css and stuff but were do i place my graphics ?????????? i have no clue what im doing help me laughs
I've read thru and I saw the one post re; music players. I tried fileden but it is no longer fileden nor is it free. I've spent a week trying to find a way to add music to my profile... I've tried to upload to VR but I think it is just too large. Please help.....
thank you
found a player that embeds well on a site called Podsnack
is there something wrong with the forgot password it wont send to my msn account
can premium members use the music in here to hide ( like how do i keep the music on and have it hidden?)
Check out our Member Articles. ElderDaniel has codes for "whelps" and "media linking."
Password recovery link works just fine. Make sure you have an email on file...and updated.
I have decent photoshop skills and an extensive knowledge of html. If anyone needs help, especially non-premium as my membership has expired and that could be an issue... I am willing. There are examples of my work on my own profile, and I have created coven marks, pages, and crests in the past.
is there any HTML for Phantasm non premium users? preferably with music players included?
The embed code that music players, youtube, etc is not a free member feature. You have to be a premium member in order to put music players on a profile.
I need help on css coding was wondering if someone is able to help em
can you add youtube without them being actually on the page? i want to learn embed coding please
How do I have my music play, yet hidden? (For a premium account, of course)
I need help on a scrollbox for my stamps. I tried to use the codes on the help page but they did not work for me for whatever reason. If someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
Looking for help with embed code for you-tube video to put in profile, they use to work in the past but cant get them to now. what has changed if any..
You cannot use that code because you are a regular member. You must upgrade to a Premium Membership in order to use the embed tag.
I cant remember the basic background code for basic members. please help.
click on the image above and it will take you to all the codes you need for your profile
If you cant find the code... just let me know I have them all saved and can send them to whoever needs it
Yes! Help! Where are the 'Codes' located or can someone show me where to get page codes that work?~Mina
This forum thread is for basic profile help regarding information related to html and css code. For any other site issue please use the correct locations.
The standard Help request link found at the top of your Main Menu section is linked here for your convenience.
Vampire Rave Help Request
How do i put a background into a thread for my mentorship.
If you mean putting a background in a main/love me/society/sandbox forum thread- you do not.
Putting codes into the main forums is not allowed.
If you wish to have one in your mentorship forum, then you just put the code in a post.
need help with getting my profile so that its transparent
received help getting image of background cover whole page but not the boxes transparent
thank you
needing help......I have looked into the profile help sections of this thread ad I know how to put a background into my profile but I can't seem to figure out how to keep it from displaying into sections of 3. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong.
which fonts are default to be used in vampirerave and the other two sites
have over 3k in my font folder
How do you make the middle of your profile transparent?
You have to become a Premium Member to use advanced coding.
I am wanting to add music to my page but it's been so long since I've done so, I am unsure which sites support playlists that I can copy/paste onto my profile. Back in the day I used Project Playlist. Is that still around? Any suggestions are much appreciated! I'm hoping music can help liven up my page a little while along with the content I'll be adding when I revamp everything.
Ok, I got a photo from photo bucket as my background. Its 1200x800 yet I cannot get it to fill the entire background, I get a black bar on both sides of my image. What am I doing wrong here?
What I do is check what my screen resolution is (mine is 1600x900) and resize the image to that. It may stretch some images beyond the point of use though.
Thats odd...I did that and the image still got re-sized and there are still black bars on both sides of the image.
The image got resized outside your control? Try Lunapic.com
Tried some new coding that finally got it to work. Lots of trial and error with CSS.
Tinypic is what I use I also use lunapic to alter pic sizes then upload to photobucket
What CSS can I use on my Mentorship and where do I put, just started the Mentorship so new to the setup for it
You can use the same CSS as what you can on a premium members profile. The 'Setup' page within your mentorship will have the right box you need to put all your information in, I recommend putting the CSS at the bottom of all of your information.
No you do not need to be a premium member to use Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). For your profile you do but for custom pages you do not. I would source a code from a friend and work from that, if you need help with the code itself then feel free to message me and I could assist with that.
To use any kind of CSS coding you need to have a Premium Membership. It doesn't matter if it is Mentorship pages or Coven pages. If you are a regular member and try to use the coding, it will strip the page.
I would like to know if there is any html codes to help with a profile
I have a 6 months membership and I would like to know what codes did you use to make the background fill your whole page and to make the boxes transparent
I checked the help pages but they weren't that much help to tell me how to do it..
Click on the Dark Network Profile help page in the very first post of this thread, scroll down to where you see CSS help, hover over it and it should bring up a list of stuff that you can use
I can't seem to get the custom notification sound I've uploaded to my file storage to work in the message center.
It meets the criteria, mp3, less than 100kb but I can't fing anything in the help pages to guide me on what I'm missing, does anyone know?
Im not very savy when it comes to setting up banners and such. i recently joined a Mentorship, and wanted to set the banner to my homepage. how do i do this? thanks in advance!
Glad you wish to show some Vampire Rave pride.
If you're referring to your Profile as your homepage, adding a banner/s is a simple matter of copy & paste.
Vampire Rave banners are found HERE.
Simply highlight the code and copy. Then go to your Profile section and click "Edit Profile."
In the "Description section," paste the code anywhere you wish the banner to be seen on your Profile. Then update your profile (you will need to add your password to do this).
The banner will center itself automatically, and Vampire Rave banners also include profile links for possible referral points at a later date.
You can add any ofThe Dark Network banners to your profile. Please note that not all of them have profile links included.
~ billy
Does anybody understand the new CSS code for the Phantasm layout? I'm trying to get my profile background to be viewable with that layout and I looked at other profiles under that layout but couldn't understand where or what to do.
Do the same codes work on the Free Membership backgrounds as before the change?
Sorry to be a bother but Im having trouble getting an image to show on my profile. the code was: [img]http://img12.funscrape.com/en/emilystrange/30.gif[/img]
decondemon To add your mentorship banner you do the following steps:
1. Access your mentorship via the link under the PERSONAL menu or the "Your Mentorship" on the phantasm menu.
2. Open the "MAIN" menu with the down arrow.
4. Select BANNER.
5. Copy the desired HTML code listed under the desired banner size.
6. Access the Edit Profile page.
7. Paste HTML code in desired location on profile in the "Description" box.
8. Enter Password, and hit the SUBMIT button
xTaintedAngelx you can change parts of the Phantasm background but only with premium membership.
As far as "Free Membership backgrounds" If you are referring to putting a background image in a table this is still possible.
The code is a bit complicated but this is in its most basic form with out greater and less than symbols:
td background="URL of backround image"
"Profile Content"
Please read more about this code here:
AshCemetery The code you are trying to use is not intended for VR profiles.
I can not show you the code fully here but it looks like this with out greater and less than symbols
img src="(URL of image)"
For a more in depth explanation please reference this link:
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
Too much has changed on VR since this thread began, and the member who started it hasn't participated in this thread for about 6 years/hasn't updated the tips to coincide with said changes. So I am going to close this and encourage someone else to take the challenge and assist members with this topic in a fresh new thread.