All Profile Comments for lexx7757
Times Rated: | 760 |
Rating: | 9.115 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 760 |
Welcome to the Rave lexx7757. I hope that you enjoy our madness as much as we do.
Please let me know when you update your profile. Thanks.

greetings and enjoy the rave :)

enjoy the darkness!
If you have any questions message me or any acolyte
Darkest Greetings from DarkAngelDevina proud member of House Eternal.Come by and say hi anytime..I have rated your profile, and look forward to seeing you soon...
Mar 03, 2006
The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas welcomes you to the Vampire Rave if you have any questions just message me.
Welcome to VR - have fun!
welcome into the blessed darkness, feel free to stop by anytime, and let me know when you update so that I can come back

~Welcome to VR Hope you enjoy your stay~
Carpe Noctem
dark greetings and welcome to the rave.
please enjoy the addiction.
may you find what you are looking for

GREETINGS... I am stopping by with a gift, a positive rating for you. Take a look at my Profile, Portfolio, and Journal when you can. (Please feel Free to add me to your Friends List) ~VLAD~ |

Welcome and Greetings to VR. Hope you enjoy your stay. Stop by my site also and rate me. If you need help feel free to message me anytime.

Proud Member of The House of
Hi Lexx7757. Welcome to VR.

If you have any questions message me or any
★ acolyte ★
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 726 - 750 | 751 - 760 |
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