All Profile Comments for knightness
Times Rated: | 196 |
Rating: | 8.949 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 196 |
I am currently looking for coven members. Please message me if you are interested. If you are new here, you will get much help by reading the getting started section. Here is the link to help you... Getting Started
Here is the link to my covens main page...feel free to take a peek Infectus Somnium
Assistant House Master of The House of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas Lady Jigsaw has rated you.
Feel Free to Add me, Favorite My Journal and Stalk Me.
Feel Free to Add and Stalk Me :) I dont hand out 10's they are earned, If I have rated you low and you update please let me know and I will rerate.
Darkest Greetings...
If you add me please let me know so i may return the favor back to you.
xXVampAngie14Xx has dropped by and has rated you fairly .
Feel Free to Add Me, My Journal and Stalk Me. I'll Return the favor.
I use all the numbers...If I rate you low please feel free to ask for a rerate once you have up dated .
fallenangel51 rates you a 10
If you would like to rate me back and add Me and my Journal that would be great. Just let me know so I can come back and add you to mine.
Feel Free to add me and favor my journal. Bite and stalk me. Let me know so i may return the favor
MoonlapseVertigo, Assistant Mentor Master of Radu's Mentorship Students of the Bloodstone, has rated you.
Feel Free to Add me, Favorite My Journal and Stalk Me. I'll return the favor.
Add me to your friends list and favorite journal and I will be sure to do the same for you, Thanks.
Feel free to add me and my journal on here, just let me know & I'll do the same.
Click on my stamp above to see my work on You Tube & add me on there.
Stamp of MasterMel2
I extend my hand in friendship/protection!
This is the Stamp of Vampire honour, love and the thrill of the hunt!
Washing my soul in the rain of blood, my strength from its precious potion of strength, awakens my darkness. May your darkness be your light!
The blood is the life!
Drink and live!
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 196 |
Venerable Sire (134)
Haunt (40)
Venerable Sire (134)
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