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now energy shielding is designed as a visualization/focus exercise and can be used for protection if you feel someone or something is trying to zap you with energy in a negative manner
first i would like to say that energy can have many many different forms
it can also have many different qualities,just remember energy is much like an emotion as it can be happy and positive or it can be negative and cruel all depending on what you want to use it for
energy shields are easy to create,that is the easy part of making an energy shield but once it is created you must program it for a specific purpose
you can program your energy shield by placing emotion and feelings into it
basically this will create what type of energy you want
energy is either positive or negative,there is no neutral form of energy,think of energy being a light some are dim and some are bright and some flash and some are idle and left on
also you can create multiple layers on a energy shield and the layers can be all the same or each layer can be different
now there are many different kinds of energy shields that one can create
some can be small,some can be large,they can also be slow moving or fast moving
also shields can have many textures
such as...
the pillow or cloud shield
the mirror shield
the marshmallow shield
the sinking water shield
the air shields the can be hot or freezing
the fire blazing shields
these are just to name a few different kind of shields
now i will give you one technique for creating a shield
The Mirroring Energy Shield
now imagine a small white ball coming out of your belly button
let it grow to be about the size of a basketball
now picture this white ball of energy slowly becoming silver and mirror like,visualize positive happy yet protective and guarding emotions being placed inside this energy shield
now visualize all these emotions and feelings growing stronger as the energy ball swirls faster with its' energy
now imagine it being deflective like when you put two sides of the same magnet together,you know how they push away from each other
well imagine that kind of energy being created in this energy shield
now imagine it growing bigger and larger as the energy increases and you can now feel the shield becoming stronger
now visualize the round shield encompassing your whole being,it is all around you
now with this energy shield if anything or anyone sends negative energy to you it will reflect it directly back to them and whatever they wanted to happen to you will happen to them
now to close the shield just imagine the shield becoming pure white with energy and imagine all the emotions and feelings getting less and less and finally going away until they no longer exist
now imagine the white ball getting smaller and smaller until it is the size of a head on a needle now picture it dissapearing.
now for the breathing use the 4 breaths in,hold for 4-6 breaths then release for 4-6 breaths
use these breathing techniques from the beginning to the ending of creating the energy shield