The Apocalypse

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Author: SuicideDoll
VR Publish Date: Mar 27 2006

This article contains many controversial topics, and before I begin I'd like to say that the views expressed here are my own and do not reflect those of anyone else. Whether or not I am required to make that clear, there it is anyway.

The subject of the Apocalypse has been discussed and speculated on by writers, supposed prophets, members of the Church, and so many others. This article will offer two more theories to contemplate.

Few people would be shocked by the accusation that the individuals running our world keep secrets from us. Come on, no matter where you are right now, do you REALLY trust your government? Your answer to that question is likely to the negative, and for good reason. Our governments have given us absolutely no reason to have any faith in them whatsoever. They cheat and lie to us on a regular basis, and if asked, few people would have a positive opinion of those in charge of their respective country.
But could it be possible that the situation is even worse than we can imagine?
It all goes back to the events of Roswell, New Mexico, after government officials gave us that garbage story about a weather balloon crashing in the desert, when anybody with half a brain knows it was an alien spacecraft - which the headline in the Roswell newspaper stated the next day!
The Roswell incident is the proof positive point of government officials' willingness to keep things from us. After that atrocity, who knows what else they could be hiding? Occult secrets? Paranormal and supernatural cover-ups? The possibilities are endless.
By now, it is a relatively safe assumption that our governments are not above keeping things from us. The question is just how much is being kept. Perhaps the worst has yet to be exposed.
All around the world, people are dying from diseases in which modern medicine claims there are no cures. Illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, diabetes, and so many others are ravaging people's bodies and taking their lives.
Do you sincerely believe that after years and years of research and billions of dollars being put into finding cures for these diseases that nothing has been discovered?
This does not seem plausible. Common sense would state that there must be cures for just about - if not every - deadly disease on the planet. The chances of these treatments not existing are simply too remote.
Why on Earth would our governments sit back and allow people to suffer and die from these illnesses if cures are ready and available? Two hints: It's paper and you carry it in your wallet.
If these treatments were to be introduced, every person afflicted with one of these diseases who is spending money on pain medications and similar medicines would have no need for these things anymore. And the government would lose all the money they are raking in from the suffering of these people.
A harsh accusation? Possibly, but the evidence suggests it is a justified one.
If indeed high-ranking government officials are keeping everything mentioned here from us, the question is how long they will be able to do so. Which is where the first Apocalyptic theory of this article comes in.
It is hard to imagine our governments releasing this information to us on their own. No - it will have to be discovered and exposed. And when it is, this world will riot.
If this scenario comes to life, the foundation of our society will be destroyed. The world rebelling against those governing it - it's a situation with so many destructive consequences.
If the members of our governments feel threatened, they will undoubtedly not hesitate to play the occult and supernatural "card" addressed earlier. And in turn, those on the opposing side will counter in kind. Some of those working for the government who were unaware of their employers' little secrets will be devastated and desire revenge. Unintroduced advanced technology may also play a major role in this war.
Think about all of these elements - the world rebelling against those running it ... people switching sides ... the supernatural and occult ... high-powered technology ... this whole thing is just going to be a disaster.
Obviously, the best thing those in power can do is simply come clean. As for an explanation as to why they waited so long to reveal these things, they'll have figure something out. Hey, they're the government - lying is their job, right?
Of course, we are not to hold our collective breath on that. When this information comes out, there is a good chance it will have to be the hard way - as sad as that is.
It is said that at some point Christ will rise once again. When - and possibly even how - is still a matter of debate. Suppose this theory on Armageddon is correct: There is still no guarantee this is when He will arrive. However, this does bring us to Apocolyptic Theory Number Two:
Simply put, THIS is Armageddon. We are living the Apocalypse at this very moment. It's pretty obvious that this world is in terrible shape and getting worse by the year. Crime is at an all-time high and love has, in many respects, been put on the backburner.
Could it be that Christ is simply waiting until we hit "rock bottom" to act (and it's scary to think that we haven't reached that point yet)? Does the world have to get even worse than it is now before He will arrive? Is there a way to prevent things from becoming worse?
A theory has arisen regarding Christ's return. It has been suggested that His resurrection may not be physical, but that He will rise inside the minds of everyone in the world, changing every single person in the process. A sensible scenario, considering love has seemingly been replaced by greed, selfishness, and and evil during the last few decades.
The Pope is apparently aware when the Apocalypse will occur, but it is not his place to reveal this information. Perhaps this is for the best. The world could be thrown into chaos should every one of us become aware of the exact date and time of the world's possible demise. There will likely be Apocalyptic "warning signs", anyway, as it is hard to imagine Armageddon occurring instantaneously.
The topic of when the Apocalypse will occur and whom it will involve will likely be speculated on until the day arrives - should it ever.

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Nov 23, 2023

just no in every way. it will be simpler.

Sep 21, 2023
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