It wouldn’t be shortly after the conception of Adam and Eve and their fall from Grace that Cain and Abel would come about. It would be during the fall from Grace that God would continue to make others in his Image, it would be from this, that the races of the world would be brought about, yet the language would stay the same.
Yet it would be during the time of Cain’s Murder of his beloved brother Abel that the aspect of us, the awakened, would take place. As Adam and Eve began to pro-create our society as a tribe would slowly form and eventually we would come together. As this time goes on, during the curse of Cain for his murder, we would begin to form as a strong tribe, growing powerful with ideas and thoughts.
Eventually we would begin to play with Magic and energy which would help us grow and speak to those within the spiritual realm. Eventually through our playing with this energy we would find the grounds to perhaps surpass the forgetful mind that death brings to the soul as the soul is shocked as it leaves the body permanently.
It would probably be during the time that Enoch, the Son of Cain would be brought from Earth into Heaven without the aspect of death that we would finally find the means to perform a ritual that would help give us the edge we need. The edge to remember what we have learned in life after our spirits pass into the Spirit realm.
It would be during this ritual that our tribe created that we would be successful, yet also, it would gain the wrath of God as well. It would be do to this God would curse our souls to hunger for the energy of the living, even while we live within the physical flesh. With this we suffer and hunger, now feeding off each other, slowly killing our own tribe without meaning to do so. Yet, no matter what, we would survive as we now begin to understand the functions of Magic and the energy about us.
Now we would begin to pull this energy, not just from the physical form as in the beginning that we once did, but now through focusing our minds and spirits to attune themselves to the aspect of the energy about us. Eventually we would gain the strength to realize the potential this gave us, finding a strength within the curse that was laid upon us.
Finally after centuries of surviving this tribe would only be wiped cleaned from the earth as the great deluge took place. Yet, unlike those that died do to God and his desire to wipe the world clean of sin, we would live on within the spiritual realm, hunting, feeding, living just as we did when we were alive in the tribe.
After centuries have passed and humanity regained its strength we would slowly begin to emerge from the spiritual realm. Reborn into the physical, yet less able to remember everything of our past that we hoped the gift would have given us. Now as we continue our search for the lost knowledge of ourselves and that of the tribe we learn more and more about the energies about us and begin to find more strength as we ascend into an era of knowledge and technology.