immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 629    [ Give / Take ]


12 entries this month

04:22 Sep 12 2024
Times Read: 66

I do think we're finally past the triple digit heat. It's been one heck of a summer, at Logan's this past weekend, we got out of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice on Saturday around 1:30 in the afternoon, and it was 118°. Granted, the Valley is always a hell hole when it comes to heat, much like the IE where I live, but 118 felt utterly excessive. But, it's not going to hit over 88° for the next 10 days. I know we don't really get autumn here, we have summer, mild winter, a few days of rain, and then summer again, but I'm excited for the cooler weather. It's feeling like a "ber" month, finally.




23:46 Sep 11 2024
Times Read: 90

I know I need to do some updating with the House, change some things up, but man, am I just completely lacking in any and all inspiration to do so. I guess I'll just do small things, clean up the forum a bit, update a few pages, in the hopes that it'll give me the motivation to fix everything I want to fix.

It's times like these when I wish I didn't have a piece of shit laptop, because doing it all on my phone doesn't help with the lack of drive and inspiration.



12:28 Sep 12 2024

Facing a similar dilemma in ours, but going to work on some themed AI images and music mixes to get started.

21:41 Sep 13 2024

No... we're not facing the same dilemma in ours. lol.


03:32 Sep 10 2024
Times Read: 132

Ah, wildfire season in SoCal... I'm not going to miss this. You can't go outside right now without smelling the smoke from the Line Fire in Highland. It's really bad. I got home from Logan's last night and I could barely breathe with how much smoke was in the air.




21:46 Sep 06 2024
Times Read: 193

Reason 10,987 that I know Logan and I are meant for each other... I have a stupid little habit where if I hear someone say "the greater good" in media or whatever, I have to repeat it. Because I watched a lot of Hot Fuzz when I was younger and it makes me laugh. Logan is the only person I've met who does the same.

It's the little things, stupid as some of them may be, that make me know, without a doubt, he and I are made for each other.



23:54 Sep 06 2024

Ahh. :)


05:36 Sep 05 2024
Times Read: 222

I finally settled on a dress for Willow's (Logan's ex) wedding in November. It's been a bit annoying because everything I looked through had plunging necklines, or high slits, and that's just not my style. Especially for a wedding. It's a pretty floor length chiffon dress, I got it in a deep burgandy color, because I was talked out of black, it's simple but elegant, I think. I find it pretty, and that's all that really matters. I think it'll fit in well with what I'm assuming is going to be a gothy vibe, as Willow is very much into the darker aspects of life, like Logan and I. But, I guess I'll never really know until it gets here and I can wear it in person. That's the problem with ordering online, you just never know what something is actually going to look like until you try it on. I'm hopeful, though. I'm really hoping it's not too terribly long, as I was planning on just wearing some ballet flats, since I'm not a heel person. If it is, I'll have to get it tailored, since I don't have a sewing machine, and I'm not comfortable hand sewing a new hemline on a dress. Anyway, I'm glad I found something nice, it was getting to be pretty stressful looking for something I liked and felt was appropriate for the occasion.




02:17 Sep 04 2024
Times Read: 250

My sister-in-law had asked me last week if I would be able to watch the kids this Thursday, so her mom could take her out to dinner for her birthday before she goes back to Oregon. Of course I said yes, as it's been a while since I've seen them, and I love getting time in when I can. But, then she texts me this morning saying that Kevin wanted to wat h them and if that was okay with me. Did she expect me to say no? Like, how dare my brother come in and take care of his own children when I already said I would do it! It just made me chuckle, I would much rather have Kevin do it if he's able, since he isn't living at the house anymore, and I don't know how often they get to see him these days. I miss them, but I would never stand between their actual parent and them because I selfishly want to spend time with them. Maybe my mom and I can go visit them the weekend after this one, go out to lunch or something, just spend a bit of time together. It does make me sad that I won't get Christmas with them this year, since Liz is taking them up to Oregon before Christmas, and won't be back until after New Year's. But, times are changing. I couldn't expect things to stay the same forever, especially with the divorce. It just sucks.




21:19 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 313

Ever just feel like you're stuck in time? Stuck in a specific point, not moving forward? That's how I feel right now while I wait for things in Texas to get situated for the move. I want to get out of California once and for all, but it feels like the point when that will happen is getting farther and farther away, despite Logan assureing me it'll be next year. I just feel stuck where I'm at right now. I know I just need some patience, but that has never been a virtue I possessed. I want to be someplace new, I want to really start my life with Logan, and I want it all now.



23:56 Sep 06 2024

Yes - understand this so much. I could do this... Be nice to ... I can't wait to... as you wait for that second in time you are released to start doing what you want to do, need to do.


08:52 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 343

Her voice is giving me Stevie Nicks vibes.





05:29 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 362



05:12 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 378

It must be so nice to live in a make believe world full of delusions. To jump to such wild conclusions based on second-hand information. To be so wrong with what you claim to be fact.

Anyway, I'm done focusing on some bullshit some random person online thinks. I have a pretty wonderful life to focus on, a wedding to plan, a fiancé to spend time with. I can't let the silly opinions of bitter, miserable individuals get me down.




01:38 Sep 02 2024
Times Read: 493

If you're that upset over a stupid number I gave you on a silly website, I don't know what to tell you aside from get over it. I rate how I rate, it's even laid out on my profile so you know why I rate the way I do, if you don't agree with that, that's not my problem. I don't give automatic 10's just because you happen to be in the same Society as one of my profiles.



02:18 Sep 02 2024

Fake internet points matter, yo.

03:27 Sep 02 2024

Your two faced, rate what ever. The fact is your people like you are what's wrong with this site. Yep Reap was not the only one you tried to intimidate was it. You us your status to bully people.

04:09 Sep 02 2024

Honestly, that's some of the stupidest bullshit I've read. I don't use my position to bully people. I've rated the way I do for just about as long as I've been a member here. So, believe what you will, get mad over a silly, make believe number, I don't care. But do not throw such bullshit alligations at me like they are fact. They are not.

As for the Reaper situation, I gave her the same terms that other MVs have given her when she sought to be part of their House. The fact that she couldn't uphold her end of the deal is on her. But, really that situation holds no bearing to what you're bitching about, that being a rating.



03:14 Sep 01 2024
Times Read: 368


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