I was going to keep my mouth shut for once. But you just have to keep opening that cocksucker you call a mouth. Dude go back to jacking off on yahoo. By the way when talking shit and lying to others on facebook about me, you might want to make sure I don't have access to those walls. Never once have you ever put me in my place nor will you ever. So ladies should ifsadneshadachild invites you to cam, be carefull chances are he is armed with something that looks like a penis only smaller.
Agreed. Hope all is well. let me know if ya need anything man.
Exactly! Your private lives are not for anyone else to go around telling but you if you want it known. Jesus, people, really!
Bro, got yours and PDs backs ALWAYS!
I have apologized for my thoughtlessness. And I have also stated it will not happen again.
That's all I CAN do, and say to both you and PD. As I stated previously, I'm sorry for my thoughtlessness.
Agreed Dude!!
Ohhhh snapp....confidences are confidences for a *reason*.
tsk, tsk.
Sorry that happened to you, Wild.
You are so right in what you just said.
Just a thought. Maybe people who have been sent to Purg shouldn't be allowed to open covens. They have already proved they can't handle themselves. Still just a thought.
People are allowed to do damn near anything on this site nowadays, or have you not noticed this?
Sad, but TRUE!
WC you are not just my bro but my god damned hero! LMAO
uhm yeah, the Site has changed....
But sometimes people have just been brought into Purg as regular members, inducted without having caused any trouble.
That is a damn good point WC.
Just takes one bad apple to fuck it up for the whole bunch.
No doubt, and a great thought.
Fuck.. maybe I should go hang out there for a bit.. lots of hot dumb bitches I hear lol.
IDK about all coming out of Purgatory, most yes...
There are some who might come out changed for the better and it is true that some were inducted straight into it so why should they suffer?
It would be cool if there was a counsel or vote that occurred before you could even set up a coven.
There really is way too many covens anyway...
I agree, maybe its time for some Houses to absorb a Coven or 30.
No more games. Your do not induct stamps are now open season. Your stupidity will remind them everytime they see Purgatory on there profile till Sire. Don't like it tough shit. You were warned. Seaon opened today. Game on dumbasses.
I think I may even post the ones that I am watchin along with their progress.
lol.. that would be classic! "Promised/do not induct" stamps are as useless as a screen door on a submairine.
but wasnt' purgatory supposed to be a place for those that broke TOS. This seems an abuse of power for having the stamps on the profiles are not a violation of TOS. Rather the fit they throw afterwards is. So shouldnt' purgatory wait until the member throws the fit? Some don't. Some just contact the coven member and ask to be traded and the coven they were promised to trade for them. Seems like purgatory is being abused.
The whole system gets abused some just find ways to get around it.
For what its worth, I'm sorry. Will it happen again, more then likely. I have a pretty short fuse for certain things and a loud mouth. I have no clue what patience is. Being told tough shit isn't words I like to hear ever. I know you guys are busy and have a life. Not to mention trying to do much on here w/o being bombarded with perpetual stupid shit. Thanks for your time you do put in here.
So when did you make Master Vamp and can read IP's. Oh that's right you can't. Blaiming people with no proof. Just goes to show how little of life some people really do have. A close friend of mine on here and in real life just had a kid. He's has been a lil busy with the baby. He doesn't have time to be makin profiles and blocking he doesn't even have time to be here at all. Dude grow the fuck up.
So I guess people think I am the cause of this shit... Well grow the fuck up people.. My daughter is in the fucking hospital and I am here during work or when I am not at the hospital with her.. SO all you loser's who think it's me Go get fucked. Have an Admin do the IP check. Message Cancer requesting an IP check if it all pleases you.. SO whoever thinks this is me. Come forward and say it to me personally..
It doesnt strike me as your style Wildchild.I certainly dont feel you would hide behind a profile to do what this person is doing.And Grievious,no way I feel it would be you either.Sure hope your daughter gets out soon.
That's not his style. Do something to your face. Fuck that would be like admitting he does have balls...
Thats beacues its really him doing all tis and saying its me.. playing his fucking games.. jealous much
I noticed.Oh well some are just twisted and theres not much to do about it.It doesnt matter though,what he does isnt going to change anything about me.So what,our levels drop.Doesnt change who we are.
This fucker comes back ever night doing this!
Date: 07:02:01 Aug 20 2010
Rating: 1
Shame on you for picking on the disabled. FUCKING LOSER!
Fuck you NikKi..... 30 fucked profiles and one dumb ass behind them.
Bate rater!
I don't know any one on VR thats disabled,
And who the fuck is Nikki?
Wait What the fuck did I miss??
A lot of them have their little Master Vamp friends check it, thats not the case here but still, I know some Master Vamps that do it for others.
Not only is it not WCs style but it isn't GDs style either. There is 3 people here who I consider my extended family - GD, WC and PD. Mess with them and if they don't knock you flat I will be standing in line. I consider them my extended family and I would gladly go to war for them.
Uhm, this isn't something WC would do.
Sorry your daughter is in the Hospital GD.
Now why can't ever'body just get along?
There are VERY FEW people I know well enough to stick up for. They know who they are. Theses are people I respect and respect me back. I feel they know this as well. We have "normal" conversations, we laugh we lie but most of all they know where unspoken boundries begin and end. They don't put me up to help them out of the hole they dug unless I was digging with them.
Granted on occasion I do ask for help on things. I don't know it all never claimed to.
Just cause I talk to you doesn't mean we are friends. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and tolerate people for others and I do. Which brings me to my facebook. That is for ME. If you don't have a way to contact me other then here chances are you WON'T BE ADDED THERE. That is mainly for my family and CLOSE FRIENDS. If I didn't send you a request there is a fucking reason I don't want you there. This is the only sight where I don't really care. Not that my family doesn't know I have an alt lifestyle but they don't need it in their face when they log on. Don't like it tough.
To get back to my point of all this. You don't suck me, fuck me or feed me. If you haven't been to our place or been invited out with us, for the most part you are an image on a screen that goes away when I log off. I'm not going to name names, I don't have too. Now since I don't drag names around LEAVE ME THE FUCK OUT OF THE DRAMA. I HAVE MORE THEN ENOUGH ON MY PLATE I DON'T NEED, WANT OR FUCKING CARE FOR YOU TO ADD TO THE LITTLE I DO HAVE.
*pats her eyes* Just a Rat to you... I understand.
I keep telling you SNAKE FOOD...
*shakes head* AMEN BOSS MAN!
And this is why I love you and PD. You guys still rock.
For those that do not know WC and PD - well...you can ALWAYS count on them to come straight out and tell you what is what. And they won't be blowing smoke up your ass either.
I luff joo. Do you needa beat me to vent some anger? I'll totally let you. Maybe you needa watch me beat PD.. I can do that too!
I get what you mean. I chit-chat with some but they are not my friends. They are just entertainment. There are very, very few that I consider friends. Some just don't 'get it' and they probably never will.
But but but I want you to be my facebook buddy I only have 20,000 or so.
To quote WC: HES A SADIST!! :P
They did it the newest demon spawned at 3:52am weighing in at 5lbs 2oz. Congats you two.
Awwwww, glad everything went well for them :D
That is great to hear Congratulations to the parents.
WOOOHOO BABY!!!! The newest sinner is out and about!!
Congrats to the new parents. :)
Aleksandra is her name...
Currently in the car with gd. Sa's water broke. She's on the other end of town. Going too meet at the hospital more later..
Don't know who that is but best of luck to them :)
Grieviousdemon and is much better half xxslaveangelxx..
Keep us informed!
Asking random people to be your slave only makes you a master of stupidity.
dumber than that! hahahaha
Assuming he is the same person, he messaged my PD. I told her that she isn't allowed to lower her iq to his level to talk to him.
he messages me and my Husband will have a field day with him. oh what fun that would be to watch....lol:)
I thought I had said my say on some dramtic bs going on.
I now washing my hands of it. I am just going to stand at the gallows and watch you hang yourselves.
2 covens are going to go at it over a fucking question I have 1/2 a nerve to go rate you all 1's and block you till its over just to secure my sweden stance.
I've already washed my hands of it. My last entry was the end of it, as far as I am concerned.
Continuing stabbs in journal entries is NOT doing anything but adding fuel.
Wrong last entry lol. No, there's one after that in which I washed my hands of it.
I am only in the middle as far as ALL parties involved are friends. I was in the box when this shit went to the stupid side.
A simple question was asked "what is a wand". That was it,simple question simple answer. But no it can't be like that. Then "google it" was a reply. Safe enough for the box right? Sadly no it wasn't.
The box is a public chat function meaning it is for everyone. Meaning if you don't want a comment don't post.
From a stand point in my lifestyle people should be more willing to share info. The more people learn just maybe one day bdsm won't have such a bad rap.
Why didn't I get involed when it was going on? IT IS BECAUSE I WAS THE ONE WHO STOPPED FOR THE 2 MINUTES IT TOOK TO ANSWER WHAT HE WANTED TO KNOW. And in that time it went down hill.
In short there is no winner.
More then one account pussy ass bitches.
Now with that said. I am not referring to people who mind their own business and have them so they can be in more then one house/coven. That's easy to understand, sort of. Reach Sire and travel I don't know of many poeple that won't let you come and go as a Sire. hell most of them like it just for their rating boost for being there.
Now to those of you who do it for your bi-polar side. you are just stupid and thats too much credit. You need a life.
I have one account, the reason is simple I DON'T HAVE TO HIDE FROM SHIT. Like me or not I will be me. Not some alt. account you had to make up so it looks like you have a set of balls. I have balls I have always had my balls. Hiding behind other accounts is just a pussies way out of owning up to shit you caused. You are a weak person and its sad you can't be yourself. People might actually get some respect instead of being shit on all the time.
*slinks away....*
*makes note to proof read prior to posting angry posts*
But ,but... I didn't do nuttin, I likes you ,whimper , sniffles , Please don't yell no more.
Eh. Mine's for my home away from home...Pffbt.
Besides, we like our WC.
these people are also known as shut in....lol
Oy fucker! I have custody of those balls 4 nights a week, and every other weekend. Its in the contract. Read the small print! So, don't go flashing everyone OUR big balls all the time! I want to use them too. ;p
Contract = These balls are belong to PhoenicianDream... 4 nights a week, and every other weekend. Don't like it, too bad. You've already signed in blood prior to reading this. Oops for you!
LMAO! good one. WC you are a loved guy.
Only 4 nights a week PD???? Damn!! BALLS!
Why do I have the hardest time talking to you? Why can I never get out what I mean and you understand it? Why can't it be simple? FUCKING WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY WHY? WHY? I don't get it. Prolly never will.
2 times one or the other has written each other out of out lives. Both times with the same words. Goose gander thing, that I get. It's a reminder I live with because that was simply put one of the worst times in my life EVER.
I'm not giving a history lesson for every one, those who know you will keep their mouthes shut.
I wish things were different, I wish that time never happened NEVER EVER HAPPENED, it's a very dark dismal time that to this day I am still not over. The way it went, the day I found out Scott died. I simply lost it, everything went. I put myself into a blackhole that to this day haunts me. It hurt now as if it were yesterday at times..
When I said civil I meant it as lets start in small doses. And it appears as if I meant it like 2 ships passing inn the night. I have my reservations as I am sure you do.
So in short, the balls in your court. You want to see how it goes, ok. Should you message we will see, if not hey I truly do wish you the best.
*hugs you tight*
You know anytime you need to chat brother I am here.
So now we have a coven master making free accounts and rating people ones and blocking people because said doesn't know how to use grammar. Tell me again why they are aloud to have a coven after blowing the TOS to hell? It's not like you can say I made them by accident and the profiles did what they wanted too.. Just once I'd like to see some originality, you are very lack luster in your efforts since EVERYONE before you has done the same thing.
That was my question as well.
yeah like 3 accounts thus far that I found from them being asses.
Well since you want want to make my personal life public this is so everyone will know. Yep been out of work for almost a yr now. Not by choice, its always the same shit too you have too much experience, not enough or we alreeady filed the position. Just once I'd like to hear something good. Not much else to do but to go on to the next one. Yep it has put one big strain on things between PD and myself but hey it was a personal thing.
Now on to you. Does you g/f know you send gifts to married women? Does have tthe same list of number from here you do or did you spend all your off hrs deleting them. I guess once a backstabbing low life always one eh?
While we are speaking our minds I really think you are jealous. All you issues with me stem back to PD. Is that she won't run to you. A lil fact you might like to know, I told her to go out there when you invited her. She stayed. So grow up, get a life and try to take care of business in your own back yard.
My back yard could use some pruning... Oh wait.. I live in an apartment, I dont have a back yard...
Ignore me...
In today's economy being out of work for a while isn't something to dig at anyone over, it's epidemic nationwide. People are skimping and doing everything they can to get by while searching for another job. I will wish you good luck in your search though :)
I agree with Nightgame .
AYW yep I blocked you. To this day I still think you are VR's resident piece of SHIT. Lets back some ok. See this all started when him and scarrlett ass raped Silverbow. He can claim you don't want to deal with me but I have NEVER EVER been removed as a coven master... I blocked you back then. You being the big man that you are went crying to PD to have me unblock you. After some time I did! I also told you that IF you ever messaged me again I'd block you. In my world you have less use then shit in my book.
Just incase heres a lil reminder...
On 04:35:33 Feb 24 2009 (-0 GMT) Cancer wrote:
Today the House of Madadh-Alluidh was looted. 15 members and all Favor was traded out to atyourwindow's Coven, The Festival of Decay.
This was done in defiance of my decision to make Silverbow a Master Vampire and leader of House Madadh-Alluidh. Here are the results of today's actions:
All trades, including Favor, were reversed and sent back to Silverbow.
Atyourwindow's Coven was penalized 100,000 Favor for participating in this looting. The Favor went to Silverbow's House.
Scarlett, the member who performed all the looting, and who is also a VR Consul, lost her position. She is no longer a Consul of Vampire Rave.
Think twice before doing something you know to be wrong.
This message is being sent as a Master and Acolyte message.
All I can say is let our records speak for themselves shall we.
And with that being said.. Yep I am an asshole. Atleast that I am upfront with it. I won't be the one stealing your favor....
Personally with such an action the Coven should have been absorbed, and those who allowed such action should have never been allowed to create a Society on VR ever again. Obviously Cancer has a kinder soul than I.
BTW coming and rating me a 1 how ever often you want just shows how "childish" you really are.
LOL. Like anyone cares about recieving a fucking 1. Come on man. Especially WC. You knew it was wrong all you thought was oh nice I get all these people and Favor. Anyone within the walls of the Coven who were admin should not have been allowed a Coven. Or IP banned.
yeah lets not forget how a certain admin of his was removed from position in his coven when the trades were questioned and even a few were declined by that person. the best part was his excuse.. "I didn't want you involved". Yep he's a winner I tell ya.
Aug 01 2010
Thanks for the Visit. If you disagree with anything I have to say you know where to reach me. I wouldnt care if such actions were done by any Master here on VR. The actions we're BULLSHIT - and the penalty not harsh enough.
Actually the one to feel sorry for over this is going to be PD for have the endless line of whining dribble he's going to be sending her way...
Oh no AYW what will I ever do. You removed me from your friend's list and favorite journal. I think my world will never be the same. Come on man grow a pair. You can keep my rate / adds I refuse to stoop to a childish level to apease you.
Yeah he did the same to me.. Funny thing is, I don't have to cause I'm not fake enough to friend some one I don't like...
all I am gonna say is that to do that to another Coven is plain bullshit.
not a Coven but a House. And did it to Silverbow, one of the nicest people I have EVER met. He was prolly just trying to impress scarlett anyhow. not like he has the brains to come up with shit on his own. but he will damn sure follow like a lost puppy dog.
Holy shit...wow.
I always knew there was something off about him...this is the main reason I ignore this site fairly often, and can be found elsewhere..LOL!
hahaha he "put me in my place" you are fucking sad man really. If blocking me and rating me a one is what you call that. It's the internet stupid, you act like doing that is such a big deal. NEWS FLASH.. You are not the first fuckwad to rate me a 1 and block me. Like I said you are VR's resident piece of shit.
Well..I think everyone needed this reminder. I have always said what a POS he was and untrustworthy. When you start accusing people you are supposedly friends with of being a backstabbing bitch and getting in the middle of your relationship when you have not said a single word - and have not actually spoken to the person in question but instead trying to cuss them out without getting the exact facts, then you have proved it. He did that to me. I can honestly say for a fact I did not once try to get in on his relationship to LadyDarkRayne, because she was and still is my friend and I have nothing but love for her. If she is happy with him, then I am happy for her, but when he came to me he actually tried to threaten me telling me not to talk to her ever again or he was going to block me and rate me a 1, as if that even mattered.
Trash always begets trash, and that is all he has ever shown himself to me as. I haven't spoken to him since that day and have no desire to do so, I am glad he alienated me. I am glad he took me off his friend's list and I am glad I don't have to deal with him. If he messaged me for trades in any circumstances after that, with the exception of 1 - and I went through LadyDarkRayne for that - I would reject them.
Well I didnt get rated a 1 for speaking up on this as I would say this about any CM who did such actions. If ya cant handle the truth man. So be it. I cant help it if your irritated by your cotex.
I know I shouldn't have lit the fuse on his tampon but I got sick of him bleeding near me...
This is why Scarlett is a cunt bag and ayw has so many people blocked his overblock is maxed out..
Personally I knew he was a peice of redneck white trailor trash.......from the moment he started making fun of my looks???? the fucker has the nerve to call me ugly....ME!! (does anyone disagree with him on that????) when he wears a damn cowboy hat??? can we say TROJAN MAN!!!!!!
Now ever since Scarlett called me a dumb bitch I have hated her....... hence why I give you total kudos for divorcing the bitch!
Silverbow is one of the sweetest people in the world who doesn't have a mean bone in her body.......for these two fuck wads to go and be dumb ass cock suckers and steal favor?? they need to be shown the way out the damn door!!!
Well I made this journal entry and going to post a replay for y'all here ... He proved to all of us what a childish little boy piece of shit game player he really is. And all because most of us commented. He wants to be the little boy so be it. I won't bother playing his games, I don't have to. He makes himself look foolish by his own actions enough as it is. And the more temper tantrums the troglodyte throws, well the worse he looks to everyone.
Oops forgot to add the recap:
Well he made WildChild's journal and just because I commented and said what was really on my mind, well he came by with this. I guess the truth hurts. Doesn't bother me. He has shown that he himself is the douche bag that he claims WildChild is. It is a case of mind over matter, AYW. I don't mind and plain and simply you don't matter. The only trash on this site is you.
Profile for atyourwindow
| Block |
Date: 19:53:43 - Aug 02 2010
Rating: 1
ask and you shall recieve...and no ladydarkrayne thinks you are trash.
I might also add that LadyDarkRayne stopped speaking to me but SHE was the one who messaged me awhile back so if she thinks I am the one who is trash then she hasn't said it to my face, nor has she shown herself to be the hypocrite that AYW has. AYW you may wish to let her speak for herself instead of putting words in her mouth for her again, like you did last time because I did tell her what you said and her reply was I speak to who I want, and he doesn't tell me who I can be friends with.
Some people think that they are above the rules and that Vampire rave has forgot that they are a cheat and in my mind got off way to easy. There profile need to be suspended to Infinity and there IP blocked . But that is just my two cents.
16:10 Aug 30 2010
sorry man...
*stuffs very small penis back into pants*
; P
18:30 Aug 30 2010
o.O another keyboard warrior? Shit they are multiplying at an alarming rate, need to find a way to sterilize them and fast...
20:01 Aug 30 2010
...i think they just need some cellophane or reynolds wrap.
: P
21:13 Aug 30 2010
*chortles* WC...have I ever told you what a nice person you are?