Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 23,604    [ Give / Take ]


30 entries this month

00:51 Oct 29 2010
Times Read: 1,142

Joli and Nightgame (Cat) have shared poems they wrote after seeing a image, or travel with me these last few weekends. While they have posted them in their own journals, I am placing them here for me to keep.

Nightgame's (Cat) first-


Lost in the darkness that was once so dear

Now only filled with sadness and tears

Heartache has found me with it's grip so tight

Peace and joy seem forever lost to sight

Shadows of torments creep across my brain,

giving hints of the sorrows I've yet to claim.

Time once neverending, is now become dear

Each moment that passes brings new loss and fears.

If time could be frozen, would I even dare?

Or just keep my appointment with despair.

Grief comes in stages, but I seem to be stuck

Mine keeps returning like a babe that must suck.

I have hollowed out a home within it's walls,

so to be easily found whenever it calls.

Hiding won't work for it's a lurker you see,

whatever I do it always finds me.

**Written after a trip with Rat to photograph abandoned buildings and a conversation as to the pain of loosing our parent(s).

Joli's -


I met Van Gogh at eternity's gate

Where falsehoods flaked

Like paint beneath a child’s gift

Rendered in a wax crayon spectrum

Of nature and nurture.

I tried to sleep,

To dream the dreams of someone else.

You enter and that invites me in,

Stays the hand

Of fight or flight

For another day

And another day

Telling me to sleep

In a hypnotic slowness,

The voice of a day

And a day and a day

Where Van Gogh whispers

“Take up your pencil.

It’s in the eyes,” he confides,

“Never cathedrals.”

I want a white ray of light

To expose every dark sermon

Proclaiming emptiness is form.

But what form?

I would wear my piety as unadorned

As my fears and fatigue

But for the sorrow of an old man,

The compassion of a girl child,

A crayon,

And the memory of a starry night.

** Dedicated to VampireWitch. Thank you for the inspiration your image provided. Without it, these words would not be.

The words these ladies shared from the photos, the location mean the world to me. My heart is touched, knowing you felt as I, seeing these images. While a camera shuttle may be my way to express - yours are with words. And what wonderful words they are.

Thank you.



14:17 Oct 29 2010

I love Joli's poem!


23:52 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 1,149


Quote: I am not getting back on here please don't rate or anything please and thank you.

I'am not going to be back on here, ever again. I like this place but I am not going to get back on so please do not rate or anything to my profile. Please and thank you




Did I rate it? Fuck yeah...a 1.



00:26 Oct 29 2010

I thought, if you're not going to be back on here...then DELETE. Otherwise, you sound like an attention whore!

16:59 Oct 29 2010

I basically thought it must be a joke or something or ....... wait for it ........ A NEW WAY TO GET RATINGS lol guess what ? I took him at his word and didn't rate him at all. oh well be careful what you ask for you just might get it.


00:27 Oct 28 2010
Times Read: 1,170

Failed the DOT physical. But the Dr. came into the little cubical and we worked on it. Blood pressure the second time, after some deep breathing, passed. Blood work done and she will look to see if I was having issues with it. Also I am to keep my own, read it twice a day for a month- see if it is high. The small cup on a fat chick is not good as it hurt, but I am having more pain behind my eyes by the time the day is over. May need to up the blood pressure pill.

The eye exam. Seems the right eye that drains all day failed. I explain this to the Dr, one of the three problems I was having. I am rubbing it all day to get the gunk out, makes it sore. She used a eye drop, cleaning my eye out, and retested me and I pasted. Yeah!

So- eye drops, and pills for the eye. Blood pressure in question. Other then that she said I was good- need to lose weight.



04:58 Oct 28 2010

If you get your own bloodpressure machine, they come in a wrist one, that is more comfortable for us big girls. Also, thing to know, tell anyone taking your blood pressure with a regular cuff to put it on your forearm. Still hurts but not as bad and its the same pressure. If you do it in the store, just put your forearm in the machine....again, doesn't hurt and isn't as uncomfortable. :)

05:54 Oct 28 2010

Unfortunately the wrist cuffs aren't as accurate. If you buy a machine you need to get a cuff that fits in order to make sure the reading is correct. Cuffs which are too large or small will read you b/p as either too high or too low. Talk to your pharmacist when picking out your machine....or call me. :p

Glad the doc helped you pass.

03:07 Oct 29 2010

Glad you passed and also that the doc is going to help you work on the problems bothering you.


15:23 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 1,192

WAYYYY cool! The PR lady from the hospital called. Yes- she would allow me into the closed hospital to take pictures. And she was fine with a Saturday morning at 8:00 am meet up time.


Wonderful way to spend a early morning - in the dark Fall weather...wondering the halls of a closed dead silent hospital.

*evil laughter*



17:06 Oct 27 2010


Can't wait to see the pics!

23:28 Oct 27 2010

I think......there should be meds for that. :) Just teasing.

00:20 Oct 28 2010

Gurrrlll! You sho know how to party!

00:23 Oct 28 2010

Hah! At least you won't get summarily tossed out on your can from this one. =) Yay!

05:56 Oct 28 2010

Somehow I know there will be comments about me connected to these pictures. *hides needle, smiles, innocent whistle*

Maybe I do hang out in the basement too much.....


00:03 Oct 27 2010
Times Read: 1,209

All day with the last of the repairs on a rental house we rented last week. The family sold their home and kind of rushed us, moving in before I had finished the last of the repairs. So.. new door, filters, fire alarms, few last things done today. One more day needed to repair a weak spot in one of the bedrooms floors, work on the closets bi fold doors, and replace the metal mail box pole with a treated wooden one and all is done.

Never even got into the office today.

But got to Lowes two times.

So catch up in the morning at work, dr. appt in the afternoon.

And just the rain on the metal roof is making me sleepy. :)

Might be a early night for me- lab work at 7:30 am.




12:46 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 1,259

A vision of Imagesinwords.



13:00 Oct 25 2010

absolutely beautiful

14:11 Oct 25 2010

Glorious. Love the rays of light.

15:15 Oct 25 2010

A lovely photo and I agree that it fits Images perfectly. The open minded beauty that she shows here.

15:28 Oct 25 2010

Its beautiful but then just about all of them are.

17:27 Oct 25 2010

The lighting is awesome!

20:56 Oct 25 2010

Nice there Katie Did...:)

22:14 Oct 25 2010

you have such an eye for beauty-

And such a gift for making people feel special...

01:56 Oct 27 2010

Sorry I didn't see this before. BEAUTIFUL photo and sentiment :)

02:20 Oct 27 2010

She is a lovely little mind/soul/being. =) She always creates smiles inside me.


12:35 Oct 25 2010
Times Read: 1,260

I seem to have issues with many people of late. I don't know if that is just me, or if they are just trying to piss me off.

On the other side... it is nice to 'walk' into a photo forum and be able to hold my own. I have several people to thank for that. :)



22:15 Oct 25 2010

It's not just you. I, too, have been having a problem with people at work here lately- seems that most of them are just out to piss me off for no good reason other than they can


01:59 Oct 22 2010
Times Read: 1,299

After a few hours on the phone with Adobe, talking to four people who spoke poor english, my photo edit is working again.


So the hosptial and other photo I have taken of late are on hold till I get another night free.

I went from fall leaves, rusted out old trucks on the back lot, hospital, back to fall leaves. lol

Anyway- here is one of the set waiting for me.

Now I am going to bed.




17:08 Oct 21 2010
Times Read: 1,319

I just love it when I get a call from a mover in Fl. asking me, in a small voice, if my driver had handle the shipment in a town 100 miles away.

"You are the listed Destination agent for a shippment in Palmer, Ky."


"I guess you have not heard....did your company move this? The customer is calling me."

"Well Lady I wish I could help but my company did nothing in that town in the last few months."

"Oh. Nevermind then. Thanks."

*hang up*

Yeap... keep those military moves going the way you are US Goverment.

You go cheap, let people off the street able to rent a uhaul and move those families... and I will get more and more calls from movers who acted as brockers who can't find them.

*two thumbs up*



21:53 Oct 21 2010

NOW you know why I got sick and tired of Florida...the rank stupidity in general and the military specifically went a long way to souring me on wanting to have ANYTHING to do down there...

05:50 Oct 22 2010

Just run for office. You'll make good money and bring some common sense to Ky :)


15:11 Oct 21 2010
Times Read: 1,331

Last night dinner with the gals as I am out of town on Friday. Cat listens to head banging heavy metal music. The kind that Birdy and I call screaming. Yes- we can’t stand it. She tells us of the radio station’s DJ joke and Birdy looks at me.

Me:“It’s the satellite radio station, the screaming music.”

Birdy:“Oh. Don’t you get enough of that at home?”

Score one!

Then we talked about the upcoming Halloween ritual and Connie offers to bring the music.

Birdy: “NO! Rat can do the music.”

Cat: *pouts*

Me: “Ahhh you made her sad, apologies to her.”

Birdy: “I am sorry your taste in music sucks, nothing anyone should ever enjoy listening to.”

We all busted out laughing at that one. Birdy turns to me with a smile, that little glint in her eye.

Birdy: “So- is that the kind of apology you wanted?”

Me: “Remind me to not ask you for another one.”

Bad enough she told me how they drain out the blood from a dead person, then kept bringing it up usually when I put food in my mouth.


LOL- got to love sisters.



15:30 Oct 21 2010

My heart was plumb broke... ya'll don't like my music :( It's not all screaming sometimes it sounds like they're about to vomit :) Plus you want to drown out the kids crank it up and watch the dumbfounded looks as they no longer bother me. lol I still think a little Distrubed would make the ritual rock!

02:48 Oct 22 2010

Apparently we already have some Disturbed......YOU....for listening to that music..:)


14:03 Oct 21 2010
Times Read: 1,345

Went back and spent last night (4 hours) doing a few edits on the Civil War pictures. They are resized, and uploaded for Birdy to pick the ones she wants a full out edit on. Meaning I still got to play with the levels, colors some. And edit out electric lines and such.

Not my best work but there are a few that I liked. :)

While not Civil War at all, this one made me smile. Reason I took it.



14:24 Oct 21 2010

Still pretty..:)

15:10 Oct 21 2010

aaaawwww I love horses , these are so pretty.

21:30 Oct 21 2010

He looks like he is thinking some serious thoughts there heh

17:41 Oct 25 2010




22:05 Oct 19 2011

It just hit me how much the trees look like fire behind your handsome black stallion!


19:30 Oct 20 2010
Times Read: 1,382

Must be my week....

Got into the old Hospital to take pictures...

Went into the basement...and got caught by the maintance man.


We had a fun walk out of the building.




19:34 Oct 20 2010

theres always next time lol

20:07 Oct 20 2010

WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE ALONE????????? Frowns..BIG frowns.......

21:56 Oct 20 2010

Ya know, you need to at least leave a message with one of the girls just in case...if something happens and you can't call, at least then someone will know where to look for you...don't MAKE me come out there and id chip your ass.....

22:35 Oct 20 2010

1- My sister knew where I was as I called her once I got the security guards permission to go in.

2- The maintance man and him did not agree on me taking pictures it seems- so I left.

3- Had cell phone.

4- There was other people in the building, removing equipment.



Rat not stupid... she just needs to learn to be more quiet. Damn dude heard the door close behind me as I went to the basement...even tho the sign said not to leave the main floor.

WHAT??? All the fun stuff is in the basement!

22:39 Oct 20 2010

Birdy, Puppy.... where is the Cat? Mother Hens.. all of ya. lol Luvs you too.

03:32 Oct 21 2010

You are such a bad, bad, bad girl!

15:26 Oct 21 2010

I was busy organizing bail money!

05:54 Oct 22 2010

Next time have Birdy or Cat run a distraction with maintenance by spilling something or saying there is a rat on the other side of the hospital to give you... the real Rat... has sometime to get some photos.

See I solved it all... or got all of you in trouble rather than just one :P


15:38 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 1,414

Yesterday started out with little sleep for me the night before, for whatever reason. Pick one and it was there.

Then work started- going well. I started to slow the empty house around 3:30 and found myself with a hour to waste between the 4:30 (that was early) and the 5:15. Having called Birdy to catch up on, we had talked about a old school building she found for me to explore. *looks at Birdy* Hey- you told me about it, you know I am going to go look at it at least. :P

She also told me the only way in is thru a broken window, No Trespassing signs about the place. We joked about me being arrested and enjoyed our catching up, joking with each other.

So I lost her on the cell as she traveled into a dead zone, leaving me driving around just looking at the neighborhood. I turned into this street that goes up a steep hill and dead ends at a old graveyard, two cellular towers. Birdy made me promise to never go up here after dark alone as it is isolated, and known for drug dealers. But as it was just before 5:00 pm, I was safe.

Or not. I get up to the top and slowly drive along the graves, enjoying the sunlight in the trees. Coming to the end I see two white SUVs at the tower parking lot. I pull into the grave lot, turning around to go back off the hill when I hear a man screaming for me to stop.

I do, seeing it was a man I knew to be, or use to be, a city cop. Name is Walker. I let my window down a little and he says “Hello. Do you have your license with you?” O.o Ok- other then no seatbelt, WTH? “As I am driving I would hope so.” “Let me see them.” He said in a demanding little tone. Yeah- the hair stood up. I never liked that tone when I know I am not breaking a law. “And why would you need to see them? I am not breaking any laws.” Ok- the cell tower parking lot is the ONLY way to turn around up here.

“What is your name?” He said right back in that tone. Well hell… that I will give him. I told him, he asked me if I was so and so business and I said I was. I pulled out my license as he seemed to calm down a little by then. He goes on to ask me if I was meeting someone up here. “At a graveyard? No. I came up here to see the graves. City and State spent a lot of money redoing it.” And they have- new lights, cleaned it up from the years no one cared for it.

“I was just killing time before I showed a house at little after 5:00.” He did not believe me at all “What house?” “A rental on XXX St. Why are you asking?” He tells me that someone broke into the two cell buildings and vandalized them. And the alarm had gone off only ten minutes ago.

Ohhh… so I was coming up to meet these thief’s? Or maybe one of them? Yeah- we going to haul all that copper off in the back of my car. Or I always wanted to “do it” in one of those concrete buildings. “What is to steal? They are just machines, servers.” “OH? How would you know that?” His tone came back. “Because I have been in them before when we handle the storage years ago when Cellular one went into Eastern Kentucky..” dick! Gave a little tone back.

He gave me my licenses and told me I did not need to be up on this street. Ok- public road fuckwad. “Ok” I put the window up, several names in my head for him passing thru.

So I go back to the rental house, park, and wait. The people showed up- three adults of Mom, son and his wife. My sister does the phone nice sell stuff- my part is showing the house, making sure it is kept clean, and getting a read on the people as they look about, fill out the application.

He is in a uniform. “Transportation?” “Sheriff.” And his name tag is Walker. “So are you related to XXX Walker?” “He is my uncle.” “Oh really? Wow. Isn’t that just ironic.” Yes- the people who was coming to see the house was the cop’s family.

“You know my Uncle?” “Oh yes. And we just meet again.” I told him what happen and his mother laughed, saying she would tell him they were the people whom I was meeting.

Small towns- and this after I was joking with Birdy about getting arrested.




16:14 Oct 19 2010

ISn't it ironic.....apparently you are not to be trusted alone...in deserted areas ......even in the day time.

16:54 Oct 19 2010

Hey! LOL Sad but true tho. :P

17:38 Oct 19 2010

I wanna go next time so when we're told we cannot be on a city/county street I can ask for the KRS showing that rule. lol

06:51 Oct 21 2010

Well ... didn't you know that you're not allowed to be in a known "drug area"? Much less free to roam and travel the public roads to visit a public cemetery.

Sheesh .... I watch COPS - even I know this. Being a citizen is a crime you know.

Good thing you didn't pull out the camera at those cell towers. Might have hooked you right there on the spot for terrorist activities. You know how the terrorists have nothing better to do than take out cell towers in bumblefuck Kentucky. That'll bring the country to a halt.

14:15 Oct 21 2010

LOL Oh hell... LordV you are the best!


14:38 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 1,421

RedQueen, our little puppy, sent me a gift. Along with a touching card she sent me a gift cert from my favorite store - Sephora.


See me doing some shopping tonight online.

And the card made my day pup.




15:15 Oct 19 2010

:D that is awesome :D

00:35 Oct 20 2010

I'm glad you like it sugar- I hope we get many fine looks and I can get my 50's movie star done with you...


03:14 Oct 19 2010
Times Read: 1,429

Very strange end of the day. To sleepy to write about it, going to bed.




05:57 Oct 22 2010

Sounds like you need some booze and a someone to tell a story too. I'd alway so be up for a drunk.buzzed call ;P


18:10 Oct 18 2010
Times Read: 1,446

Doing credit reports are so much fun. The site is sloooooow. So sitting here waiting it to upload I let my mind wonder....

Entering the info, when the screen goes black. Then a message flash "This is the FBI. Please do not enter anymore information."

Huh? What the hell?

"The FBI will be contacting you."

Phone rings.

"Please answer your phone Miss. XXX XXX XXX. We can see you - don't try to run, we know you are sitting at your desk at the location of XX XXX."


Screen pops up with the credit report. No flashing warnings, no FBI fun.

Oh well.....


If only my day went the way I wanted- be so much more fun. lol



18:13 Oct 18 2010

0 0

O wow, I think i would have been royally pissed after I got done being scared shi*less

18:28 Oct 18 2010

Ah well...my daydreams are so much more fun the real life. lol

01:18 Oct 19 2010



Let's do photo to photo...

17:29 Oct 18 2010
Times Read: 1,449

I could do so much better.

With the right prep, sit up.

But instead- they sucked.

But I would love to meet you head on.


The days of me being intimidated by all your "knowledge and skill" is gone.

Next year... let's see who is better then.



05:04 Oct 19 2010

LOL......I bet I know what this is about......and I would agree....TOTALLY!!

00:37 Oct 20 2010

Fess up- who you toeing up with NOW?


06:29 Oct 17 2010
Times Read: 1,474

Maybe watching three horror movies before bed was not the best idea,,,

*Rat hugs her teddy bear closer*



13:46 Oct 17 2010

Good grief, I can't sleep after one! lol

15:18 Oct 17 2010

Poor Rat~ gives it night light ..... there that will help .

den night light Pictures, Images and Photos

15:58 Oct 17 2010

*curls herself around rat and teddy bear* Don't worry I won't let the boogy man get you. I'll claw his googly eye balls out if he tries.

19:34 Oct 17 2010

Hehe, I know. I've been watching the horror show marathons on tv all week...

06:00 Oct 22 2010

and that is why I have a pup....she'd alert me to any poltergeist, ghost, mass murderer, alien, giant bug, or if she has to pee.


18:48 Oct 16 2010
Times Read: 1,488

Shown the house three times already today.

1st one is a couple, older. He is a larger set man and refused to help his wife, who is wearing oxgen mask, into the house to look at it. He yells to her she will live where he pays the bills.


He goes inside and picks it apart. Then ask me again what the street's name is. I tell him. "That is not what the street name is. It isXXX." "No sir- you turned into that street, then when you turn onto this street it became XXX. It is U shaped subdivision with three street names." "No it is not- there is no street sign." I just kept my mouth shut.... not willing to be treated as his wife is.

Then he started to fill out the application. I had to hand it back to him three time to finish it. What is so hard about this? As I asked him for his landlord phone number he tell me "I will have to ask my wife, she knows shit like that."


He goes outside, they yell at each other as he gets made she does not have her cell phone turned on and ready to tell him the phone number. Then he walks around his car to where I am and puts the paper on my car hood, to write the number. I said "Sir- don't write on my hood. Please take that off my car."

He rolls the paper up, telling me if I was that god damn picky he did not need to live here. And throws the paper at me.


I watch him get into his car as I picked up the paper, so wanting to yell out a few cuss words. He should just let his wife do his talking and wanted to tell him that but then it would just make him madder and he would take it out on his wife.

2nd- Older woman, her 32 year old daughter, and two kids. Way to small of a house for that group as the youngest of the two kids is 6, the older 14. It is a 3 bedroom house. She kept on and on about how she use to work with my older sister. Yeah... that will not get you points.

I stand at the kitchen inland area, watching the 6 year old run his dirty candly covered hands along the hallway walls, tapping my nails to keep from screaming at him, thinking of a way to get these people out of my house.

3rd- Couple, only him and his two year old son came to see it. Wife is a school. He sold his house, is looking to buy another but running out of time to get out of the house they just sold. He plans to rent a place. He wants it with the understanding it will only be the 6 month lease. So do you wait, hold out for someone who is going to stay , or the easy 6 months rent and doing another lock change, carpet cleaning?

Told sister, she will run his credit on Monday and we will see. Still got 5 hours of sunlight to show so ... *sits and waits*



18:58 Oct 16 2010

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. The first man sounds like such an ass. I don't know whether I should feel bad for the wife that she's with him, or be annoyed that she'd stay with someone like that.

I don't know them, so neither, I guess.


17:27 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,498

Two men I don’t know pulled into the parking lot, came in looking to buy some old trucks in the back lot.

“Your daughter came to the house a few years ago, took some riding lessons.”

“I don’t have a daughter.”

“Then it must have been your sister.”

“I don’t think so.”

“She took two lesson and gave up- said she can’t get over the fear.”

“Well it wasn’t my sister.”

“She said her family owned XXX (company name) so it was …”

“Look dude- I am the youngest of the family so it was not anyone here. Stop trying to find a connection to me and let’s talk money.”

“Well... ok then. Let me go look at what you have.”

Really… the bullshit around me is getting thick, or my last nerve is getting worn out.

Both I would say.

I don't have to know you to do business- really like it when I don't even. That is how I leave work at work most night.

Just saying...



19:11 Oct 16 2010

Everyone looks for an reason to sweet-talk into a discount or to get something for nothing.


01:19 Oct 14 2010
Times Read: 1,536

Funny but when I am taking pictures these days I think of certain people. In my head I think “Wow- Birdy will like these.” “Wish Mom was here to enjoy this moon rise with me.” “If only Dad had seen this with me.” “Cat is not going to believe I climbed all the way up here!” lol ;) Sorry- had to do it Cat. :P It goes from family and friends, even online friends. This happen last weekend to me.

I am in the top floor of an old school, dusty, moldy, water dripping from the ceiling as I walk along a carpet of soggy carpet of dust and dirt. Just walking around made me think of the darker side of my nature, in a way it felt like home. Then I turned a corner and see in the darkness a classroom door highlighted by the sunlight coming in from the windows in the class room. The door is light blue, the color so clear even years after the school is closed. And I think of Morrigon for all the help she has given me, the camera in my hand brought about by her artwork with a lens. Would I have picked up a camera again if it had not been for this lady? I wonder about that as I played with the setting, aimed and took several shots. No- I don’t think I would of. And for that she is this door to me. I can take my pictures to the dark or lighter side, she has given me this.

Then I step into the room and stood, stun by the beauty around me. Yes-the windows are broken; the light fixture is hanging down, the paint peeling, the cabinet busted. All that flashes in my mind but then you see the beauty of life in this deprived building. The colorful fall leaves, vines coming into the broken windows, sharing life with this dead place even as it decays. Moonie comes to my mind as I take this picture. She is the beauty of the window to me, and I hope she understands what I mean.

These two ladies were never in my mind that day- until I saw these two locations. I wish I could write what I am meaning to say but instead I will just let the pictures do my talking. It is happening more and more to me- pictures matching to those I have in my life. And to me… it is a great feeling.



01:47 Oct 14 2010

You're pictures can bring out the deepest emotions in me. Emotions that are pure and raw. Not very many people can do that. To me it means that you have touched a place within my soul. You and your beauty have left foot prints there for eternity. I am grateful that I have them. I am also grateful that I have you in my life. xoxo

01:54 Oct 14 2010

Again, I love your images. I love that you are all ready to go where most wouldn't dare, just because you know there is something unique and beautiful there.

I'm honored to be a person who is in your thoughts when you capture this art and life.

04:00 Oct 14 2010

Still... looks like a nicer school than the elementary school I went to.

Where do you find these places? Wander into a deserted building here and if the crack-heads don't kill you the cops will.

13:13 Oct 14 2010

I found this place just passing it several times in my life, lots of travel. :) It crossed my mind about homeless, crack heads...and I did not go into the basement as there was only one way out of it. :)

But when you see it was right next to the street, kids playing outside... I took a chance. Very small town so I felt safe.

You will not very little spray paint on the walls when I post the rest. It is just a building who times is over, left.

17:37 Oct 19 2010

I love that you let your artistic eye lead you places a safe person wouldn't go even if you do scare me silly sometimes. Beautifully done.

06:01 Oct 22 2010

You always have such moving photos...


14:14 Oct 13 2010
Times Read: 1,573

Ahhh nothing like online threats in the morning over coffee.

*sits back and takes a drink*


Other then I don't drink coffee.

Ahhh... nothing like online threats in the morning as I drink my diet soda.

Now wait... there are cookies.. I had some left over from lunch...

Ok ok Ok... I got it now....

Ahhh... nothing like online threats in the morning as I drink my diet soda and eat my cookie.





14:21 Oct 13 2010

Hahaha, I drink diet soda all the time too. xD Good morning! Hope your day goes well.

14:28 Oct 13 2010

Are there, very many cookies? Like, enough to share?


14:33 Oct 13 2010

lol Sure... but hurry... I am liking the cookie/soda vibe right now. ;)

Good Morning to you too. :)

17:12 Oct 13 2010

Hmmm "Diet" soda and a Cookie, so you break even? :D

20:15 Oct 13 2010

hey , sounds like me if the cookies are small you can have twice as many , hide the box then you can tell everyone " oh there low fat " and no one will ever know.


16:15 Oct 11 2010
Times Read: 1,595

The phonebooks are here. The first load came in last week while I was away on a bigger office move so they was told they would have to unload them on their own, with the use of our forklift. As I am only getting a ad for free- they know I am not putting a lot of labor into it.

They always fuck something up.

I have had three ladies come to my office to ask me when the second truck is going to show. Now I don't know the trucks, I don't do anything with the trucking company they are using. "Oh? Is there one coming in? I don't know about the loads- that is your boss doings." to the first one.

Second one "Have you gotten a call for the phone books?" "No. I don't set the delivery times on them. And no- I have not heard from any driver."

Third one- "We can't wait all day for these. Can you find the truck and see when it is going to be here?" "Sure. Right after I sit a million to pay bills, get a fucking plumber who will show up when he says he will. Then I might just for the hell of it rent me a house on the beach for a few years and do nothing all day long." I just smiled, kowning I could not say what I really wanted to and told them YET again they are shit out of luck- call the boss.

Now the driver just called about half a hour from the last lady who came to pester me...and I gave him the info on how to get here from the truck stop. I also got to hear the five mins of how he had set his clock on the PM, not the AM by mistake. I just closed my eyes, counted to ten, did a "ummhumm" sound so he would think I am listening as my mind screamed... Why the fuck do you think I care??

Anyway...now that is off my chest.

*goes back to work*



17:03 Oct 11 2010

you poor thing, I,m so glad I don't have your job, I like to bite heads off too much . Can't stand idiots.

17:08 Oct 11 2010

Please please please let me be there when you do decide to tell these folks what you are really thinking???? please!!!

23:17 Oct 11 2010

be there hell- I want youtube video!!!


01:06 Oct 10 2010
Times Read: 1,633

Today was AWESOME.

Pictures to come in the morning of what Cat and I got into today.

Breaking the law man...breaking the law.





01:24 Oct 10 2010

hehe love it!

02:20 Oct 10 2010

O.o I sense all kinds o'naughty went down! *waits for pics*

02:48 Oct 10 2010

yeah!! \ / peace man !! if they come for ya you can hide with us.

03:17 Oct 10 2010


23:26 Oct 10 2010

*drags in the BIG couch*

Okay, I think I got enough seats here, and I just made a large bowl of popcorn- everybody have a seat, and let's see what actually happened.....lol


02:24 Oct 08 2010
Times Read: 1,655

Not wrote in a while. Life is good, all is well. Just been busy and any free time I have not wanted to spend it here. Or any place online. Cooler weather has me out more, enjoying taking pictures, being about.

You would be proud of me tho- I was able to last a whole hour or so at a birthday part with several kids. Screaming, having fun. :) I mean...baby shower, kid party...what is next? lol

Catching up on some journals here- and it is really bad when your comments with Birdy on this person journal is like it would be in real life. lol Poor Otter- and she has not even meet us. :)

Got dinner date with the gals- thinking we ALL need a bitch session, and drinks. Be nice to just sit and give that long *sigh* at the first sip, knowing anything I say will not sound too odd to them. Well- got a few comments about burning the baby doll.

Speaking of- got to get that done.

But not Sat- got plans for that day. If I don't chicken shit out of them. lol

Now to bed- been a long day.

So to anyone who reads this...*Hugs*

Thanks for spending time with me when I am just...being me.



05:19 Oct 08 2010

Drinks.....friends.....SO looking forward!!!

02:08 Oct 10 2010

Gives a whole new meaning to TGIF! :)


22:16 Oct 06 2010
Times Read: 1,675

Sitting between two males in a truck on the way to a job early this morning and the talk radio starts on a sex survey – well… had my eyes rolling. I could just see the conversation this would bring about as the driver turned up the radio with “Oh- we can’t miss this one.” Grinning at me like a big cat. Meaning it was time to embarrass the boss.

The survey was asking Men if their last sexual encounter did the woman reach an orgasm? 86% said yes. They asked the same number of women if they had a orgasm with their last sex partner and only 64% said yes.

I never laughed so hard. “SOoooo guys, let’s talk about this one.” Safe to say before we ever left the red light the subject had been changed.

But the talk radio of course did lots of puns on it. One joke from a “call in” the was a regular on the show told how he had been with a lady who was so shy around all his man-le-hood that she started to play mind game to calm down. “She started talking to herself right in the middle of it. She must have been a school teacher as she just kept spelling a word over and over... R U N.




22:21 Oct 06 2010

LMFAO! Oh if they only knew.......


21:56 Oct 06 2010
Times Read: 1,679

Heard about this on the news this morning, so I had to look it up once home.




00:45 Oct 07 2010

This is suppose to save lives?

I was too busy staring at that girl instead of listening to whatever hell that voice on the intercom was taking about?

Something about pressure and criminal offense?


18:26 Oct 04 2010
Times Read: 1,725

Went to White Castle drive thru- pulled up to the little speaker/order machine and I tell the lady what combo I wanted.

“You will need to turn off your car, I can’t hear you.”

Now it wasn’t my car making the noise but the big Dodge diesel motor in the pickup behind me. So I yelled out the combo number again.

“I said you would need to shut off your motor.”


“Well as that is not my motor that is going to be a little hard to do.”

Funny as she could hear that.

“Well I can’t take the order till you do.”

What the fuck? Excuse me?!

I wanted to just drive forward but there was cars in front of me.

“Listen chick- That pickup behind me is what you are hearing. I can’t turn off his motor.”

“Then I can’t take your order.”

Ohhhhh…. Yeah?

So I stuck my head out the window and yelled as loud as I could into that little mic. “HEY DUDE! CAN YOU TURN OFF YOUR MOTOR SO THIS DUMB ASS DEAF BITCH CAN HEAR ME SAY I WANT NUMBER #2 WITH A DIET COKE!”

Of course the man behind me did not hear me.

But a man came over the speaker and repeated the order back to me. I said thank you and pulled forward a little. I notice when the pickup pulled up he turned off the motor before she ever said a word to him. When I got to the window the man who took the order said he was sorry for the mess up on taking the order. A teenage girl stood behind him, glaring at me.

Oh well…learn to listen. You can hear me say it was not my motor but you can’t hear “I would like a number 2 please.” ???!!



18:33 Oct 04 2010

“I would like a number 2 please.”

Ahaha, I don't hear that often.

20:43 Oct 04 2010

that's funny , did you wave at her as you went by?

23:07 Oct 04 2010

Hahaha... I never even made that leap. :P

00:07 Oct 05 2010


01:15 Oct 05 2010

It's because you're a dainty southern woman...all soft-spoken grace and hospitality ;)

01:25 Oct 05 2010

Gotta love those number twos...heh heh. Sounds like your drive thru girl was a number ZERO.

04:51 Oct 05 2010

dainty southern woman MY ASS......

Ain't a dainty thing about any o them, myself included.

But we do look good in heels...lol

Ok, now we can officially add White Spot (what we call Krystals) to the list of things you guys have GOT to mail to me- along with Waffle House, and Dairy Dart......

GAWD, I am so hungry....lol

12:35 Oct 05 2010

The white castle near my house died.

Wow. I think that drive through girl probably had a lessoning from her boss.

And ... Yeh, Southern girls really aren't that delicate. We can look like flowers, but when the chips are down, we get right in there up to the elbows. And still smell good, dammit, no matter how smudged we be. :P

Ooo RedQueen - Do you miss you some Big Red? My friend Becca begs me to ship her a case about once a year.

14:11 Oct 05 2010

It is morning. I always start my day with a #2 combo...


19:06 Oct 03 2010
Times Read: 1,761

Got to love a friend (Cat) you can call at 9:00 am and ask her if a waffle doesn't just sound good. LOL

That you can say I will pick you up in ten mins to hit Waffle House.

And takes you to KMart where you find a turkey hat that sings, dancing stupid dances to the music as she laughs, as you just enjoy her company.


Only thing missing was Birdy.



20:26 Oct 03 2010

And a doe, otter, dog and caracle!

20:26 Oct 03 2010

Damn I forgot the badger and Clydesdale... See I need some more coffee!

21:12 Oct 03 2010

I think the Wal Mart would have been traumatized had we all descended upon it. Heh. That would be fun. Damn. Now I want a turkey hat that sings. =(

00:32 Oct 04 2010

No mouse? Oh.... :(

01:45 Oct 04 2010

Well if the whole Zoo was to go to Walmart in our town- I think they would ask us to leave. lol

Mouse too.

Girls morning out... that would ROCK!

Yeap- the hat did a little jiggle and song. It was cool!

06:54 Oct 04 2010

I am SOOOOO up for shell shocking Wal Mart.

And GAWD I miss Waffle House...LMAO

20:10 Oct 04 2010

I did have the day free.......should have called me...:(


20:49 Oct 02 2010
Times Read: 1,789

Rat hits the floor this morning after a good night sleep around 9:00 am. Early for a Sat. :)

Car washed, waxed, vac, cleaned and got the oil changed. A hour and a half...Sassy was a dirty girl. :(

Store for some food, home and put away.

Vac, dusted, four loads of laundry done.

Kitchen dishes done and floor sweep.

Nails polished

Shower, pampering of the skin with salt rubs, lotions.

Played a little in photobucket, cleaning up some files.

Bed linen washed and bed remade.

And as she cooks dinner...her energy falls off.


Thinking that is all for today.

Time for Iron Man 2 DVD, Travel Channel doing scary ghost stories shows. Couch laying for the rest of the day.




21:04 Oct 02 2010

Oh photobucket clean up must get round to that one

enjoy the rest of your day :)

21:58 Oct 02 2010

You got a lot done! You deserve some "you" time now. :)

22:22 Oct 02 2010

Is there room on the couch for me? YOu know I will watch all the horror with you- and laugh too...lol

Plus, I'll cook you french toast...lol

03:28 Oct 03 2010

*leaves cheese and quietly retreats back to her own couch for tonite's viewing of The Lovely Bones*

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