Been a shitty day. Rain. All freaking ass day. Did two smaller jobs but they were 5 hours apart so when you got wet at 9:00= you might of gotten you hair dry by the time you reach the 1:00 job.
Only to get wet again and a drive home of 80 miles. Grrrr...
When we hit a backup on the parkway = safe to say I was not pleased. But then as we drove by the wreck you see the car that is still there with police man sitting in his car behind it. You notice the sheets draped over the driver window- where the car had gotten hit.
That can shut you up really fast.
Found this in my email from sis. Seems these are the big things now, be neat to see one. But then out town doesn't have a Mall so.... nevermind.
Only bad thing about taking a nap when I got home from work is not being able to sleep now.
*sits, taps fingers on laptop*
At least it is raining now. Time to count the freaking sheep again... damn it.
Go fuck yourselfs simple
Hence part of the reason for my newest rant. Can't we just shoot them all?
ha :P
Oh I'm so scared, he's a slayer that wants me to have sex with myself.
Where do these people come from?
what's a simple way to fuck yourself?
Read profiles like these...
I fucked myself....and...and...I feel so dirty now. :P
hey if you can't make love to yourself who can you make love to?
Can you fuck something into simplicity? Hmmm
glad Im not a vampire then
Gives a whole new meaning to the ..uhh...stake joke.
Oh no! Keep that away from me! Keep that hard stake away as it will make me simple...*scream*
hard stake.... never mind LOL
I'd rather fuck myself in a complicated fashion.
And Morri ... Yes. =)
Read up on the journals on my favorites. :) Good to see most got past the Turkey day alright.
I want to see Images sing.
And Otter doing a photo shoot.
And Abby rocking zombie makeup.
And WildChild cooking.
So many more... makes my mind hurt just thinking about all the talent this place has.
And now they can share with us. :D
Making turkey enchilada's today..
the webcams are great.
I get into too much trouble on the cams. ^.^ I voice my opinion a lot.....a lot.
Photoshoot with myself or someone else?
Either one Otter, I just like to see how you do it. :)
Ok- Turkey day was good. Sis never showed as she was sick and not willing to bring in the cold to Mom. Still- great food, fun, and movies watched.
Then I went to get flowers for the grave on Friday, did not spend a lot of time out as I was cold. Started to cough that night... only to wake up on Sat with a sore throat and fever. Damn it. And I had plans that I had been looking forward to for weeks.
Anyway... got some pictures I will put up later.
I did get a Thanksgiving call from Seven and Meeper- that was super cool. :D
So VR Webcams... huh. I do try to go into the ones I know, just to say hello to the member.
Calling someone ugly doesn’t make you more pretty.
Calling someone fat doesn’t make you more skinny.
Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you more smart.
In other words- look in the mirror, be honest about what you see.
Throwing rock- glass house.
And rudeness is the most ugly.
This said by a woman who has always been overweight, and a very very fat person to most of you.
I guess I fall in the fat category.
My thoughts on this haven't changed and they are in the house. What happens when certain members of the site put pictures up of themselves bare breasted with just little santa hats over the nips? People don't bitch then....
I still think both cases are inappropriate because of children floating around here, but that is about it.
Amen VW39!!! Could not have said it better myself.
If you look in my portfolio, I am no "super model myself." Frankly, don't care to be one either.
There are so many fakes on this site who try to intimidate others by all the mean and hateful things said about them.people need to grow the hell up and look at themselves once in a bluemoon and realize the are not gods gift to mankind.
besides its her profile and if she wants to put what she wants let her.
I also agree. Maybe some will think I am going extreme with this... but this is the very bullying that is sending people to dark places.
You are more than fat... you are beautiful... you are kind.... you are wise... you are so very much more than a mean three letter word.
right on sister, best journal of the night
I agree, it saddens me all the name calling, bullying and mocking that people do. Its made so much worse by drawing more and more people into it too. Great journal entry, we need someone to speak up with the truth :)
I think you're gorgeous. If they're directing any comments at you, I'll beat them myself. :)
Wise words from one of the most beautiful people I know...
It's twoo, it's twoo! (attempt at a funny response - possible failure).
It's very true.
I worship you.
You allowed me to flocker myself in private, then did it for me
Greater love hath no woman than she would lfocker a friend in need.....
And you's not fat, you's fluffy......
Rudeness makes you ugly.....
Bullying is something that makes my skin crawl.....and it makes me want to hit someone!
Then on most threads, profiles and journals in general, you see people saying that they don't judge a book by it's cover, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that they're anti-conformists, who have been bullied for being themselves and hate their bullies 'cause they're mean.
Hmm something to think about it.
That is s true, thats what i always say because my sister thinks it des.
Profile updated. Not the content but the style and pictures. I for the life of me can't get the VR banner to change color. Or get my music thingy to update. Grrr.
Anyway if you read my journal you have seen it all before so no need to go look.
Of course if you don't read this.. you will never know so why did I even write this?
Why am I still typing?
Stop... I have to....
*gets up to change her laundry*
I got's dirty clothes to care for.
It's ok- I worry about myself sometimes too.
*puts leaves in your clean laundry so the leaves are pressed prettily*
*crackle crackle crackle*
Oh. Ut-oh.
... >.> ...
And I worry about a certain Badger....
You have to change the actual graphics for the banner I believe.
I'll take a look later and see what I can procure for you. ♥
This morning we handle into storage a Blue Bark shipment. That is the code given to shipments that is of a military member who has past away. I checked off the items as the boys unloaded the truck, the normal for us, but have to say he has been on my mind. Just looked up his name and it pulls up a local newspaper article written on October 4th.
Marine Lance Cpl. XXXX Thursday in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
He would have turned 23 today.
**There is a picture of him in his uniform and he looks to be 15 years old.
His grandmother said he “was a good boy. Never in any trouble. Liked to stay home and stay on his computer.”
They were told that “an IED (improvised explosive device) went off and he got shrapnel,” his mother explained.
With tears and a shaky voice, XXX mother said, “XXX was like his daddy. He was kind hearted.” He would do anything for anyone who needed it.
Brother XXX, 12, said “I miss him a lot. I just can’t believe he’s gone.”
These are the people I will meet later when they order the items out of storage. He had a wife, no kids the article read.
And right before I left the office today we had a call for another Blue Bark that the driver was asking for help clearing it thru the army base, which we agree to do.
Two in a row…
Puts life in perceptive.
Sure does... poor guy.
I think this is the one from here.....he was best friends with the neighbor's son.
After a nice lunch... it is out to the rental house again to see if we can get the bathroom counter top to work again... on the crocked wall.. in the NEW bathroom I paid $$$ to have built.
And the builder is getting pissy.....
Ohhhh.... I think NOT.
*cuss words and a growl*
I have been reading a lot about a profile in the journals today. So I went to look myself.
Really? That is what the fuss is about? One profile out of 14,500 and you want to pick on that picture?
One- It is not against the VR rules.
It is no more then you would see in a thousand on here - the way to often used push up the boob shot, the camera above my head so you can see my cleavage shots. And the great-- let me straddle this chair so you can see my twat shots, in these thin panties.
Much less the artwork on this site. The cloth straps covering the nipples and crotch of a woman holding a flaming sword kind of images. The woman standing with her back to you, only a stripe of cloth about her ankles. Yes- I know these are artwork, not a real person.
At least she is not using a fake or internet picture to make herself look all sexy.
And I read the comments left.
Just.. Is it because she is not thin? Because she looks like a normal person? Maybe you don’t like to see this barely clothed girl but on your own stamps and profiles you have the same artwork I talk of above? Or you have no problem with the thousand of other girls on this site who have the same amount of clothing on, in the same pose, that are great shape and tan?
Maybe I am missing something here.
Or maybe you are missing it.
I myself give her credit for being who she is.
It is a different point of view
I think it's more the point of she bitches about the messages she gets. But hey when dressed like that wtf do you expect? people to act.. accordingly? surely you jest.
you are right though. to post a pic like that is good to be yourself. just don't whine when you get the sexual commets.
That was exactly my point WC... Don't complain about getting nasty comments or getting rude sexual comments. It is just an attention getting and that is all good and well, but when you get negative attention, don't complain about it.
But I guess that is why I don't understand - why the negative messages? Why would anyone go so far as to say something rude about it?
Its fantastic to be proud of yourself. To be able to look at your body (any shape or size) and think "I'm beautiful." I, myself, have a very hard time of doing that.
But what some see as confidence, other people take as something else. I am all for the human body, but not the squashing of breasts and the sour face. I saw one woman's journal that was full of nude work, but it was artistic and beautiful. Then I see profiles of women that just take these photos for attention. :(
I hope this makes sense and I am not coming off as a complete moron.
That person has another profile on here called beccaofthedark. It is suspended into infinity because she was trying to obtain slaves. She has almost the same pics on that other profile. I'm just amazed she came back to try again!
I totally agree with you there but for me I think it's low class for anyone to have pictures taken and placed on a public website fat, thin or half way in between have a little class and self respect if you don't then shut up and take what you get cause basically you ask for it.
Yeah you totally see the opposite thing if the woman is popular on the site, or is a skinny teenager.
It is that time of year again…
“Do you want to do Thanksgiving on Thursday or the weekend?”
“Are we working Friday?”
“As of now we don’t have any jobs…but which day do you want to eat?” Sis asks with a little piss off tone mixed in.
“Any day you feel like cooking is fine by me.”
“Fine- then it will be Thursday.”
“Unless you want to sleep in and in that case we can do it on Sat or Sunday…well not Sunday.”
“I really don’t care which day.”
“Well… if you don’t want to do this then just say so.”
“You need to go to the store and pick up some things.”
“Ok. You make the list and I will go next week.”
“No. The stores will be mad next week- you will go on Friday.”
“Ok- Friday.”
“I only need a few things.. I have a list.”
*Hands me a legal size paper with 40 items on it*
“I might have to make two trips. Is all this for turkey day?”
“No. I want to stock up a little for winter, while you are helping me.”
“So… my the trip to the store every week for you doesn’t count?”
“Don’t be such a whiney ass”
“Are you doing anything for the dinner?”
“I can make dessert.”
“I am making cheese cake.”
“Yeah but *Brother name* doesn’t like it so I was thinking some kind of chocolate for him.”
*rolls eyes at tone*
“Then you can also make the rolls.”
“Sure- I will pop them right out of a can.”
Sis gives me a *sigh*
Ahhh… Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Every year we threaten to just order pizza, but end up cooking most of the day, overeating, and sleeping between a movie and some laughs.
Family. :D
We do the same thing.
One year after I got here, we went to Swiss Chalet- Scott and I both ended up with food poisoning.
The next year, for Christmas we decided to just get together with a bunch of appetizers and desserts, since that is what we pig out on th emost anyway. It was a HUGE success, thanks to monstrous contributions of southern delicacies such as pimento cheese spread, hushpuppies, and baked phyllo-wrapped goat cheese (stolen from the chefs at work).
That reminds me of the dominos tradition when we'd go down to Madisonville. The youngings (me at the time) hated casseroles, and apparently thats the only things the adults believed in making. So pizza for us and weird dishes for the adults just so that there wasn't whining on the holiday. Funny how the food turns into drama and removes from the actual quality time spent together.
You know...someday I really want to tell you to fuck off.
Isn't it Friday yet??
I wish....*sighs*.
Friday would be good right now :)
Shares my chocolate with you
not long til Friday now...
I wish too...
Go ahead.. you can tell me to ef-off if you want.
uh, yeah ,seeing as what I have to do tomorrow I fell the same way.
That would be great, but my weeks are in reverse now- I have M-TH off, and I have to work Friday and Saturday...AND it is supposed to snow this weekend...
I wonder what would happen to the person who beats, or really harms someone on Scare Tactics. I mean... as in the victim picking up a chair and hauling off and hitting the man coming toward her with a knife?
Really.... I think it would make for a better show if you let them.
Talk about a twist. :)
I always wondered why they never did that lol ya know .. let the blood flow lol
That would so be me. I mean, would I go down for murder if I shot the jackass made up like a werewolf and attacking me?
Justifiable self defense, in my book, or removing a twat from the shallow end of the gene pool. Or both.
Went out to take my trash and BRRRRR it is cold outside.
Of course it would of helped that I wasn't just in my nightgown.
Yes- I am the old woman who lives alone that wears her nightgown outside.
I'm not old yet and I do that. :D So don't feel bad. You're not the only one. *laughs*
We live in an apartment community. We have apartments on 3 sides of us and the walk way in the middle that leads to the trash bins and parking lots. I wear my jammies to the trash. Don't feel I have to dress up to take the trashes out. LOL
Hell, woman, I wear my jammies to the GROCERY STORE.
I am that lady.
1st time cooking with a pressure cooker.
This is going to end really good with a nice roast.
Or really bad with a lot of clean up.
*Rat sits and watchs the cooker*
*crosses fingers* The taste really is worth the nerves. :)
Ohhh yummmm...did you add elements to make a nice Stock for gravy?
Onions, celery, garlic, pepper, salt?
: P
Yes I did- and a little wine, seasons, bay leaves.
Smell is great. The popping, hissing... o.O
Yummy yummy yum. :) That was too good and you are right Cat- the meat was so tender I could cut it with a fork.
:D Glad my sister talked me into buying one of these.
Those things scare me- I'm always afraid Ima end up cleaning food off the
You know the one thing I dislike about housework... having to cook dinner afterwards.
But steak is waiting for the oven, potatoes baking, and a veg full salad waits for me.
Just out of a hot shower, smell life gingerbread. Think I might have to bake something. lol
And a movie to watch tonight - Toy Story 3.
So... boring day I guess for you to read about but it was just... nice for me. Abby wrote about these kind of days, and how she liked them.
I think they just bring you peace, in a way.
Sunday I have set aside for MakeUp. I got some of makeup with the gift card sent to me by RedQueen for my B/D. It is a brand I have never tried before- but they had a kick ass collection out of late, the models and set was super cool.
Ok- time to put the steak on.
LOL, must be something in the Air cause we're having steaks too and baked potatoes and Creamed spinach movie to night is harry potter on TV.
That sounds like a lovely day ♥
Glad you got what you wanted sugar- make sure you send me a review if it's worth it.
Listening to the radio today I heard about a website that you can go to and pay a small fee for a personal call from Santa. Most requested messages he read off was-
“This is Santa and I hope to see you on the good list this year.”
“This is Santa and I hope not to leave you a lump of coal this year.”
“This is Santa and I hope you are being good.”
Got me to thinking- could you not have fun with the kids on this one? I mean… a worn out mother getting ready to go to the Mall with the kids, timing a message just before they leave. At the Mall it would just take “Stop hanging off the clothes racks Billy. You remember what Santa said!”
I wonder if they do naughty messages? For the one you lust…I mean love.
“This is Santa and I hope you are ready for me to slide down your chimney.”
“This is Santa and I want more then cookies and milk… if you know what I mean.”
“This is Santa and if you want a nice gift then meet me at the tree at 1:34 am, only wearing a bow.”
Good lord- I took Santa to the gutter.
Let's just hope the ones they hire to be Santa is not some convicted child molesting felon.... o.O
Your messages are a lot more fun :)
I truly do love reading your journal, for entries just like this one. ♥
Thanks. :) I need to get back to more like this one.
And true- he is a old man that only comes out once a year... and goes around saying HO HO HO.
Well, better he'd knocking adults' boots than staring at kiddies all year. o.o
Wow. ... I went there.
Marines' 235th birthday 11/10/2010.
Happy birthday to each and every one.
* In honor of my Father, a old Marine Stg.
If you know or have known any Marines this should make you feel them close to you. :)
Rat bangs her head on the keyboard....HARD.
God I have to love this site.
Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans Tour video with some great music.
Awesome video. So sad they never reopened. I think it would have gone a long way to helping out the spirit of the city. Someplace to go and forget all your cares for a day.
It had issues before the hurricane, but I miss having an amusement park. It's been a LONG time since Pontchartrain Beach when I was a kid.
I sometimes drive past Six Flags. It's creepy...the whole area feels wrong, even the highway...even the exit off the interstate. Otherworldly.
Been getting a lot of questions and “the look” from people who ask what pictures I have taken lately, been doing. You know “the look”. Like you have lost your mind, they just can’t understand you. “I have been in old abandoned buildings.” “What in the world for?” “Went to the old hospital and took pictures.” “Why? How is that interesting or pretty? That is just strange. What is wrong with you? ”
I don’t know why I have been doing it. Well… that is a lie. See- the reason I love horror movies is not for the blood and guts. Trust me- in person I will throw up if I see a burn or a bleeding piece of human body. Hell- I was ready to hurl lunch when someone talks draining tube today. Human bodily functions and medical talk is in no way something I want to see or be around. I like horror for the creepy, scary me shitless feeling I get. Sitting on the couch or in the movie theater is my normal, too chicken to go any future into the darker places. Light on, doors locked, watching the suspense of what is hiding in the shadows. The creak of the floors and stairs, the closet door that opens, the basement… you know what I mean. It just makes my heart beat faster, feel more alive.
If you have seen the pictures of the old school I took pictures of- funny thing on that place. I have pasted, drove thru the place/town several times. When I was editing the photos and picking the ones to add to my port here I notice something. I had pictures already up of the building. Me standing outside, taking a picture of the wide open doorway, the metal ceiling light fixture hanging down as the area behind it turned dark as it went into the building. I remember taking that picture, thinking it was so spooky. I would not take that step into the building, into the unknown. I was afraid to leave the safety of the sunlight covered sidewalk. Would not step into the real life feelings of a horror movie, the girl stepping into the dark silent building as the music swells upward, the shadows moving.
So why now? Why am I stepping into the places that always frighten me before? Age. I am getting older and if I am ever going to do this- now is the time. And the death of my father taught me putting life off, “wishing I had..” and the “I should of ..” catch up with you sooner then you ever think possible. Dad’s death showed me I needed to live, to express myself, to embrace what I need in my life, what I wish to do. I need to look back many years from now and remember I did it because I was not afraid, that my “I wish I had…” on such simple things as going into creepy buildings is not what I regret not doing.
And when you are standing in these places, thinking of the history, the people the walls held… you face that in 50 years you will be nothing. I have no kids; I have nothing to leave behind. When I see a lace curtain, torn to pieces, hanging off a broken rod on a broken window, it makes me face what the world is about. And that I am a very small blimp in it. You can’t go into these places and not understand mortality is looming. And that makes me enjoy my life outside of those dark, stained, damaged walls.
So family and friends can keep giving me “the look.” They can talk all they want at how my photos have gone from pretty to “dirty old ugly places.” They don’t understand why I feel inside these places, how it brings a peace to me. It is like they talk to you- showing you that time does not stand still. Things that you own, the items in life you hold so dear means nothing. That one day it will all be gone, all the lights and people. It will just be you, and that which comes after.
And to me- that is not a bad place to visit before I make the final relocation.
Okay that is freakin' creepy. I LOVE IT!
Now that is NOIR! Way to capture the theme, and own it!
Picks up the phone to make her friend a psychiatric evaluation appt.........grins......ok.....fine. Hangs up the phone. It is an interesting photo Rat..glad you won.
I LOVE it.....all those horror movies are paying off sugar- good eye- I like the way you think
Woaaah. This photo would scare my dad hah
WOW! That's great....dolls are creepy anyways...this one...great job!
Where did you find such a doll?
Moved a military family into a nice house by the lake. They purchase it from a older couple. This was in her garden, along with animal skulls and other strange things.
It was... wonderful odd. lol
I love how you spot what the rest of us would walk by as a trash heap. Awesome look... I used to have a babydoll just like this minus the tortured look :)
Not a big deal but...
Won a photo contest on a photo site.
Not a big site, not a big contest.
But still.....
*Rat does the fat tail boggie dance*
That is fabulous! COngratulations!
Your photos are truly beautiful.
Congratulations Hun,
YAY! Congrats!
Now, are you going to show us which picture won? huh huh? I wanna see it!!!!!
Yup.....what Fairy said.....which pic?
Woohoo congrats!
*throws sparkly shit everywhere*
You deserve it- I look forward to throwing more sparkly shit the next time you win- and again, and again, and again...
seee ...... tollllllya
That's most excellent!
:D Thanks guys and gals. I won 2nd place in a show here in town, back with I was 14 years old. Film days. It was a picture of flowers.
I have to say it made my day winning. :)
I wonder why you don’t get along with people online.
Is it because no one cares?
That you don’t get enough attention?
That people are unwilling to listen to your stupid ass hate speech?
Or that you are just a bore and people see it more online then even in real life?
VR- not here to baby sit your ass.
Deal with it- go to another site.
But really….
It is bad when even the ‘drama’ folks here don’t want nothing to do with you.
Think about that.
tee hee.. I luff joo.. Specially when you get all 'boo-yah bishes!" It makes my lil heart go pitter patter.
*grins* Well, some people just have that imaginary box above them like in The Sims, but this one just says" Does not play well with anyone."
*WHAT MooniePie said*!!! I don't know who this is about but are you so right since I know "both" sides of being a drama folk. LMFAO!!
Big thumbs up to the jury in New Haven, Conn trail of Steven Hayes.
To bad he could not of been beaten, raped, gas poured on him and set on fire.
One more for the death row.
Cat and I went to the closed hospital today and meet with a PR lady who agreed to let me take pictures. You might recall this is the same building that I got into with the OK of a security guard, then escorted back out by another. LOL Kind of shocked she agreed to let me in, saying I wanted to record the history of the hospital building, it being a part of the town in one form or another since 1920’s. It is for sale you see- the hospital will never be the same again.
Going in I was thinking she would let us walk down the hallway, maybe the chapel. But nope- she open every door that was not locked, shared history of the place that she knew in the 8 years she worked there. She also shared some of her own life history; coming to work there for a woman she knew who was the CEO at the time. She was killed by her husband, and you could tell it was still a grief she carried. But then Cat and I also had our own stories- deaths in the family, sickness, my own birth, Cat working there in school. Along with the business our own family company did with this building, several remodels done.
The lady meets us on her day off- and at 8:00am. And she was a very nice woman really. We walked all around the hospital and she never stopped us from looking into doorways, telling us what all the rooms were we was entering. She explained equipment, and talked of ghost, paranormal, and how life is a gift. Really- you could not have asked for a nicer guide.
Cat and I got a card, a small gift to thank her and I will drop it off Monday at the new hospital to thank her. Now- the 200 pictures I took… editing will be easy as really- the came out really good. The kitchen area, and a few other places, did not have electric so they might not be great. But the images are just reminders- the place was freaking cool! Silent as a tome, dark hall and rooms only lighten by flashlights, and the pleasant company of ladies who shared my understanding of what had happen inside these walls.
That is one place I think I would have enjoyed going thru. Too bad I was working in another hospital instead.
You would have loved it Birdie, we missed you there. It was so different, dark and silent when always before it was filled to the brim with lights and noise from people and machines.
Such a dick- I will be glad when you leave VR again.
Which one? I've been counting down the days for so many.
Woolf , someone done peed off the rat. best watch there back.
gee, i could say that for oh, about 6 people here....
i got a list of people i would love see off vr. lol but i think we all have this love for some people lol
Agreed- I think that we keep some people around just like we buy
Not good for anything, but fun to watch them make fools out of
Sorry VW.. I've been here for 4 years... I don't see that wish coming true. :p
Dang it birra.... not you. You- I like. :D
When VR gets on my nerves- time for log off or bed.
Just need sleep. My inner bitch is not being held in...bad sign there.
Nothing like seeing what is coming ahead in your life to make you question life. And rethink a few things you always felt strongly about.
Mom is home, we all are in and safe now. Sister is still her from Lexington, but she is going home tonight or in the morning I think.
And it is turning into a long ass day for me.
Can't wait till this weekend- high in the 40's so it will be freaking cold as Me and Cat go into the closed empty hospital to take pictures Sat morning.
Nothing like getting the "Look" about that.
Write more later, when my brain does not feel like jello.
Jello.... pudding. Mmmm.
Ok- lunch time
lol ok sweetie too early for pudding , glad your mom is home and safe , you need to relax now and breathe ware a coat this weekend your gonna need it.
It's NEVER too early for pudding- so sayeth the lady who works nights and eats dinner at
glad your mom is better, time to look after you now :)
Mom is released in the morning. :D
And sis is staying the night so...sleep for me. :D
But the :D is ...
YAY!! congrats hun , I know your happy.
=) Good.
Good for her- now time for you to get some rest.
Been a long few days but Mom is doing better. She might be released by Friday. :D
Sorry- brain dead, lack of sleep does that to me.
Luv ya Rat!
sorry to hear about you mom , I hope she gets better and you get some sleep
My prayers are with you.
I am glad to hear your mom will be coming home =)
22:44 Nov 30 2010
I hate to see that sheet when I pass a wreck. I dont even know who it is but I still feel sad.