Talked to a friend on the phone earlier, seems last nights thunderstorm resulted in more than a brief power outage. She was using an umbrella in the pouring rain trying to get from the car to the house when she was hit by lightning. Came right down the umbrella into her hand and thru her body. She went to the hospital and checked out ok but had to follow up with her regular doctor today. She said she'll never use an umbrella during a thunderstorm again and then told me the tip of the umbrella blew off and was gone! lol I'm just glad she's okay but she said it also hurt like hell.
My 14 year old niece went to her 8th grade prom last night and she was so beautiful. Rat did her makeup and took these shots of her. Another friend drove in from Louisville for the day and brought her flowers for the event. She didn't have a date but joined a bunch of girlfriends there. Amanda picked the dress and with one look it was all she would consider.
It's like looking at my sister at that age save for a bit lighter hair. Even more heart wrenching is she looks so much like my Mom in the pictures I have of her as a young woman. Since most of them are black and white the hair color difference but if Mandy was as auburn haired as Kathryn Hepburn then she'd have been my Mom's double.
She is a beauty. :)
Very beautiful , I hope she had a great time
She's beautiful. I love that dress and how she is wearing her hair, it's very flattering and gorgeous. I hope she had a great time at prom.
Beautiful ! Everything worked very well together. What a beautiful young lady.
Rat did a great job. I can see your face in there too.
Absolutely lovely. =)
Wow...she cleans up beautifully........even Bill says so.:)
Yes she does have a look of you, hope she had a great time.
FOURTEEN?! Holy Schmoly. Why do they have to look so... more than 14?! My kid is 15 and I'm already building the tower. I know the grow-your-hair-long-and-the-prince-will-rescue-me trick, too. She can come down when she's 30.
I knew as soon as she walked out of that room with that dress, it would be perfect- she looked lovely in it then, and she looks fabulous now. I hope she had as good a time as she looked in that dress.
Have you ever noticied how the drama around here tends to come in waves then calms for a bit before someone else (usually one who's done it before) starts a whole new load of crap.
Before long they've managed to drag enough folks into it to have most everyone's attention or at least awareness of them.
Problem is having that reputation would really suck. I'd rather be known as quiet or even a non-entity than a drama whore.
I have my own thoughts and opinions and I don't need the approval or support of others in them.
I guess what confuses me is why anyone would need the approval of others to make a decision reguarding their own lives.
I know than in my life I'm surrounded by folks that are capable of making a decision and taking the consquences of it, not always gracefully but they don't hide either. Most of my friends here on the site are the same. I have a thing about personal responsibility so I guess that has extended to my friendships too.
There are things that affect us in this world that we cannot control but don't cry to me about having the flu when you kissed your boyfriend knowing he was sick with it.
If you look you notice that most of the folks who are dragged into it are ones that have migrated towards it.
Birds of a Feather flock together is really true.
Then you also have the sheep mentality. The ones that will just be angry because someone they know has an issues with a person, so they must have an issue too!
It's sad really. It must suck to not be able to think for yourself and follow the lead of everyone else.
It's almost as if some folk cannot live without strife and I pity them. They must be suffering from constant stress which is terribly bad for the immune system.
I dunno, I'd rather be a nobody than someone with a reputation for trouble although some folk seem to relish the idea that they are thought of as mean or as some put it : bitches.
I'm getting old :P
What.. drama? where? I am so out of zinc.. that, or it just washes over me after all these years of seeing and listening to it!
You know your problem, girl? Wisdom. It will NEVER get you into the drama cliques.
I'd rather be known as quiet or even a non-entity than a drama whore.
...That's why I enjoy what time I spend here. I don't consider myself popular - I rather enjoy being under the radar. I am friends with some of the most popular here, and friends with those who are almost non-entities here. And you know what? For the most part, the majority of us keep out of the drama. As a matter-of-fact - I have no idea what drama is going on right now. And I will keep it that way!
Sometimes...ignorance IS bliss - lol!
Drama gets a bad name here. I love the compelling, the moving, and the emotion of life. We too easily hand out the name drama when in reality they are just complainers who sit idly behind a computer screen.
Most people have fallen fowl in one form or another and I know that I too have not expressed myself in ways that I should have with responses to people...we all learn along the rocky road.
Things have been really crazy around here lately and I'm not sure if I'm coming or going most of the time. But I did get to have dinner with Rat and Birdie this week and it was so good to be together again. Even if we never solve the worlds problems with our gab sessions it's still the most fun to be had especially on a cold rainy night. :)
Thanks for the fun ladies.
It WAS fun.....:)
*sigh* Southern girls and lunch. What can beat that?
:) One day we will have to sit down with Mrs. Joli.
I agree, lunch or even just tea with Joli would be so cool.
I have come to the conclusion that I cannot type for shit today. I'm spending more time backing up and fixing mistakes than getting my thoughts down. I know it's anal to insist on fixing a simple misspelling but I never claimed to be sane.
Lots of errands to run tonight to help my neice get ready for her band trip. 4 days in Tampa Florida for a competition and crazyness. Lord help Floridia is all I can say. Mandy is only 14 but her best friend also qualified for the trip and her Mum and Dad are going with them so lot lesss worry for us about it.
Not sure how Adam will handle it, he's very attached to his Sissy so it might be one rough weekend around the house. But she's a good kid and worked hard in school so she deserves the fun before she starts high school next year and will have to get really serious about what direction she wants her life to go. Right now she's playing with the ideal of graphic artist.
You're so good!
I have come to the conclusion that I cannot type for shit today. I'm spending more time backing up and fixing mistakes than getting my thoughts down. I know it's anal to insist on fixing a simple misspelling, but I never claimed to be sane.
Lots of errands to run tonight to help my niece get ready for her band trip. 4 days in Tampa, Florida for a competition and craziness. 'Lord help Florida', is all I can say. Mandy is only 14, but her best friend also qualified for the trip; and her Mum and Dad are going with them, so a lot less worry for us about it.
Not sure how Adam will handle it. He's very attached to his Sissy, so it might be one rough weekend around the house. But She's a good kid, and worked hard in school, so she deserves the fun before she starts high school next year; and will have to get really serious about what direction she wants her life to go. Right now she's playing with the idea of graphic artist.
This message reviewed and edited courtesy of the VR Grammar Police
Everybody is a
Tell Sissy I said have a good time- and as far as I am concerned, Florida deserves whatever they dish out...LMAO
Give Adam a hug for me- you guys were a hott to spend the weekend with.
Well now it seems to me I done went and warned ya'll right off the start that my typing stunk today. We already knowed my brain was fried beyond recognition many many years ago. I don't like them there commas or semi-colon thingies and just let them fall away most times.
Now if the grammar squad wishes to challenge me further, I shall resort to fully typing as I speak, in complete hillbilly vernacular and you wonderful people really do not wish to hear that language. Given that most of you would possibly need a dictionary to even guess at what I tried to convey.
But I do like the icon of the VR Grammar Police. Grins...and she says IDEAL all the time instead of IDEA. Rat does too.......drives me crazy....but I LUVS them anyway.
Hey- I got a ideal for ya...
Ya know what I would do Cat -I'd start typing with misspellings and incorrect grammar just to spite them. But me thinks you're probably above that :)
'This message reviewed and edited courtesy of the VR Grammar Police'
I want one of those although I slip up with my spelling and grammar sometimes lol!
Was talking to an old friend from work and yesterday's news is bringing some changes at least here in Kentucky. With Bin Laden's death, the first big "well known world event" is the KY Derby which is next weekend. And we thought the probability of rain was going to be bad....
Lots of increased security going on around it but so far no changes made for the actual day of the race. I do suspect though that cops running around outside of Louisville on Derby day will be very scarce. A good day for avoiding speeding tickets at least :)
Not sure yet which horse I"m going to pull for just haven't looked into it yet but we always pick our favorite and pull for them during the race. I've never really wanted to see the race in person, too big a crowd for my comfort and I get a much better seat in front of the tv. So anyone have any tips as to who is going to win?
I like Tobys Corner and Pants on Fire. Im having a hard time picking just one this year.
Well I guess it will be easy for me to pick now, I just read in the paper that Tobys Corner is out of the derby.
You know that Bin Laden was never actually charged with 9/11...
Did you bet?
01:04 May 28 2011
Oh wow.
I am glad she's okay. I have seen it knock a tree down, but never that close. Thankfully. I would have been horrified.
I know this is going to sound weird, but it didn't hurt her? Not at all?
01:30 May 28 2011
I read of a guy here who lived in some cold area of the country. Don't remember where, but lots of snow and ice for long periods. He was hit by lightening and afterwards never felt the cold again. He never wore any jackets or anything when others were bundled for the North Pole.
19:32 May 28 2011
WOW!! hope she is ok
02:30 May 29 2011
The anti-cold would be a good effect but probably not worth the pain she said it caused her :(
14:33 May 30 2011
Yeah that must have been really frightening for her, glad she is ok.
19:52 Jun 06 2011
What a odd and frightening ordeal. I hope she recovers well.