Myth's Journal

Myth's Journal


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16 entries this month


01:30 Aug 24 2014
Times Read: 644

I am ready for Autumn. I am ready to see the leaves change. I am ready to feel the cool night air. I am ready to see the stars in the crystal clear night.

I am ready for Late Autumn.I am ready to play in the leaves on the ground.I am ready to feel the wind to chill my skin. I am ready to see the stark beauty of the naked trees against grey clouded sky.

Autumn is the time I feel most pleasant living on this planet of ours.It does something to me. A touch more happy, A bit more relaxed.

It's the time I feel closest to mother earth.

Spring is lovely when thing come back to life. But it starts to drag me down.Summer it seems to have no escape. It fills me with Dread,tiredness,crankiness.

And then there is Winter. When the world sleeps and the colors contrast when it snows. It can be awe inspiring to me. I can feel the creativity flowing from the wellspring of a world sleeping.

4 seasons.4 ways to feel.



02:39 Aug 24 2014

Autumn is my favorite season.

02:52 Aug 24 2014

Autumn is my favorite season as well. Can't wait for the leaves to change colors and the cool breeze.



03:49 Aug 21 2014
Times Read: 652

Well my dear old Journal.. I came back home. Survived another boring work week doing the same crap. Amazingly I survived the trip home.. that is a stupendous feat of shear will, and intestinal fortitude. I miss getting off work earlier in the day.I don't have road rage..no It's more of the "Who in the hell let the idiots out all at once?? Who ever it is needs to be shot" Funny thing I got passed by a black dodge truck that was going over 80mph in heavy rain. a few miles down the road the traffic slowed up. Sure enough.. That truck was sitting the wrong way against the inside barrier and was crumpled. Out here we have 3 lane interstate. It's the fast lane, the go faster lane, and the "fuck it, I feel like committing suicide" lane. Sorry my car isn't a formula 1 race car, or a indy car. And not to mention.. I happen to like my car.

Yeah..are they pissed at their car? Do they hate it that bad? Or is it they have so much cash they don't give a crap? And then don't get me started about Semi trucks! Actually I work on them. I have seen stuff that would make your skin crawl knowing that these things are out there riding beside you down the road at 75mph hauling very heavy loads..



Well so far that's it. Life goes on. Thursday is next..



01:40 Aug 24 2014

I am ready for it to stop being 104 degrees!

01:40 Aug 24 2014

Ooops that is supposed to be on the entry above about being ready for autumn. Sorry.



03:41 Aug 17 2014
Times Read: 663

"Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies.

Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain.

For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston.

And so nevermore shall we see you again."

Yes it's from the movie Jaws. Yes it's Quint.

I like that little ditty.

Time for me to say goodnight until next Wednesday evening.

Time is upon me to go row with the other slaves.

Work-the ultimate 4 letter dirty word.

And I leave you with this.

From Japan.. One of my favorite dancing groups


The song is in Japanese..But still.. Open your mind and give it a watch! You might like it.



02:45 Aug 24 2014

Now...that was weird.


What the hell?

04:14 Aug 16 2014
Times Read: 671




The devils dance




The horses Prance




Dance the last dance




Forever no more chance




There is no more dance.


Forget me not

When I sleep

Forget me not

When I eat

Forget me not

When I am on my feet

Forget me not

When I am 6 feet deep


My brain must have exploded. Sorry for the grey matter decorating your monitor.



interviewer- "So tell me are you truly a Vampire?"

Vampire- "Yes I am."

Interviewer looks at the vampire quizzically And says "I need proof"

Vampire leans over and says-"Ok I will give it to you the proof you seek..."And Bites the Interviewer.

No more interview..

The End.~~

**Insert loud insane laughing from an asylum here**

Good day, Good evening, Good night,And don't let the vampires bite......to hard :)

All words by myth, Nothing copied, pure crap from my brain.



02:22 Aug 17 2014

I don't care what anyone says, that was funny. LOL


Verbal Trash

01:02 Aug 15 2014
Times Read: 682

My journal entry's are not popular, nor fun or interesting.

Since I found my way back to this they have become more dull and it seems self centered. Ouch this, pain that.But never for one to say bad things or be hurtful to others.

I have had no reason to. why should I talk bad about a person? I like to believe that it makes me a better person not to sink to that level.

I have survived many things over the years, and have had the chance to meet some amazing people even if they did seem a bit off.

But I have frowned upon trying to talk bad about them Best thing was try and place them out of my mind and life.

Some kept trying to be in it even when they know they were not welcome. this to has seemed to make going forward a bit more difficult.But I still managed to survive.

It is possible to not get tangled into a web of hurt.You can't avoid it, but you can rise above it.


If a certain some one reads this.. I did not forget about August 11th. It was there days before and still there. I think though because I have another different kind of pain it made it more tolerable.I still think about making the trip to Arlington cemetery on that day. Thankfully I did not sink into the picture and video watching and the memories.


And since I had complained about my back for the last few entries, And If your curious, Back is still in fail mode. it's good when I lay down ,but crap on everything else.I am actually very worried. By the second day of my job it becomes unbearable. Now I will do the *Sigh* thing...**SIGH**


In closing ... My life is most typical of a 40ish living out in farm country type person (Minus the alcoholism and country music part)

But in a time long since gone I was in on things. But that is what life does, not every one manages to stay the same and heap change upon change. But on the inside is the lovely artsy gothy person still interested in the strange and unusual Or as I often quote Lydia Deetz "I myself AM strange and unusual"

YES I went there. :P



01:40 Aug 15 2014

Your journal isn't boring to me... :)

And all of us are somewhat self-centered, as we are writing about our crap in our journals. lol

Seriously...continue to heal, amigo.


Think.. Think...

01:14 Aug 11 2014
Times Read: 690

This week I have had lot's of time to think. And I did a lot of that.

I thought about the home remodel,The storage shed, And kids graduating. Well that is in between drugged up mindless stuff.

Also been thinking Of this other job. I have spent 7 years at this one I am at now, I get paid well,Have 3 weeks paid vacation, And some seniority. But it sucks on the home front since it's so far away.I hate to lose what I have and start all over again at the bottom of the ladder. But I also know it's super close to home, and if they are telling it right, making almost if not a tad bit more than I make now.

OH and supposedly it will be easier on my body.

It will mean being stuck in a plant, not being outside.

At the job I do now.. All I have to do is look out my bay door, Or just step out.And sometimes I just decide to work outside.

*sigh* I am thinking about it.It's not easy.

I don't know if I can trust what they say the starting pay is.This by word of mouth.

All this thinking.. GAH! gives me headache.



13:17 Aug 11 2014

I don't want to pressure you. It would be so good to have you home every night and being able to stick with a similar income plus not risking as much strain on your back but I understand about not wanting to be cooped up and not really knowing much about the place doesn't help.

I am happy you have at least given it some thought.


05:22 Aug 10 2014
Times Read: 702

Completed my second page on here. I kind of like doing that. Feel free to read and comment. I am full of interesting things to page about ;P


Been spending most of my Saturday on here lurking around.Did some coven stuffs, did a few other things.

All in All it was an ok day.


Thankfully nothing exciting happened.And tomorrow is my last day away from work with the pulled muscle back issue.

Yes it still aches but not close to the way it was a few days ago.

Ahh the dull boring life. :) :)



16:03 Aug 10 2014

But now it is Sunday.



22:21 Aug 08 2014
Times Read: 715

I started doing the page thing. Made one,I have many more to follow.Also I probably will be adding to them as well.

It's been a rainy day. I am doing ok. blah blah blah.

Having a big platter of Nachos tonight for dinner. Just me and Moonkissed all alone. *YIKES* Now I am freaked out! kidding kidding!

I was thinking of tomorrow hooking up the scanner and letting her make some copies from her antique recipe books..

No complaints to day. I woke up thinking "stop being so negative" so yeah.

Other than that the daily grind goes on.

:) :) :)



23:00 Aug 08 2014

Grocery trip didn't help.

23:31 Aug 08 2014

Oooo! You guys enjoy! :)

And yay! I'm so excited to see you making pages.



00:55 Aug 08 2014
Times Read: 735

I have gotten tired of bitching about things over the last few days.

Honestly I pissed off about having to sit around and relax and take it easy. I don't mind being on here or on the computer,but I just seem I couldn't get into it. From sun up to sun down has been just a misery, melancholy, distant feeling. I also thought it was Wednesday, not Thursday.

Maybe it's the pain killers screwing with my head. Or it also could be that I am very tired of this pain. I felt good this morning. 10 times better than yesterday. As the sun crept through the sky so has the pain increased.

I generally don't mind pain.I work through it and around it. I have pulled muscles and broken bones before.This is something new.

Like for instance I sneezed this afternoon and I hit the floor. I am still walking lopsided.And there is this thing ..I can't get comfortable at all.Even Ebay isn't holding my attention like normal!

i am also very tired about bitching about it. But it is all that I seem to be focused on. I want to get up and do things. I want to clean out the shed and start getting ready to remodel the home.

It irks me I had to use up all of my time I had saved from work to cover this. Sure in December I get it all back..and then some.

I wish I had something better to say. Like having a good fun time kicking back and all that. But I am the worst at dealing with relaxing.

it is possible That I have hit the low spot of this week. I don't know.

All I know is I am Miserable and trying my damnedest to not let it get to me....only failing.



00:57 Aug 08 2014

I don't expect replies.. I know people get tired of bitching.

01:47 Aug 08 2014

Funny how getting the car and going to the local store for a minute improves the way I feel :)

01:54 Aug 08 2014

You are one of those people who feel guilty if they miss out on work. Don't. Things happen health-wise which you - or your job -have no control over.

Concentrate on getting better.

I'm curious about the sneeze though - was it that powerful that it knocked you to the floor? (With pain, I'm sure). I've had painful sneezes which have hurt my back, but I have yet to be knocked to the floor) :(

01:56 Aug 08 2014

Feel better

02:40 Aug 08 2014

I didn't realize it was Thursday either :(

I hope I am being supportive enough. I know i kind of suck at empathy and stuff.


just a list of dream concerts..

17:11 Aug 07 2014
Times Read: 752

Dream concerts I would love to go to,Even some That will never ever happen...

Stevie Nicks


Cyndi Lauper

Emilie Autumn

David Bowie


The Doors


The Gazzette (Japan Visual Kei band)

Hatsune Miku (Japan Vocaloid)

Tina Turner

The Hot Puppies (Great Britain)

Blue Stahli

Pink Floyd (not the laser show)



And a few more I can't remember.



17:52 Aug 07 2014

Sounds good to me.

17:56 Aug 07 2014

hehe I was fighting the creeping crud of boredom. posted something fun and random.

20:18 Aug 07 2014

Ooo! I love that list.

I've seen many people but unfortunately the concerts near me got cancelled. I've seen Blondie, The Monkees before Davy died, Rose Royce, Jefferson Airplane, Village people, the music of Styx, and many more. I saw Amanda Palmer this summer. :)


I'm cranky

02:54 Aug 07 2014
Times Read: 767

Sorry not much for journal writing today.

I'm cranky so it wouldn't be good. It would be all bitch about this, Moan about that. No nothing about on here.

No.. My Fu**ing back hurts I move just slightly and hold on for pain of the nth degree.Pain killers Seem to semi work but for a very short amount of time, I do mean short.Bloody misery!

Found out good news.. X-Ray shows spine ok no issues. instead I have pulled muscles.

See.. Bitch and moan. Tried to focus on some fun things, but just seem one step shy of enjoying it.

Thinking about adding another section to my journal about interesting things I am interested in. Not to sure about the pages thing though.

So Day 1 almost complete 5 more to go.



03:51 Aug 07 2014

We all have our good days and our bad days. (Today, mine kinda' sucked too, Vr-wise)

I hope tomorrow is a good day for you!

03:54 Aug 07 2014

well I hope for a good day for you and for me.


I went to work..

22:27 Aug 05 2014
Times Read: 783

Ok Ok.. so here I am. Went to work, lasted 3 hours, left and went to see the emergency room and renew my dose of x-rays.

I was placed out of work for the rest of the week, and got some good candy for my suffering.

Yes.. I gave up being all manly and bold.I was going to suffer, but my back had another agenda.

Waiting on the x-ray results.So far the x-ray tech said "it's not pretty"

well poo.

So That's where I am at at the moment. Broken. That irritates the hell out of me. And I now burn up all my vacation time I had left that I was saving for around Halloween.

I have a feeling I am going to be a pain in the ass come Wednesday.

But the ER was not in my deck of cards.. Found out they don't like dealing with us types who are tied to the VA. So amazingly I stopped at the VA clinic I go to.. They did a triage there, and sent me packing to the next big city for the x-rays. They didn't send me half way across the state to the big VA Hospital.

That was one of those rare moments that they seemed to actually care. If I wasn't hurting so bad I would have been in shock.

So yeah you nice people get to put up with me and my pain killer drugged up self.



22:40 Aug 05 2014

Yikes! I'm glad they finally took care of it. Take it easy!

23:48 Aug 05 2014

Yes you will be a pain in my ass. Especially when you get stir crazy and start trying to do things.

Don't! Really! Just Don't!


Blank Title.

01:39 Aug 05 2014
Times Read: 788

Time for my almost daily post.Time for the boring daily post.

It's just time.

SO.. I relaxed all day. took it easy. Pain level is down to a manageable level.YEAAA me. At least I can stand up straight again.Just have to be careful and stop what I am doing when it twinges into the 10th level of hell.

I tried to keep myself entertained.This was not easy for some reason. It could be it was from being exhausted from dealing with my issue.

Also I should have been at work.. that to messed up that mojo for me. DAMNED routines.

SHHH Don't tell the wife.. I bought another camera for my collection. Actually it was a very good deal and it's one I have been after for a while.

I watched some Anime this morning. That was great. Did stuff here.Made and changed my background. I took a nap and that irked me.Sat and listened to "American Dad" almost all day long in the background. it's in the living room where where every one else is.

For the most of the summer there has been a marathon of shows on the tv. Almost complete nonstop watching of every season of different shows. Jericho, Scrubs, And now American Dad.

I tried to listen to my music but couldn't get into it..So I listen to the a/c and the tv. STIR CRAZY..

See..Boring. Now I get up at 4am and off to work. Now I work Saturday to make up for today OR.. I work the next 2 days at 15 hours to make up for today.. I might do that.

What a disjointed day. I'm not fond of days like this.




bunk,fluff, what ever.

01:58 Aug 04 2014
Times Read: 806

Ha.. I was going to do my normal writing and all I could think was curse words. Foul language. that bit.

If your wondering .. Or if not I'll tell you any way..About my slight issue with my lower back..

Put 2 and 2 together and you get why I was only thinking foul language in the top paragraph.

I went to work.. Did my 10 hours in pain, and now home. Not going tomorrow. I quite possibly need to see a doctor and have an x-ray.

It's been a while since I had a dose something from the atomic side of the periodic table of elements any way. a little radiation recharge is good for lots of things..

Setting off alarms at the airport..

fibbing a little and selling you kidneys on the black market under the term "hazardous waste"

Fun time with Geiger counters.

That glowing feeling.

For some reason I fear they will see badness, and come at me with the scalpel and no anesthesia and a very large bill for "services rendered".

yeah fun fun fun.

Does it hurt? That's a HELL YES.



02:12 Aug 04 2014

I can only imagine...but you have such a dark humorous way of explaining it all to us.

Seriously...get some rest, and take care of yourself. Also...allow yourself to be gently kissed by moonkissed! :)

02:21 Aug 04 2014

As the saying goes, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!"



01:36 Aug 03 2014
Times Read: 833

Nothing artsy or fun or strange to write about.

Rose moved me to ACM position. going to keep working at it.

Having a bit of a problem with a few ideas and where I should post them..Here or my own page? hmmm it's just writing about an interest of mine..

Made a few images one for a new background on my pro..But giving me a fit to make it look right on here.

And the last.. I am in a GREAT DEAL OF PAIN!!! But I have to suck it up a drive on. I guess the blow out the other day was a precursor to this.I'm at a full blown 9 to 10 on that pain scale they ask. DAMN DAMN DAMN.




01:42 Aug 03 2014

You deserve the promotion! :) I'm still stuck on how awesome the crest is.

Feel better Jeff! :(

01:53 Aug 03 2014

Lower back, I know it's a disk or two, front part of my leg keeps going off and on numb. been like this since before lunch :) Builds character!

Ah It will :) I hope.

02:03 Aug 03 2014

Oh no...I do hope that the pain subsides quickly! :(


A mindless ditty to the thing that blinks.

01:33 Aug 02 2014
Times Read: 850

I sit and watch the cursor blink,

while life goes by me while I think,

I think,

What does it want

That thing that blinks,

What does it need

That thing that blinks

What does it eat

That thing that blinks

And the cursor continues to blink,

Maybe I should put it down in ink.


I just thought of that while sitting and looking at the cursor blinking away.



02:06 Aug 02 2014

Poetry now.

02:10 Aug 02 2014

Yes ..Poetry if you can call it that.

02:59 Aug 02 2014

That's an adorable poem. :P

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