Yeah not only Jerry Springer, but Maury and Dr.phil
So I was thinking the other day how long
I have been on VR. Remembering the first person I met on here , lordrazr , remembering all the rating I did to level up to Sire , and how much that accomplishment meant to me . Sires were so respected and looked up to .
I remember starting my coven how exciting that was , and all the people who helped me along the way . So many of them.are no longer on vr ..and I really miss them .
I'll mention a few dorvaine , one of my first members, sylvia , vision, ladycara , and frankie aka MMFWCL ..vr just isnt the same without them !
I do miss Cara and Vision. They were cool cats.
Yes very cool !
I remember MMFWCL :). And I was in your mentorship :). My how times have flown
It really has !
are the days of hundreds of people on at the same time gone? now, i just sign in because there are people whom i can only contact here...
I keep coming because I am a sucker for punishment lol.
LZA you are vrs queen ! Dont you dare go anywhere and leave me alone with ....well the twin goofballs
Sooo it's been brought to my attention that someone has been bullying one of my members .. that's not cool .
Its really sad when an adult makes another person feel uncomfortable on here.
I've dealt with this ..person ...and I use that word loosely,
In the past . Hes a bully , a liar and psychopath.
I dont give a fuck what you do , but dont think my coven members will be used as your cheap thrills and plaything . If they dont want you catch a damn clue and grow the fuck up ! Get over yourself . Step away from the keyboard pick up a book feed your mind you idiot. Stop being a child. You're living in a goddamn fantasy world . No one is scared of you ..
And that is why I love you :}
But I loves you more!
They messaged me telling me I should pray to them and then blocked me. Like Seriously dude? Go take your Meds. Oh and This person seems to be obsessed and cant understand or seem get the point when someone just says No.
And furthermore I won't tolerate the Drama in my coven and coming from who it is. I sense there is an enormous amount of fuckery involved, So...
1# I'm not gonna let other peoples drama and stalking/bullying behavior on this site affect my coven members and make them feel threatened by being on fucking Website.
2# Anyone who harasses and or bullies my Coven Members and or brings drama to my coven, will be dealing with me directly. And I will take the appropriate actions. I feel are necessary.
3# Maybe they should get a real life. Instead of bullying and manipulating other people and then, blaming all their problems on others while playing the victim. And then trying to create more bullshit drama and Fuckery for the people they can't just leave alone.
Sorry this is happening to one of your members. It's nice though to see Coven leaders stepping up to protect one of there members. It's been awhile since I have seen a post like this.
Glue their butts to the wall karmina .
I know in not in your coven KarminaTheDarkAngel. but I do consider you as a big sis and a mentor . And yes you have to stuck up for your coven members and other people that really close to you. And you tell them that bullying wont be tolerated here what's so ever
06:52 Sep 28 2018
lol. What did I miss today while I was playing with hot molten sugar?
12:28 Sep 28 2018
Yep and both are pregnant Dr. Phil

00:35 Sep 29 2018
Lol your too funny Absin
06:24 Sep 30 2018
LMAO, freaking SWEET :}