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15:58 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:58 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:58 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:58 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was editing their Profile. 15:58 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was editing their Profile. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was editing their Profile. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was editing their Profile. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:56 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:55 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:55 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing something Mysterious. 15:55 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was in The Forum. 15:55 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was in The Forum. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was in The Forum. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing Premium Member stuff. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing Premium Member stuff. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing Premium Member stuff. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing Premium Member stuff. 15:54 Mar 03 - AbsintheandBlood was doing Premium Member stuff.
Take bread away from me, take away water if you wish; but never deny me your smile.
Profile belongs to Theodora, I hop on to help out the coven this profile is in.
Welcome to my page .....
My name is Greyson, my friends and family call me Grey.
I'm a very introverted individual, love alone time, only sharing time with selective friends and family.
I am a student and pt worker. I love music of all kinds so any song can be playing on my profile, music and reading are a big part of my life. I am a helpless/hopeless romantic that has recently failed at my relationship.
Music, art, Intellectual girls and friends, I recently started practicing Shinto, I now stay in touch with Kami pure spiritual energy. I am into music, reading, studying different cultures, global awareness and understanding art. I love home cooked meals, hanging with good friends, I have a passion for poetry and animals.....
And Jesus Christ my lord and Savior.
I only worship at the feet of Jesus!
My Dislikes :
Cold pizza, road rage, running late for class, girls that tease, animal abuse, bad music, movies made from books, people who judge others when they have never walked in their shoes. preconceived assumptions, hot weather, blustery cold weather, people who come off as your friend but cast you aside because one of their friends hates you. Personality I could never do this to anyone no matter how much I may like the other person. I dislike political disputes. Each and everyone should be able to vote or like whoever without being ridiculed. The world should respect each other no matter what their views are. Learn to love and respect!
I am dwelling on the mountain,
Where the golden sunlight gleams
O'er a land whose wondrous beauty
Far exceeds my fondest dreams
Where the air is pure, ethereal,
Laden with the breath of flow'rs,
They are blooming by the fountain,
'Neath the amaranthine bow'rs.
Is not this the land of Beulah?
Blessed, blessed land of light,
Where the flowers bloom forever,
And the sun is always bright!
I can see far down the mountain,
Where I wandered weary years,
Often hindered in my journey
By the ghosts of doubts and fears;
Broken vows and disappointments
Thickly sprinkled all the way,
But the Spirit led, unerring,
To the land I hold today.
IN tombs of gold and lapis lazuli
Bodies of holy men and women exude
Miraculous oil, odour of violet.
But under heavy loads of trampled clay
Lie bodies of the vampires full of blood;
Their shrouds are bloody and their lips are wet
"I am come—I am come! once again from the tomb,
In return for the ring which you gave;
That I am thine, and that thou art mine,
This nuptial pledge receive."
He lay like a corse 'neath the Demon's force,
And she wrapp'd him in a shround;
And she fixed her teeth his heart beneath,
And she drank of the warm life-blood!
And ever and anon murmur'd the lips of stone,
"Soft and warm is this couch of thine,
Thou'lt to-morrow be laid on a colder bed—
Albert! that bed will be mine
Of darkness, blood and desire I am born. Those that seek scoff and scorn. Mother earth come welcome me, ease my mind and set me free. The blood that runs but through my veins, burns like fire, but cold like rain.
The embers cool when darkness falls, shadows cloak and covers all.Desire that burns deep within, I cannot seek nor call you friend. So life I have , such that it is solitude my only kin.
While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin yeah
Just passing our time
While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the aeons, and on and on
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo
You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo be free be free
Surrender your ego be free be free to yourself
Oooh ooh
If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point if there's a reason to live or die
If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah (yeah yeah)
And whatever will be will be
We'll keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)