So, I'm concidering buying a motorcycle.
On the plus side - Fun, 75 mpg, can park it about anywhere oh and fun.
On the minus side - Potential to become the hood ornament of some unattentive driver.
Not sure whicj way I'm going to go, but right now I'm leaning toward getting it.
So I was a church all morning, helping out with the annual Easter Egg hunt plus we had a band practice for tomorrow's Palm Sunday Service.
While I was stuffing plastic eggs with candy I got into a bit of a "discussion" with the husband of our Associate Pastor.
They have an 18 mo old son and I was asking if he was getting worked up about the egg hunt. He told me "we don't do egg hunts or the Easter Bunny or any of that stuff...It's too Pagan" I was kind of floored. I asked him where he "drew the line" at things of "Pagan origin" he said he doesn't want anything of Pagan origin in his son's life. So I asked him..."Well then what do YOU call the first Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox". He said "Easter". I asked "Isn't that a bit too PAGAN since the name we used is derived from the Pagan equinox holiday of Ostara?" "Should you use some other name?" He didn't have an answer..Then I asked "Isn't it kind of PAGAN to derive the date of a religious holiday from the seasonal tilt of the Earth and the phase of the moon?" He also had no answer. He got up and left.
His wife, our Associate Pastor then came over and told me "Good job shutting him up on that!" She also told me that Gina gave him an earfull along the same lines at a committee meeting a few days ago!
You really need to open your mind before you open your mouth!
It's way too quite around here.
Gina is away for the weekend.
Chrissy and Liam are out at a friends.
David went to a local teen club to hear a friend of his band play.
I'm home alone!
I suck!
Yes... you do. *play hit to the back of your head* That is for not showing in GA. *hits again* That is for not being around. And this...*hugs* is for coming back.
What Rat said!! Glad you are back around....:)
Welcome back bull
21:26 Mar 29 2010
Let's revist the hood ornament for a second.... --.--