I’m going through withdrawals from stopping benzodiazepines. I’ve been on them for a few years and they have never worked for my anxiety. Every single doctor appointment I’ve had I would tell them that, but they would only give me Klonopin and never offered to try anything different. The VA says that is the “gold standard“ of their prescription for anxiety and would not budge. 2 to 3 weeks ago (I can’t remember exactly when) I got fed up. I started thinking… Why am I taking this stuff if it does nothing for my symptoms? And also Prazosin – something that I was taking for PTSD nightmares. That didn’t work at all either. I stopped the Prazosin about a month or so ago, and then a couple weeks later I decided to stop the benzos.
My next mental health appointment came and I let my doctor know that I felt there was zero reason to medicate me with these things when they’re not doing the job they are prescribed for. What’s the point in being on something that lowers my blood pressure (Prazosin) when I don’t have blood pressure problems? The thought process with that medication is that lowering your blood pressure will stop your mind from racing and you are less inclined to have nightmares… But no such luck here. And why am I taking this Klonopin if it doesn’t scratch the surface of anxiety? I said I might as well get these drugs out of my system. She agreed.
I didn’t think about the side effects of ending the Klonopin. But I have been taking it for 4 years and my system is used to having that drug whether it was working for anxiety or not. And there is such a plethora of side effects that I’m not going to even begin to list them. It’s just been far too many days of it. It’s been difficult giving my all to my homework with this going on. But somehow, I am managing. It’s possible I might break my straight A streak with the class I am finishing up this weekend. I hope not – but… I’m still going to give my very best.