Daire, hope you have all the best available on this day of your birth. Many happy birthday wishes to you!
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 75,074 [ Give / Take ] |
I left my greeting just after midnight New Orleans time on Facebook. Gotta love those birthday reminders over there :P
But hey, have a happy birthday here on VR, too!
Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (204) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 12,829 [ Give / Take ] |
I was going to get you a stamp saying it but...
Hope your wish come true Daire.
Aww I feel so loved....... in a bad way. Would you all mind just taking a little step backwards, there that's better.
Thank you all.
May the craic raise the roof on your birthday! Hope it is a good one:)