Dracula vs.The Wolfman vs. Frankenstein
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Enchanter (80)
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16:00:43 Aug 08 2009
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Let just say Hollywood created a movie with all 3 classic characters fighting each other.whom do you think would have the edge in this fight?
And do not bring up the fact that they have all been in the movie Van Helsing either.

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Superior Sire (144)
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16:45:14 Aug 08 2009
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If you look at all 3 of them from the pros and cons of their abilities and conditions then I have to think the werewolf has the upper hand if it is a prolonged battle but in a fast hit battle then it'll be the vampire.

Frankenstein is limited due to his slow movements, lack of intelligence and the fears he's known for.

Vampires would I believe be the strongest and have the most abilites in a quick fight but only at night when they are their strongest and can move about freely.

Werewolves based on the myth are stronger than normal always yet when transformed are much more so. The nights of the full moon could make them better or worse depending on how it affects their mentality.

This leads me to conclude that werewolves would win a prolonged fight since the day or night wouldn't matter to them and their ability to move more openly would provide them the necessasry advantages to win.

All this is of course based on the literature and myth about the three creatures and their abilities and weaknesses.

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Enchanter (80)
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17:01:13 Aug 08 2009
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I'm not referring to the myths.......I'm referring to a monster on monster battle....fight to the finish.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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17:26:29 Aug 08 2009
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Frankenstein's Monster to be exact...Frankenstein was the Doctor.

But not to be Biased if you put in The Wolfman and not a Werewolf,they are two different beasts.The Wolfman was under a curse and could only change during a full moon.A Werewolf could change at will.

Dracula could only come out at night,because the sun could kill him.

So The Wolfman would win because he could kill Dracula while he slept in his coffin and Frankenstein's Monster could be defeated by simply staying away from his grasp as he set him on fire.

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17:51:13 Aug 08 2009
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Frankenstein would have been on the bottom, too slow, bulky in his moves, no agility, only strength (if he could catch a werewolf or vampire in the first place)

Considering the legend of a vampire is that he is already dead and Immortal, were as the Werewolf transform from human form to werewolf and is not Immortal, I'd have to place my money on the Vampire!

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Hellhound (70)
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18:02:17 Aug 08 2009
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no no no.... most deffinitly Dracula... he got super speed, he can shape shift and..... Hes just Flippin awesome lol ^.^

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Unregenerate (63)
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18:28:09 Aug 08 2009
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i kinda would go with black hawk. frankenstein would have the upperhand but i think in the end i would have to go with the wolfman because of the myth of him being extremely strong

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Premiere Sire (121)
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18:34:48 Aug 08 2009
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He has the wits, the elegance and the manners!

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Sire (108)
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19:03:08 Aug 08 2009
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If I were the wolfman, I'd form an allegiance with Frankenstein, be his licky-hand doggy, and use him as a foil to distract DRacula while I make the leap for Drac's throat. If I could rip out his throat and cause enuf bleeding to disengage his head from his body, he'd be done.

Of course then I would have swallowed some of Dracula's blud and combined with my wolfish cunning, I would rule the world. bwahahaha!

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Royal Sire (241)
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21:06:17 Aug 08 2009
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Well i think the wolfman would win from what i saw in the movie so there lol

Frankenstein would hold in a clinch, lift head high slammming into walls throwing or snapping neck via throttleing

Dracula well i think he just lets the two of them tire themselves out b4 beng cunning and sinking his teeth into them when they get injured, i think he lifts his cape with one arm up and grins from what i remember lol

As for the wolfman well he jumps from behind clinging on till he gets thrown off and comes back for another savage attack, i would give him the verdict for injurys to the back of the head and neck

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Arch Sire (193)
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23:16:57 Aug 08 2009
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Yeah, for real... something has to be said for agility :P I won't bank on ole Franky. Not really sure between the other two, but I tell you what I do know- I own the 1931 Frankenstein and the 1942 Frankenstein meets The Wolfman and I am going to watch them tonight :)

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Royal Sire (207)
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00:13:36 Aug 09 2009
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Personally, I think Dracula would have the edge in battle... He can fly, the other two can't.

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Sire (105)
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01:55:46 Aug 09 2009
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Dracula had more minions... Dracula wins.

If we were talking about Frankenstein... and not his monster... I'd cheer for Frankenstein... he could make all the minions he wanted. Mad scientist for the win.

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Royal Sire (203)
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03:57:04 Aug 09 2009
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Dracual vs The Wolfman vs Frankensteing , or is it The Monster is a battle that will be decided by brains, Dracula will obviously win since he is the most intelligent, the Wolfman in wolf form is simply just a beast, The Monster, if that is who you mean, has no intelligence, operates on instint, if it is Dr Frankensteir, I would still give it to Dracula because of superior strenght

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Venerable Sire (135)
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04:08:35 Aug 09 2009
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You're thinking Werewolf...they are pure animal...

The Wolfman may look somewhat like a wolf but he still has human thought mixed with the animal.Think classic Universal movies...not new Hollywood crap.

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Phantom (28)
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05:24:04 Aug 09 2009
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If the clash of titans would be based in a full moon scenario,- Night for the sake of half of the contestants abilities, I would say The Wolfman would win the battle; as commented above, Frankenstein is to slow yet strong, but in a battle against agility strength doesn't really help, and Dracula has less utensils for fight, I mean what is he going to do? bite the others to death?

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Sire (108)
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05:36:25 Aug 09 2009
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Exactly Iluminaria. Dracula can hop about, disappear and reappear in the blink, and the Wolfman knows this. Timing is of the essence. Dracula must be distracted with Frankie old boy, toy with him, be ultra-sarcastic, so that when the Wolfman makes his leap, he goes for the total throat gouge, veins spurting and cartilage crunching.

And Frankenstein does the feint, like he's a huge Golem falling apart, but he grabs Drac's head by his greasy hair and just lifts the severed head off.

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Phantom (28)
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05:44:12 Aug 09 2009
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Exactly a bit graphical but complete hehe, Dracula bites the Frankenstein monster and suck what? dead blood? If he can even pierce that green thing that is, and then he bites the werewolf? what can he get out of that, hair?hehe or better so; another more devouring bite from it, or perhaps a slash in the face, I think Igor would kill them all by stabbing all of them when they least expect it. A silver spear, a wooden spear, and for Franky a whack in the head with barely anything at disposal, that could knock the brains out.

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Aggressor (83)
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13:22:54 Aug 09 2009
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Im definately in ranks on the vampire. His natural instinct is to elude all predators. While the other two are precariously emotional. Too easy to anger, and therefor open for target.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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14:46:36 Aug 09 2009
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Not turning from the meaning of the thread but Igor only gave the wrong brain to Dr.Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein.

But the thread asked who would win the battle in a fight with Dracula,The Wolfman,and Frankenstein.

I took that as the classic Universal movie characters...and a side note The Wolfman was created by Universal to go a long with Dracula,Frankenstein,etc.

He was the only one NOT based on a character from a novel.

Anyhow...Dracula from the 1931 movie couldn't change shape or fly...

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Sire (108)
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17:26:29 Aug 09 2009
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Wolfman and Frankenstein do appear more emotional, but Dracula is arrogant and smug, and those are affectations based on deep-seated emotions which are ripe for exploitation.

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Nihilist (19)
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05:42:44 Aug 10 2009
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dracula is the fastest and we all know speed is everything in a fight

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Sire (103)
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06:19:10 Aug 10 2009
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dracula he has not lived forever for no reason he is the cleverest

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Charmer (84)
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07:03:13 Aug 10 2009
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ok, i didnt notice if anyone mentioned it, but dracula in the book, (and in the movie bram stokers dracula) can come out during the daylight hours.
he is intelligent, a leader of armies, he controls certain animals, can change forms, etc....

the wolfman loses his mind once every 28 days (hmmm...nah...im not making that joke!)...for most of the month, he is just a dude, and the one time that he has super strength, he is an animal...and a really pissed off one at that.

Frankensteins monster...in at least one movie version where he was based more on the book, he is faster than a running horse, has the ability to think strategically, and is damn near impossible to kill.

it would come down to the monster or of dracula and would just depend on which version it came down to.

pax yall

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Sire (108)
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07:09:26 Aug 10 2009
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If they were just one on one, clearly the vampire would have the advantage. Since the mix is three, there is the opportunity for allegiances to form.

Who will align with whom?

Clearly, the Frankenstein needs the buddy system. He's a lonely, misunderstood guy.

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Enchanter (80)
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07:17:49 Aug 10 2009
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First off, you would need to set the stage for said battle, since all three characters are conveniantly with pro's and con's for the battle to begin.

Are we talking about a night of the fullest moon where all attributes are strong enough? Is it storming? Windy? Is the fight inside or outdoors?

I will respond when more information is available.

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High Sire (154)
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07:29:43 Aug 10 2009
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I think that the key would be intelligence.

Dracula is intelligent. The Wolfman and Frankenstein's monster are no smarter than animals.

Dracula could make a plan. The other two would be incapable of making a plan or reacting intelligently. They would follow their instincts, which Dracula could use against them. And even if Dracula was caught by surprise, he could turn into a bat then fly away then make a plan.

With a plan, Dracula could easily defeat them both. Frankenstein's monster is quite flammable, so he would be easy. And the Wolfman is also flammable, or the Wolfman could probably be dispatched by getting him to chase a cat then using a sword to cut off his head while he is distracted or shooting him with silver bullets.

And a note to my friend Lordwolf-- even if Frankenstein's monster could run 50 miles per hour, Dracula could just wait until he was resting then blow him to bits with a high powered rifle. And Dracula would make sure to have some minions with torches at his side just in case the monster charged him.

The only way this could be close would be in an enclosed space where Dracula could not fly away. But even then Dracula could fly above the other two (or turn into smoke) and wait to fight the victor. And unless there was a wooden stake around, the original Dracula would be hard to kill.

Now can we talk about who would win a mud wrestling match between Wonder Woman and Supergirl?

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Royal Sire (203)
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14:04:27 Aug 10 2009
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The Monster and the Wolfman would fight each other till they were both hurt, tired, after hours of fighting, Dracual would step in and pick off one at a time.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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19:53:47 Aug 10 2009
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We know sometimes brute strenght is not always the upperhand. so intellegience and stalking ability would be more apt to win so this would put wolfman and Dracula at the last. Than determining battle and ability would assume that dracula would be supreme.

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Sire (108)
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21:46:14 Aug 10 2009
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No fair with the minions, Luke. This is a three way and not the kind you like.

Why does everyone always assume the Wolfman is brainless? He's only a wolf for one moonlit night per month, so he'd have plenty of time to devise a plan.

The wolf is also a stealth practitioner, and wily, plus he has everything to lose .
He could even incorporate some Mina-scented pheromones and douse Frankenstein with them, so that Drac wouldn't want to be a bat. He'd be so distracted that Wolfman could attack and destroy the love stricken vampire.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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22:04:19 Aug 10 2009
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Bloodmother we are talking The Wolfman not some Lycan/werewolf kinda thing...old Hollywood Wolfman...who wears clothes and only changes during the full moon.Not the Underworld/Van Helsing Werewolf.He has his humsn side to him still not as bad as the blood thirsty Lycan...from Dog Soldiers or something.

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High Sire (154)
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23:10:31 Aug 10 2009
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I agree with DarkWolfman, and who would know better?

The original Hollywood Wolfman was a fairly dumb guy who turned into a monster once per month. As the monster, he was a threat to everyone, both friend and foe, and had the brain of a wolf. He would not be that much more difficult to deal with than an ordinary wolf, as long as Dracula used silver bullets.

Put together, the original Frankenstein's monster and the original Wolfman could not communicate or plan anything. They were simple minded monsters.

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Sire (108)
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00:52:55 Aug 11 2009
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I never saw those movies you mention Dark Wolfman. I just know what makes a good story, and it has to have a few twists in it. Besides I usually root for the underdog. bwahaha!

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Enchanter (80)
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05:50:06 Aug 11 2009
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Even though the wolfman would be depicted as unintelligent, does not mean that the beastial insticts wouldnt kick in during the fight. I am sure he would be an authority to challenge both of the others. He has his own flaws as well as merits.

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Destroyer (89)
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06:51:54 Aug 11 2009
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There was already a movie created with all three of those characters, (universal studios monsters), in it. It was called Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstien. (sorry couldnt resist bringing that movie to attention)

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Sire (108)
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16:04:33 Aug 11 2009
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Abbott and Costello should always be referenced. Wish I had a copy of that particular movie. I wonder if I'd still find it hilarious.

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Archfiend (57)
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23:59:06 Aug 12 2009
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Hrm...now this is a tough one. I'd say Dracula, but can't werewolves kill vampires by biting them? So unless Dracula wears a very thick coat, gloves and scarf, and runs like hell, he'd die.

The wolfman, well, It would have to depend on the night. If it was a full moon, then possibly, however if not, then he's screwed. Being just an ordinary human doesn't bode well for him if he's going up against Drac.

Frankenstein? Are we talking about his monster or the doctor? If it's the Doctor, well he'd lose. While he's a genius and can create more minions, it takes time, something he definitely would not have. The monster may last for a little bit, though he'd go down. All they'd have to do is unscrew his head, and Poof, no more monster...

All in all, Dracula has the upper hand. While he can only fight in the night, he has more nights to do so, more nights to chose from, where as the wolfman can only fight during the night of the full moon.

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05:51:16 Aug 15 2009
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And there is no more to be said because i think Darkwolfman hit it right on the head.. He logicated it out and there it stand.. Great anwser..

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05:48:05 Sep 08 2009
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I believe Dracula would win. As the oldest, hie knowledge of battelw ould be far greater and mored skilled than the others. He is also immortal. The beast can be caged, the vampire can trnsform into bat or rat and escape the cage and the monster torn to pieces. Dracula can live on without being complete in body. The Vampire could easily win, but that is just my own humble opinion, of coarse.

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Unregenerate (63)
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17:14:26 Sep 08 2009
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But also wolfman would just have to bite dracula and dracula would be dead and vice versa. Frankenstein would be a harder fight.

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Noble Sire (163)
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17:46:48 Sep 08 2009
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Dracula is a pansy.
Frankenstein is border-line mentally challenged.

The obvious answer is, the wolfman.

I mean, come on. Unnecessary brutality with no reigns attached. That wins.

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No Longer Registered
18:29:56 Sep 08 2009
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I say the Wolfman. He has ferocity on his side. That is unless Dracula is armed. I doubt his hypnotic powers would work on the Wolfman. As for Frankenstein, he's large and strong, but lacks intelligence and any other skills.

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Unregenerate (63)
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19:16:54 Sep 08 2009
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I know that this is a vampire site and naturally all you vampire lovers are going to go for dracula butyou don't realize that both wolfman and frankenstein are both physically stronger than dracula. All either one of them would have to do is break draculas wings and he can't fly. Dracula relys on deception and only deception. He ain't a fighter, he's a wimp.

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Daywalker (94)
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19:38:27 Sep 08 2009
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My opinion on this is that it would be Dracula who would win as he is an immortal whereas I believe Frankenstein (the monster) was living as well as the wolfman. Never have I heard anywhere that the bite of a werewolf could kill dracula. In most of the movies it shows the werewolf to be used as a slave by vampires if captured. If this were so then how could they win in battle against a vampire? And as for poor Franky, as most of you have already posted would just be too slow and cumbersome to even do battle against the other two.

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Noble Sire (163)
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19:43:01 Sep 08 2009
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... A werewolf killed Dracula in Van Hellsing. :D

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Premiere Sire (127)
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19:56:38 Sep 08 2009
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Each has their own unique ability to help them hunt, so it would be tough yet dracula would have to prevail, unless the werwolf got him first.

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19:57:32 Sep 08 2009
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As in previous posts it can go many different angles and scenerios. It just all depends on how they play it off. The strengths and weaknesses of each can be an advantage or a disadvantage whether it is a myth or known fact.

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Daywalker (94)
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06:50:57 Sep 09 2009
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Thank you Prophecy for clarifying that for me as I forgot that part in the movie.

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Viscount Sire (189)
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22:55:10 Sep 09 2009
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Dracula would be on the top. H is fast. He has skills. He has stragedy.
Wolfam act on the animal instict
Frankenstain is like a kid that wants everything he sees.

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Wyvern (85)
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04:36:02 Sep 10 2009
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I believe that it would be a tie between both Dracula and the Wolfman They both are hard to kill, they are both quick and fierce.

Frankenstein has only one difference between us humans he was not born he was made from different body parts but he still has a heart he has only human strength.

So like a said I tie between Dracula and The Wolfman

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Elemental (77)
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20:24:37 Sep 10 2009
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This is a funny thread, lol.

The wolfman isn't the wolfman unless there is a full moon so it wouldn't be advantageous for this man who is cursed to fight the other two unless there was a full moon. It seems to me that Frankenstein in the movies that is, was too slow so my bet is on Dracula. Now I am referring to how they showed them in the early movies, (Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Jr. and Boris Karloff), not books etc. Oh and I want to say that Lon Chaney Jr is playing a werewolf. Special effects weren't that good back then and over time the werewolf has looked different depending on the movie. They really went all out when it got to the Howling movies.

Here is what it says about the 1941 move The Wolfman from IMDb:

Upon the death of his brother, Larry Talbot returns from America to his ancestral home in Wales. He visits a gypsy camp with village girl Jenny Williams, who is attacked by Bela, a gypsy who has turned into a werewolf. Larry kills the werewolf but is bitten during the fight. Bela's mother tells him that this will cause him to become a werewolf at each full moon. Larry confesses his plight to his unbelieving father, Sir John, who then joins the villagers in a hunt for the wolf. Larry, transformed by the full moon, heads for the forest and a fateful meeting with both Sir John and Gwen.

I grew up with these movies and it was always stated this was a werewolf movie. I was born in '47.

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05:30:09 Sep 11 2009
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Just a smartass piece of information, Frankenstein is not the Monster's name. If you have read the book or actually watched a more intelligent version of it, then you should realize that the Monster remains unnamed and the "mad scientist" is named Frankenstein.
So your post is actually incorrect...it would be Dracula vs. Wolfman vs. Frankenstein's Monster (or in his eyes it would be his Child or Creation).

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05:35:18 Sep 11 2009
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Oh yeah...and to put more info on DarkWolfman's post....If the Wolfman can only change on the full moon, then really no one has edge.....
Frankenstein's Monster-Too large, has no movement abilit.
Dracula-can only attack at night due to sunlight is murder.
Wolfman-is limited to when he can use his instincts.

Just to add more to what I said :P

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Wyvern (85)
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05:38:38 Sep 11 2009
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Its known as Frankenstein because he was created by him so they named the monster Frankenstein but if anyone really paid attention he really was no monster

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20:21:03 Sep 11 2009
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I don't think really anyone is calling the frankenstein creation a monster even if it might seem like it.

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Wyvern (85)
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20:57:07 Sep 11 2009
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Some people do because they view him as an abomination to god

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