Vampire Rave Alliances
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Superior Sire (147)
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00:08:51 Jun 05 2009
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There has been a major update to the Society System: Alliances.

An Alliance is formed between two or more Societies. When Societies align, their favor and members are combined in the computation of Society Standing.

Members of an Alliance can freely move between aligned Societies. When you are in a Society that is in an Alliance, you can move freely within the other Alliance Societies. You can access their news page, message archive, chat, polls, forum, and private internal pages just as if you were a regular member. You can also post in their forum or vote in their polls.

Here are the general rules of Alliances:

  • An Alliance is formed by either a House or Coven Master.

  • A House cannot join an Alliance. The House Master can only form an Alliance.

  • Houses cannot align.

  • If a Coven Master starts an Alliance, they can only have other Coven's as members (since Houses cannot join an Alliance).

  • The Master who starts the Alliance is the Alliance Master. Only the Alliance Master can disband an Alliance.

  • The Alliance Master, along with their Detail and Assistant Masters, maintain the Alliance page.

  • The Alliance page has a crest, banner, and description. It is a singular page for the Alliance. It lists all Societies that belong to the Alliance.

  • A Coven can petition an Alliance for entry. The Alliance Master is the only one than can approve or deny a petition.

  • A Coven Master can withdraw their Petition or leave an Alliance at any time.

  • All Societies retain ownership of their Favor and Members. Internal administration of the Society does not change. An Alliance member cannot hold an administrative position in an aligned Society.

    Standing Computation:

    Member Societies of the Alliance disappear from the Standings page. There is a singular entry for the Alliance. For Standing computation of the Alliance, all Favor and Members of the Alliance are totaled.

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    Superior Sire (140)
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    The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

    Member of The House of Madadh-Alluidh
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    00:53:47 Jun 05 2009
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    Can you be a part of Multiple Alliances?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    00:59:08 Jun 05 2009
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    No. You can only be in one Alliance. Standings will be altered based on your Alliances.

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    Premiere Sire (120)
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    House Eternal is a member of an Alliance

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    01:47:53 Jun 05 2009
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    Stupid question.

    The banner, does it have to have a 1px border like representations?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    01:58:05 Jun 05 2009
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    It should have the 1 pixel border. The reason being, if the banner file should happen to appear on pages that have a conflicting background, the 1 pixel border makes it more legible.

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    Royal Sire (207)
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    The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

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    02:54:23 Jun 05 2009
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    If a member is blind within a society they're a member of, are they also blind within the affiliated societies, or the society they have an alliance with?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    03:46:14 Jun 05 2009
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    They should still be blind. Society Masters still have the same control over their members. But I'll have to check the code and make sure it works.

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    Superior Sire (140)
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    The House of Umbrae Octo is a member of an Alliance

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    03:57:34 Jun 05 2009
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    What about positions? Would the trade master have the same power in the Covens in an Alliance? Would the Coven Master?

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    Premiere Sire (120)
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    House Eternal is a member of an Alliance

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    04:51:18 Jun 05 2009
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    No, I have two accounts in the same alliance and I can't make changes to the other coven with my alternate account.

    I'm guessing it was set up so someone can't go through and wreak havoc on allied societies. :)

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    06:52:33 Jun 05 2009
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    Abstract is correct. But there is an additional point. You cannot be appointed to an administrative position in another Society in the Alliance.

    You can only belong to 1 Society. You can only have rank in 1 Society.

    Through an Alliance you can access other Societies, but you cannot administer.

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    No Longer Registered
    12:35:18 Jun 05 2009
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    Should there be a special rank called "Ambassador" for each Society of the Alliance?

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    Sire (102)
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    House Eternal is a member of an Alliance

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    13:06:40 Jun 05 2009
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    I have a request / suggestion for the alliance system.

    I think it would be appropriate for each society to have some area in the forum that is exclusive to members of the original society.

    While I think the idea of interaction between allied societies is great, even the closest allies have things they wish to keep between themselves. When you invite even your closest friends and family members into your home, you still typically maintain some area as a sanctuary only for the immediate family.

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    Venerable Sire (137)
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    15:20:06 Jun 05 2009
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    I think KCRC makes a very valid suggestion.
    I know in my coven there are some sensitive issues on display along with family pictures and IM addresses etc.

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    Premiere Sire (122)
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    16:31:22 Jun 05 2009
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    I, personally do not like this. because then, it takes away the coven secrecy and the " family " sense that i have grown to love about my coven.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    16:45:19 Jun 05 2009
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    I plan some revisions to the custom pages code - further access restrictions. Society only, Admins only, etc. But there is no easy way to make a Forum Society-only.

    If your Society Master doesn't like the idea of Alliances, they are under no obligation to join or form one.

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    Arch Sire (194)
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    16:46:04 Jun 05 2009
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    That was bound to happen with some people... but what everyone should realize, is it is giving more and more vampire themes to Vampire Rave.

    Do you like vampires, do you really like vampires? Welcome to Vampire Rave! We're all kinds of vampirey :P

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    Venerable Sire (130)
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    16:59:52 Jun 05 2009
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    DreamlessNight, no it doesnt, in effect it should bring all the Covens and Houses together, as there have been some Coven strife within the past, it should also stop all the little fights for the ranks.

    Although i did not like the idea of a house and then the under coven. This is a much better idea. Maybe Cancer may implement a separate forum that is only visible for the covens in the alliance. But that may take up a lot of coding.

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    Arch Sire (194)
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    17:09:27 Jun 05 2009
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    Cancer addressed the society-only forum a few posts up.

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    Enchanter (80)
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    17:12:18 Jun 05 2009
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    Well, this concept has interest to those that started the "Weekenders" as well as "Friends of" Coven pages. This seems to offer an advantage to those who are privy to establishing an "Alliance" with those who do wish to participate in the "Weekender" alliances without randomly exchanging favor points between one another after a Coven falls due to what ever drama coincides the ending of any Coven. If this is what I am understanding.

    If not, then this could be another valued idea. That when Coven within an "Alliance" does fall privy to such dramatic conclusion that its favor points be "sustained" or some such within the Alliance itself.

    More brainstorming on my part Cancer.

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    No Longer Registered
    17:40:21 Jun 05 2009
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    What about the old age Question of "We need more members".

    I honestly think that it would be a great idea, if those covens that only does have a just a few members...All the covens should be in a Alliance with each other, so that the covens would have the members in the 'Alliance' for posting messages and stuff.

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    Premiere Sire (122)
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    22:11:46 Jun 05 2009
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    No, I still don't like it. I see all your points, but...it's just not...

    Im not putting anyone down. I just like how it's my Coven's forum, and not all these other people not in the coven.

    I do respect all your ideas, it's just, this update, i don't like.
    but the final choice is Cancers. and i understand

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    23:25:35 Jun 05 2009
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    I have to say, I love the alliance idea. And as to the 'privacy' issue - I'm just thinking of creating a group on Sci-fi or Punks, making it invite only, then just inviting the members of my coven.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    00:24:07 Jun 06 2009
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    I never expected Alliances to be for everyone. Society Masters choose whether they want to participate or not. An Alliance allows a Society to:

  • Interact with other Societies.

  • Combine their Favor for a higher Society score.

    There's no commitment, and Alliances can be formed, broken, shifted, and re-formed at any time.

    Sire's have more options now too. There are quite a few Sire's that have wanted to create a Coven, but don't want to leave where they currently are. Now they can create their own Coven and align it with their original Society. This will allow for more offshoots.

    A large House like Umbrae could reorganize. Sire's could head up their halls (an internal structure of Umbrae) in the form of a Coven that is in an Alliance.

    There are *a lot* of new possibilities.

    Another example. 4 Sires, who are all currently not Coven Masters, could come together and create a co-run Society under the umbrella of an Alliance. Each of the 4 would have their own Coven sections.

    As it currently stands, there are some Covens that will never escape the lower standings. Through an Alliance, the score and standing for a group of Societies can be greatly altered. House Eternal jumped from #6 to #3 by simply aligning with 2 Covens. You can imagine what a larger Alliance would create.

    This post only scratches the surface of what is possible if you get creative.

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    Premiere Sire (129)
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    00:33:07 Jun 06 2009
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    I have been in two coven. I know not all are as welcoming as the two I know: that's why I'm pleased that the opportunity is there to knock back an alliance.

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    Arch Sire (199)
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    The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

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    00:33:24 Jun 06 2009
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    Personally, I love the idea. Societies can end conflicts and power struggles easier, and those who already have a civil relationship would reap a greater benfit than just saying 'this society is our friend and ally'. Yes, there may be privacy issues but the suggestion would and should be not to post sensitive issues or uimagery that you do not want your allied members to see.

    As much as I like this idea, it does make me ask one question: Are society messages between allied Covens shared?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    00:46:12 Jun 06 2009
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    Yes and no.

    You will not receive messages in your inbox from an aligned Coven Master.

    However, you can go into the aligned Coven and read their Message Archive.

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    Royal Sire (207)
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    The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

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    00:53:10 Jun 06 2009
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    "Another example. 4 Sires, who are all currently not Coven Masters, could come together and create a co-run Society under the umbrella of an Alliance. Each of the 4 would have their own Coven sections."

    Damn. Imagine the possibilities...

    Just out of curiosity, how would 4 Sires go about creating a co-run Society?

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    Wyvern (85)
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    The House of Umbrae Octo is a member of an Alliance

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    01:05:30 Jun 06 2009
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    If I had to make a guess at it; I would say that the 4 Sires would each go off and make their own Coven - and then create an Alliance of those 4 Covens.

    Anything that you would hold sacred in your Coven, you would expect to be carried by the 3 parting Sires (originally from your Coven) in forming the Alliance.

    Basically, it would just be a way for Sires in your Coven to have their own Coven; without really leaving the Coven.

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    No Longer Registered
    04:12:25 Jun 06 2009
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    I love the idea, its in the spirit of what a true vampire alliance would be like.

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    Royal Sire (212)
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    06:02:17 Jun 06 2009
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    I am part of an alliance and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!

    it is so great, it allows me to blossom, to evolve to learn and to interact, it allows me also to meet new people, and to make new connections, it is the bestest idea ever!!!

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    Superior Sire (146)
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    The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

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    06:37:20 Jun 06 2009
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    I think it's cool. Not sure if we'll get involved. I am Assistant House Master of House Lunazure...but I definitely respect and approve of this new update that's been implemented.

    The House of Lunazure, a.k.a House Lunazure, will indeed be involved with alliances. 100% voluntary of course. ;)
    ~ BillytheJust
    House Master

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    Doppelganger (69)
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    09:31:58 Jun 06 2009
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    I cant se how this would have a positive effect on the everhunt for status favours and points. There is to much of that as it is.
    Second I dont like the idea of other people I dont know just over night have the full access to the coven forum and can read everything that I and others have shared with family.
    But its up to our coven master what will happen.

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    Sire (106)
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    The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

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    10:25:04 Jun 06 2009
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    I logged on a minute ago and noticed that our house has random pages set up under the alliance section. As far as I know, Nicnivian messed with the idea yet. Are these pages just chosen at random or is there someway I can alter them?

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    Enchanter (80)
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    12:21:21 Jun 06 2009
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    ~Andie~ as an ACM, I can inform you that the Coven admin do have access privilage to edit the Alliance section, as well as choose which page(s) can be viewed by the public, the Alliance, the Coven and or any two said choices.

    I am sure each of the Coven Admin know full well what to set within either the public eye, or Alliance eye and what is kept confidential and to the Coven alone; as in what the Coven actually wants the world of the Rave to see aside from the Covens own members.

    I dont really see what the problem is with all the misunderstandings. But, unless the individual is not admin I can see where the confusion dos come from since regular members are not privy to any rights the admin have.

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    Premiere Sire (122)
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    15:42:19 Jun 06 2009
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    i agree with Andie.

    and, what about favor? if we are smelting the covens favor together, then whats the point of it?

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    Hellhound (70)
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    21:32:50 Jun 06 2009
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    To each his own but personally I'm not a fan of the whole Alliance thing being started here and in general not a fan of the whole Societies thing, I do like my Coven but I've been in some shitty ones, and just wouldn't want allianced at random, etc.

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    Superior Sire (140)
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    The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

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    01:54:39 Jun 07 2009
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    You don't have to be in an Alliance just has some benefits if you are. Secondly this site works best if there are societies present. Gives you something to do besides rate.

    If you don't like the Alliance ask your master/mistress to trade you to someone that isn't doing one.

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    Royal Sire (211)
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    02:09:44 Jun 07 2009
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    Just a thought.....

    But Since Coven's have Assts to help the Masters run the Covens....

    the Alliance master should have Assts..... namely the other Coven Masters in the Alliance......


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    Arch Sire (194)
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    02:20:51 Jun 07 2009
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    The Alliance master has assistants (in their society) that help maintain the Alliance pages.

    If you're talking about assistants that manage the alliance like bringing others in and whatnot, that wouldn't be such a great idea... because then those coven masters could rule over who gets in or kicked from the Alliance. That's the whole purpose of one at the helm calling the shots. A coven can leave on their own, but only the Alliance Master can boot other societies. I think it would become crazy and chaotic if all the other society masters in an Alliance had the power to do what an Alliance master alone can do. If that's not what you are talking about... well, they have assistants already as stated by Cancer: The Alliance Master, along with their Detail and Assistant Masters, maintain the Alliance page.

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    No Longer Registered
    02:25:49 Jun 07 2009
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    This also seems to be the reason that House Masters can not join an alliance, they must start one.

    No one said alliances were about equality. If you really want that, then that is what an individual society is for.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    03:18:25 Jun 07 2009
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    Imagesinwords is correct. The Alliance Master, along with their Detail and Assistant Society Masters can edit the details of the Alliance page. However, approval/denial of petitions, kicks, and disbanding can only be done by the Alliance Master.

    Conversely, Alliance petitioning and leaving an Alliance can only be done by the Society Master, not the Assistants or Trade Masters.

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    Superior Sire (141)
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    The House of Umbrae Octo is a member of an Alliance

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    17:33:57 Jun 08 2009
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    Sci-Fi section is a part of the Dark Network, and Alliances could be a credible add-on to enhance the reputation and strength of a Society, so I am wondering if this is an allowable way forward for groups on Sci-Fi section also?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    19:18:13 Jun 08 2009
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    Groups will not have Alliances, since a member can belong to multiple Groups.

    A member can only belong to 1 Society.

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    Noble Sire (163)
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    08:30:40 Jun 09 2009
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    This is just a suggestion; but is it possibly to have a message sent to the Alliance Master if a Society petitions an Alliance? Much like is done to a Society Master if a Sire petitions entry.

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    Superior Sire (141)
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    01:43:54 Jun 10 2009
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    Is it possible that instead of having one alliance page that it could be split into several pages like covens and house are so you could create different pages relevant to the alliance.

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    Sire (103)
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    02:55:19 Jun 10 2009
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    Well it seems pretty spiffy to me. =) Unifies people. How they use that is going to be up to them. Hopefully it's for the betterment.

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    03:23:56 Jun 10 2009
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    The Alliance page is meant to be singular, to describe the Alliance. That's it.

    Additional pages should be located within your Societies.

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    Superior Sire (146)
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    The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

    Member of The House of Lunazure
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    03:25:31 Jun 10 2009
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    Haha that's fine BillytheJust, was unsure but thought about and it's cool, I am infact working on an alliance crest for us. :O)

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    No Longer Registered
    20:36:26 Jun 11 2009
    Read 2,463 times

    Creating an alliance is a good idea, but I have a question. Is it possible for regular members to have some benefits that the premium members have while being combined?

    What about protection stamps? Would they work within the alliance.

    Would the rules change some for this specific reason for each Coven?

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    Arch Sire (194)
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    20:54:42 Jun 11 2009
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    All 'benefits' on this site should be for those that pay and support it, in my opinion. But as far as being in a society is concerned- free members and Premium members have the same options. It's your personal membership that is enhanced as a Premium member, not your society options.

    And as for protection stamps- those aren't a part of Vampire Rave's society system, it's just something people starting doing on their own- they aren't official.

    Rules are what they are from society to society determined by the Master that runs them. When Alliances form, a Master can post a thread in their forum for what they expect from Alliance members coming in and interacting. If people don't listen to the rules- a Master can speak to the Master of the offending member, which can end in a possible blinding of the member, or an exit of that Alliance.

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    Hellhound (70)
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    01:42:13 Jun 13 2009
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    I am still not entirely sure I like the Alliance system, but I do believe as someone has previously stated that Covens should now have two separate forums one for members only and one for the entire Alliance.

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    No Longer Registered
    23:06:45 Jun 13 2009
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    The way I see it is that we have the responsibility ourselves, with this new 'chance' instituted by Cancer to interact in this manner, deciding whom we ally with, mindful of the kind of 'overall culture' we wish to have, with our Alliances, the responsibility ours again to only bring in those with whom we would feel the most comfortable but, above all, trust.

    In AXIS OF HONOUR, we have 'written in' 2 main agreements: 1/. We only actually engage with the permission of those Masters within AXIS, and 2/. We do not start new threads except on our own 'host' forums (the Teams we originally belong to), as it maintains the integrity and character of our 'home' forums and Teams, thus maintaining our identities, styles and original creative impulses of what we have each created.

    The concept is an excellent one, and it is really up to ourselves to make it work.

    Ade XX

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    Superior Sire (140)
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    The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

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    22:55:28 Jun 14 2009
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    Am I correct in If the alliance leader wants to have their coven leave the alliance that means the alliance is disbanded and all covens involved return to thier rank in the standings?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    03:00:02 Jun 16 2009
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    Alliances are an option, not a requirement. If a Society wants to keep their Forum private, then an Alliance is not for them.


    Yes, you're correct. Or, as Alliance Master you can kick Societies from the Alliance.

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    Superior Sire (146)
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    The House of Lunazure is a member of an Alliance

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    03:49:18 Jun 16 2009
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    I see nothing wrong with opening up whats in my house's forum with a few trusted members of an alliance we form, seems ok to me. You trust them, that's why they are in an alliance with you.

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    Venerable Sire (131)
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    19:58:26 Jun 16 2009
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    At this time I'm staying neutral on the alliance idea, but I did have a suggestion that might enhance the alliances. I'm sure as time goes by and the alliances grow there will be times that several covens maybe even all within another alliance would wish to team up with another alliance. Would it be possible to have a way to merge the alliances instead of having to disband one and then have all those covens join the other alliance. There would still be one alliance master chosen at the time of the merger between the 2 alliance leaders. The end result would be the same it would just make doing it easier. Obviously if one of those leaders is a house master the house master would have to be the leader still after a merger. Just an idea I had I have no clue if it's feasible.


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    Premiere Sire (121)
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    00:23:44 Jun 17 2009
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    The issue lies with the other members of the society really. Granted you will choose wisely which covens join, but there will always be members within the allied covens who might object to certain members others. When the issue arises, the member can either suck it up and be brave or they can request to leave the coven. I try, as I am sure other Society Masters also have, to poll my members before doing things. This way I can point out any potential issue ahead of time and address them promptly.

    You are correct, if you chose the societies to ally with, they should be trustworthy, no worries as to who sees what.

    My issue is most everyone would rather found an alliance than be subject in one. lol However in the whole, I feel the alliance idea is excellent for livening up dead or mothballed society forums.

    Basically an Alliance is like a Society itself with Covens and Houses as the members. ;)

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    01:29:21 Jun 17 2009
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    It's not really feasible. If Alliances want to merge, they have the tools to do it on their own. Alliance Masters can change their Alliance name (if need be) and update their Alliance page.


    It's a misconception that an Alliance Master has any real power over a Sire who has brought their Coven into an Alliance. The Alliance Master cannot hold the Sire (and Coven) in the Alliance.

    A member of an Alliance has just as much power as the Alliance master, even if that power is indirect.

    Imagine this scenario:

    Coven A creates an Alliance.

    Coven B joins.

    Coven A brings Coven C into the Alliance.

    Coven B hates Coven C. Coven B leaves the Alliance.

    Coven A (the Alliance Master) can't do anything about Coven B leaving. If they really want Coven B back, they either have to broker a truce between B and C or kick Coven C.

    My point is, Alliances should be seen as a collection of equal Society Masters. Yes, one Master is the Alliance Master. But this should be seen as an administrative head, not an authoritative head. The Alliance Master has no authoritative power over it's member Sires.

    This is all very similar to a Sire that is a member of your Coven. Yes, you approved their petition, but how much power do you really have over them? You can't force that Sire to do anything.. And they can quit your Coven any time they want.

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    No Longer Registered
    15:24:54 Jun 17 2009
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    What is said here is highly pertinent, as it would be wrong to have the idea that other Masters could suddenly be 'run' much as perhaps some Team members may be, and the Alliance Master Tag is only figurative, in my own understanding, merely that the particular Sire has chosen to start one, and it is dependent upon the agreement of other Masters who may wish to join such an Alliance, giving it therefore its Lifeblood. Dependent upon those other Sires alone, so where is the power, in this instance? Power4 is an illusion on the internet, really, and we have here a situation which has indeed brought together members of VR to an increased and greatly beneficial extent, and if used wisely and with care, much Good can ensue from any given Alliance. A chisel in a person's hand can be used to either injure another person or fashion sculpture of artistic kind.


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    Premiere Sire (121)
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    02:45:33 Jun 18 2009
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    That is what I meant. I apparently wasn't forthwith enough with my explanation. :) My apologies to anyone I may have misled with my previous post.

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    No Longer Registered
    00:10:39 Jun 19 2009
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    What is most strikingly apparent already is that, with the right handling, all Coven forums maintain not only their own Integrity's as separate entities within an Alliance, most important, but their own 'characters', the easy flow of respectful Interchange ensuring this to be the case, and Cancer has hit upon not only a perfect way to bring VR people together in a way not so easily possibly, but also their very real opportunity to see one another in our own little 'online habitats', friendships more likely to happen.

    For those of us who have already taken the bold steps to belong to and begin such Alliances, provided those included are selected with care, 'rhyming in' to the overall Culture each alliance seeks to form, there is no reason that such Alliances cannot succeed, and the 'Early Models' are certainly showing that they can.


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    Premiere Sire (129)
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    15:08:13 Jun 24 2009
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    A great Idea for others to get out and see what is happening amongst other societies. We would like to join one and are contemplating this idea. Reason we are not just jumping at the idea is we are an 18 + society and we do not want to tempt the young at mind with some of the topics indulged within. So with that stated I believe it safer for Us to remain were we are at this time until further notice. Thank you

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    Sire (103)
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    16:12:18 Jun 24 2009
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    I thinkalot of people on here are anti-social, and if one of the new bonuses is to have aot of frends, that a society might just be the key to gain friends for those who arent exactly able to go out and find them..

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    Premiere Sire (128)
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    Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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    21:48:56 Jun 24 2009
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    An alliance can be a way to increase status and find friends and explore new covens. However, I like GrieviousDemon have some topics in my coven that I would not want to expose an immature coven member too. In addition, some members like their forums to remain small. There is some closeness that is lost going from 12 members to 60 or in same cases to 100 +. Not every update works for everyone. So at this time Enlightened Souls will also remain to ourselves for the time being.

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    23:22:59 Jun 24 2009
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    Would it be possible to have a toggle in the forum management to say whether a forum section (1-5) is available as an alliance forum or private society forum?
    Perhaps have #5 be a manditory alliance forum and #1 be a private society forum with #2-4 as variables.
    This would still allow for some privacy in the forums while still taking part of the alliance.

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    Obtruder (51)
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    Limbus Patrum (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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    05:37:33 Jun 25 2009
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    would it be possible to have an alliance chat on the alliance chat page.. like the one on the coven home page?

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    Superior Sire (147)
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    07:34:36 Jun 25 2009
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    It's not necessary, as Alliance members have access to all the chatrooms of the Alliance.

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