In your opinion in your vast knowledge of our most beloved vampire, are they spiritual in origin and contained within a body encapsulation ? Are vampires no more than a deformed corpse filled with supernatural energy?
The stereotype of Vampires, created by Hollywood and writers, made them a laughable matter. Vampires do not posses a soul and they don't have feelings and emotions. Vampires are creatures of the night, and for sure, they are not friendly. So, those loves stories, are just stories.
I'm a chemist, which means I work scientifically. Science can only make statements about what can be measured.
There is an increasing number of things that can be measured, but most things in everyday life CANNOT be measured.
It is utterly unscientific to claim that anything that cannot be measured does not exist.
I think everything has a soul. But for me, soul has nothing to do with ego, but with that part in every living being, maybe even every thing that is connected to everything else, but still distinct.
A concept that I find very difficult to explain. But feels easy because it seems so natural to me.
Therefore, a vampire also has a soul. Even every mythical creature. But that doesn't mean that you can compare these souls.
Making comparisons is inherently human, it makes people feel like they can actually compare and judge something.
Every thing in the world is unique. Even fruit fly twins are individually different. Which of course nobody cares about.
Vampyres do have a soul (but a vampire soul, not a human soul).
I'm defending a transpersonal point of view (all being are really spirits incarnated), so a vampyre is a vampire-spirit incarnated in a vampire body.
Of course, literature give us a different point of view. Romans tell us about a being that made a satanic pact, was bitten by another vampire and have become into a vampire.
If all matter has a soul per say. Then why wouldn't a vampire have a soul. We see vampires in Hollywood they remember past lives and loved ones would this say there is a soul. We can only theorize until an undead creature is found. Zombie on the other hand has no emotion just to feed. U like theories of vampires.
I believe vampires have a soul. They are soulbound to their body until they perish. Possibly driven mad by the vast amount of time that has passed, and becoming more animalistic and monstrous as they strive to stay alive on human blood.
Hmm. In legend the being coming back from the dead to feed off the living to me was created out of naivety especially after the advent of Christianity where rising from the dead from supernatural sources was possible to many. When it comes to the reality I'd say it's more about someone projecting from their dead body in the future from when they were alive because time and space are not as rigid in that form. There also seems to be controversy in what actually defines spirit. The spirit is seen as the immortal part that lives beyond death to many which in truth I think is misleading. I believe in a subtle body created by the body's machinations that connects other lives beyond self and other incarnations. Having just one life doesn't follow the patterns I perceive in nature. Understanding these truths can create a state of mind like being undead where the lust for life shared by youth or young souls is lost.
Yes, if you are a living breathing Vampire, human, or whatever your beliefs are.