Mental Health
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Unregenerate (63)
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15:53:26 Oct 29 2015
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For those that don't know what i do for a living this may come as a shock but im a Cop (now we have that out the way) i want to make some observations.

Mental health incidents are on the rise for the last 5 years the cases i have dealt with involving someone in Crisis have double every year.

Why do you think that is?

Is it the fact that more people are suffering or is that more people are coming forwards?

Do you think society is more accepting and there is less stigma attached?

Or is it that the pressure and life style people have are making them more susceptible?

Any observations or thoughts would be appreciated.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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19:16:01 Oct 29 2015
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I think it has to do with the way society and pressure of life has taken us. many people feel overwhelmed by trying to make a honest living without totally going down the drain. Acceptance in general communities may be another reason for bullying and the "I get society" seem to lost the luster of the old days when people could stand up for themselves or be beaten down.

We cannot punish or torment others for the fear of our own well being will be jeopardized so the upcoming society thinks that a easy buck by suing or pleading I am the innocent one. no values to hold and always looking for the easy path in life.

Yet I recently had a bout with depression, for reasons unknown yet bills, marriage life, and children with hands out seem to be the main focus of this. yet I am not a coward (my Terms) for if I was to act out to die I would not prey on others to make a statement I would just do myself in.

so these cowards that prey on innocent victims to achieve death by cop I have no reason or compassion for their souls. just those who have been victimized by the hands of these cowards.

Society is the biggest factor in my terms the world has changed and not many can cope with the low demining effect of life.

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No Longer Registered
00:17:56 Oct 30 2015
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I think insanity of some degree has always been around in ratio to population increase and the added comunication of internet it only seems to be increasing- like you said, more are coming forward- without the buffer of privacy.

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00:46:10 Oct 30 2015
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Insanity, mental health, mental disorders etc...labels used by the fearful and the controlling to help ease themselves. Nature creates things for good reasons, even the terrible plagues serve a purpose on this wasteland. Instead of leaving others to their lives, people like to meddle and section people who are simply just wired differently, sure there are those who were driven to it but then that is what happens when you're weak minded, mostly I was talking about what people call psychopaths, sociopaths and malignant narcissists.

What humans call mentally ill, I call beautiful, it is kind of like chaos personified, impulsive, instinctual and whimsical.

But if you wish to know why there is an increase in it these days, all you have to do is look around.

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No Longer Registered
03:25:38 Oct 31 2015
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Stress levels.
I mean..the human mind can only take so much.
Into what they need to know,what they don't know..
what are expected to know,and the pressure on
the unkowen.

If you havent noticed..
technology has upgraded alot from the past till today.
People are depending on it and less with actual
interaction with reality.
They can't stand reality..too many people..too many
the more the depend on tech..the less they can in
this world.

It also has to do with what they had to deal with
to get this far in life.the terrible memories,and horrible
things that were probly said in the past.
Mental abuse can't heal as fast as a cut or a broken bone.

You also need to think of all the chemicals put into
foods,drinks,the air,water..everything.
As well as..sounds..or invisable forces..like wifi,
wireless feeds,some people are very sensitive to
things we cant see,we that we know thats there.
Like high voltage,and such.

People work so hard..to earn things they can't
really enjoy because they work and sleep,work and
sleep.it can strain you...and drain you.
Everything costs more,people expect more..
its always 'more'. and it's never enough.

the mind,the body can only take so much.

shure people are more then animals..
but they are still from an animal kingdom.
life is severely complicated.
People are not built for this much.
yet,every century it gets more and worse.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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04:44:49 Oct 31 2015
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Really, insanity is very much different from someone having a mental disorder/illness. Insanity is when one has lost the entire ability to function and think properly. Having been diagnosed with a mental disorder does not automatically render one insane. Kleptomania, for example, is extremely difficult to prove. No medical professional can diagnose someone with this at first instance. Society pretty much has got nothing to do with it. I don't see the correlation at all. Schizophrenia is another tricky disorder. It is an umbrella term which comprises of several variations of this disorder. If left uncontrolled, this may evolve and develop into something sinister and affect one's life tremendously. It is not about "coming out", it is about seeking professional help.

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16:33:45 Oct 31 2015
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Humans are not more than animals, they are animals. Being more intelligent and mentally complex than the others doesn't change that.

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No Longer Registered
06:38:35 Nov 01 2015
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is not some what about insanity maybe people have had a bad life and want to find a way to end it usually death on impact is the way to go least you don't feel it or dying over dose in your sleep, people commit suicides for various reasons i my self am bi polar so i have had allot of depression in my life cause i had a horrible child hood i was raped by my cousin at 5 and my brother beat me up all the time cause he was on drugs, i do not fear death how ever if god choose to let me go then so be , it.

I also think in crime scene s opinion on murders most murders have a bad child hood as well maybe they been beaten or mentally punished or maybe there parents weren't around allot as there child hood got sucked in and they had too fend for them selves ,

Yes i believe in justice everyone should go to jail for life time for the crime they have committed. be gone evil be gone, also on that note i do believe the devil has mysterious ways too get people to do these crimes,
when there weak do not believe in god or do not go to church, there is your answer devil feeds on that,

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Venerable Sire (137)
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11:23:24 Nov 01 2015
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@ Ladyakyma

It is really sad that you have gone through that. Yet, your experience seems to sound like an "isolated incident" than anything else. I guess there has to be some leeway given for such incidents, but still, this wouldn't amount to be the fault of society, which sounds to be a prevalent occurance, like domestic violence, for example.

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No Longer Registered
17:35:38 Nov 03 2015
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To LadyAkyma, I feel for you.
I had similar kind of childhood, sadly it is NOT an Isolated incident. It happens more than anybody realises.
If you ever wish to talk, feel free to message me

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No Longer Registered
17:37:54 Nov 03 2015
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Tristesse, I'm glad you obviously haven't been through such an experience. Otherwise you wouldn't use terms like "isolated incident".
There are thousands of cases around the world like what LadyAkyma mentioned.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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06:12:45 Nov 04 2015
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It is really silly to "sensationalise" an incident which is clearly not truly an "epidemic", and blame one's mental stability on such an event. There are far worse atrocities being carried out on other beings who have somewhat been victimised. Not all of them turn out to be diagnosed with a mental disorder... It could be genetics. Hey, I'm sorry you had to go through that and all, but reality is that there are beings who suffer in silence. I can't speak for the thousands, but I can speak for myself. Thus the "isolated incident" comment. The question should be rather, "What makes one come out of the coffin?", so to speak and not flippantly stating such sweeping statements.

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Quadruped (33)
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14:13:22 Nov 09 2015
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I believe, first of you being a cop has nothing to do with your post. I am thankful for your service while hoping with trust you are a provider for those that are ignorant. I know the laws, and I know that most do not obey, regardless of any of this I believe that mental health issues are on the rise because of the simple fact know as, neglect. Thank you for the post.


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Unregenerate (63)
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05:01:14 Nov 10 2015
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Thank you for all the posts it is nice to see such a wide view on what people feel is mental health

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Blood Drinker (68)
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17:39:22 Nov 10 2015
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My two cents:

Meds aren't designed to address situational stressors. That's not how it works, and more importantly, that's not what they're for. What they ARE designed to do, is address neurochemical imbalances IF THE PATIENT HAS THAT PARTICULAR PROBLEM.

Modern society is dysfunctional to the point where little of that, if any, is ever taken into consideration. The problem is that most institutions would rather drug patients up to the point of complacency, and assume that all problems a person is experiencing are neurochemical, instead of situational, or a combination of both.

What were once marginal sections of society, are now becoming more prevalent due mostly in part to being disenfranchised, where ever that particular piece fits. There's no mysteryious, inexplicable component to it, even. It's everywhere. All you have to do is look, and observe.

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Unregenerate (63)
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11:21:50 Nov 11 2015
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So tonight i dealt with a male who has mental health issues and is an addict.

You want to know what the really fucked up part is.

Mental Health Counselors wont assist him because he is an addict
And Substance abuse workers wont or cant assist him because of his mental health problems.

For fuck sake this was a problem 19 years ago when i started Policing and we still haven't fixed it. grrrrr

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No Longer Registered
22:46:56 Nov 12 2015
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I don't know. But as a person with mental illness I can say that it may come from their childhood or many other factors. I am not ashamed to admit that I struggle with my mental health and I know many others that are.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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02:36:26 Nov 16 2015
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Many in society want to hide mental illness and create new definitions to lessen the label which identifies the disturbed individuals. This approach has only jeopardize the rest of society from those who will destroy all that they know by criminal acts that horrify all that are impacted. Until society comes to grip with reality and stops making excuses for the mentally ill, they will suffer the consequences that they alone have created.

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Chimera (90)
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04:43:12 Nov 21 2015
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Things are definitely going down hill. There are so !many issues and definitions for what is what and why. Seems like everyone has some degree of mental instability. I mean no offense to those who have been diagnosed, or anything. Just a notice. Another thing I have noticed as well, substance abuse has become more and more prevalent. Bath salts, meth, heroin, to name the big ones. Some changing the chemical make up of a person, causing more instances. We live in quite a scary world now. Environmental dresses, conditions contribute to causing more instances. I personally think the factors out weight the solutions.

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Chimera (90)
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02:35:53 Nov 24 2015
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My thoughts on why mental health issues are on the rise is a combination of things. 1. what we put in our bodies and our children s bodies (granted people are getting better at that but I think the damage is already done) or something in our environment such a pollutant. Just look at the rate of Autism. Did you the Amish have very low occurrences of mental health issues and no documented cases of Autism? 2. Could be lack of parenting, and I do not mean no parents as a child I mean lack of discipline. We live in a society that the education system teaches our children to turn parents in if they get their butts paddled. Look at crime rates and mental health issues since we quit using the paddle in school. 3. It could be genetic. As the population increases so do the chances of having recessive genes of an alignment which in turn means that there is a greater chance of mating with someone with the same recessive genes producing a dominant gene more frequently. 4. It could also just be a lack of morals. People use to care about others. Everyone knew everyone on the street, kids played until the street lights came on, neighbors shoveled each others walks . It could be any one of them. The main thing that makes me think however is about the Amish.

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Great Sire (119)
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06:07:04 Nov 24 2015
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I am going into the mental healthcare field and I am split when it comes to some of this.

SES, trauma, crisis, nature/nurture...so many things factor into why people are the way they are. I mean the list goes on. Sometimes I wonder if people are being diagnosed because its what the RX Reps are pushing. But then I wonder if people are being missed diagnosed or if they are faking it just to collect a disability check or for attention. I do think more people are coming forward. Mental healthcare is no longer as taboo as it used to be. I think depending on the culture one comes from that yes, mental health no longer has the stigma that it used to. But there are still many that won't come forward because they do not want to be perceived as weak or crazy, etc. I personally do not think it is the pressures of life by its self. Not everyone can handle the pressures of life, there are some that have nervous breakdowns and psychotic breaks because of how stressed they are. I feel it comes down to how they cope with things, do they have a support system (friends and family to help through the hard times etc.), and do they see or acknowledge that they are cracking under the pressure. It takes awareness. With awareness they can seek out help before it gets too much. Overall there is no ONE answer to your questions. There are too many variables to consider.

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Sire (107)
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08:12:59 Nov 24 2015
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I have to agree with idbeholda, in that Society is becoming more and more disfunctional and I must also agree with Lore that with every call a police officer responds to the more prevalent our interactions with people who are completely disfunctional seem to become.

Its our job to not only decide if a law has been broken but how to best resolve the call if one hasn't... and many times one hasn't and our job is one of social worker. We end up taking a larger and larger portion of people to hospitals for medical review. They are kept for observation but 24 hours later are deemed fit to be released back onto the streets. This is often because they aren't yet enough of a threat to hold or are beyond basic psychiatric help that would benefit admission. By that I mean these aren't people who can be helped and returned back to there lives, they are in need of a long term Residential facility or half way house type placements... which are always beyond full.
And the numbers are noticeably growing.

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Great Sire (118)
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00:37:17 Nov 25 2015
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I wil write my only opinion about the topic. I do work for a Hospital and go many times into the Psycho unit. Most of the cases are because the influence of Drugs and the effect that it create within the brain. Those are not mental Health. The other side of the coin are those who are in because the Voices they here and ARE NOT drugs users. For some, is called, Schizophrenia, for me, is called, DEMON possession. As I type, there is an office in the Vatican, who is in charge of keeping track of such of possession. The world is divided into two side: Good and Evil. If you noticed how the world is becoming so bad, is because Demons are taking over the soul of many humans, specially young people. just happen couple of months ago, in the City of Santa Cruz. A teen killed an 8 years old. yeap...demons making do it. That is his defense.

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16:07:01 Nov 26 2015
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There is still indeed a lot of places that mistake "mental illness" for possession and the exorcism they employ consists of beating the victim until the symptoms are gone.

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Savage (61)
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06:46:10 Dec 04 2015
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Mental illness is serious and I wish the health care system had more easily accessed help within my city. I am finding it hard to find the help I need. It is so frustrating. The places that do offer the help I require charge an arm and a leg. I just want to get a better mental health standing, but that does not seem very easy to grasp.

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Chimera (90)
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18:08:57 Dec 06 2015
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The mental health system here in the US is a joke. For instance my husband has some issues, and just moving from one state to another caused an insurance issue. Well no insurance he had to go to the clinic to get his meds, and they kept rescheduling for six months. Six months of his meds brings out a side of my husband that is down right terrifying. It took 6 cops to take him down, and I really do not believe they would of gotten him then if it was not for his pants falling down tripping him. That led to a doctor finding out about his issues however and offering his services and samples of the required meds until we could get the insurance issue straightened out. Big Pharm is another problem with the mental health system. $1200 for 30 pills!!!

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Carnal Creature (56)
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10:29:24 Dec 08 2015
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This is a difficult topic to speak on. One of the worst things to develop was cognitive behavioral therapy. What I experienced was combative. I thought it was worthless and would never recommend it to anyone. Our brains run the body. It can become ill in many ways, from genetics, gene deletions, something affecting the sensory processes, trauma from many levels. PTSD wasn't recognized at first and most relate it to those who have had experiences in war but any traumatic event such as stories you hear in the news were a child has been abused on many levels over years can cause this too. Schizophrenia is actually a physical illness of the brain like Alzheimers. They can look at the brain and tell but not so much with the chemical imbalances. Treating that for most takes a trial and error method to see what will control it if anything. Many have comorbid conditions.

My majors in college were Psychology and Music and I went another route. Then I got married. In the end I worked with developmentally disabled children and a few adults. Autism was my specialty and I did this for ten years. My agency worked with all the children because many of them had other conditions that didn't fall under the program. I have families and the client was autistic but the brother might have AD/HD and was the more difficult to handle. Almost all high functioning autistic children have AD/HD to some degree. The incidence is 80 something percent. I never met any two alike. We started seeing more children affected when soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons. Our food was being messed with by fillers, dyes and GMOs, etc. The environment was polluted. When I was younger the sky in California use to be brown like in parts of China and we had to breath it. School was often cancelled it was so bad. Environmental laws were enacted but the damage was done for a lot of people. Many developed sensitivities to foods and not say peanuts but that has increased. Hardly even heard it mentioned when I went to school but it is pretty rampant now. The way we eat things happen inside the body and toxins pass through the blood brain barrier and cause problems. The fact that the medical profession has deemed that illness of any kind can only be cured by prescription drubs is part of the problem. I don't know which is worse, killing people by the side effects of the drugs or the disorder. Some have seizures and there is no other way to control it but chemically.

When money ran out for most states the mental health programs for adults almost halted. They are more concerned with children but they shouldn't be. For instance most often schizophrenia starts in young man between around 18 to 22 and now we have schizo-affective and a slew of combinations that being schizoprenia and bipolar disorder together. I have found more and more people are being diagnosed with it. But now we are seeing children being diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and of course many fall inbetween this with Tourette's Syndrome. Not all of them say bad words or have the massive tics you see in documentaries. You find it in the DSM but it is a brain disorder that affects the body rather than mental illness per se and then there are those who also have Cerebral Palsy mixed in with any number of these things. I've seen a lot of things over the years.

The problem is unless it is really bad, I have always felt that many are misdiagnosed because the therapist doesn't spend enough time with the patient to see all their behaviors. One of my kid's brothers got diagnosed with schizophrenia at 12 because it ran in the family but I was around him all the time. I didn't have the degree so remained quiet but from what I knew of the family dynamic, I felt it was clinical depression but maybe they saw it developing, I didn't have that information but I think he was diagnosed in correctly or not completely. I was with him several times a month for a number of hours but my client was autistic; his young brother and he was a duesy. I saw and experienced a lot.

Then my oldest daughter got married for the I don't know how many times. They didn't expect to have kids because he was told he couldn't. His sperm was malformed so they didn't worry about it. Well they had one and then a second child, boy and girl. The husband was half Japanese and lactose intolerant which is common for a high percentage of Asians. Anyway, the girl was the older and from very small had screaming fits for hours, broke closet doors off their hinges and a whole list of things. Got older and it got worse for her. She has had a number of diagnoses but finally they settled on Borderline Personality Disorder. She has been picked up twice on 5150s and taken to County Mental Health. That is the law enforcement code for someone who may hurt themselves or others. She would go out of control in regard to language and would throw things at people like bricks, break tvs and pull things off the walls, punch holes in walls and a list of things. She is somewhat controlled by meds. Well her Dad has things and is on a number of meds himself. My grandson started doing hallmark things I recognized and sure enough, he got diagnosed as autistic. He is very high functioning and smart, but can be mean at times. She is only 13 now and he is younger. I have wondered if some of this had to do with what happened during the war. His mother and her mother are full blood Japanese and his grandmother spoke with an accent.

Some things may be over diagnosed but to a large degree things man has done to the planet and to each other and what we eat has caused a lot of problems. These are a lot of the people on SSI, which comes from income taxes. The other things like retirement and regular federal disability and a few other things come from the FICA fund. There are so many disabled now it's skyrocketed. I even had clients missing eyes and other deformities and one child had CP but was also blind and deaf. You have no idea what is out there besides just mental health issues and many times they are combined. The one case that broke my heart was a genetic disorder called Tay Sachs. The child was a beautiful boy who was dying because there is no cure. I have seen things most have never heard of. Mental health issues are important and they are out and about being untreated but there is so much more.

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Great Sire (119)
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00:58:12 Dec 10 2015
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Mental Health needs attention, but in a positive light. Not all mental illness is as severe as schizophrenia or DID, but non the less ALL mental illness needs to be addressed. Now that mental health no longer has such a stigma maybe people will get the help they so desperately need. But I still think too many people get misdiagnosed and for the wrong reasons. but that's for another thread.

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Unregenerate (63)
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01:15:39 Dec 13 2015
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If anyone is interested in resources for education or for help with mental health wellbeing I have a few sites I can recommend. Feel free to message me or if youd rather comment on this thread and I will post them on here.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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15:10:47 Dec 14 2015
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Our perception of reality only exist in what we can perceive it to be in the given moment, not in what another chooses for us to perceive reality to be.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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15:12:05 Jan 01 2016
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I come from a country where mental illness was not tolerated and am now in a country where it is recognised and treated

I think a lot of the rise is the breakdown of the family. Families spread out very quickly and are no longer there to help one another before things get too bad, to recognise the decline in a loved one so that early help can be called. People feel that they cannot burden their family with their problems until they are so great they cannot cope

Families then expects the authorities to deal with the problem and seems surprised when they are overrun - the problem then gets pushed back to the catch-all problem-solver - the police - who are simply not qualified to deal with it and get criticised when they try

We had a lonely elderly lady over for Xmas dinner on the 'spare chair' scheme - she was a real hoot I can tell ya - it was bite tongue moment when we found she had a daughter just two streets away from us. If she had a small problem she couldn't turn to the daughter, she has to add to the overstretched system

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Unclean Spirit (39)
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01:02:46 Jan 02 2016
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Well said Doru, perception influences actions, a "mental" human may see the world different but that doesn't mean they are broken, society wants to "fix" them because they want conformity.

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Savage (61)
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02:29:20 Jan 04 2016
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Does anyone find that drinking too much coffee negatively affects their mental health? I get very anxious and paranoid which leads to me having a wicked panic attack. This happened to me yesterday after having 6 cups of coffee through out the day. Today I have only had one cup of coffee and have not experienced anymore anxiety or paranoia. I was experiencing these things for about two weeks. As soon as I cut down my coffee intake I was totally fine.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:35:55 Jan 04 2016
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Coffee, caffeine is a very powerful drug. Most people have no idea how much they drink; a mug can contain three cups of coffee - so three or four mugs of coffee can contain 9 or 12 shots of expresso. The physical stress on your heart is usually registered by your mind as anxiety - if the intake continues over years the heart can perform badly (often you don't feel it) with the top part of the heart outracing the bottom with an irregular rhythm (A-Fib) you can feel anger and tiredness for no apparent reason.

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Daemon (95)
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13:15:22 Jan 09 2016
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I believe mental health issues are on the rise because its getting harder and harder for people to get by. They're working more, earning less and job security? Thats a thing of the past. In my parents generation, one could get a job that paid well easily and many held their jobs until retirement. Now people are as disposable as carbon paper. Its big race to the bottom where I feel in a generation or so, we will all be equally poor across the globe. Thats if the powers that be don't decide to kill a bunch of us off. Wasn't it Prince Harry that said he wished he could come back as a killer virus in order to get rid of most of the population. Now theres a budding Ebenezer Scrooge/Adolf Hitler in the making.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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22:23:26 Jan 09 2016
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The very elderly Prince Phillip was reported to have that said that virus thing back in 2008. Since then the internet has changed who said it quite a lot and it continues to spread

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Sire (107)
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07:52:42 Jan 11 2016
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Wasn't Prince Phillip a known Nazi sympathizer anyway?? I mean a comment like that would be much of a stretch if that was the company he kept.

Either way the royal have issues with stuff like this. It's a little known fact that the royal family is of Romanian decent... and Prince Charles has publicly claimed to be a distant blood line of Vlad's.
He even bought one of the Counts castles as a summer home.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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20:40:12 Jan 13 2016
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Maybe it was my fault for correcting a fact from the previous persons response on Mental Health issues, but somehow the topic has been sidetracked to distrust the UK Royal Family - if it is allowed this could be the topic of a new thread - but please may this discussion return to the posted topic that I have an interest in - thank you

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Phantom (28)
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10:46:02 Jan 19 2016
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I have a few mental disorders it gets really hard for me to do somethings like everybody else I try but usely I fail

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Unregenerate (63)
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20:43:40 Jan 19 2016
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I suffer from PTSD and depression and some days are worse than others. Luckily i have found some good coping techniques ranging from diet to exercise as well as rewarding myself when i do well. This and the meds seems to have it under control for the most part. So i know what a lot of you are going through hang in their and remember that their is support and people out here who get it

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Venerable Sire (135)
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22:39:14 Jan 25 2016
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Your brother didn't beat you up because he was "on drugs". Your brother beat you up because he is a sick individual. There are PLENTY of people on drugs who don't do things like that. I hate it when people do that.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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15:56:07 Jan 31 2016
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These really are loaded questions and no one answer will or can explain it. I have great respect for the police but this really is not there problem unless the issue becomes mixed.
I have noticed that people, general speaking, live longer and mental health will never be dealt with or treated effectively or efficiently unless provisions are made now. This is not to say that only the elderly are susceptible.
Mental Health is merely a blanket name for a vast number of issues that get added to all the time and can effect anyone at any time in their life. It is only recently that 'depression', anxiety/panic attacks and insomnia have been included under this umbrella, in fact the true amount would need list after list.
The industry seems to think that pills/tablets are the answer, but unless the correct care is administered it is pointless. How can someone who is diagnosed with Alzheimer or dementia and lives alone able to even remember what medication they have taken? Yes there is care in the system but social workers are already over worked.
Back to The Industry, we have a lot to answer for ourselves as this is indeed a matter of money and I believe whilst money is being made, and lucratively, then why cure such a fantastic money making scheme?!!

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Dastardly Being (59)
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20:37:30 Feb 07 2016
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Well i would say family home life,how they grew up plays a key factor on how your mental personality is formed,i have anxity and ptds,my mom is a acholoic i was in foster care moved a lot when i was a kid and thats not the half of it,but thats what i think is going on.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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20:15:25 Feb 20 2016
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there is two major reasons for this, I think.
One is chemical, the world has not be this "dirty, polluted and all the what you can think" destroyed chemically, trees, plants, food, genitcaly modify food, over production, hormones to make more, throw more away, more this and that to push over the limits everything and forgetting about the long term consequences, like cutting to much trees, over flood because of wanting to make more $$$ and forgetting to make sure nature still holds the ground so using chemical to hold things up and over grow them and push them over the limit and modify them in some ways it shouldn't.

The second is how people think now, many think that everything is a mental illness and nothing is a responsibility, kids/teens/ and adults are told to not take responsibilities for their actions and consequences is they don't and end up forgetting about it, and blame everyone and every "illness" I mean why would you have to write on a hair dryer-do not use in the shower- or a toaster- -do not immerse in water- I mean it is common sens to NOT do these things, but people don't care they will not take responsibility for their actions and then blame many things including mental illness, I am not talking about real people with illness, I know people who are really with that, yeah I know, I know personally real bipolar, depressive people, multiple disorder, bordeline, and I could name more but you get the point. These people are STILL getting blame and put aside and have stigma attached to them when they go for job interviews or miss work or are not to their best, they get put down... while others who are simply lazy and refuse to take responsibility for their actions are being "understanded"

I mean an example: a friend at work saw a kid literally almost die doing something stupid, like putting his hand holding his hair inside a machine that cuts huge pieces of metal, you see the blade, you see what it does to the metal, and you see the results once the blade goes down, there is even a guard to prevent to not put your hair in it, but the dude... put his hand in it, why??? "because it was funny to him to test it and also he BLAMES the blade saying its not written on it to not put your hand under and that the blade can cute you and no one has ever told him not to do that, he even went as far as blaming his boss who never explain to him that the blade can cute him, and that ..... it was written on the blade to not put fingers or members int, that the blade was a sharp edge but it was not specify to not put your hair in it...
How dumb can you be? This not mental illness this is stupidity and irrespeonsibility, and then the people are like not his fault

Or kids who are simply brats, I am not taking about those who are REAL AUTIST kids, REAL ones, but the brat ones, who's parents wont discipline them or even say no to them and expect others to understand that its not their fault, the kid is a kid and wants it, the kid is a brat it bite you, it kicked you and break your things but its not his fault, its a kid and you should not tel them no or ask the parents to replace what was broken or to discipline them for hurting you, and if you dare say anything... well, then you are the worst person ever, and you should never talked like that to someone,s kids or tell. them to stop, because you are not the parent and hav eno rights, but the parent will let them hurt you, bite you, kick you and break your things...

So yeah like i said: 2 types, chemicals blame it on greed$$$$ and lazyness the " not my fault syndrom"

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17:59:09 Feb 24 2016
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Mental illness is serious but those with issues are most of the time treated as if they are dirt because they are different. Take myself for example I have some issues and I am treated and looked at differently because I do not see the world normally or my interests are strange. Honestly judgement is thrown out way too much

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Great Sire (118)
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05:16:27 Feb 27 2016
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well i think it is a lot to do with people not wanting to go to the doctors when they realy need to becasue they fear the worse and feel that people will treat them way different if they do come out .
also there are a lot of people who have been told by a doctor that they have a mental illiness but they do not know the right one so they just do test after test to find out and by the time they do the illness has gone untreated for so long that pills or even treatment might not work.
but here is the biggest reason of all if you have a mental illness then you just now with in the last 10 years can get it treated by your insurance you are covered . but before you or family had to pay the bills .
so now this brings up an even bigger problem people who say they are sick when they only want the money and to be taken care of .
i know this is only a low or very low % but come on it does happen . that or they get told they have one so they must . and just go along even tho its not true. today we do not kill someone who is mental but come on you can go online and read about what went down in the early 20s and 30s even with all of them being put to electricity for a cure for all . and a lot died from it .

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Hellion (73)
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02:00:08 Feb 28 2016
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As someone who suffers with anxiety, I think the rise in mental health in our society is due to setting standards for a way of life that are so far out of reach and we work ourselves to death trying to reach those standards. So many people also strive to do things for others instead of putting their own health first, which actually puts their health at risk. I don't think mental health is taken nearly as seriously as it should be by the insurance companies, so when patients do open up to their doctors, they're told to take a pill and it will make them feel better. But that little pill comes with side effects and some medications for anxiety/depression can make those conditions worse and even CAUSE suicidal thoughts! Where does any of that make sense? I know a couple of people who were told by their therapists that they would be better off killing themselves because their family and friends would be relieved of their drama. I mean, how effed up is that!?

Many people who try to open up to their family members about their mental health condition(s) are often scoffed upon and are considered lazy or anti-social because they are uncomfortable hanging out with groups of people or don't feel safe going to work because of the irrational fears they live with each and every day.

I could go on and on about this but I just think it's common sense that we are not doing enough to help our citizens who are struggling with mental health issues.

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Termagant (58)
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15:27:49 Mar 01 2016
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we are all crazy it's just how insane we really are i learned to deal with my insanity so i feel pretty normal lol

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Great Sire (118)
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04:56:59 Mar 09 2016
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well its true we do not do enough for mental health but the thing is do we have enough that want to help and that it is hard to go forward even if we are the ones who need the help . and yes a lot of doctors do push pills . but now adays in most states they have done away with this not all . for a doctor can be let go . if he is just giveing pills all the time and for most they have to test your blood first to see what good the pills if any will do for you . also what do you all think of this new idea of testing your dna for the drugs made for your body .

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Venerable Sire (136)
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22:01:37 Mar 10 2016
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in a way everyone has some form of disorder...and well those who are exposed for their differences are treated like crap at times which is wrong....hell I am sick of being told be normal for once

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20:43:32 Mar 15 2016
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i believe stress adds up to mental health issues, i can relate to it , my fiancee's adds stress by continuing too mentally abuse me this is getting old and i been wanting to leave him but don't know how. he wont go asked him numerous of times,

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Venerable Sire (136)
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13:44:20 Mar 18 2016
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Stress and treatment all play a factor into how a person acts and feels about themselves. Honestly can you imagine how many cruel things the human race has done that have cost a human life...for lack of understanding

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Unregenerate (63)
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22:04:25 Mar 19 2016
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So i am going to look at putting together a page with a list of Mental Health support sites (time permitting) for both Canada and the US.

Any suggestions are most welcome and you can either send me a pm or post them on here.

I am so tired of hearing of people harming themselves and i encourage anyone who is suffering to reach out. I know its hard but by seeking help and taking things one day at a time you can fight your demons.

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Specter (43)
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22:15:39 Mar 19 2016
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"Humans are not more than animals, they are animals. Being more intelligent and mentally complex than the others doesn't change that."

One of my cats is mentally challenged and my other cat is bipolar so believe that other animals can have the same problems humans do

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Royal Sire (212)
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22:44:36 Apr 12 2016
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I got to say this about mental illness as I am a bipolair person so I KNOW the stigma I KNOW the jugemental look, I KNOW the feeling of shame I KNOW.

SO I can speak and speak with knowledge, I noticed that some people will accept that "this person" is "sick" and its ok, not their fault but if another one is... god forbids!!! they will be the first ones to jump on that person to judge to bully to post all over their "social" public stuff, vr journal fb etc about it and "how stupid can you be" "retard" "forgot your meds'" "you need meds" " remember to kill yourself you need to go along the road not accross" "use a gun next time" etc etc..

You think I am exagerating?

Well think all you want its the truth.

I've seen it so many times and some are so cruel, but its "ok" the person who does these kind of thing is "cool" so we are gonna "follow like cheap sheep" because "its cool" and we get attention too.

Anyway, this post will go into deaf ears and blinded eyes and close minds but its the reality.

Disclamer: this is not pointed at a person in perticular, if you feel its towards you, its your own choice and mind... and maybe heart, look into your own things, if the hat fits, then either take it off or wear it, its still YOUR choice.

I refuse to judge I do make known my opinion as a person with a mental illness yes I am mental , I am bipolair, I am aware of what is around and how we are treated. I dont mind people having opinions and I understand some mental illness are harder to deal with, but I beleive there is someone for every mental illness that can deal with it.

As for vampirism being consider a mental ilness, it could be, I am no expert in that feild nor do I wish to study it, I have studied in my case and it is plenty enough, some mental illness go to physical illness too.

Depression and other stuff, some are permanent and need constant survellance some are temporary, we all have our "cross" to carry sort of speak.

Plus... define normal? Who is to say that were are and who is to say we are not?

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00:22:38 May 01 2016
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I see Mental Health issues are more in the spotlight now than they were in the past. I believe more people are willing to come forward and accept health or want to have the problems treated early. I have battled with depression for years and health issues.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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04:28:19 May 19 2016
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Most of these comments are ableist as fuck or just plain ignorant, lol.

I think it's got to do with the public acceptance and awareness, more than an increase in actual illness cases. I've got Anorexia Nervosa and Anxiety (social and situational anxiety to the point of Agoraphobia). I was also previously diagnosed with OCD.
I got sick of not being able to get treatment, after being in and out for the last 3 years, so I started speaking out about it, raising awareness and discovered that a lot of the people I talked to have mental health problems/illnesses, too.
I find the more you talk about it, the more people are aware, the more people find it's okay to talk about it - so more people are feeling comfortable coming out and saying "I'm not okay.", whereas in the past mental health has been stigmatised horrifically. These days it's much more unlikely to be involuntarily admitted and strapped to a bed for the rest of your life, occasionally forced through ECT or worse, unproven surgery.

Illness increases could also be a factor, though - it could be both, because there's a lot more stress on people these days, I think. The world is a faster-moving and completely different place, which brings the stress of having to catch up to it.

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Termagant (58)
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03:40:44 Jun 16 2016
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my observations is there are a lot of members in need of a good healthy mental state, i have no clue why mental health is on the rise or maybe it is the same and just more people are being honest or coming to facilities to get help, i remember reading about people who took bathsoap drugs and well they seemed very unstable and needed lots of help

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22:08:13 Jun 17 2016
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So what if "mental illness" is on the rise? so what if its more noticable? It just makes things more interesting, more better... more chaotic and there is nothing wrong with folks that goes to different shops than others.

The tired old formula of "civilized" society is just a repetition of failure, of course it was going to break eventually, humans snap so easily because they try so hard to be something they are not and when their delusion fails, they lose it. So why bother? the universe won't notice.

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Great Sire (112)
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04:48:34 Jun 18 2016
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I am on disability for mental illness, i was an extreme cuter/ self harmer, whatever you wish to call it..I ended up in a mental hospital twice for suicide attempts..Do I feel their is a stigma attached? Only to family and close friends who know wat happened, to strangers Im just another weird looking guy in the crowd.

why is it rising i think in part to growing knowledge and diagnosis..and in part there are alot out there who fake it for attention, or government check or whatever..I think the amount who fake it, have made it harder to diagnose and treat those who are in real need.

in reply to oe post (Why does it matter) to me one thing that makes it matter is I feel thse with metal disabilities, real or self claimed should not be able to purchase and own guns..myself included because i know in my past at my worst Id have hurt someone or myself with one.

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Termagant (58)
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03:23:22 Jun 19 2016
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mental illness is not good though.. god forbid if they breed then their whole genetic family tree will be like one big zombie apocalypse lol

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Termagant (58)
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03:25:51 Jun 19 2016
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i'm just saying mental illness does has it's negatives for the person or persons and for society as well for instance if your a mental case with documentation in california maybe other places you cannot own a firearm legally which is good imo

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Spellbinder (81)
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15:23:50 Jun 19 2016
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Here is one of the true definitions of "insanity" and what a person DOES that makes them insane:

"Insanity" is repeating the same behavior and expecting different results to come out of it.

PERFECT example here and I will use MYSELF:

OK.. We ALL know that I am an EX heroine addict. I have over two years clean now. I finally stopped acting like an INSANE person.

Some of you may even recall years back trying to talk me into quitting.

Here's the thing.. Until a person REALLY wants help, (and you will KNOW because their behavior patterns WILL start to change), there is NOTHING that you can do for them, whether they are insane due to mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, WHATEVER.

It takes a whole HELL of a LOT to warrant a person changing. I can't TELL YOU how many times I've had my ass handed to me on a silver platter. The same bullshit happening OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN and THEN SOME. STILL repeated the SAME behaviors until one day I FINALLY woke up to MY bullshit.

Another example:

A woman is in an abusive relationship. All of her friends tell her.. "This isn't a GOOD situation.. You're gonna end up dead!". But she KEEPS going back. She goes to her friends and complains about the abuse but never CHANGES HER BEHAVIOR. At what point does the abuse stop being the ABUSERS fault and become the VICTIM's fault. JUST LIKE when I was using drugs.. All of the CRAP associated with it?? Rape. Burglary. Robbery. Being kidnapped. Etc.. Who's fault is it REALLY? When I KNEW in the back of my mind that EVERYONE ELSE was RIGHT. That I was WRONG. I just didn't CARE. I wanted to GET HIGH. So who's fault is it REALLY?

It's MY fault. For continuing and repeating the SAME behavior. Got kidnapped for 43 LONG days. You know what the first thing I did was?? I didn't run to the cops. I didn't run home. I ran STRAIGHT to Camden, hustled and copped some drugs. Now THAT is the TRUE definition of INSANITY.

I just wanted to get that clarification out of the way.

Now Lore.. I had NO idea that you were a cop. I know from PERSONAL experience what you're referring to, being on the other end of it. Cops go through a LOT of CRAP that most people don't see. They don't usually show that stuff on "Cops". Hell.. You can tell them better than I can what it's like to deal with people who SAY they want help but REALLY don't. They're just trying to dry up or whatever.

OK Now you ask, "Mental health incidents are on the rise for the last 5 years. The cases I have dealt with involving someone in Crisis have doubled every year. 'Why do you think that is'?"

My honest opinion is that drugs probably have A LOT to do with these statistics as a lot of mental health patients, MYSELF included, have used drugs and alcohol as a way to SELF MEDICATE. As drugs and alcohol are continuing to become easier and easier to obtain, this number will continue to rise. I have experienced the world. I know what I'm talking about with this crap. When you live homeless on the streets around OODLES of mental health patients, you'll see what I'm talking about here as well. Looking at the world through sober eyes is not an easy feat. Seeing that kind of thing never bothered me when I was on drugs and I was on them A LONG time. Now that I'm sober and I see things like the elderly rolling around on the ground in Philadelphia yelling help me, it bothers me. That shit made me cry when I saw that and I can only IMAGINE what a sober COP goes through having to see it on a daily basis as well AND have to deal with these people on top with it. I WILL say this though. JAIL?? That's not helping ANYONE with mental health issues. So as a cop, how do you help make a solution instead of contributing to the problem you feel me? Maybe you take them to the state hospital instead? We need to start getting these folks some help. Locking them up is only prolonging the problem. (*Also.. Please note.. I'm not saying that YOU, personally, are locking them up. But let's get real people... Cops lock up mentally ill folks, myself included (that's how I know), ALL THE TIME when they probably SHOULD have taken them somewhere else to get HELP.

Is it the fact that more people are suffering or is that more people are coming forward?

I think it is probably a little bit of both. The world is getting more and more fucked up and people are getting more and more fed up. Hence.. More folks coming forward. ;)

Do you think society is more accepting and there is less stigma attached?

While there may be a little less stigma, I don't think society will EVER be COMPLETELY accepting of the mentally ill. Seriously.. Just come to Philadelphia and you will see what I'm talking about. A mentally ill person SHOUTING in the street. Everyone walks by. Does NOTHING.

Or is it that the pressure and life style people have are making them more susceptible?

I believe I already touched on this question above. But yeah.. I believe people are just fucking tired of the bullshit. It's like, most of our lives we're blind to the bullcrap of the world and one day you wake up to it and it's like, WHOA?! WTF?! Has it ALWAYS been like this? People are using substances to cope. It is SO rare to find a person who does ABSOLUTELY nothing. Drugs cause mental health issues. This is nothing new.

I loved this topic, Lore. Thank you so much for posting it. This is a VERY important issue to me as well. If you live near PA let me know. Maybe you can help me find some more volunteer work to do!

For now, I just go out once a week on my own and help some of the prostitutes that are on the street. I offer them help. Most opt out. I have one in rehab right now though. One. And that's the WHOLE point. :) I'm also gonna start doing some gardening work in the parks! So excited! :)

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Great Sire (113)
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12:25:23 Jun 20 2016
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Isn't it estimated that as many as 50% of the US population suffer from a mental disorder of one type or another?

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Chimera (90)
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13:03:01 Jun 20 2016
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The past few weeks have opened my eyes up to another reason that mental health issues may be on the rise. My husband of nine years, about two years ago started getting withdrawn. I thought it was stress. As time went on he got worse landing up in a hospital self committing himself for depression. We talked long and hard after this, and find out that his depression started when he realized that he wanted a divorce and but did not want to hurt my feelings. We have become a society that is too afraid to hurt someone that keeping these thoughts in our head is eating us up a live.

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14:01:09 Jun 20 2016
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I really enjoy this thread and the various opinions replied. I'm a VR member who suffers from lifelong multiple diagnoses, that are completely disabling. That being said; I would not wish mental health illnesses on anyone. In my humble opinion, its hard even for the most educated and trained professionals to understand. Beyond compassion, empathy, and sympathy. Speaking of education, logically as the population increases, the number of diagnosed will increase. I'm no geneticist, but these diseases and others make our DNA stronger, as we evolve. I will say, the comments regarding breeding are derogatory, and discriminatory. According to the definitions of The Americans with Disabilities Act ADA. I thank the VR member for posting this thread. It is only through education and discussion that we all can learn to Love everybody and all Life. Blessings to everyone :-)!

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15:09:14 Jun 20 2016
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Mental health is a very broad term. Cognitive disabilities, PTSD, Munchausen Syndrome, lead poisoning, and long-term contact sports all come under mental health issues. Some are born with them as a person with disabilities. Others are nurtured into it by the social environment they are in, often not by choice.

The causes of so many people dealing with mental health problems vary and for from different sources. Environmental poisoning can affect learning and cognitive functions. Over time, aggression issues can manifest. It's not predictable for those affected because the chemistry of humans is not uniform. Just as allergies are different across the world. The distinct outcome is not guaranteed.

Not everyone breaks into violent aggression that could smell vehicle exhaust in the 70's. Not everyone in Flint, Michigan, will become an aggressive criminal in 10-20 years. The issue is that the proportion of the population my shift, statistically for a time.

Mental health can also just lead to non-violent issues, and harmless issues, not that they are not difficult, but as for criminal offenses they are rare in the enforcement field.

The star player in mental health that is getting the attention over all the others involves sociopathy and psychopathy. The views people have of those areas can vary by nurturing what the values of the individual. Such as, the morality of right and wrong can vary petween individuals by how they are raised to view women's individual rights, LGBT community, war, religion, vegetarians, etc.
Unfortunately, some of these dangerous traits can manifest in from an individual and nobody realizes the red flags.

I'll share a fictional example. The movie Office Space. The office employee that had the red stapler was always mumbling issues, grievances, and repercussions of burning the place down, because he thinks that is the order of things for the world around him. He looks harmless, just a quiet guy, and his explanation of the consequences fall on deaf ears.
We are seeing more often that the signs were there, but people never believe it will happen.

Another example happened in the South. Racist white males talking about their racial nationalist views and wish this and that about any and everything bad to happen to everyone but them..... well, one of them was unstable. Unfortunately, the nature of the social interactions around them did not alert anyone that the values of right & wrong or sanctity of human life were skewed. The outcome was fatal, and those that knew the individual couldn't understand what happened. This is part of why so many hate speeches and violence based hobbies are always being attacked; if politically correct and peaceful behavior are so broadly adopted, the signs of moral judgement and decision responses will be more obvious to those around them.

We don't live in a world like that, and the cost of doing so would feel quite boring in my perspective, but dissuading violent repercussions and language isn't too hard. Teaching children to respect the lives of others is still as important as it was centuries ago. Personal authority figures, usually parents, need to also instill a proper way to deal with disagreements or opposition. The last thing you want to deal with is a difficult situation over the most mundane of disagreements, such as pizza toppings or what channel to watch. You might think I'm joking, but some kids are gonna be a whole new version of scary in the coming decades.

tl;dr Parents need to teach their kids right and wrong... and live it, too.

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Spellbinder (81)
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16:59:16 Jun 20 2016
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evilkitty I think you are definitely on to something there, but Jesus H Christ. So basically you just found out your husband wants out of the marriage? Well.. Number ONE? I am SO SORRY to hear that hunny and I hope that maybe there is a chance now that he's actually SAID something to repair the marriage. I mean, you guys DID get married for a REASON. Maybe you guys just need a little help finding that spark again? Either way.. You will be just fine ;)

But yeah.. A lot of people do that these days. I don't know if it's a major contributing factor to mental illness, but people pleasing can definitely lead to some MAJOR depression issues. That's why it's always good to be honest. :)

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Hellion (73)
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18:35:20 Jun 22 2016
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I'd say life style!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:29:26 Jun 22 2016
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lots of things add to the rise of mental illness, lack of knowledge to diagnose, population, lets look back around 1960 when alot more asylums were around (the creepier kind not the more hospital type of today) the population was at around 180 million people in the U.S...

now as of 2015 there is 320 million people in the U.S. ,that nearly double the population so you can expect double the cases of mental illness, their has been new things added to the DSM such as this I will insert from a site

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. In 1980, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III) listed BPD as a diagnosable illness for the first time. Most psychiatrists and other mental health professionals use the DSM to diagnose mental illnesses.

Because some people with severe BPD have brief psychotic episodes, experts originally thought of this illness as atypical, or borderline, versions of other mental disorders. While mental health experts now generally agree that the name "borderline personality disorder" is misleading, a more accurate term does not exist yet.

Most people who have BPD suffer from:

Problems with regulating emotions and thoughts
Impulsive and reckless behavior
Unstable relationships with other people.
People with this disorder also have high rates of co-occurring disorders, such as depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and eating disorders, along with self-harm, suicidal behaviors, and completed suicides.

there has been vets coming home from wars and as above PTSD was first added to the DSM in 1980

the rise of drug users both recreational and prescribed

and the diet and foods most of us eat affects health too

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Hellion (73)
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20:48:22 Jun 22 2016
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Drugs does have a lot to do with it Im sure!

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Great Sire (110)
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14:59:03 Aug 07 2016
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Protein and water are good for the brain

Ergonomics are good for the brain

Puzzle books and online games like lumosity are good for the brain

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Premiere Sire (122)
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01:03:16 Aug 09 2016
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I think stress and trauma has effected my life. The loss of loved and battling a genetic condition for 32 years of my life. I have a compulsive disorder that slows me down every day, and all this has an impact on my studies. I have to keep everything around the house tidy and in order, and I have to hold onto items that belong to my loved ones that passed away and I hold onto things from the past. When people come and visit I have to make them wash their hands and if they move things I have to correct it and put things back the way I like it. This caused a lot of arguments with family and friends visiting and I became secluded from everyone and if someone knocks I ignore the door, I am now living on my own with my dog.

I am isolated from society because I have a lack of confidence and social skills, finding it differcult to make friends at university, I was smart at everything but they just didn't want to know me because of my health problems. When am at home I get stuck in a loop when doing tasks around the home that has to be perfect including my forensic science work. I am very particular for certain things, I don't drink tap water and if someone makes tea or coffee it has to be perfect and objects have to be positioned correctly and I never miss faults and things that are odd or strange when am out in society.
I have a thing for hygiene, and I hate touching things outside, someone told me to press a lift button so I refused and said you press it. I just want people to understand that I can't help it. I just need good friends that can support me through these dark times.

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01:58:01 Aug 09 2016
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honestly i think alot of people hide their mental problems and others hide their problems really well until they hit the breaking point

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Premiere Sire (122)
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10:15:29 Aug 09 2016
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I can't hide my problems, it looks obvious when am doing rituals, but I live in secrecy with it.

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Unregenerate (63)
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22:39:29 Aug 11 2016
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It is great to see so many positive comments. I have spent a lot of time this year doing courses to better understand the issues around mental health and the main thing I have learnt is it a vast subject. I feel that the first step in dealing with mental health, is overcoming the stigma attached to it and realising mental health is the same as physical health ,and that just because someone has a break it doesn't mean they are weak or strange or nuts. It just means they are ill or injured.Exactly same as if someone has a broken leg or a medical condition.

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Great Sire (115)
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07:27:45 Aug 18 2016
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hey Lore,

i'm also in the public safety business (17 years SFFD) and i'll offer another angle.

mental health programs took a big hit in CA as far back as thirty years ago. what we're seeing here is the result of people in need of help, being pushed out into the streets.

the other thing that concerns me is that 22 military veterans are killing themselves per day.

sadly, i don't see any solutions until health and education are given the highest priorities in this country.

anyway... just my 2cents worth of insight.

Stay safe.

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03:46:28 Sep 07 2016
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All due respect, but NEVER believe an officer of the law if they tell you to come with them for a psychological examination. The 1 hour they tell you could cost you your sanity and your life. NO they have a license to lie... Don't go!

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Spellbinder (81)
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10:29:16 Sep 15 2016
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whenever I did a crime beyond imaginable they tested me psychologically and psychiatric and i was resulted with aspd. Antisocial personality disorder, but also bipolar.

The country i live, which is in Malta, is very used to mental disorders. When we open our mouths to say what we suffer with, no one judges us. Just mentally disabled. Which is good cause we get disability pension for that. If you say Bipolar or schizo effective (mood disorders) or borderline personality or other kind its all OK. same for anxiety or PTSD. personality disorder (psychopathy) or ASPD ( antisocial personality disorder) = (sociopathy) and D.I.D ( disassociation impersona disorder- split personality/multiple personality disorder) its all ok but never say out loud that you are schizophrenic. People never take you seriously or take you too seriously and end up in mental hospital for longer time. Being a psychopath or sociopath here isn't a problem. Its an ok society regarding to mental health

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Doppelganger (69)
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15:03:17 Sep 21 2016
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Cops cannot tell if the person they are approaching have a mental illness - and they shouldn't assume either.

There is no easy answer here.

Mental health issues can be genetic or chemically induced by drug use, trauma, or a combination of things.

Then you have those that will fake a mental illness to "get off" a charge or as an excuse to their behavior.

We will never know how it is for Cops unless we are cops ourselves....so like I said there is no easy answer. I would suggest some psychoeducation on this topic. But still, I imagine that in the heat of the moment it would be hard to be thinking out all this while thinking of the safety of others as well.

Every situation is different. A school shooter - family blames it on the music the kid listens to - but they failed to realize that their kid was severely depressed or is a sociopath. A woman driving at high speeds oblivious to her surroundings - just left her mother's funeral or nothing is wrong and she just robbed a store or maybe she is racing to get home cause the oven is on. A man is in a rage because of fireworks going off - could be PTSD or he is tripping on some bad shit or just has anger issues....

Cops do not know these things going into situations.

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Ophidian (66)
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15:31:30 Sep 22 2016
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I say, there is no line of normalcy. Tell me one person who is perfectly sane..... People are wacked in there own way. Most of the time they mean no harm in what they do. The intentions are good.

Just saying.

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Behemoth (65)
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03:15:22 Feb 10 2017
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I agree, everyone has got their own issues, unfortunately that is life and then you got the medical nuts passing out labels for every quirk.

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Superior Sire (141)
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04:35:41 Feb 10 2017
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everyone is different doesnt mean its an excuse

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00:34:24 Feb 18 2017
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I very much dislike how those who simply do not feel empathy or do not have what you would consider traits that is normal for society, are considered mad or mental.
By saying a human is mad for being different that there is case to be made for the other way around, perhaps those who feel empathy are mentally ill.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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03:24:04 Feb 19 2017
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Crazy, I was crazy once. They put me in a tiny rubber room. I died there. Died. I died once. They put me in a deep dark whole, with worms. Worms, I hate worms, worms make me crazy. Crazy, I was crazy once

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Chimera (90)
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04:00:08 Feb 19 2017
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Interesting topic! I work in the mental health field and have for the past 28 years, so I will go back to the original questions to respond:

"Mental health incidents are on the rise for the last 5 years the cases i have dealt with involving someone in Crisis have double every year. Why do you think that is? Cases have probably doubled due to increased stress, loss of jobs, increased mental health awareness, increase in population. People who have mental health issues have been around forever - that has not changed. However, the population has increased dramatically in the past 10 years, and mental health awareness has also increased dramatically, so yes, this is probably why the number of cases has increased.

Is it the fact that more people are suffering or is that more people are coming forwards? Probably a combination of both. People are under more stress in today's society due to loss of jobs, increased cost of living, and people are living longer. It really is hard to live in today's society! As a psych nurse, I know that mental health awareness is a huge issue, and it is being pushed in state hospitals and facilities all across the country.

Do you think society is more accepting and there is less stigma attached? Not really. Even though it is widely know and more people are more educated regarding mental health, there is still a huge stigma attached to those how have psychiatric diagnoses and to those who are dual-diagnosed (psychiatric diagnosis and substance abuse diagnosis).

Or is it that the pressure and life style people have are making them more susceptible?" Susceptible to having a mental health issue? Perhaps to depression or anxiety. Clinical depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain as is schizophrenia. Any psychiatric problem that is chemically caused has to be treated with medication. A person cannot "catch" it. Other mental health issues caused by stress or fatigue or sadness or trauma etc. can be treated with therapy and short-term use of specific medications.

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Changeling (71)
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06:18:47 Feb 19 2017
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People are giving up more often because they feel they can't turn to people about it. There's no way it's less stigmatized. (I'm referring to depression and depressive conditions. I don't believe the number of people who suffer is rising, rather the number of people who cry for help is declining.
No one wants to be seen the way we're seen.
That often makes things worse

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Bete Noire (44)
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15:03:50 Feb 19 2017
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To answer your question I believe it has been on the rise but its cause of people are coming forward more. Although there is a stigma attached to it a lot more people are wanting to seek help. I think one thing that is helping with awareness sad as it sounds is deaths of celebrity's like Robin Williams people are seeing that they are not alone. Back in 2009 I was diagnosed with PTSD and traits of bipolar. Either though its obvious I wasn't alone I still felt that way and never wanted to talk about it with others. Eventually I have and feel more better about it cause its scary feeling like you are at the end up your rope.

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Wyvern (85)
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15:12:53 Feb 19 2017
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Listen, I am a mental Health patient. And let me tell you it is no fun. But yes it's on a rise due to many factors. Yes society has something to do with it because now a days its hard to survive in this cruel world. Is it more socially acceptable? HA! I doubt it. I still get gasps and odd looks when people find out. I get told "your not sick or disabled" just because they can't see what goes through my head on a daily basis. So no not socially acceptable. Just slightly tolerated.

And sadly the rise of it is just gonna go higher and higher as we humans destroy this planet and make it harder to live. I am no activist don't think that. But it is our fault for all the death, destruction and chaos that reins on this world today. Simpler times must return in my opinion if we wish to see this rise fall but that will never happen. So I just sit back and take my meds like a good little girl and do what I am told. Call me a sheep but I would rather that then behind bars for murdering someone I love.

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Bete Noire (44)
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15:17:50 Feb 19 2017
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I agree with you on that it really is our own fault for the deaths and all. But never think you are a sheep for taking your meds. If anything its being responsible and you are making you sure you are better for your family. Thats how I see things that I do.

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16:22:11 Feb 19 2017
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"No one wants to be seen the way we're seen."

Not mentally ill myself though some call me a psycho but anyway I actually enjoy being hated, feared, reviled or avoided etc because I get to be left alone.
Humans are social animals and they love to paw at each other, crave attention and can be very, very clingy.
while I have no issue interacting with them when I need to or am bored, it is annoying when they then keep on, ask about me or about my whereabouts all the time or even become obsessed. Thinking they can be friends with me. deluded apes. Mind you considering my evil nature, any human that does all that even before becoming obsessed can be considered mentally ill since only a crazy zebra seeks a Lion for company. lol

So point is, there is a silver lining to being stigmatised or avoided. Peace and quite, don't take it for granted.

Anyway as others have been saying, there has been an increase since life itself has become more stressful, at least in the world of business. The expense of living is high, although you would think this would discourage humans from having kids and making it worse, nope they still breed like rabbits and wonder why the bill is up.

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Behemoth (65)
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16:41:00 Feb 21 2017
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Cheetahs, Leopards and Tigers don't always have the same exact patterns on their furs, it doesn't make it faulty. I can understand why people fear the clinically insane as they cruelly called in one simple word. Differance.
Throughout history people have done unspeakable things to each other just because of differences between them, whether its race, religion, politiics or culture, its enough to start wars.

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Changeling (71)
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08:14:05 Feb 22 2017
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Mordrakus, perhaps the "Zebra" or sheep as I like to call them, might actually be seeking it's own discomfort or even destruction. In that case befriending the lion would be the sane move, no? Or at least the smart one. That would simply make them an emotional or physical masochist, or suicidal, not insane.
And people view people like myself (I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is depression, anxiety and complex post traumatic stress disorder all at once.) with the same microscope as they would a schizophrenic. Personally, that's unfortunate for myself and schizophrenics alike. Most of them aren't actually dangerous. I've been institutionalized enough to know.
I'm not dangerous either. Unless you count myself.

What's that old attage again? Crazy people don't know their crazy, I know I'm crazy, therefore I am not crazy, isn't that crazy?

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Chimera (90)
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14:12:13 Feb 22 2017
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@Luvlyswan - your comment:"And people view people like myself (I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is depression, anxiety and complex post traumatic stress disorder all at once.)" is not correct, and I wanted to clarify what Borderline Personality Disorder is in a factual manner, because this is a public forum, and people do read these posts. I personally treat patients who have this specific disorder, and have for over 15 years.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder, thought to be caused by a combination of genetics and environmental influences. Individuals who have BPD generally develop it in the early teen years, and it is usually more prevalent in girls than in boys. It is an emotion dysregulation disorder, meaning the person cannot regulate his or her emotions, and will usually self-harm to regulate them.

Now, depression, anxiety and substance abuse are usually also diagnosed with BPD, as the individual will be depressed and anxious, and will usually self-medicate with drugs. Treatment for BPD is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) a therapy program developed specifically for BPD individuals.

Here is one reference source: http://www.borderlinepersonalitydisorder.com/what-is-bpd/bpd-overview/

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17:15:37 Feb 23 2017
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"Mordrakus, perhaps the "Zebra" or sheep as I like to call them, might actually be seeking it's own discomfort or even destruction. In that case befriending the lion would be the sane move, no?"

Unfortunately dearie that is not the case with me, I really wish it was as I would happily accommodate their self destruction by snapping their necks and crushing the life out of them, after all who am I to stand in the way of those who have a death wish.
Alas, that is not the case. The "zebra" as I called them, hairless apes actually-keep coming to me out of some misplaced adoration and delusions of friendship, they keep spewing their insignificant problems over me and expecting me, me! to solve it for them or give them advise, I just tell them to kill their families if they bother them so much, best solution really.

I partly blame myself as I have a knack for easily getting into a human's head, sometimes without trying and sometimes accidentally and but then you end up with stalkers and those who are clingy and always need to know where you are....like as if I am fucking drug they are addicted to...this happens if they don't see me just for "one" day....one fricken day. Oh no its the end of the world! This has happened to me both out there and online.

So yea, I would say they are mental just for wanting to associate with the likes of me. What is more annoying though, is that I am upfront, I don't lie about who I am and they claim to know that, then I do something that is normal for me, and they get surprised and upset....? Of course these are the ones that not so under my influence yet but I was still honest and upfront with them. Such surprise is unwarranted.

Sometimes I really do wonder how you lot managed to build rockets to outer space....

Don't get me wrong, manipulating others is fun and like any self respecting narcissistic self-proclaimed God-King with a superiority complex, a bit of reverence and worship from lesser beings is quite amusing and acceptable, as long as they are of use and give tribute. Simpering crybabies looking for a shoulder to cry on is something I can well do without.

Society underestimates the power of indoctrination, willpower and manipulation. You may pay a mercenary to kill for you, but can't you pay one to die for you, at least for the most part. A cultist and a fanatic however, will do almost anything for the cause, murder, rape and even suicide.

This is what is actually humorous to me sometimes, humans keep going on about being oppressed, yet deep down they crave being controlled and shepherded as it gives them purpose and meaning. Everything time there is a crisis, humans don't look to themselves to do something, they look to someone and they elect leaderships.

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Malignant Spirit (49)
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11:04:26 Feb 25 2017
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I have seen so many examples of someone needing therapy more than medication. We need to do our best to find the roots of the problem and deal with them. I have nothing against medicating someone who actually needs them. I feel that too many practitioners are far to dependent on medications in regards to treating their patients. I know what it is like to have someone misdiagnosed and then have to jump over many hurdles to have to the correct diagnosis found. I come from a medical background and cannot stand the fast food approach that many practitioners use with patients.

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20:40:32 Feb 27 2017
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Medication is not something I agree with, give the wrong meds and you could cause a major problem. Besides, there is nothing to "cure".

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Bete Noire (44)
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22:24:39 Feb 27 2017
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General Robert E. Lee had a quote that I love!
"Practice Self Control and Self Denial in all circumstances!"
I think there are lots of people that do lose control of themselves. Then place a weapon in those hands and they become more dangerous!

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Chimera (90)
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02:53:00 Mar 01 2017
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Medication can be extremely helpful in the correct circumstance. I agree with some of the above posters that over medicating can and is problematic, and does not solve anything. However, if a person has a chemical imbalance, medication can help him/her live a quality life. Or, medication can be helpful for short-term problems.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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06:05:37 Mar 01 2017
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Well it's nice to see so many wonderful posts/comments.

Good work wolf...

You ever need someone, you know how to reach me...

(And EXACTLY how I feel about Addictions/Mental Health)

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Marplot (14)
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10:09:50 Mar 01 2017
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Here is what sucks. I feel like a lot of people are just saying they have a mental illness to get away with things. I have seen It happen among people who I thought where my friends.
Yes there are people who have mental instabilities of course but sadly not all.

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VR System
VR System

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10:09:50 Mar 01 2017
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