Paranormal TV shows. Real or Fake
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20:02:44 Feb 18 2014
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Which paranormal TV shows, in your opinion are real or faked, and why?

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Dybbuk (76)
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22:22:27 Feb 18 2014
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I think mostly fake. sadly.

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Elemental (77)
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02:26:14 Feb 19 2014
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I would have to say, unfortunately most are fake and they have a script.

I live near Saginaw, Michigan and we have a paranormal team here called the Seekers founded by the Rap artist, Prozak.

They have been doing paranormal documentaries the last four years and showing them at the Temple Theater around Halloween.

I've gone to all four showings. The atmosphere is what makes it fun but I was disappointed with this past year's showing. A lot of the stuff looked staged or setup, like parlor tricks.

I forgot to mention they had been working with Brian Harnois of Ghost Hunters fame. Sadly, he has problems and I'm being generous here.

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Royal Sire (204)
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12:27:08 Feb 19 2014
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Let's keep the youtube videos out of the threads.

You can link, and if a member wishes to go watch, they can.

Discussion means talking, debate on the subject matter. Not a thread full of videos making fun of the subject.

That would make this a sandbox thread, not a discussion thread.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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14:22:09 Feb 19 2014
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It all reeks of pseudoscience.
Some of the founders of paranormal research have been caught using public records to get leads on the history of buildings, and locations they investigate.

It is an attractive biz because they really don't have to do much to appease their clients, and most charge fees, plus expenses.

of course teams that are on TV also get payed as well, as getting advertisement for their service.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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03:41:07 Feb 21 2014
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Nearly all mediums and psychics are fake.

And the one's that have talent would never be on TV.

Read about Edgar Cayce.

That dude was for real and the idea of capitalizing on his gift on a scale like television would have make him quit doing it for anyone.

All TV is crap.

Everyone should do themselves a favor and toss it out the window ASAP.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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08:19:37 Feb 21 2014
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There was plenty riding on his performances. There was a whole organization founded on his alleged abilities.

Source wiki


Skeptics say that the evidence for Cayce's powers comes from contemporaneous newspaper articles, affidavits, anecdotes, testimonials, and books. Martin Gardner, for example, wrote that while Cayce's trances did happen, most of the information from his trances was derived from books that Cayce had been reading by authors such as Carl Jung, Ouspensky, and Blavatsky. Gardner's hypothesis was that the trance readings of Cayce contain "little bits of information gleaned from here and there in the occult literature, spiced with occasional novelties from Cayce's unconscious".[32]

Skeptics are also critical of Cayce's support for various forms of alternative medicine, which they regard as quackery.[33] Michael Shermer writes in Why People Believe Weird Things, "Uneducated beyond the ninth grade, Cayce acquired his broad knowledge through voracious reading and from this he wove elaborate tales."[34] Shermer wrote that, "Cayce was fantasy-prone from his youth, often talking with angels and receiving visions of his dead grandfather." Shermer further cites James Randi as saying "Cayce was fond of expressions like 'I feel that' and 'perhaps'—qualifying words used to avoid positive declarations."

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Dastardly Being (59)
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08:29:25 Feb 21 2014
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Professional Traders sought his trance services to make money investing. Lots of them.
There are also stupid nuckin futters that question the official storyline of 9/11.

Solipsism is lonely at the top.

Nothing is real and everything is permissible.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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08:35:11 Feb 21 2014
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If something is to good to be true, then it most likely isn't true.
When there are too many holes, everything that would be considered credible falls through.

It should be noted that many of his works were edited by heirs to his "Institute", people that prospered from him for years. Just like all the people who depend on the hag Sylvia Browne.

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Elemental (77)
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16:31:51 Feb 21 2014
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I would say overall about 50 percent. There is no harm if an investigative team does research on a place they will be going to. There is a difference between that and a medium. I am a sometimes skeptic. I don't like to go overboard one way or the other. There is unexplained phenomena out and about but most of the time if the group is ethical they will find things in the environment that can account for much of what people are experiencing. I have been around a lot of mediums over the years and some I doubted and others I didn't and I have my own personal reasons but these shows are for "entertainment" and not for discovery. That means a lot is scripted and has to be and they cannot devote the necessary time to really get too involved with the places they are checking out. Now with mediums that is a different thing depending on the type but most on the shows are just psychics or sensitives. Mediums are something else. Some shows prefer not to use a psychic at all. Unfortunately if you are on a TV show you will be expected to show results and it doesn't work that way. I don't know what happens if they pick up nothing, do they play musical psychic until they find one that does? Beats me. It would be the same if it is just an investigation team. At this point, I wouldn't say they are purposefully faked but more that in most cases they don't have the time involved to make a reasonable conclusion, therefore due to time constraints some things are scripted and on occasion there is some investigation done outside of what is aired.

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Grave Robber (22)
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14:56:34 Feb 22 2014
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I think the ones like Celebrity Ghost Stories & Cursed are real.

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17:21:18 Feb 23 2014
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I used to watch GHOST HUNTERS,but they have become boring,all they catch is voices,i do belive them though,although,sometimes they say oh,something touched me,or did you see that,proves nothing,so why say it.they very really catch anything on film.GHOST ADVENTURES,i like the best,they catch loads of stuff,and are more extreme..not boring.CELEBRITY GHOST STORIES,i really cant say for sure,but it seems every celeb' in hollywood has some ghost story,some may be true,not all.to me hollywood makes some up.BUT GHOSTS DO EXIST!

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Archfiend (57)
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19:06:28 Feb 23 2014
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Suppose any paranormal tv show were to somehow obtain evidence of ghosts. Let's suppose the evidence was irrefutable, and nobody who saw it could really say that it had been faked. Would that episode be allowed to air?
Many religions would cease to exist, and in doing, the moral code that binds them to decency would be shattered. While they may not extend their reach to such trivial things, no responsible government would allow that evidence to get out.
In my opinion, there will never be anything provable in one of those shows if only for that reason alone. It's all just entertainment.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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21:08:00 Feb 23 2014
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here is an exhaustive article regarding the various angles of Paranormal Investigation.


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Sycophant (6)
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03:25:33 Apr 26 2014
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i find so many fake but i do belive there is something to the haunted, paranormal witness, and a haunting

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Irritater (16)
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06:03:41 Apr 26 2014
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There are plenty of things that are "based on a true story." in the same sense that something like the franchise Bioshock is based on a true story (there just so happens to be an island called rapture)

It is very easy to make the details of an event vague, and skew the details in such a way that you could essentially say anything you wanted and have a correlating story. That's not to say that there aren't things out there that just can't be explained. I would be weary of any story where all the eye witness accounts line up perfect, because no two people perceive an even the same way.

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High Sire (157)
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08:51:27 Apr 26 2014
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Personally, I don't watch television very often (IF I watch it at all). But unfortunately, most "paranormal" shows/movies, I will have to say are fake(d) and do have a script. Very few have I ever seen, which DON'T have any manner of script and are Very Much Real.

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Primogenitor (99)
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01:46:52 May 06 2014
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I feel like the earliest ones were trying to be real, like they were really trying to find things but as hollywood took over they lost even that small amount of reality.

Honestly, if someone had real honest, non scam worthy footage of ghosts or proof of life after death would they put it on TV for entertainment or would they be using this information in order to promote the truth of the situation.

Perhaps I'm wrong, maybe they are real but I honestly feel that they've lost any sense of reality.

If ANY of them are at all real I would think it's most likely to be the shows that have a family or person telling their story with a re-enactment. They're not claiming to have proof and without that proof it's just a story that you can take or leave... Some of the stories they tell may be true.

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Shaitan (64)
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01:20:11 May 07 2014
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Scripted for the muse of ratings.

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00:22:53 May 11 2014
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The twisted machinations of the Murdochs and other corps with no morality or over sight. They bribe the regulators to pass over sight with the ruse of quasi science, disgusting, they damage science, reality and truth for profit.

I was in Melbourne discussing their Casino empire with their own staff, equally unimaginative. I told them; Go in any British pub and see the complex mind testing slot machines, shame on OZ. Step up son, step up.

This Planet is full of amazing unexplained things, making out big foot is real is an abomination. Think bigger and "Forgive the Pun"

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Premiere Sire (122)
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00:30:51 May 18 2014
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I would say it's fake, because it's all money for the media.

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Great Sire (117)
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15:25:39 May 18 2014
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When the first paranormal TV show air, many moons ago, was a success and back then, was real. Because their success, many TV producers got their hands in the pie ($$$) and created many more, which, came at the cost of many of them, portraying something that will make a child laugh. The love for money, is more powerful then the love for the truth. Those programs are so fake, Yes, I am saying some of them are totally FAKE, that the contends are the imagination of a bold head guy eating at a desk, named: WRITER.

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Royal Sire (204)
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16:57:12 May 18 2014
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The first show that started the crazy- for me was Ghost Hunters. And I think the first few years was real, as far as what they found. Why? Because they had plenty of shows that had nothing. No EVP, no slam doors, etc. It was just some cool places, sites you got to learn about and see. And the reason I watched it, not caring if they found any evidence.

Now- every show has 'something' found. I mean... really? That screams fake to me, just for the ratings.

Give me the good old days when you might, in the hour watching, get a floor board cracking, which can be explain by house settling. At least it would be real.

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Marplot (14)
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19:56:35 May 18 2014
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I haven't seen one paranormal research show that was real. At least based on my own perception. I used to go ghost hunting and as much as I desired to see or hear anything, it never transpired.

I'm not saying that the paranormal isn't real, I've just yet to expiernce anything.

Have I felt fear or a sense of it? Yes, but I think I was just psyching myself out.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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20:16:44 May 18 2014
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It's just all an act for entertainment purposes.

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05:08:55 May 30 2014
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Mostly all fake. I met this lady and she showed me how most of them were fake and how the little orbs and things they catch on camera are fake and how they are usually just things off the camera lenses and nothing more.
But with me, when I entered the cemetery I did feel a spirit latch onto my right shoulder and it held on to me until I reached town then let go, I guess it had other business to attend and needed a ride? But after that I began to see spirit orbs move about my house, but it doesnt bother me. I welcome it now. As a child when I was seeing full bodied apparatus' thats what really scared me because I could not understand why I was seeing them, why they were speaking to me and what not. Now I do, but I dont see full bodies now just friendly little spirit orbs

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Illusionist (78)
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05:23:58 May 30 2014
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I no longer believe anything on TV is real. Unfortunately there is no reality in reality TV. Everything is scripted. I kind of wish it weren't true but it is. I still find myself watching some of the paranormal shows because they have good stories and sometimes legitimate history is involved but I can't believe any of the paranormal stuff they actually show.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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06:22:52 May 30 2014
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Oh, how I loathe 'reality tv'.
As for the paranormal shows...fake. You'd think that with all of their high tech equipment, they'd get a better image of sound from all of their 'work'.

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Shaitan (64)
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15:08:58 May 31 2014
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I do not buy into TV hype.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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06:34:31 Jun 01 2014
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Oh - you have to be effing joking...talk about bad acting - lol

At least it would be worth my while if the dark-haired good-looking guy got possessed.
Ah- paranormal TV!!!

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Venerable Sire (130)
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16:30:59 Jun 01 2014
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Sounded more like he was saying Constipation.

A British show called Bullshit did a show about mediums. They put out a fake story about a chocolate factor, and how the manager died. Sure enough almost all the mediums "pick up on" the traumatic death of the manager.

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19:47:21 Sep 07 2014
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99.99995% are fake

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Great Sire (117)
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02:31:07 Sep 08 2014
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Fake...100%. The exploitation of the Human mind by this people is astonishing and with a bad humor. There is nothing out there...nothing.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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01:44:51 Sep 09 2014
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Best way to do one of those shows is at 3 a.m. which is dead time when most of the paranormal activity happens then we'll talk real or fake.

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Elemental (77)
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19:49:56 Sep 09 2014
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I disagree. They aren't all fake, I mean the mediums. You won't know who they are because normally unless they get made through gossip, they are not public about what they do. The ones you know about usually are not. I don't care for the real Alisson DuBois. She is obnoxious and her claims a far reaching. I won't say she is a fake but I'm bordering on it. I know people who had connections to the Warren's through one of their relatives and was told even they are fake. Well one is dead. Most of the stories they told were exaggerations or the woman made up a lot of stuff. Beyond that I don't know details or can't remember now. I was told years ago. The shows are scripted because they couldn't do them any other way because of time constraints but at least they don't over reach really. I never liked Ghost Hunters from day one. I use to chat with my ghost hunting friend who is well know in those circles and we would laugh at them...sorry but true.

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Exasperater (20)
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20:40:52 Sep 09 2014
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i believe that there probably are real visual accounts of paranormal activity, but in terms of the television programs, i think its staged, as are all other "reality" shows.

i watch them because i enjoy the topic, but they anger me because of the aire of fakeness and dramatizations.

i cannot discredit any of the cast's own feelings or personal experiences. i believe theyve all had encounters before because they appear to be preceptive and interested in contact. however, i dont think the shows themselves are valid.

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21:38:15 Sep 10 2014
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There was a show on NBC, called "The Other Side" (1994), which discussed some serious subject. However they had to water it down to the point it became new agey and the subjects were pure stupidity. Then, "Beyond Belief" with James Brolin, and Jonathon Frakes (STNG) came out. I do like Paranormal Witness, The Paranormal Hunter" and Paranormal teens. However, the Ghost hunting programme leave much to be desired. Credibility for one. I have been on paranormal investigations with people, and yes, on occasion, unexplained, and strange things happened. But these shows, go out of their way to make it scarey. Bugger on them.

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Great Sire (110)
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06:22:17 Sep 13 2014
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i used to think ghost hunters was about the only real one out there for the fact that they used to show episodeds were they wouldnt get anything pharanormal at all and sadly that changed and they get gobs of pharanormal stuff now so i think its a little over exagerated for the rateings and stuff....... to me some of the stuff on ghost mines seemed pretty ligit....... but some was just like really .... so i got tired of watching the shows cause u didnt really know what they were saying they caught on camerea or vid was true or made up .....

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Haunt (40)
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04:43:45 Sep 14 2014
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fake bc well the true stuff rarely gets out. i believe in it though

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02:29:10 Sep 16 2014
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I would have to say that most are faked for broadcast purposes.~Mina

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02:46:54 Sep 16 2014
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Although, I like Ghost Hunters and still watch it, I have noticed the change in the show from its humble beginnings. They now feature more places that are business related, for sale and or both. Case in point.....The Hotel Bentley in Alexandria, La. It had been for sale for over 10 yrs and it was not until Ghost Hunters featured it, did it sell. I live in the area and have never heard tell of it being haunted. I am of the opinion that they are paid to feature places like that or to increase business flow as opposed to actually looking for Paranormal activity. It is sad that they 'Sold Out', so to speak. Pardon the pun.~Mina

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02:57:54 Sep 16 2014
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all are faked i think mainly to get attention of supernatural thrill seekers

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Malefactor (67)
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20:57:48 Sep 20 2014
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Most tv shows in my opinion are fake..however..in ny where I am from.we have a team called Adirondack Paranormal Investigators. ..they only do local investigations as of right now...they do not publicize their findings...I went on one investigation with them..and was very impressed with their work

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:01:10 Sep 22 2014
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who knows anymore with all there sound effects and camera crap idk but i still watch sad lol

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Malefactor (67)
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21:01:55 Sep 23 2014
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I watch them too...just to see what they try..and see if I can catch it lol...its funny what some will do for publicity

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01:24:33 Oct 02 2014
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most wouldn't know what to do if they saw a real spirit

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Grave Robber (22)
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16:04:27 Oct 12 2014
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Honestly, I think any sort of "reality" show is faked. At the very least to some degree.

I can't really think of any that I would say are real as far as mainstream media is concerned, however there are plenty of paranormal investigators who don't have shows whose work seems pretty legit.

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Great Sire (117)
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19:19:52 Oct 12 2014
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DariusRakkan, if they see a real spirit, they will pee on their pants!!!

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Charmer (84)
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13:37:05 Oct 14 2014
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mostly fake, but some of the places they visit really are haunted

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Spook (24)
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22:14:34 Oct 14 2014
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I believe some are true and some are fake, but that is what is normal in life now a days

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14:04:26 Nov 07 2014
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Even Ancient Aliens spit out false information.
Matter of fact, there's a Youtube video that discusses this.

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23:31:25 Nov 07 2014
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most f what is shown of tv and film is not real but there is about 10 % that is, as we cant be the only thing on this planet

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Venerable Sire (136)
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05:41:45 Nov 08 2014
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I have to agree. There has got to be a small percentage of authentic paranormal activity. It is, hard to say, what tv shows actually are legit or not.

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Monstrosity (34)
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01:56:40 Nov 11 2014
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Thanks for sharing Ariel a fine example of how sensationalism is the prime goal of all these "reality shows".

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15:39:29 Nov 20 2014
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Harasser (15)
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21:09:53 Nov 20 2014
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All of it is fake as far as I am concerned, because I do not believe in paranormal crap in any way, shape or form. Tbh I don't understand how people can actually believe in it.

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21:12:07 Nov 20 2014
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Most people generally do not believe in things until it happens to them personally to make them question their own reality.
I call paranormal, normal because there's nothing mysterious about it if you understand how it all works.

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Harasser (15)
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21:25:30 Nov 20 2014
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*noise in the house while you are alone* "Omg, maybe it is a thief or the cat, or the dog, or a raccoon or something."


Sorry, but anyone who claims to have any supernatural experience at all does not understand science, therefore believes in unreality and is... yeah.

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21:56:07 Nov 20 2014
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Quiet, you're one of those people i consider a wall and thinks he knows what he's talking about but really doesn't because you haven't walked in other people's shoes and also your answers are very one-sided in nature. You do not know how it is for other people, nor do you know their experiences when it comes to the spiritual aspects of things. To say "There is no such thing" doesn't make you correct or more right than someone else who knows otherwise. You need to walk in someone else's shoes before you go talking about "facts".

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Harasser (15)
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22:03:04 Nov 20 2014
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And you need to read books on exactly why those things are impossible. Trust me, it is amazing when you remove your head from fairy tales.
It is impossible to 'experience' those things, as they are not possible. Those sorts of television shows are gimmicks made to cash in on crappy cinamatography (shaky-cam), fear that was initiated by movies like The Blair Witch Project/Paranormal Activities and they prey on people who 'see' things, which is most likely going to be some form of delusional mental illness, eye disease/degeneration or something of the sort. They seem to enjoy validating stupidity.

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07:08:18 Nov 21 2014
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Quiet, you really don't have the RIGHT to say anything about anyone else's experiences PERIOD.

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Superior Sire (147)
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20:24:58 Nov 21 2014
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Alright, let's bring this back to an actual discussion instead of an argument. People will believe, people won't believe, and some people won't care.

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22:40:14 Dec 02 2014
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TV shows are there for entertainment, if your in the state of mind where you truely believe what you a re doing is real then no matter what anyone says it will be real.

Ghost hunts and seeing ghosts I can relate to but the tripe ya see on TV is just Hokum!!! made by a tv channel to get ratings!!

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16:39:12 Dec 09 2014
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Venerable Sire (130)
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18:24:55 Dec 09 2014
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elviscat no offense meant just an observation. Online ALL CAPS is yelling. That along with your text tone indicates you are excited, and assertive. So this with regards to your content is contradictory.

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Noble Sire (160)
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02:05:19 Dec 23 2014
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Well, let me just say that, for quite a while now, thervhas been a million bucks on the table for anyone who can obtain solid evidence that ghosts and the like exist. It is still up for grabs. That in itself, is very telling.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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21:58:00 Jan 04 2015
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To me,most of the shows on the subject are a bit of a crapshoot.

I won't single out individual shows as there are many of them that have both good qualities and bad ones. Most of them have a tendency to overstage certain things to get viewers attention,to make them keep watching...but in all of this,most of the places and situations they involve themselves in 'do' have a grain of truth behind them..as in multiple accounts by others of seeing,hearing,feeling things. A dark or sordid history to whatever places they are investigating. Most things with these shows really boil down to what the individual viewer believes in.

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06:09:00 Apr 18 2015
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there are a few shows out there that are true, however the ones on A&E and discovery are BS and have wore out their welcome.

I myself have experienced ghosts, caught them on film. I was at a civil war historical site taking pictures, it was overcast and while the park ranger tour guide was talking I began taking pictures but my hairs on the back of my neck were also standing up. sure enough when I developed the photos, there were two blurry yellowish blobs at an entrance to an underground tunnel.

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Changeling (71)
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02:04:28 May 26 2015
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Some shows are real, but most are faked.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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00:04:42 May 27 2015
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No Zombies or Vampires? Come on now!

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00:06:46 May 27 2015
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I don't know if The Dead Files is fake or not honestly.
I know they say they do investigations separately and get together at the end to see if their findings match anything. Who knows...

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Premiere Sire (120)
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00:09:34 May 27 2015
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Ghosts, don't see what should survive once the body dies. Even residual electricity should dissipate after a very short time.

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00:33:10 May 27 2015
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"Fake, fake, fake, fake." - Elaine Benes, Seinfeld


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00:41:08 May 27 2015
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Of course the Skeptics are going to think everything is fake *snorts*

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Premiere Sire (120)
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00:47:56 May 27 2015
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I like fun stories. Please share!

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17:59:56 May 27 2015
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Yeah, Kitra... intelligent people are like that.

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18:52:25 May 27 2015
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I certainly wouldn't go as far as to say that all intelligent people think that everything is fake.

But, to each their own.

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21:11:04 May 27 2015
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My point was, B, that intelligent people are skeptics (critical thinkers)... for whom these paranormal shows are indeed revealed for what they all are: faked.

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Royal Sire (204)
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21:11:44 May 27 2015
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Let's take this back on topic please.

Some are going to believe, others will not. Let's not fuss.


I don't think the TV shows are real due to the ratings. If they didn't find anything, didn't catch the 'voices' or the black shadow people - why watch? It takes money to send a camera crew/ staff/ insurance/ hotels/ plane tickets/ etc. to do these shows. You got to keep those ratings up, and that means they 'find' things in these locations.

Now- do I think ghost/ paranormal is real? Yes.

Why? Because of my own experiences.

Am I going to share? No.

Why? Because most people do not believe. And I know what happen so... live and let live, move on.

Like I said- some are going to believe, others will not.

But we can be nice about it, right?



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01:06:11 May 28 2015
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Well Upir, the way you said it makes it sound like that those of us who happen to have a reason to believe the way we do must mean we aren't very intelligent....is rather unintelligent if you ask me.

But yes, no need to fuss or attack anyone for their reasons or viewpoints simply because they are not your own.

Shows about the Paranormal stems from people who have actually had these types of experiences. It's more than just a bang here and a tap there, so perhaps they utilized other people's accounts into creating a show.

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02:18:11 May 28 2015
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That's not what I said in response to your comment against me, personally (which was inappropriate). My remark was directed specifically to the reaction of all intelligent people to the paranormal shows, themselves, and not the possible validity of the claims behind them.

As Vampirewitch39 pointed out, the fact that these TV paranormal shows pretty much have to produce results so as to be successful only greatly increases the likelihood they are bogus. That and the fact they cannot provide any verifiable evidences for their claims further guarantees them to all be: "fake, fake, fake, fake."

This forum topic question is specific to the validity of the paranormal TV shows, themselves, and not whether ghosts, etc., themselves might be real. Perhaps you confused this topic with the neighboring "Do you believe in ghosts?" forum thread, to which I have not responded as I do not discount the possibility they exist, which is also because, as a skeptic, I do not close the door on the possibility as long as there are evidences for such.

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No Longer Registered
02:28:46 May 28 2015
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Nope i didn't get it confused at all and it was appropriate according to how it sounded in your response. Thanks for clarifying more into what was said.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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17:18:32 May 28 2015
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The whole looking for EM fields, 'cold spots' and photo 'orbs' really seems like you're reaching a bit hard to me. Reasonable would be "Hey, we've had two seasons and haven't found shit, let's call it decided."

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Venerable Sire (134)
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19:11:09 May 31 2015
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Money is the root of all evil, yet in the world, not all things can be explained intelligently. And in some Paranormal TV shows not all of the occurrences can be labeled as fake.

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Grave Robber (22)
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00:02:30 Jun 19 2015
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i have not found one real one

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Blood Drinker (68)
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08:34:05 Jun 19 2015
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fake 100% all the stuff about vampires on in movies and tv shows are fake who agrees with me ?

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01:34:24 Jun 24 2015
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i believe in spirit's as that is the problem i have since i had almost died, once from surgery on my ear's. i seen not one spec of light but i seen dark shadow's and aerie corner's ever since then i can see the dead but not hear them,

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Wraith (46)
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02:40:23 Jun 24 2015
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The shows are fake. Entertainment purposes only.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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07:31:02 Jun 24 2015
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Like Upir i to am a skeptic not to be confused with a cynic. As i see it most proponents of these shows are jaded. Thus the shows get shallower and shallower.

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Royal Sire (204)
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13:30:22 Jun 24 2015
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As I stated- I watch them all the time just to see the locations they end up in. Got to love a creepy old closed down building, the images of decay which I love.


Have these kind of shows done any good for the world?

Ghost seems to be all main stream now. I remember as a kid my cousin swore he seen a ghost and we was all in terror of his tale. To this day he still stands by his tale, and I believe him. But now everyone can see ghost, really seems the ghost presence has step up and gone wild since these kind of shows started becoming common.

And in a way- that is a shame. These kind of shows I do think fake it. The first few years of Ghost Hunters was thin pickings on any kind of evidence. They send all night at a place and might of left with one weak, stretching to hear a voice on a recorder. But that was OK with me- been in my share of old buildings, not like you are going to catch ghost at every place you go to.

But then- it started to happen. Why? The show was a little boring, sure the rating went down so they had to do something to get folks to watch. Thus- ghost/ voices/ energy spikes was in every show by then. You knew at some point it was going to happen- remember Grant coat tug on the live Halloween show? See they don't do live shows anymore.

Even if these shows do catch something on film, and I have to say there is a time or two I really think they might of caught something. But then- they have time to set up 'shadows'. They have the ability to do the ghost voices they record. They have time and need to slam doors off camera to make you watch.

Then I remember what I am watching, enjoy it for what it is, and move on.

Shame as these shows will never be taken serious. They can't as you can not do a Ghost Show and not fake it. Not on TV. In the places they go to- yes, I could see a paranormal event happening. But if I see it on TV? Nope, not taking it as real.

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Obtruder (51)
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19:58:38 Jun 24 2015
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I don't know about TV ghost hunters but I used to travel with a local ghost group and have seen some very strange things. I even captured a photo of what people consider to be the "hat"man. I was investigating a large commercial building with a dark past and that day I decided to break with tradition and explore in the daylight. It was late afternoon in the summer and I was taking shots in a very well lit area but in one of the photos it came out dark. It was a swirling mist pattern and to the left was the hatman. It's a pretty creepy photo but even my ghost group thought I Photoshopped it but I didn't know how to use photoshop and still don't! Anyhow it was real and I don't care if anyone believes in ghost hunting or not I know the truth!!!

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05:58:18 Jun 25 2015
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TV shows stem from a very real paranormal experience that people actually do have. TV shows may or may not be faked but the fact is, when they talk about certain issues and certain things that other people have seen that i can relate with...that's not fake.

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Disciple (53)
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23:07:51 Jun 26 2015
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I live near what's called the "Haunted Asylum" in West Virginia. A place that was a mental hospital and holds it's rumors if you will. A few years back T.A.P.S. came in to investigate. In that time two things happened. First there were a few rumors that were not true spread around to see how well they could actually investigate such a place. Now mind you this place is one of those places you walk in and your hair stands on end just because of the stories. It's not exactly a place for the faint of heart.

With that said TAPS was fed a few falsehoods to test the authenticity of their research. But they also were not given a few truthful facts during the interviews as well. Now this is where it starts to become a bit interesting. TAPS in my opinion is perhaps one of the few that actually sits and says this... is bullshit. This could be real, but we don't have the time to make sure. Or they used to at least.

On their working of this asylum, they ran into a few of the falsehoods, and a couple were dismissed a couple proven 'true'. A couple more unclarified. But, they also ran into a few things they were not told about. From what I heard from the city locals, TAPS was eager to get out of that place. Yet they never seemed to say why. Since then TAPS also seemed to be a bit more judgmental in their shows previous to it.

With this said, Paranormal TV has been proven to be a 75% chance false, and the rest split between undetermined and true. I respect TAPS for how they work their screenplay. Although it shows that even one of the 'most credible' paranormal investigators of Hollywood are swayed into falsehoods for sheer profit. As for the Hospital, very few skeptics think its a hoax. Several more are baffled and still trying to figure out 'how real is it'. So from there you take what you wish. To me Paranormal TV is just entertainment. Yet I do believe there have been actual accounts of proof in a few of them. So chose what you wish to believe. And chose carefully. Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you hear when it comes to Paranormal TV.

Then there's the show with that little 'spirit box.' Cover the subtitles, when they say what is said... ignore it... and you will find it funny. The perception of mental conditioning is a trick of the mind that stage actors have used for a long time. I respect the show for entertainment value, but if they ever found something credible... I wouldn't believe them. I hate to say... but their shows a box of tricks and nothing more. Good show though just for the stories told.

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03:03:53 Jul 04 2015
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In my opinion, mostly fake its ratings and commercialism that pays their bills. The psychics and mediums can be real but you can't televise what they perceive.

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Pain Giver (55)
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16:47:52 Jul 11 2015
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i think the shows that have a chance of bing real is the haunted, a haunting , and parnormal witness

these are shows on peoples accounts on what happened to them and what they saw, parnormal home inspecter

the other shows where they are ghost hunting with crews in the middle of the night, seems like every show there is something happening

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21:42:24 Jul 28 2015
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A few years ago I used to watch 'Most Haunted' and yes I was convinced they had something, but then I found out that their medium Derek Ackorah was a fake, so I stopped watching all tv ghost hunting programmes out of sheer disillusionment. However, recently, quite by accident, as a few others on this thread have mentioned, there is a show named 'Ghost Adventures' on tv, and to be fair they do seem to be real.

They don't use a medium/psychic/ tarot, etc just purely scientific data such as heat sensors, EVP's etc and they have caught some interesting evidence.

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19:57:21 Aug 08 2015
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I think they are all scripted like all reality shows. Just seeking an effect and good ratings.

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Caitiff (17)
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00:44:50 Aug 09 2015
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I believe in ghosts but I don't believe that they can be caught on the one night that a camera is there.

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20:09:29 Aug 14 2015
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Lol, neither do I. That's one of the reasons I give some credence to 'Ghost Adventures'. The show isn't full of 'flash, bangs and screams' unlike many I can name.

Just a few subtle but very hard to explain occurrences that sometimes happen. Of the 10 or so shows I've caught, only once there was a fairly 'dramatic' event and that was when of the camera crew (not an investigator) got scratched by something, when he wasn't near anything that could have normally caused something like that.

Even you are sceptic, it's worth a watch for an hour or even highlights on youtube :-)

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Curmudgeon (11)
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18:06:42 Aug 17 2015
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Unfortunately, most TV shows about paranormal activities are false. Today, it is easy to make videos that look like real but are actually made in the program. And if it is not related to the theme one of the best evidence of what can be done today is movie Furius 7 where Paul Walker was 'made' digitally so that the film could not be recorded until the end

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Great Sire (111)
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04:28:37 Aug 18 2015
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As a paranormal investigator myself and knowing that you don't always come out with evidence that the TV shows for most part are fake to a point.

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04:28:37 Aug 18 2015
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