Ever wonder where your fellow VR members were from? Find out here:
Zoom in, zoom out, drag the map around.
You're the blue star.
Is there a way to opt out of providing even this anonymous data for display?
There's no way for users to figure out which star belongs to whom.
Is there any way to update it? I went to look for myself and the blue star is 4 states to the west of where I am.
How can it be an invasion of Privacy if it doesn't show who lives where?
It'd be an invasion of Privacy if by the stars listed who lived where. Unless people have something to hide, I don't see what the big deal is.
Before this gets out of hand, I want to clear up a few misconceptions:
These stars do not appear on your house. If you took the time and zoomed in on your blue star, and switched the display to street view, you'd see that.
Location data is buggy at best. It's generally accurate at the city level, but that's it. In some cases it is accurate only at the country level. Right now there are about a dozen UK members online, who are all showing up as London, England (but they live in vastly different parts of the UK).
A member has already posted that her star is a "few states off". Nothing can be done about this. It's just the inaccurate nature of IP/Location data.
Despite what you may have seen in TV or movies, you cannot take an Internet IP address and convert it to a street address.
The display of this ANONYMOUS data on this new page is fully within the privacy policy of VampireRave.com. If you disagree with Vampire Rave's privacy policy or terms of service, do not use this website.
as the person after me said if you are the only person in a certain area and people know roughly which county they live .... hey presto .... see my motorbike in my back yard .... not impressed has Cancer checked the legal ramifications of this ?
I am figureing out that perhaps to where the 'star' shows up is where ones internet is dealt with. me, it shows up in a town where i do my internet with.
Daywalker you just need to calm down. like cancer said if you dont like the way we runs the website leave, no one is forcing you to be apart of this site
I think this is awesome there are a lot of people on and everywhere. Nice new feature. On the zoom in you can't see street addresses or anything I'm seeing my blue star a few miles off but it gives you the guess of where I am. I figure if anyone has a prob with it they could always delete there account. Ya it's ip address only not your real address. I say this is a nice feature and I love to see where others are on here .
mess with the map (its in the right upper corner) some wording. you can set it for street names
Last time I'm going to say it, the World Visitor Map does not show where you live. I will not show "your motorbike in your back yard".
It shows your region. IF you've shared your region with others, and you're the only one online in that region, then yes, someone could deduce a particular star belongs to you.
However, that star is not on your house. It's in your region. So the only thing other VR members know, is what YOU HAVE TOLD THEM.
Robin has actually hit it on the head.
Location data is for who owns the IP address you are currently using. It's public data, if you know where to look.
I can't post your location. I can only post the location of the owner of the IP address you're using. This may be within a mile of your house. It may be within 500 miles of your house.
How accurate this location data is depends on the owner of the IP address, and what they have chosen to publish.
One other thing.
One star on a map does not equal one website visitor. In some cases, when there are multiple visitors using the same ISP, stars will stack directly on top of one another.
So one star on top of Austin, Texas could actually represent 3 website visitors.
I thinks its awesome to see people all over the world on VR, myself. Hearing where people say they're from and actually seeing it on a map just make it so real. :)
And Daywalker, if you're so insulted that people can see your motorbike, you and GoogleMaps need to have a quick email conversation. Also Yahoo Maps and god knows what else it out there.
Also, the people that drive by your house must be invading your privacy. They don't know you, but they are seeing your house.
Don't make a mountain from a grain of sand.
I like it. I can take a little trip around the world right from my house! I like seeing other places, and this is a nice addition to the site. Thank you Cancer.
People CAN see (or could once upon a time, at least) a crooked VR banner.
What ever happened to that, by the way?
I saw.... If ya know where to look LOL a van in my yard..... and its day time lol two things it isn't at the moment of this posting LOL nice thou it was the RIGHT van in the yard thou LOL
I think this is awesome, not really an invsion of privacy when its off by 2 states lol but is still cool to see a "roundabout" location of where everyone is from.
Of course if you drag the map to YOUR house and zoom in you're going to see YOUR house.
But what does that have to do with the blue star?
I love this new feature. It's public information displayed, and in a cool way. Its fun to play with and interesting too.
lol..I love it! Very cool Cancer :)
And peeps, chill out. It's NOT an invasion of privacy. *rollseyes*
i like it too! im out og my home city right now and its cool to see.
Cancers question.... But what does that have to do with the blue star? the star for me is located at the building where i have the internet connection with. Like if if some one was on dial up.... some have people pc. who knows where they are located at. lol But the blue star will be there with the people pc office and not at YOUR house. As an example lol
and you guys crack me up lol
This is very, very neat. :)
I dig it!
(Nice bike, by the way - interesting flame details on the sidecar. :P)
Pretty nifty!
And for those that stressed out about satellites homing in on them while they're doing all manner of ungodly acts, just google 'anonymizer' and stock up on tin foil hats.
LOL! It puts me in the parking lot of the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville.
What is the max number of tin hats can one person order??? :D Can one order body suits too??? Need no poking in those alien abductions cases. lol
The new feature is a pleasant diversion, and the security issue doesn't bother me, as it thinks I'm half a state away from where I actually am.
Haha! Robin, I have dial up and it has me up by the Great Lakes. I live completely away from those things. O_O It's nutty to think it's an invasion of privacy but some of the maps can be really accurate. This one definitely isn't with what people are posting.
If I have a problem with it in the future, I'll save the stuff that I have on my account and I'll delete. It's simple. That's with any update though.
But yes, if I move the map cleeeaaarrr to my place of residence, I can see the property and my car. I can see many of the unique details. But since I have access numbers, there's no sense me worrying about it. Heh, Took a bit for me to get the map there for myself since I am on dial up speeds. Haha!
Hey its cool with me. I don't see a problem with this new feature at all. Still love that fact that the blue star is way off for me. ^_^ I don't mind though. Nice work Cancer. Another cool new feature! Bravo Sir!
My star is about 10 miles away from where I actually live. Probably less.
immortalxkiss Arch Sire (193) Posts: 571 Honor: 1,253 [ Give / Take ] |
I actually love the new feature. It's interesting to be able to see where VR members are in the world. Of course, it is not accurate by any means, it's got me a good 50 or so miles from where I actually live, but it's all good. At least I'm the same state.
All this nonsense about it invading your privacy is just silly. We can't see right where you live, we can't look into your windows while you're sleeping, so what's the big deal? It's a fun little feature that most will forget about soon enough, so stop your complaining already. :]
LOL! Cool feature even if my star is around 500 miles out. I'm apparantly now living somewhere in England. :P
invasion of privacy? i dont see anyones name, address, phone number on that map? :D and someone does find my dot... its not gonna bother me... ill happily say.. i live in wolverhampton.. not the little island my star is on next to the uk hehe :D
i think its a great idea its great to see vr is used all over :D
When I first saw the post about it, I was like Oh crap.. But aftr reading through this thread it makes sense. It's scary how accurate it is in certain aspects. Like it was said above, the map tracks the IP. For example, my IP provider is Cellular One in Pinevile LA. I live at least 50 miles away to the south. So, they can't get my info even if they did a WhoIs search. XD
I forgot to tell you guys, that I have a holiday home in the Isle of Man (apparently) heh.
Pity, there isn't any keys though! Makes me wonder though why it zooms in on a private house instead of BT headquarters when btinternet is the largest ISP in the UK! Neat feature, it shows how international Vampire Rave has become :)
Lmao I don't even recognize the area where it has my star... XD though it's definitely in the right general vicinity. This is cool, though I wish it was more accurate, at least down to the right state... XD
Man all these people worrying about privacy... insane!
love this new feature im sure this will bring more members to vr as well :)
wait wait hold on people still use dial up sheesh you cavemen need to get with the program :P
LOL I never said I used dial up....lol I used it as an example lol and i know some people still do LOL
And it does (barely) get you to here just the same lol
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
I am located in a construction site sandlot in New Orleans East, several miles from the westbank's Algiers Point neighborhood on the riverbank I thought I lived on. I think I'm siphoning internet from a nearby McDonald's... but I really didn't want this to get out. My aura of mystery and mystical power is gone. Gee thanks. *kicks dirt, 'cause I got a lot of it*
Love what you've done with the place, Images. ;P
My star puts me in a path in a park, in another state.
It's funny though. It'll prove much entertainment.
But Cancer i want to see my motobike in my back yard :( even though i dont have a motobike or a back yard. why cancer why.
Just joshing, cool new little thing you have going there.
Duct tapes trepidation to the nearest motor bike shop....
here now ya got a lot full of bikes.
Good Luck.
I move a lot. >.>
Yesterday I lived on 6th street in Austin, and today - I live near a McMansion on Retama Golf course. :D
Woot! I got an upgrade!
This is a lot of fun. :) I wonder where I will live tomorrow?
(PS - Today I live in the water hazard. Near the McMansion. heh.)
The new map is cool, I am getting a big kick out of my blue star being several states and half an ocean away from where I really am, LOL
just rechecked the map.... lol the pic it shows my house, i swear is like over 2 years old now lol its a kick lol
It got me pegged close enough.. only 45 minutes from my house in Paducah rather than Princeton. I even know the street it put me on. :)
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
Yeah, you should probably read this thread to understand why.
-pokes images- you know i think i know where your lot of dirt is :P -stalks-
Hehe, it shows me living in a whole other city than where I am, and apparently I am a college student living in the dorms(thank God those days are over). I've noticed my IP comes from this particular city sometimes. The cool thing is that I get to roam the streets and check it out :)
has me living in Ottawa and that is almost 20 hours away from where I actually live
great feature Cancer even though some do not like it
I think it's great ,nice to see where every bodies from. Hey if you go to Tavares fl. And see someone flipping you the bird that will be me HA HA HA!
Too bad there is no picture for where I am at. :( But this is an awesome thing. I get to view others' pictures! Thanks, Cancer!
That's awesome. There are a lot of little stars on that map. =)
We had a House Lunazure Members Page for a few years. And we never had any complaint about it. Although it was just for House members, it was a cool idea that was set up by Master ElderDaniel through "frapprMap." We still would have it if their sever was working for it. All I get is a 404 error now.
Glad we have one now for the whole site. Fun tool to play with. And...what guy doesn't like tools? :)
Edit: My star is right on target! 10 miles away from the airport. The trouble is it's the Washington Dulles airport and not the Raleigh airport. One airport is the same as any. Right? O.o
Thought this was funny...apparantly, I live in one of the most important areas in London...
It's cool I went to other places. It's like travelling on a plane for free. I saw buildings, we should wave at each other lol.
People are worrying over nothing. My IP shows up either in a complete different part of the state I am in, or at some points clear in Rochester New York, and I live in West Virginia lol
I don`t think it works properly. I don`t use a proxi, but that-is you-star shows me in two different places: sometimes in Bucharest and sometimes in Iasi and I am living in a different city between these two.
*imagesinwords edit* The location issue has been addressed in this thread
I like the idea of introducing this feature.
I am still waiting for the vampire game Cancer was thinking of and working at for so long. I hope you didn`t give up.
Love this map. I live in Sacramento California and it has me in a bush in the middle of the US. LOL
It's interesting to see how heavy a concentration some areas have while others are thin. I'm not worried about any invasion of privacy, I've got no outstanding warrants that I know of at least. o-0
Note to Images - It's got me in the middle of a national forest so when you get done playing in your sandbox come on over to my tree house.
slipknotbabe356 Superior Sire (147) Posts: 3,433 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
This is a pretty neat feature. I know I'm the blue star and all but I'm just curious to know what the red and yellow colored stars mean?
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
There's a legend at the bottom-
I'm definitely not worried about privacy, I feel even safer than I did before. I'm not even on it. Where's my blue star lol?
I dont see a problem with this. 1) no one knows where my star is. 2) my star is about 50 miles away from me and in another state.
I also looked for people i know where they live and they dont show anywhere near where they live either, No invasion of anyones privacy
I quite like it!
I like how we now have a visual representation of where the majority of visitors are from. And to see if anyone is on the opposite side of the world! There have been many times where I have gotten a good morning greeting at 10 at night. :P
I think it's a good feature. Though when I clicked on it, there was no blue star??
my blue star is not in the right place lol it is saying i live in like new jersey and im in tennessee :P weird how its so far off
slipknotbabe356 Superior Sire (147) Posts: 3,433 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I didn't see that, thank you Images! :)
It has me in the middle of the street! lol
Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (210) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 12,574 [ Give / Take ] |
Read the whole damn thread and all I can remember is the words- VR Coffee Mug.
*shakes fist at that poster*
Why you got to bring up the mug?!
very nice feature Cancer! it puts me in the backyard of a mansion in maryland which is only about a state and a half away but I love the map regardless.
good work!
Wow, It appears I've moved in the really ritzy part of town LOL...there goes the neighborhood.
Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (210) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 12,574 [ Give / Take ] |
I gave up trying to zoom into my blue star. Not like I have anything to hide, or steal.
Not like a VR mug or anything.
*gives Cancer a look*
pretty neat. It was off by a few cities, but it was cool seeing how many other VR members live in my state :)
i love it , it's nice to meet people all over the world .
I can't even see my blue star anymore,my town is so dang small it probably does not even show up on a map lol. But when people have tried to find us on Yahoo Maps,it shows a shack that is down the highway from where we live.
I Love it. I find it cool, but it also makes me lonaly... No ones near where I am in NC USA
I like the new site toy its pretty cool mostly all countries and states are filled most of the time lol.
It's cool, and I am glad it is nowhere near accurate. It shows me as living 30 or so miles from where my real location is. ;)
Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 78,296 [ Give / Take ] |
It's accurate enough to show us the 'regions' our members are in. I think looking at it without zooming in, for most people- they say can that's pretty much where they live.
For anyone still concerned- IPs aren't GPS, it's just not going to pin us that way. And wasn't meant to. We can look at this and say- "Wow, look at all the 'Gulf States members', or 'California members'- and that's good enough.