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Set at 08:32 on April 11, 2024

Last Updated: Jun 12, 2012 |
Last Updated: Jan 15, 2012 |
Quote: She had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart. Neither of which did she have the willpower to refuse.
Welcome to my home. Please, stay for awhile. Retire for the night if you wish. Just a word of warning; Tread lightly. For this is my most sacred place. It is my refuge. My shelter from the storm. I don't tolerate drama. I won't stand for lies. And I certainly won't put up with you if you come into my home with a snobby attitude.
I have come back for a return tour ... back to my humble beginnings. I take no prisoners. I hold no blame. The past is the past ... I came back to start anew. A flame once held high over me has been burned out. I will no longer hide in the shadows of my former self. I have been reborn and in the ashes of the past emerges someone new and different. Someone with no pity or bound to any slaves. Someone with a new zest for life, a new attitude ... a brand new way to fly.

My Mentorship
I'm the Proud Mentor Mistress of The Forsaken!
I'm stoked about having my very own mentorship here on Vampire Rave! If you are interested in joining, please let me know!

My name is Demetria. It's not the most common of names and extremely hard for some people to pronounce correctly (which is irritating) so most just call me Demi. I'm a 35 year old stay at home mom who resides in Tennessee. I'm married and have one son; I love my family dearly. I watch the company I keep for I hate those who have to constantly run their mouth and tell my business. I also hate those who stab you in the back and have no remorse what-so-ever. None the less, I do have some pretty awesome friends.
I'm not your typical girl. I'm one of a kind. There will never be another girl out there just like me. I'm a country girl at heart who's had her share of battle wounds. I'll tell you like it is and never think twice about it. I've been betrayed, lied to, cheated on, taken advantage of, and broken to the point that I didn't want to breathe again. I'm happy to say that I made it out! My legacy will live on years after my life here is over.

Out of all the things I love the most in life, there is one that stands above all the rest. My greatest protector of all time; my husband, DarkSpectre. He is my light. The reason I can wake up and bare another day in this place. He understands me like no other. The same holds true for me; I get him inside and out! We are as close to "perfect" as I've seen in all my years. Sure, we have our hiccups just like everyone else, but the fire that we share will never die.

While I might be a product of southern heritage, I'm also a girl who knows what she wants. I'm certainly not afraid to go after it either. The ones that are near and dear to me are the ones I'd die for. The ones I'd do anything for. A select few in your lifetime will return that honor and hold you high like a Princess. When you can find that comfort in your friends, you are truly a great person.

I have great ambitions and high expectations for my future. I don't like the bull crap and drama that most associate themselves with. There is more to life than bringing pity against others. We should all strive to find the place we belong; not to make others wish they didn't have a place at all.

I came from a home where I was always deemed as the "accident" child. I wouldn't wish this status on anyone; especially a child. My mom said things to me that hurt my confidence at an early age. Thankfully, I found a good man to love me, and he's put in countless hours trying to make me see the "good" in me. I can say that one good has come from all this; I'm a strong woman.

Music is my escape. It can bring you up out of the worst places and make you look back on the good times you once had. Music holds a strong torch in my life. It has brought me through some tough situations. I must admit, I enjoy a variety of genres; but there are a few groups that I turn to most all the time.

I have always been fascinated with all things paranormal. I love the vibes you get from going out on a ghost hunt. I also love feeling the emotions of others. You never know where these feelings will take you. Sometimes, you encounter something scary; others, you find spirits that are in need of help. It's always a great thrill! My husband and I run a paranormal group in our area; West Tennessee Paranormal (WTP).

I also love all things related to those that most do not understand or are scared to even imagine. I get all hyped up when reading about vampires; it's a real thrill for me.

I'm a Twilight and True Blood junkie. I don't care for most of these "made up" movies that are out there today. Technology has really made Hollywood fake in my opinion. Give me something real; a legend; not a box office hit!

My Group ~ Forever Outcasted

I hope to meet others that share at least some of my interests. Feel free to bite me, rate me, befriend me, or even stalk me! You can message me at any time. I will get back with you when I'm online.

I just want to let everyone know that I rate fairly. If you block me out of haste, I will give you a low rating and return the favor! I think it is very crappy that there's a group on here that has blocked me just because I chose not to be associated with them! If you feel you need to do this, you will suffer also. I'm here to make friends; but if that comes with enemies, hey, so be it! Just remember, it all comes back to hit you 3 fold! Karma will hold true no matter what religion.

My Protectors
“Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends”
--Czech Proverb

"until the GOLDEN rays of DAWN crest the edge of the world...goodbye"
Member Since: | Jun 29, 2011 |
Last Login: | Apr 11, 2024 |
Times Viewed: | 21,759 |
Times Rated: | 1,043 |
Rating: | 9.903 |
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Dec 23, 2024
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