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04:17 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was doing something Mysterious. 04:07 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was editing their Profile. 04:06 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was editing their Profile. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 04:04 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was doing Premium Member stuff. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 04:00 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 03:59 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 03:59 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 03:57 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 03:56 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 03:56 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies. 03:56 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was doing Premium Member stuff. 03:56 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Profiles. 03:56 Mar 05 - XxSithisxX was in Societies.
Welcome Home..
According to some sources, the name "Sithis" is actually a corruption of the term "Psijii" which is derived from the prevailing concept of PSJJJJ, that being Padomay. Some believe that Sithis was actually born when a cult of nihilistic, Mephala worshiping, Chimer merged Daedric influences with the essence of Padomay. This concept of Sithis eventually evolved into a cult that wished to "murder the world".[OOG 1]
The worship of Sithis is rejected by most cultures, most likely because of his association with death. During the First and early Second Eras, little is known about the worship of Sithis. However, the Dark Brotherhood, which formed sometime during the Second Era by the Night Mother, became the main known cult dedicated to the worship of Sithis. The Crimson Scars, an all-vampire group of assassins, worships Sithis as well. Additionally, some of the Argonian culture revolves around Sithis. Though the main religious figure within the Argonians is the Hist, the Hist as well as the Argonians accept Sithis as the original creator. In fact, Argonians born under the sign of The Shadow are given to the Dark Brotherhood at birth, where they are trained as assassins and spies such that one day they may earn the rank of Shadowscale and serve Argonia and Sithis. Vampires have been known to worship Sithis as well, with many claiming allegiance to the Crimson Scars or the Dark Brotherhood. Vampires that are not a part of these organizations will often worship either Molag Bal, one of the Daedric Princes, or Sithis instead of the Nine Divines. Mortals often represent Sithis as a skeletal being, to signify His relationship to death. In truth, the Dread Lord is formless, and infinite as the Void.[6]
Sithis, in the eyes of the Altmer, is nothing but an embodiment of all the limitations Anui-El used to ponder himself after his creation. But according to Sithis worshipers, Anuiel was actually one of many ideas created by Sithis that refused to die and enslaved the universe.[5] Sithis is described as the embodiment of everything evil, but at the same time, he is described as being nothing at all: a void. He is appeased through death (although he himself is not a god of death) and other acts of suffering and strife.[7]
In the belief of the Dark Brotherhood, Sithis visited a Dunmer woman who gave birth to five children of Sithis. The Dunmer woman then claimed to hear the voice of Sithis in her head, telling her to send their children to him. However this could not be achieved easily, so she sacrificed her five children, thus sending them to the Void to reunite with their father. Following this, many angry citizens killed the Dunmer lady for her actions and burnt down her house. It is said that this action created the Night Mother. At least 30 years after this, a man heard voices in his head, much like the Night Mother heard Sithis. He followed the voices to her tomb and it was there the first Listener of the Dark Brotherhood was created.[7] Following this and the establishment of the Dark Brotherhood that worships Sithis, he became much more publicly worshiped throughout all of Tamriel than he was before. The Dark Brotherhood believe that Sithis is 'married' to The Night Mother, and the Dark Brotherhood are their metaphorical children.[8] According to some sources, the Night Mother may actually be the Daedric Prince Mephala.[9][10]
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)