In regards to Names and Nicknames... or lack there of:
My name is Jon. I thoroughly expect anyone who wants to talk to address me as such. Nicknames, pet names, or any other bullsh*t won't be tolerated. I don't answer to sugar, honey, baby, Baugh, darling... etc etc.
If it as absolutely necessary for you to call me outside my 'given' name, EGS will do for short. But seriously, if your going to take the time to spell those three letters, you might as well spell the one that will really show you're paying attention! Jon!
Sometimes I hate walking through crowds of people. Lets face it... for the most part, they're walking corpses. They just don't realize it yet. Once you see through the clothes, the flesh, skin, and blood... what do you find? Not the brilliance that should illuminate them. No, no. Its something darker, like cancer... I'd eat their pain as my meat and drink... but I don't much care for their taste.
Honestly, in 99% of the people I meet at random, I don't find much of the "Spark of Life." It is seriously like the world is dieing, and the decay is starting with the most animate objects first. People, animals, plants... Everything is headed towards this cataclysmic change, and they don't even seem aware of it.
Science has robbed us of Mystery. Religion has robbed us of Wonder. What choice do those few who want something more have... but to seek answers on their own? And the answers we find always lead to more questions. Sometimes, they also lead to practices that the Sheep would consider Dark, Macabre, or just downright insane. Poor, Poor Sheep.
I keep referring to "Us," "Them," etc. Don't take it personal. If you think I'm talking about you, and get sore because of it, what can I say? Bleeding Hearts of the World Unite.
The fact is, it would be a Hell of a lot more rude for me to Name people, or use examples, than it is to be general. More often then not, I'm being extremely general anyway. When I say 99% of the people on the planet are walking corpses... Well, just consider yourself (dear reader) as apart from those 99%. It doesn't matter what religion, sex, race, or background you come from. If you are grasping for knowledge, wanting to learn, and make yourself a better person in YOUR mind? KUDOS! Your one of the lucky 1% who isn't satisfied with the Status Quo.
There is a weblink at the top of the page. It will either download the MPEG of this clip, or take you to the sight to watch it. It is a TRUE, REAL GHOST, shot on regular 8mm.
This video was made years ago. Someone else is trying to take credit for it because they were INVITED to come to the house with MY friend and I. They would like to say that it was their Investigation, but that isn't the case. Myself and two friends found the house we filmed in, and invited Chris Tanner to go with us. Even when I caught this on video, I was blown off and told that I didn't catch anything. It wasn't until we got back and there was closer inspection done that everyone realised I had caught an awesome video of an apparition.
Now, they are asking me for the original copy of this. Do you think I should give it to 'em? I doubt I will. I don't see my name on their website anywhere.
So, watch the video! Keep your eye on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You'll see the ghost. You just might have to watch it a couple of times. And yes, that is me saying "Zach, I need your light." =D
WORK IN PROGRESS. Be gentle in your ratings! I swear I have more to add! I'm sorry its taking me so long to finish this profile. I have a lot I want to say, but I'm still trying to learn tags and the like. Not to mention, I have mucho source material to go through for my Journal and such. Please bear with me! If you don't think there is enough content for a good rating, hold off on rating me until it is finished.