All Profile Comments for XxCoryxX
Times Rated: | 262 |
Rating: | 8.852 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 262 |

darkseleene was here and rated you a 10 feel free to rate back anytime
You have been rated. Feel free to drop by anytime or add me as a friend.
Stop by to say hello and introduce myself. I do hope you will return the visit.

Greetings. I hope you enjoy your stay on VR.
If you ever run into trouble dont hesitate to message me for help.
Here is a 10
You've been rated by a proud member of: The Coven of Lux Aeterna...I hope you enjoy yourselve...feel free to add me to your friends/Stalker list...let me know first so i can add you too! Have fun.....BYE :o )
Welcome to the Rave. I hope that you enjoy our madness as much as we do.
Maybe its because I'm lacking in creativity that I have nothing interesting to say about your profile. Maybe it's because I'm all to lazy to do anything but hit the stamp button. At least I'm being honest. And yes I have actually read your profile and I may even peak at your portfolio, even your journal. Remember, when deep space exploration rams up, it'll be the corporations naming everything. The IBM Stellar Sphere, The Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks.
Let me know when you update. I'd love to come back and leave a more interesting comment.
Enjoy the Addiction!!!!!!

Thank you for putting all your images and quizes in a scrolled box. I can't tell you how much is pisses me off, waiting for pictures to render. :)

hope your stay has been as bouncing good time as mine watch out my pounce is as good as my bite *smile* lol
life is not measured by the number of breaths we take , but by the moments that take our breath away.....

enjoy the addiction .......... just go wild and have fun....
feel free to rate me back and add me to buds ,if you update let me know ,and if i can be of any assistance please ask and ill try my best to help you, xxxxx

The ShadowKat has been by to check you out... feel her eyes upon you... burning through your soul...

Proud member of the House of Lunazure!
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 262 |
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