Times Rated: | 2,479 |
Rating: | 9.976 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 2,479 |
hello how are you here is a nice rateing just for you feel free to stop by mine anytime
Welcome to the Rave
it yeah it means who i am
it is my school number
Thanks. And Kansas is an attempt to start over in a place that we may actually be able to survive on our own. Wisconsin isn't really a state that makes living easy on you, to say the least. Plus I'm not a fan of the uber cold weather. :)
Thank you for your kind words...10
I have visited your profile and rated if fairly. Please come by my profile when you get a chance.
beautiful hands i like those 10
Ty for the Rate and here is a 10 for you!!
as you had asked about the Quizes on my page pretty accurate
be well
thanks. *10*
I rate you a 10 and to answer your question about my quizzes, they are 100% accurate. It is me all the way..and as for never posting a pic of urself, I find that you should never be ashamed of who you are. Be proud of you. Much love.
Thank you! ~10~
Yes, killing even an enemy takes something out of you and watching friends, family and comrades die leaves you a bit more empty each time. They call you an old warhorse, I am often compared to Cervantes mad knight, but we've a similar spirit.
Thank you for stoping by to say hello, and Well met.
Deathful Bliss to you....
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 2,479 |