All Profile Comments for Smoking
Times Rated: | 749 |
Rating: | 9.709 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 749 |
Darkest Greetings, 10 4u

Greetings. I have enjoyed my visit and have rated you fairly. Please feel free to message or stop by my profile anytime
You have been rated by Knight Levin.
A proud member of the house La Bella Oscuridad
Greetings, feel free to rate me back or add me. I hope you enjoy your time on VR.

Here's a 10 please return the visit and rate!

You Have Been Rated by HollywoodVampirella.Proud Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution. Please return the Gesture as well to me.
Greetings! You have been rated a 10 by Tzaddi! Please stop by and return the favor! While you are visiting, please check out my journal. I have some lovely potions and spells! I have added Cat Zodiac Signs, for your feline companion! Enjoy!
darkest greetings to you .. I have stopped by and fairly rated your profile .. .if i havent rated you a ten please let me know when you have updated and i will be more than happy to re-rate you

br />
Proud Member of the Coven of the Templar Knights
2nd Sergeant of the Order of Griffin
Darkest Greetings!
I have rated you a 10
welcome....feel free to stop by any time.....and let me know when you up-date
Dark greetings!

You have been visited by NightStalker67...
Please feel free to visit me back!

*Smiles and Waves*

Please let me know when you update. I will be more than happy to re-rate you.
Merry Meet! I stopped by to visit, feel free to drop in and return the favor.Proud Member of La Rose Noir

| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 749 |
Termagant (58)

Venerable Sire (135)

Venerable Sire (135)
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