All Profile Comments for Ramirez
Times Rated: | 345 |
Rating: | 8.657 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 345 |
Feb 03, 2006
A ten for the pic of Richard.
- D
This little batt is stopping by to say hi. She doesn't bite, usually, and is happy to help you out. And if you really want, you can add her to your friends list.
Welcome and enjoy your stay here among us.
If you need help with anything, please feel free to stop by and ask. I shall be here for you.
Welcome Ramirez
Drop by my profile some time
greetings and enjoy the rave :)
Welcome to the Rave. Message me when you update. Enjoy the addiction.
Greetings and Well Met. Proud Member of the House La Bella Oscuridad
greetings Ramirez
have a wicked time :D
many dark thoughts
Welcome to our sanctuary! Enter of your own free will!
greetings to u and enjoy the vr house, house of madness and house of fun house of believers and a house of one, if u have any questions ask
Carpe Noctem
GREETINGS.... VERY NICE INDEED. Here is a 10 for you. (Feel free to add me to your Friends List) ~VLAD~
"You are not alone...welcome fellow Kindred."
Welcome to the Rave...Hope you enjoy the insanity!! Stop by for a bite sometime. Feel free to add me...If you get bored message me.
Welcome to the Rave...
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 345 |
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