Times Rated: | 891 |
Rating: | 9.499 |
Showing: | 251 - 275 of 891 |
great profile *10*
Wow it seems you and I are a lot alike, I am studying wiccan, actully I am wiccan but I do go to church, I agree with you some of the christianty is beautiful.. there are a lot of the bible that I do not agree with. And I agree with you with the abortion and the debating.. but I wonder what are your thoughts on stem cell research? Nya anyway here is a ten for haveing an open minded and actully knowing how to use your mind unlike a lot of people our age sadly.
thanks for dropping by...
nice 10
thank you very much
Thanks for the rate....
Nice profile to
'The Great & Powerful Nihonin of Tribe Scladu, Sensei of Zingers'- Proud Master of The Coven of Inari
Thanks for the rate,,,here is a ten for you as well
And you...loverly profile =]
Showing: | 251 - 275 of 891 |