Do not ask me to give you my prospective of things. I can not describe nor compare what we see. For as you chose to bury your head in the sand, I have chosen to root my ankles firmly on the shoulders of giants.
The Vamp Box feature of this website serves as my personal farm of retarded ants. I hope you enjoy the show.
I object to knowledge without discipline and structured power without purpose.
For $4.95 a month you can hide here, but for no price can you shelter yourself from your own demons.
I do not consume skim milk because I do not trust skinny cows.
You may message me if you feel you have something to say. I have a feeling that you will not respect the answer that I give for why I have no pictures posted on my profile, that being said do us both a favor and don"t bother asking please - thank you.
Cynics are usually right, romantics are usually wrong. The difference is, a romantic only has to be right once - when they are choosing the one to love.
The measure of a true friend is one who will offer you up their bed so that you can have sex with a midget.
I am qualified to be sin, you can be the sinner...
Love does not make us stupid, we are all stupid - love makes it obvious.
If you have not yet read the profile of : dragonangel :
you should, in this profile there is truth
As you look over the cliff to assess the all of the obstacles that you have overcome to reach your personal summit, be sure that one of those whose back you stepped on to get there isn’t behind you ready to push you off of the edge.
Good judgment comes from experience, experience stems from bad judgment.
I have done the impossible, thought the unthinkable, and I now plot the unimaginable…
I have created a concoction that I have aptly named “Revengahol”- 3 parts revenge mixed vigorously with 2 parts alcohol. Serve over ice in a martini glass with your garnish of preference.
Those who love nothing, fear the same.
In all of history there have been those who were bad, but never have there been a list to honor those who have risen to the top of them all. These are the top in their fields, professions and even hobbies. The elite – best of the best. With the highest level of respect, here I honor you…
Bad Ass List
USMC Captain Brian Chontosh
General George S Patton
Shaka King of the Zulus
Theodore Roosevelt
Marilyn Chambers
Stonewall Jackson
Richard Brandson
Andrew Jackson
Samuel Addams
Walter Payton
Anabel Chong
Roger Banister
Aron Ralston
James Brown
Paul Morphy
Joan de Arc
Tank Abbott
Gengis Kahn
Traci Lords
Rick Allen
Jim Brown
Sitting Bull
Malcom X
Larry Flint
Bruce Lee
Jim Brown
Iggy Pop
Show me you read this - vote for your favorite badass in my comment box.
I view revenge and romance in the same light if you do not as well, you are not capable of either and deserve to serve neither.
I found a website that lists sexual deviants by zip code. Check it out if you get a chance
The fact that you may be ignorant of the fact that you have wronged me, will not in my mind keep me from planning and exacting my revenge.
Confusion is a part of life as is Vengeance, Fear, and Love.
Two foreign words that have made their way into both my life and my heart: 'Bukkake', and 'Schaudenfrude'. I don't know how I got this far in life without them.
Now he’s back again,
and now he’s brought a friend,
and his friend's brought a whole dark army...
The enemies of my enemies are compiled on my 'Friends List'
If you would like a visual of me - Envision a loin at rest, kicked back in a patch of tall grass, scars on its flanks, a cub chewing on its ear, content to let others take care of the day-to-day business of survival. But when needed right there ready to deal with the situation.
"Can you hear me Butterfly?"
If you can read this, thank a teacher...
And, Since someone noted that my profile was too "gloomy' - puppies and rainbows