Times Rated: | 2,232 |
Rating: | 9.961 |
Showing: | 1,451 - 1,475 of 2,232 |
Your Pictures are awesome =]
I love your profile it is very awesome.
beautiful background on your profile
Its.... refreshing to see there are those who can grasp that which is truly fucked up in this world and not sterio-type it as such. Well done. Keep thinking outside the box and substituting "their" "Reality" with your own. 10
Lovely profile
thx adam 10 aswell sorry it took me so long to rate back
understood. nuff said. u have been added.
10. Great profile.
Merry meet!
And ta ever so!
lv K.A x
In my eyes, it's not so much love, as passion that keeps people alive, and gives them hope. To know that you feel so strongly for something, is to know what it is to live. Perhaps your passion for the (hopefully) continued survival of world is all you need.
:) thanks for the rating and not so bad urself :D
Every word.... Beautifully written. Sometimes people may not or cannot understand your pain, but they can certainly try to soothe it if they would just gave the time. ~rated 10~
Showing: | 1,451 - 1,475 of 2,232 |