Advanced Global Personality Test Results
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Time's Demon, the seventh class of vampire. You
stand for high wisdom and inner age. Your
servants are numerous, and see you as a
beloved leader. Your powers are telekenesis
and extreme knowledge. You are a born leader.
Let others follow you.
What class of vampire are you? (more new images!) brought to you by Quizilla

Well well well, the old fashioned 17th century
vampire, one of my faves. You look for the
good things in life, you posses a lot of
classical class, and follow that of the
original vampires, you have no shame in what
you are, infact you embrace it, you love it
and wouldn't have it any other way. Your
wealth is unspeakable and your way of luring
people with your mystical ways and looks is
amazing, and most people would often call you
The Seductress. Please rate this quiz!
What Kind Of Vampire Would You Be. (New And Improved, With COOL Pics!!!) FOR GIRLS ONLY!!!! brought to you by Quizilla